Interface PageView

All Superinterfaces
ChildView, MarkupBasedView, NavigableView, ParentView, ProxiedEntityView, Serializable, ThemedMarkupBasedView, View

public interface PageView
extends ParentView, NavigableView, ThemedMarkupBasedView, ProxiedEntityView

The page view represents a page and all its contents. Pages are used to display child Portlets and child Books in a specific layout in a browser. The standard term used to represent things that can be placed on a page is "Placeable". So both Book and Portlet extend Placeable. There is no theoretical limit to the number of placeables a page may contain.

"Views" are deep copy immutable objects. Unlike "Definitions" and "Instances" Views cannot be modified by the developer. An Instance or a Definition however can always be obtained from the view. The persistence APIs provide coarse grain and fine grain getters, but only fine grain setters. If you are interested in an object and all its children then retrieve the View. If you are only interested in the immediate object and don't care about its children then retrieve the Definition.

A page can be obtained in "deep" (the default) or "shallow" mode. In shallow mode, the child book, portlet, and placeable arrays are null. The child placeables can be retrieved as a PagedResult using getPagedPlaceableViews. In shallow mode, all of the methods for searching for child portlet or book views will return null, and count methods will return zero. The deep view is therefore more convenient to use, but the shallow view can be much lighter-weight. By default, PageViews are constructed in deep mode. There are specific methods in the portal persistence API to retrieve shallow page views. If a PageView was constructed in shallow mode, then any child BookView obtained by calling getPagedPlaceableViews will be shallow.

This interface is intended to be implemented only by BEA Weblogic Portal.BEA Systems reserves the right to add abstract methods to this interface without notice. Implementations of this interface by other parties must not be expected to compile without change in future versions of BEA Weblogic Portal.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface com.bea.netuix.application.view.NavigableView
Fields inherited from interface com.bea.netuix.application.view.ProxiedEntityView
Method Summary
 int getBookCount()
          A convenience method for retrieving a total count of all the books in all the placeholders on this page.
 BookGroupId getBookGroupId()
          Getter for page's book group id.
 BookView getBookView(BookInstanceId bookInstanceId)
          Retrieve a BookView matching the supplied database instance ID.
 BookView getBookView(String label)
          Retrieve a child BookView matching the supplied label.
 BookView getBookViewRecursive(BookDefinitionId bookDefinitionId)
          Retrieve a BookView matching the supplied database definition id, searching the entire tree of nested books.
 BookView getBookViewRecursive(BookInstanceId bookInstanceId)
          Retrieve a BookView matching the supplied database instance ID, searching the entire tree of nested books.
 BookView getBookViewRecursive(String bookDefinitionLabel)
          Retrieve a BookView matching the supplied database definition label, searching the entire tree of nested books.
 BookView[] getBookViews()
          Retrieves a list of all books in all placeholders on this page.
 LayoutView getLayoutView()
          Retrieve the child layout view associated with this page.
 LocalizationResourceView getLocalizationResourceView()
          The Localization resource contains the localized title and description for this look and feel.
 PageDefinition getPageDefinition()
          Retrieve the associated PageDefinition from this Page View.
 PageDefinitionId getPageDefinitionId()
          Getter for page definition id.
 SortableFilterablePagedResult<PlaceableView> getPagedPlaceableViews(int pageSize, String resourcePrefix)
          A method for retrieving a paged list of all the placeables (books and portlets) in all the placeholders on this page.
 PageInstance getPageInstance()
          Retrieve the associated PageInstance from this Page View.
 PageInstanceId getPageInstanceId()
          Getter for page instance id.
 PageView getPageViewRecursive(PageDefinitionId pageDefinitionId)
          Retrieve a PageView matching the supplied database definition id, searching the entire tree of nested books.
 PageView getPageViewRecursive(PageInstanceId pageInstanceId)
          Retrieve a PageView matching the supplied database instance ID, searching the entire tree of nested books.
 PageView getPageViewRecursive(String pageDefinitionLabel)
          Retrieve a PageView matching the supplied database definition label, searching the entire tree of nested books.
 int getPlaceableCount()
          A convenience method for retieving a total count of all placeables (Books and Portlets) in all the placeholders on this page.
 PlaceableView getPlaceableView(String label)
          Return a PlaceableView (PortletView or BookView) matching the supplied label.
 PlaceableView[] getPlaceableViews()
          A method for retrieving an ordered list of all the placeables (books and portlets) in all the placeholders on this page.
 int getPlaceholderCount()
          A convenience method for retieving a count of placeholders in the current layout on this page.
 PlaceholderView[] getPlaceholderViews()
          A method for retrieving an ordered list of all the placeholders in this page.
 int getPortletCount()
          A convenience method for retrieving a total count of all the portlets in all the placeholders on this page.
 PortletView getPortletView(PortletInstanceId portletInstanceId)
          Retrieve a PortletView matching the supplied database instance ID.
 PortletView getPortletView(String instanceLabel)
          Retrieve a PortletView matching the supplied instance label.
 PortletView getPortletViewRecursive(PortletInstanceId portletInstanceId)
          Retrieve a PortletView matching the supplied database instance ID, searching the entire tree of nested books.
 PortletView getPortletViewRecursive(String portletInstanceLabel)
          Retrieve a PortletView matching the supplied portlet instance label, searching the entire tree starting at this page and recursing all nested books and pages.
 PortletView[] getPortletViews()
          Retrieves a list of all portlets in all placeholders on this page.
 PortletView[] getPortletViews(String definitionLabel)
          Retrieve an array of PortletViews matching the supplied definition label.
 String getWebAppName()
          Return the name of the webapp that this page is associated with.
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.netuix.application.view.ParentView
getBookViewsRecursive, getPageView, getPageViewsRecursive
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.netuix.application.view.NavigableView
getAlignment, getDefinitionLabel, getMenuPosition, getNavigableDefinition, getNavigableInstance, isDefaultPage, isHidden, isPublic
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.netuix.application.view.View
getDescription, getTitle
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.netuix.application.view.ThemedMarkupBasedView
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.netuix.application.view.MarkupBasedView
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.netuix.application.view.View
getDescription, getTitle
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.netuix.application.view.ProxiedEntityView
getProviderName, getProxiedEntityId, hasProxyInfo

