Package com.bea.commerce.ebusiness.price.engine.pool

Interface Summary
ItemObject Represents an single (quantity 1) item (ProductItem) in a pool.
ItemPool Represents a collection of ItemObject(s).
OrderObject Interface to be implemented by 'orders' used as pool objects.
OrderPool Represents a collection of OrderObject(s).
Pool Represents a collection of PoolObject(s).

Class Summary
ItemAttribute Specifies a queryable attribute of an item to be used in the form:
ItemObjectFactory Creates new ItemObjects based on LineItem or Quote objects.
ItemObjectProxyImpl This classes uses a LineItem object to get values for the pool object.
ItemPoolImpl Represents a collection of PoolObject(s).
ItemProperty Immutable object.
OrderAttribute Specifies a queryable attribute of an item to be used in the form:
OrderObjectImpl Interface to be implemented by 'orders' used as pool objects.
OrderPoolImpl Represents a collection of PoolObject(s).
OrderProperty Immutable object.
PriceComparator This class is used in conjunction with java.util.Collection and ItemObjects to compare them by current price.
ShippingOrderObject Interface to be implemented by 'orders' used as pool objects.

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