Interface IItem

All Superinterfaces
All Known Subinterfaces:
IAddressBook, IAddressEntry, IAddressEntryContainer, IAppointment, IAttachment, ICalendarContainer, ICalendarItem, ICmAppointment, ICmCalendarContainer, ICmForum, ICmForumCategory, ICmForumRootContainer, ICmMailContainer, ICmMailDefaultContainer, ICmMailMessage, ICmTask, ICmTopic, IContact, IContactsContainer, IContainer, IEmbeddedAttachment, IGroupwareContainer, IGroupwareItem, IMailContainer, IMailMessage, IMailRecipient, IMessage, IMessagingItem, IMissingItem, INonDeliveryReport, IReadReport, IRecipient, IRootContainer, ITask, ITasksContainer

public interface IItem
extends Serializable

This class is the superclass of all containers and items in the Collaboration Services API.

Field Summary
static ItemClass CLASS
          The item class of IItem.
static Key ID
          Key that represents the item ID.
static Key ITEM_CLASS
          Key that represents the item type.
static int KEYID_ID
          The int ID for the ID key.
          The int ID for the ITEM_CLASS key.
static int KEYID_PARENT_ID
          The int ID for the PARENT_ID key.
          The minimum required keys when fetching an item.
static Key PARENT_ID
          Key that represents the id of the parent item.
Method Summary
 void commit()
          Commits any changed or removed properties on the item to the backend server.
 boolean containsKey(Key key)
          Determines if the item contains a particular property.
 boolean containsKey(Key key, boolean bAutoFetch)
          Determines if the item contains a particular property.
 void copyProperties(Key[] props, Key[] excludedProps, boolean bOverwrite, IItem target)
          Copy the keys specified from this item to the specified item.
 void copyTo(IContainer container)
          Copies the item to another container.
 void delete()
          Deletes the item from the backend.
 IValue[] fetchProperties(FetchProfile profile)
          Fetch unfetched properties for this item from the server into this item.
 Object getAttribute(String sKey)
          Returns a value that was set on this item for the given key.
 CollabEnum getEnum(Key key)
          Gets the enumeration for the specified key.
 String getID()
          Gets the ID of the item.
 InputStream getInputStream(Key key)
          Get a InputStream for reading the contents of a Key.VALUE_BINARY type Key.
 ItemClass getItemClass()
          Gets the item class for this item.
 OutputStream getOutputStream(Key key, int iLength)
          Get a OutputStream for outputting the value of a Key.VALUE_BINARY type Key.
 IItem getParent()
          Gets the parent of the item, fetching its minimum properties.
 IItem getParent(FetchProfile profile)
          Gets the parent of the item.
 String getParentID()
          Gets the ID for the parent of the item.
 IValue[] getProperties()
          Gets all of the properties on the item that have already been retrieved.
 IValue[] getProperties(Key[] keys)
          Gets the properties on the item for the given set of keys.
 IValue[] getProperties(Key[] keys, boolean bAutoFetch)
          Gets the properties on the item for the given set of keys.
 IValue getProperty(Key key)
          Gets a property on the item.
 IValue getProperty(Key key, boolean bNonexistenceException)
          Gets a property on the item.
 IValue getProperty(Key key, boolean bNonexistenceException, boolean bAutoFetch)
          Gets a property on the item.
 Reader getReader(Key key)
          Get a Reader for reading the contents of a Key.VALUE_STRING type Key.
 IRootContainer getRootContainer()
          Returns the root container this item is under.
 ISession getSession()
          Gets the session that the item is associated with.
 Writer getWriter(Key key, int iLength)
          Get a Writer for writing the value of a Key.VALUE_STRING type Key.
 boolean isMissing()
          Gets whether the current item was not found when requested by its ID during a batch search for items.
 void moveTo(IContainer container)
          Moves the item to another container.
 Object removeAttribute(String sKey)
          Remove the value for the given key from this item.
 IValue removeProperty(Key key)
          Removes the specified property from the item.
 void setAttribute(String sKey, Object value)
          Set a value on this item that will not be saved when the item is committed.
 void setProperties(Key[] keys, Object[] values)
          Sets properties on an item (changes are not saved until commit is called).
 void setProperty(Key key, boolean bValue)
          Sets a property on the item to a boolean value (changes are not saved until commit is called).
 void setProperty(Key key, int iValue)
          Sets a property on the item to an int value (changes are not saved until commit is called).
 void setProperty(Key key, Object value)
          Sets a property on the item (changes are not saved until commit is called).