Method Detail


PageInstanceId getPageInstanceId()

Getter for page instance id. The instance id is the primary key value for the page instance in the PF_PAGE_INSTANCE table. A Page Definition may have many instance these instance are created when administrators or users customize their portal. A Page Definition always has at least one instance namely the "primary" instance.

a non-null unique instance id. This value should never be null as views are obtained via the persistence API.


PageDefinitionId getPageDefinitionId()

Getter for page definition id. The definition id is the primary key value for the page definition in the PF_PAGE_DEFINITION table. A Page Definition may have many instance these instance are created when administrators or users customize their portal. A Page Definition always has at least one instance namely the "primary" instance.

a non-null unique definition id. This value should never be null as views are obtained via the persistence API.


BookGroupId getBookGroupId()

Getter for page's book group id. The book group id represents a unique placement of a page on a book. Book may contain Pages just like they may contain Books. If this page is placed on a Book then this book group id represents the primary key value of the PF_BOOK_GROUP.BOOK_GROUP_ID value in the database. If this view was obtained directly and not from a parent view object then this value may be null.

Specified by:
getBookGroupId in interface NavigableView
the book group id if this PageView object was retrieved view a higher level view object (example BookView.getPageViews()).


PageInstance getPageInstance()

Retrieve the associated PageInstance from this Page View. Page Views are immutable but Page Instances and Book Definitions are not. Therefore it is often necessary to retrieve the instance from the view in order to update its values and then in turn call the persistence API.

a non-null Page Instance.


PageDefinition getPageDefinition()

Retrieve the associated PageDefinition from this Page View. Page Views are immutable but Instances and Definitions are not. Therefore it is often necessary to retrieve the definition from the view in order to update its values and then in turn call the persistence API.

a non-null Page Definition.


LocalizationResourceView getLocalizationResourceView()

The Localization resource contains the localized title and description for this look and feel.

Specified by:
getLocalizationResourceView in interface NavigableView
a non-null LocalizationResourceView customized per the request.


LayoutView getLayoutView()

Retrieve the child layout view associated with this page. It is actually the layout that contains all the child placeables.

a non-null LayoutView associated with this page.


PortletView[] getPortletViews()

Retrieves a list of all portlets in all placeholders on this page. For an ordered list see getPlaceableViews()

. This method returns immediate children only.

array of PortletView objects in no particular order.


int getPortletCount()

A convenience method for retrieving a total count of all the portlets in all the placeholders on this page.

This method counts immediate children only.

a count of all the portlets in all the placeholders on this page.


BookView[] getBookViews()

Retrieves a list of all books in all placeholders on this page. For an ordered list see getPlaceableViews()

. This method returns immediate children only.

array of BookView object in no particular order.


int getBookCount()

A convenience method for retrieving a total count of all the books in all the placeholders on this page.

This method counts immediate children only.

a count of all the books in all the placeholders on this page.


PlaceableView[] getPlaceableViews()

A method for retrieving an ordered list of all the placeables (books and portlets) in all the placeholders on this page. For just a list of placeables in a particular placeholder, see PlaceholderView.

This method returns immediate children only.

an in-order array of Placeable objects. The order of placeables is determined by the first placeholder and its child placeables followed by the next placeholder and all its placeables, and so on...


SortableFilterablePagedResult<PlaceableView> getPagedPlaceableViews(int pageSize,
                                                                    String resourcePrefix)
                                                                    throws RemoteException

A method for retrieving a paged list of all the placeables (books and portlets) in all the placeholders on this page. For just a list of placeables in a particular placeholder see PlaceholderView.

This method returns immediate children only. This method retrieves the same results as getPlaceableViews; if this view was built in deep mode then it will be more convenient to call that method.

