Package com.compoze.collab

This package provides the core classes for the BEA WebLogic Personal Messaging API.


Interface Summary
IAttachment Represents an attachment to an item.
IAttachmentSource Supplies data for adding an attachment.
IAttachmentSupport Classes that implement this interface are items that are capable of having attachments added to and removed from them.
IContainer An extension of IItem that implements a container that holds other items.
IItem This class is the superclass of all containers and items in the Collaboration Services API.
IItemList Represents a paginated slice of items from the backend store.
IMissingItem The IMissingItem interface is used to represent items that were not found when requesting multiple IDs.
IProgress This interface provides callbacks for reporting progress on time-consuming operations.
IProvider Provides the abstract superclass for all collaboration service providers.
IRootContainer This class implements a root container, which can be used to fetch any item or container in the hierarchy.
ISession Provides a session to a collaboration service provider and an entry point to the Personal Messaging API.
IValue This class stores a property value.

Class Summary
CollabEnum This class is the superclass of all enumerations in the API.
CollaborationManager Maintains a registry of API providers and related information.
ContainerClass Defines the class of a Container through an extension of ItemClass.
EnumElement This class is an enumeration element.
FetchProfile This class holds a list of keys to be retrieved from the server.
FileAttachmentSource An IAttachmentSource that gets its data from a file.
InputStreamAttachmentSource An IAttachmentSource that gets its data from an InputStream.
InvalidValue A property value that is invalid.
ItemClass Defines the class of an Item including its name, default keys, implementing Java class, containing item class and parent item class.
ItemComparator Comparator for arbitrary properties on items.
ItemOperation Defines an operation that can be performed on an item.
Key A key for properties that are set on an item.
QueryProfile Combines a Restriction, FetchProfile, Sort and depth to restrict what items and properties are retrieved and how the items are sorted.
Restriction Restricts the items returned from a query.
RootContainerClass Defines how to create a class of RootContainer instance.
Schema Exposes information about a schema in the API.
SessionFactory The SessionFactory class is used to construct session based on the creation parameters specified by a client.
SessionOption Implements an option to a session property.
SessionProperty This class represents a session property.
SessionPropertyElement A superclass of classes used for the session properties.
Sort Represents a list of fields to sort on, with the earlier properties having higher sort priority.
SortOrder The element class for the SortOrderEnum enumeration.
SortOrderEnum The enumeration class that contains SortOrder elements.
SortProperty Represents a property to sort on and the order (ascending/descending)

Exception Summary
CollaborationException Serves as the superclass of all exceptions thrown from the collaboration services API.
CollaborationRuntimeException Serves as the superclass of all exceptions thrown from the collaboration services API.
ContainerAlreadyExistsException Exception class that means that a container could not be created because a container with the same name already exists.
ContainerCycleException Exception class that means that a container was copied or moved to a child of the source container.
ContainerNameException Exception class that means that a container could not be created because the name specified for it is incompatible with the provider.
InvalidArgumentException Exceptions of this class are thrown when a method argument has an invalid value.
InvalidStateException Exceptions of this class are thrown when a method call or argument is invalid at the time it is called.
InvalidValueException Exceptions of this class are thrown when a property value is invalid and the programmer attempts to access the value as a datatype with no logical support for values of type InvalidValue (anything but Object).
ItemNotFoundException Exception class that means that an item that was requested was not found by the provider (it may not exist, or may have been externally deleted).
LicenseException Exception class that's thrown when there was a problem with the Compoze license.
LoginException This exception can be thrown when logging a user in to indicate that they specified some incorrect login parameters.
MoveSourceIsTargetException Exception class that means that an item was moved to itself.
NullValueException Exceptions of this class are thrown when a property value is null and the programmer attempts to access the value as a datatype with no logical support for null values (such as a primitive type).
OperationUnsupportedException This exception is thrown by the API when an operation is not supported by the underlying provider.
PermissionException Exceptions of this class represent permissions problems.
PropertyMissingException Exception class that means that a property that was requested was not found by the provider (it may not exist, or may have been externally deleted).
ProviderException Exceptions of this class are thrown by the provider with a provider specified message.
SessionTimeoutException Exception class that means that the session timed out on the backend server.
StubBackendException Exceptions of this class represent problems between a stub and a back-end server.
StubBindException Exceptions of this class represent problems connecting to or communicating with a stub.
StubException Exceptions of this class represent problems using a stub or back-end server.

Package com.compoze.collab Description

This package provides the core classes for the BEA WebLogic Personal Messaging API.

Quick Start

If you wish to get started quickly, you must first create a session. See the SessionFactory class for information on how to do this. Read on for more information about the API, what it does and what it contains.

API Scope

The Personal Messaging API offers a hybrid API usable for two main types of collaboration:

  1. Message-centric collaboration- involves message transmission, storage and management and is commonly used in groupware systems such as Microsoft Exchange and Lotus Domino
  2. Interaction-centric collaboration- focuses on conversational sessions among two or more individuals in real-time, examples including text based instant messaging and interactive whiteboard applications
The same abstract API is used for both types of collaboration, as both share many of the same required software patterns. Service providers provide implementations for different collaboration back-ends.