Field Detail


static final int KEYID_ID
The int ID for the ID key.

See Also
Constants Summary


static final int KEYID_PARENT_ID
The int ID for the PARENT_ID key.

See Also
Constants Summary


static final int KEYID_ITEM_CLASS
The int ID for the ITEM_CLASS key.

See Also
Constants Summary


static final Key ID
Key that represents the item ID.


static final Key PARENT_ID
Key that represents the id of the parent item.


static final Key ITEM_CLASS
Key that represents the item type.


static final Key[] MINIMUM_ITEM_KEYS
The minimum required keys when fetching an item.


static final ItemClass CLASS
The item class of IItem.

Method Detail


boolean containsKey(Key key)
                    throws CollaborationException
Determines if the item contains a particular property.

key - the key to check
true if there is a property with the specified key, false if not or if the key has not been retrieved
CollaborationException - if there was a problem looking up the key for inclusion.


boolean containsKey(Key key,
                    boolean bAutoFetch)
                    throws CollaborationException
Determines if the item contains a particular property.

key - the key to check
bAutoFetch - if true, fetch the property from the server if it has not already been retrieved
true if there is a property with the specified key, false if not or if the key has not been retrieved
CollaborationException - if there was a problem retrieving the property with the specified key


void setProperties(Key[] keys,
                   Object[] values)
                   throws CollaborationException
Sets properties on an item (changes are not saved until commit is called).

keys - the keys for the properties (not null)
values - the values for the properties (not null, and in the same order as the keys)
CollaborationException - if there was a problem setting the value to the specified key (possible nested exceptions include: RuntimeException, ParseException)


void setProperty(Key key,
                 Object value)
                 throws CollaborationException
Sets a property on the item (changes are not saved until commit is called).

key - the property key (must not be null)
value - the value (must be able to coerce the specified object to the final type specified by the key)
CollaborationException - if there was a problem setting the value to the specified key (possible nested exceptions include: RuntimeException, ParseException)


void setProperty(Key key,
                 int iValue)
                 throws CollaborationException
Sets a property on the item to an int value (changes are not saved until commit is called).

key - the property key (must not be null)
iValue - the value (must be able to coerce the corresponding Integer to the final type specified by the key)
CollaborationException - if there was a problem setting the value to the specified key (possible nested exceptions include: RuntimeException, ParseException)


void setProperty(Key key,
                 boolean bValue)
                 throws CollaborationException
Sets a property on the item to a boolean value (changes are not saved until commit is called).

key - the property key (must not be null)
bValue - the value (must be able to coerce the corresponding Boolean to the final type specified by the key)
CollaborationException - if there was a problem setting the value to the specified key (possible nested exceptions include: RuntimeException, ParseException)


IValue getProperty(Key key)
                   throws CollaborationException
Gets a property on the item. Based on the setting of Session.PROP_AUTO_FETCH, this method may query the server to get the specified property if it has not already been retrieved.

key - the property key (must not be null)
the value (or null if there is no value on the item with the specified key)
CollaborationException - if there was a problem retrieving the property


IValue getProperty(Key key,
                   boolean bNonexistenceException)
                   throws CollaborationException
Gets a property on the item. If bAutoFetch is true, retrieve the property from the server if it has not been retrieved already. If key is a default property and it needs to be retrieved, then all default properties will be retrieved at the same time.

key - the property key (must not be null)
bNonexistenceException - if true, throw an exception rather than returning null when the property does not exist and could not be fetch if bAutoFetch is specified
the value (null if there is no value on the item with the specified key and bNonexistenceException was false)
CollaborationException - if there was a problem retrieving the property, or if the property does not exist and bNonexistenceException was specified as true