The returned PagedResult is sortable and filterable on the field "TITLE" and supports these filter methods:

an in-order PagedResult of Placeable objects. The order of placeables is determined by the first placeholder and its child placeables followed by the next placeholder and all its placeables, and so on...


int getPlaceableCount()

A convenience method for retieving a total count of all placeables (Books and Portlets) in all the placeholders on this page.

This method counts immediate children only.

a count of all the placeables (Books a& Portlets) in all the placeholders on this page.


PlaceholderView[] getPlaceholderViews()

A method for retrieving an ordered list of all the placeholders in this page. The order of the placeholders is determined by the placeholders getLocation() index.

This method returns immediate children only.

an ordered array of PlaceholderView objects.


int getPlaceholderCount()

A convenience method for retieving a count of placeholders in the current layout on this page. This method counts immediate children only.

a count of number of placeholders on this page's layout.


PortletView getPortletView(String instanceLabel)
Retrieve a PortletView matching the supplied instance label. This method returns immediate children only.

instanceLabel - the instance label of the portlet
a PortletView or null if one was not found.


PortletView getPortletView(PortletInstanceId portletInstanceId)
Retrieve a PortletView matching the supplied database instance ID. This method returns immediate children only.

portletInstanceId - the database instance ID of the portlet
a PortletView or null if one was not found.


PortletView[] getPortletViews(String definitionLabel)
Retrieve an array of PortletViews matching the supplied definition label. Since more than one instance can share the same definition lable we return an array. This method returns immediate children only.

definitionLabel - the definition label of the portlets to find
a array of portletViews or empty array


BookView getBookView(String label)
Retrieve a child BookView matching the supplied label. This method returns immediate children only.

Specified by:
getBookView in interface ParentView
label -
a BookView or null if one was not found.


BookView getBookView(BookInstanceId bookInstanceId)
Retrieve a BookView matching the supplied database instance ID. This method returns immediate children only.

bookInstanceId - the database instance ID of the book
a BookView or null if one was not found.


BookView getBookViewRecursive(BookInstanceId bookInstanceId)
Retrieve a BookView matching the supplied database instance ID, searching the entire tree of nested books.

Specified by:
getBookViewRecursive in interface ParentView
bookInstanceId - the database instance ID of the book
a BookView or null if one was not found.


BookView getBookViewRecursive(BookDefinitionId bookDefinitionId)
Retrieve a BookView matching the supplied database definition id, searching the entire tree of nested books.

Specified by:
getBookViewRecursive in interface ParentView
bookDefinitionId - the deifnition id for the book
a BookView or null if one was not found.


BookView getBookViewRecursive(String bookDefinitionLabel)
Retrieve a BookView matching the supplied database definition label, searching the entire tree of nested books.

Specified by:
getBookViewRecursive in interface ParentView
bookDefinitionLabel - the deifnition label for the book
a BookView or null if one was not found.


PageView getPageViewRecursive(PageInstanceId pageInstanceId)
Retrieve a PageView matching the supplied database instance ID, searching the entire tree of nested books.

Specified by:
getPageViewRecursive in interface ParentView
pageInstanceId - the database instance ID of the page
a PageView or null if one was not found.


PageView getPageViewRecursive(PageDefinitionId pageDefinitionId)
Retrieve a PageView matching the supplied database definition id, searching the entire tree of nested books.

Specified by:
getPageViewRecursive in interface ParentView
pageDefinitionId - the definition id of the page we are looking for.
a PageView or null if one was not found.


PageView getPageViewRecursive(String pageDefinitionLabel)
Retrieve a PageView matching the supplied database definition label, searching the entire tree of nested books.

Specified by:
getPageViewRecursive in interface ParentView
pageDefinitionLabel - the definition label of the page we are looking for.
a PageView or null if one was not found.


PortletView getPortletViewRecursive(PortletInstanceId portletInstanceId)
Retrieve a PortletView matching the supplied database instance ID, searching the entire tree of nested books.

Specified by:
getPortletViewRecursive in interface ParentView
portletInstanceId - the database instance ID of the portlet
a PortletView or null if one was not found.


PortletView getPortletViewRecursive(String portletInstanceLabel)

Retrieve a PortletView matching the supplied portlet instance label, searching the entire tree starting at this page and recursing all nested books and pages.

Specified by:
getPortletViewRecursive in interface ParentView
portletInstanceLabel - the instance label of the portlet
a PortletView or null if one was not found.


PlaceableView getPlaceableView(String label)

Return a PlaceableView (PortletView or BookView) matching the supplied label. Note: portlets are searched first, so if a book and a portlet have the same label (which is possible) then the portlet view would be returned. If you need the BookView or PortletView explicitly then call getBookView(String definitionLabel) or getPortletView(String instanceLabel).

label - - instance label for portlets and definition label for books
A BookView or PortletView.


String getWebAppName()

Return the name of the webapp that this page is associated with. All resources in the portal framework database are scoped to the webapp.

a non-null webapp name.

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