Interface NavigableView

All Superinterfaces
ChildView, Serializable, View
All Known Subinterfaces:
BookView, PageView

public interface NavigableView
extends ChildView

View class for a navigable, which is either a book or a page. A navigable is an item on a book that can be navigated to from a menu.

In other words, Parent Books can contain both child Pages and Child Books. Navigable is a term used to represent either one of these.

"Views" are deep copy immutable objects. Unlike "Definitions" and "Instances" Views cannot be modified by the developer. An Instance or a Definition however can always be obtained from the view. The persistence APIs provide coarse grain and fine grain getters, but only fine grain setters. If you are interested in an object and all its children then retrieve the View, but if you are only interested in the immediate object and don't care about its children then retrieve the Definition.

See Also
This interface is intended to be implemented only by BEA Weblogic Portal.BEA Systems reserves the right to add abstract methods to this interface without notice. Implementations of this interface by other parties must not be expected to compile without change in future versions of BEA Weblogic Portal.

Field Summary
static short ALIGNMENT_LEFT
          Constant for signifying that the menu tabs should align to the left.
static short ALIGNMENT_RIGHT
          Constant for signifying that the menu tabs should align to the right.
Method Summary
 int getAlignment()
          Returns the menu tabs' alignment for this navigable (page or book).
 BookGroupId getBookGroupId()
          Getter for navigables's book group id.
 String getDefinitionLabel()
          The unique definition label as defined in the .portal file.
 LocalizationResourceView getLocalizationResourceView()
          The Localization resource contains the localized title and description for this navigable.
 int getMenuPosition()
          Return the relative position of this navigable (page or book) in the menu.
 NavigableDefinition getNavigableDefinition()
          Retrieve the associated NavigableDefinition from this Navigable View.
 NavigableInstance getNavigableInstance()
          Retrieve the associated NavigableInstance from this Navigable View.
 boolean isDefaultPage()
          Indicates whether this is the default navigable or not.
 boolean isHidden()
          Is this book/page hidden? The hidden flag is an indicator to the parent book's Menu to not display a tab or menu item for this Book/Page.
 boolean isPublic()
          Is this book/page public? The public flag determines if the book or page should show up in the admin tool's library.
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.netuix.application.view.View
getDescription, getTitle

Field Detail


static final short ALIGNMENT_LEFT
Constant for signifying that the menu tabs should align to the left.

See Also
Constants Summary


static final short ALIGNMENT_RIGHT
Constant for signifying that the menu tabs should align to the right.

See Also
Constants Summary
Method Detail


NavigableInstance getNavigableInstance()

Retrieve the associated NavigableInstance from this Navigable View. Navigable Views are immutable but Navigable Instances and Navigable Definitions are not. Therefore it is often necessary to retrieve the instance from the view in order to update its values and then in turn call the persistence API.

a non-null Navigable Instance.


NavigableDefinition getNavigableDefinition()

Retrieve the associated NavigableDefinition from this Navigable View. Navigable Views are immutable but Navigable Definitions are not. Therefore it is often necessary to retrieve the definition from the view in order to update its values and then in turn call the persistence API. The Navigable Definition is constructed (in the database) either via API of disassembling a .portal file.

a non-null Navigable Definition


LocalizationResourceView getLocalizationResourceView()

The Localization resource contains the localized title and description for this navigable.

a non-null LocalizationResourceView customized per the request.


String getDefinitionLabel()
The unique definition label as defined in the .portal file.

a non-null definition label.


boolean isHidden()

Is this book/page hidden? The hidden flag is an indicator to the parent book's Menu to not display a tab or menu item for this Book/Page. The Navigable can still be displayed via another link or backing files.

true if the hidden flag is set.


int getAlignment()

Returns the menu tabs' alignment for this navigable (page or book). The alignment is a hint to the menu skeleton to render the tab on the left or right side of the menu. Since this is only a hint to the menu skeleton, if the skeleton does not support it, it will have no effect.



int getMenuPosition()

Return the relative position of this navigable (page or book) in the menu. The actual position is determined by a combination of alignment and menuPosition. Positions are in order but do not have to be sequential (0,1,2,3); they can be (3,7,9), although future service packs may enforce this.

the the relative position for this navigable on the main book.


boolean isDefaultPage()
Indicates whether this is the default navigable or not.

Returns true if this is the default navigable within a book otherwise false.


boolean isPublic()

Is this book/page public? The public flag determines if the book or page should show up in the admin tool's library. If this value is false, the definition still exists in the database, but it doesn't show up in the tools. Books and Pages created by admins at the desktop level or by visitors creating their own books and pages are not public.

true if the public flag is set.


BookGroupId getBookGroupId()

Getter for navigables's book group id. The book group id represents a unique placement of a navigable on a book. If this navigable is placed on a Book then this book group id represents the primary key value of the PF_BOOK_GROUP.BOOK_GROUP_ID value in the database. Also, if this view was obtained directly and not from a parent view object then this value may also be null.

the book group id if this navigable view was retrieved from a higher level view object (example BookView.getBookViews()).

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