IValue getProperty(Key key,
                   boolean bNonexistenceException,
                   boolean bAutoFetch)
                   throws CollaborationException
Gets a property on the item. If bAutoFetch is true, retrieve the property from the server if it has not been retrieved already. If key is a default property and it needs to be retrieved, then all default properties will be retrieved at the same time.

key - the property key (must not be null)
bNonexistenceException - if true, throw an exception rather than returning null when the property does not exist and could not be fetch if bAutoFetch is specified
bAutoFetch - if true, fetch the property from the server if it has not already been retrieved
the value (null if there is no value on the item with the specified key and bNonexistenceException was false)
CollaborationException - if there was a problem retrieving the property, or if the property does not exist and bNonexistenceException was specified as true


IValue removeProperty(Key key)
                      throws CollaborationException
Removes the specified property from the item. This method adds the property to a remove list and removes it from the server when the item is committed, even if the property was not retrieved in the item to begin with.

key - the key to remove
the old value, or null if the key did not exist or was not retrieved
CollaborationException - if the Key is read only or IContainer.NAME


IValue[] getProperties()
Gets all of the properties on the item that have already been retrieved.

the properties on the item


IValue[] getProperties(Key[] keys)
                       throws CollaborationException
Gets the properties on the item for the given set of keys. Depending on the setting of the Session.AUTO_FETCH property, this method may hit the server to retrieve additional properties.

keys - the keys to retrieve values for on this item (not null)
the properties on the item
CollaborationException - if any of the properties could not retrieved


IValue[] fetchProperties(FetchProfile profile)
                         throws CollaborationException
Fetch unfetched properties for this item from the server into this item. Returns an array containing the values fetched, which can safely be ignored, as the values will be accessible through getProperty(Key).

profile - the additional properties to fetch (not null)
the values that were actually fetched. If none were fetched, returns Value[0].
CollaborationException - if any of the properties could not be fetched


IValue[] getProperties(Key[] keys,
                       boolean bAutoFetch)
                       throws CollaborationException
Gets the properties on the item for the given set of keys.

keys - the keys to retrieve values for on this item (not null)
bAutoFetch - if true, get the properties from the server that have not already been retrieved
the properties on the item (values in the same order as the keys that were specified)
CollaborationException - if any of the properties could not be retrieved


void commit()
            throws CollaborationException
Commits any changed or removed properties on the item to the backend server. Note: If the item is a container, does not committed uncommitted items in the container.

CollaborationException - if there was a problem committing the item to the backend


void copyProperties(Key[] props,
                    Key[] excludedProps,
                    boolean bOverwrite,
                    IItem target)
                    throws CollaborationException
Copy the keys specified from this item to the specified item.

props - the keys to copy from this item (null means to copy all items)
excludedProps - the keys not to copy if copying all items (null means exclude nothing)
bOverwrite - if set to true, overwrite the keys in the target
target - the target item to copy to
CollaborationException - if there was a problem copying items to the target


void delete()
            throws CollaborationException
Deletes the item from the backend. This method implies an immediate commit, and once it has been called the item may no longer be used.

CollaborationException - if there was a problem removing this item from the backend


String getID()
Gets the ID of the item.

the ID (or null if this item has not yet been committed)
See Also


ItemClass getItemClass()
Gets the item class for this item.

this item's item class (not null)
See Also


ISession getSession()
Gets the session that the item is associated with.

the session (not null)


IRootContainer getRootContainer()
Returns the root container this item is under.

the root container this item is under (not null)


IItem getParent()
                throws CollaborationException
Gets the parent of the item, fetching its minimum properties.

the parent item (or null if this item is the root container)
CollaborationException - if there was a problem retrieving the parent


String getParentID()
Gets the ID for the parent of the item.

the parent item ID (or null if this item has no parent, for example if it is the root container)