Personal Messaging API Functionality

The following table lists the abstract functionality and interfaces that exist in the API:

Functionality Description Classes
Providers Providers supply the backend collaboration implementation. IProvider
Sessions The main entry point for the API. The programmer must open a session for a specific provider to start using the API. ISession
Items Items represent some entity in the collaboration system that contains properties. Examples of items include mail messages, appointments, instant messages and buddies in an IM buddy list. IItem
Properties Properties are key/value pairs of data stored on items. Key
Containers Containers are a specialized type of item that holds items, creating a container/item hierarchy. What a container actually is is provider specific. Examples of containers include user mail folders and instant messaging buddy groups. IContainer
Root Containers Sessions have multiple trees of containers and items. Each tree begins at a single root container. IRootContainer
Query Profiles Query Profiles give a programmer the ability to retrieve a subset of items and containers that meet some specified constraints. IContainer.getItems(QueryProfile), QueryProfile, Restriction, Sort, FetchProfile
Schemas A schema is a defined set of item classes, container classes and the operations performed on those containers and items. Schemas may be extended. Extended schemas have all of the item classes and container classes of their parent and may add additional ones as well. Schema

Containers and Items

The root of the hybrid between these two types of collaboration lies in the abstract concepts of containers, items and properties. Containers are a specialized type of item can hold other items. Properties are key/value pairs stored on items. Items, while concrete, typically represent different things based on the provider in use. For example, an item in a groupware provider could be an email message or an appointment while an item in an instant messaging provider could be an instant message.

Message-centric collaboration is typically done by accessing items (in this case messages) in a user's mail store and calling item specific methods to send messages, make meeting requests, assign tasks, etc. Interaction-centric collaboration involves getting and adding items to specialized containers and registering event handlers to be notified of item changes.


The two main schemas are the groupware schema (in com.compoze.collab.groupware) and the instant messaging schema (in They share a common super messaging schema (in com.compoze.collab.messaging). See the referenced package descriptions for more information on those schemas and what functionality they provide.


The API is delivered with a package of logging classes in com.compoze.collab.log. Unless you want to write to the log, you do not need to use this package. The API will occasionally log important messages and can also be configured for tracing so that you can see provider specific interaction. You can set the log level with per-session granularity using ISession.setLogLevel(LogLevel).

The Session

The Personal Messaging API begins at the ISession. A session must be opened using a specified provider before any interaction with the API can occur. Please see the JavaDoc for the SessionFactory class, which is the factory class for creating instances of ISession.



The Personal Messaging API includes the ability to cache the results of read-only method calls at the stub level. Providers optionally implement cache dependency checks to determine quickly if the cache needs to be updated with new results. With caching enabled, it is possible for applications to display the results of post-initial, read-only queries with little or no back-end processing time.

Checked and Unchecked Caching

Both checked and unchecked caching are supported by the SPI. With checked caching, dependency information is obtained from the backend server to determine if a query needs to be re-performed. With unchecked caching, cached results may be used for some time period without re-querying the back-end server at all to determine if those results are up to date. Checked caching will always result in queries that are up to date, whereas the results when unchecked caching is enabled may be stale. Checked and unchecked caching may be used in combination.

Dependency Checks

It is up to the provider to determine when dependency checks need to be performed and to what granularity. For example, dependency checks may occur at the level of the root container, causing any changes anywhere in the root container to invalidate all queries in the cache. Alternatively, they may occur at the container level, isolating cached query invalidation to modifications made within a given container. The collab.xml file contains a cache element in each provider definition that indicates whether or not the provider supports dependency checks. If a provider does not support dependency checks, then only unchecked caching is possible, as indicated by the following table:

Provider Supports Dependency Checks Checked Caching Supported Unchecked Caching Supported
No No Yes
Yes Yes Yes

Cache Purge Policy

When the determination is made that the cache for a given session has reached its maximum size, cache results are purged. The cache purge policy is to first purge entries that have been referenced the fewest number of times, and to second purge entries that are the least recently used.

Explicit Cache Invalidation

The method ISession.invalidateCache() may be used to explicitly purge any cache entries associated with a session. This is particularly useful when using unchecked caching and the application requires a way to purge all cache entries and retrieve the latest results from the backend.

Provider Cache Support

The following table details the cache support in each provider:

Provider Dependency Check Granularity Details
Domino Root container level The Notes C API function NSFDbModifiedTime is used to check the last modified time of the database. NSFDbOpenExtended is used when opening the database such that it is never even opened if it was not modified after the dependency time.
Exchange/MAPI Container level Currently unimplemented. Plans are to use PR_LOCAL_COMMIT_TIME_MAX for container level dependency checks.
Exchange/WebDAV None Due to the dependency check penalty (all dependency checks would be a separate, expensive query) only unchecked caching is possible.

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