Package com.bea.commerce.ebusiness.price.quote

Interface Summary
Money Represents money, a currency type (e.g.

Class Summary
Adjustment Represents an adjustment to a Quote object.
AdjustmentDetail Provides information describing an Adjustment.
AdjustmentType Specifies the available adjustment types.
LineAdjustment A LineAdjustment is used to adjust the unit price of some quantity of a LineItem.
LineItem The LineItem class represents some quantity of a ProductItem.
MoneyHelper Provides a helper method for creating com.beasys.commerce.axiom.units.Money objects from objects that implement the com.bea.commerce.ebusiness.price.quote.Money interface.
MutableMoney A money object that may have it's amount and currency modified.
OrderAdjustment An OrderAdjustment is used in conjunction with the Quote class to adjust the total price of the Quote.
Quote The Quote class provides a framework for building a price quote for a collection of LineItems.
QuoteFactory A factory for creating objects from the Quote package.

Exception Summary
CurrencyMismatchException A CurrencyMismatchException indicates that the currencies of Money values within the Quote object do not match.
MinimumPriceException A MinimumPriceException indicates that some money value is below a prescribed minimum.
QuoteException A QuoteException indicates a failure within the quote package.

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