IItem getParent(FetchProfile profile)
                throws CollaborationException
Gets the parent of the item. Each item class can have a different kind of parent depending on what it is. For a standard item, its parent is the container that it's in. For a standard container, its parent is the container that it's in, or the root container if it's a top level container. The parent of the root container is null.

profile - the profile to use that defines the keys (not null)
the parent container (or null if this item is the root container)
CollaborationException - if there was a problem retrieving the parent
See Also


void moveTo(IContainer container)
            throws MoveSourceIsTargetException,
Moves the item to another container.

container - the destination container
ContainerCycleException - if the item being moved is a container and an attempt was made to move it to a child of the source container (if this exception is thrown, some of the operation may have completed)
MoveSourceIsTargetException - if the item is moved to its own container
ContainerAlreadyExistsException - if the item being moved is a container and a container with the same name already exists in the destination container
CollaborationException - if there was a problem moving this item to a container.


void copyTo(IContainer container)
            throws CollaborationException
Copies the item to another container.

container - the destination container
ContainerCycleException - if the item being copied is a container and an attempt was made to copy it to a child of the source container (if this exception is thrown, some of the operation may have completed)
CollaborationException - if there was a problem copying this item to a container.


void setAttribute(String sKey,
                  Object value)
Set a value on this item that will not be saved when the item is committed. This can be used for setting properties on items that are not to be persisted to the backend.

sKey - the key to store the value for
value - the value to place in memory for this item


Object getAttribute(String sKey)
Returns a value that was set on this item for the given key. These values are not persisted when the item is committed.

sKey - the key used to store the value on this item
the value stored or null if no value is found for the given key


CollabEnum getEnum(Key key)
                   throws CollaborationException
Gets the enumeration for the specified key. Providers may return different enumerations for a specified key.

key - the key (not null)
the enumeration (or null if there is no defined enumeration for the specified key)
InvalidArgumentException - if the specified key is not for an enumeration CollaborationException if there was a problem resolving the key with the provider


Object removeAttribute(String sKey)
Remove the value for the given key from this item. These values are not persisted when the item is committed.

sKey - the key (must not be null)
the attribute that was removed, or null if there was no attribute with the specified key


Reader getReader(Key key)
                 throws CollaborationException
Get a Reader for reading the contents of a Key.VALUE_STRING type Key. Reader.close() must be called on the returned Reader after reading is finished.

key - the key to get a reader for
a Reader to read the key's value; null if this item does not have that value
CollaborationException - if unable to create the Reader
InvalidArgumentException - if key is not for a String value


Writer getWriter(Key key,
                 int iLength)
                 throws CollaborationException
Get a Writer for writing the value of a Key.VALUE_STRING type Key. Any existing value will be overwritten. Writer.close() must be called on the returned Writer after writing is finished.

key - the key to get a writer for
iLength - the exact number of characters to be written; -1 if not known
a Writer to write the key's value
CollaborationException - if unable to create the Writer
InvalidArgumentException - if key is not for a String value


InputStream getInputStream(Key key)
                           throws CollaborationException
Get a InputStream for reading the contents of a Key.VALUE_BINARY type Key. InputStream.close() must be called on the returned InputStream after input is finished.

key - the key to get an InputStream for
an InputStream to input the key's value; null if this item does not have that value
CollaborationException - if unable to create the InputStream
InvalidArgumentException - if key is not for a binary value


OutputStream getOutputStream(Key key,
                             int iLength)
                             throws CollaborationException
Get a OutputStream for outputting the value of a Key.VALUE_BINARY type Key. Any existing value will be overwritten. OutputStream.close() must be called on the returned OutputStream after output is finished.

key - the key to get an OutputStream for
iLength - the exact number of bytes to be written; -1 if unknown
an OutputStream to output the key's value
CollaborationException - if unable to create the OutputStream
InvalidArgumentException - if key is not for a String value


boolean isMissing()
Gets whether the current item was not found when requested by its ID during a batch search for items. Items that were not found during batch requests will be of the type IMissingItem.

true if this item wasn't found when requested with other items by their IDs, false otherwise.
See Also
IRootContainer.getItemsByID(String[], FetchProfile)

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