Package com.compoze.collab.groupware

This package provides the classes for the groupware schema.


Interface Summary
IAddressBook An address book is a specialized type of root container that can access address lists on a groupware server.
IAddressEntry Represents an entry from an address book, that is not necessarily an item.
IAddressEntryContainer This interface provides the necessary functionality to get addresses from an address list.
IAddressEntryList The IAddressEntryList interface represents the set of sliced address entries in a container.
IAppointment Represents an appointment in the groupware schema.
IAppointmentList The IAppointmentList interface represents the set of sliced IAppointments in a container.
ICalendarContainer Container class that holds appointments.
ICalendarItem Calendar items represent the common set of properties and logic among appointments of different types.
IContact This class represents a contact in the groupware schema.
IContactList The IContactList interface represents the set of sliced IContacts in a container.
IContactsContainer Container class that holds contacts.
IEmbeddedAttachment Represents an attachment that is an embedded item.
IEmbeddedImageListener Classes that implement this interface are capable of creating links for embedded images.
IGroupwareContainer This container is used to indicate a groupware container.
IGroupwareItem Classes that implement this interface are items in the groupware schema.
IGroupwareSession Superclass of all groupware sessions.
IMailContainer Container class that holds mail messages.
IMailMessage Classes that implement this interface are messaging in the messaging schema.
IMailMessageList The IMailMessageList interface represents the set of sliced IMailMessages in a container.
IMailRecipient Classes that implement this interface are recipients in the groupware schema.
INonDeliveryReport The INonDeliveryReport interface represents the message that is sent when a delivery failure has occurred.
IPerson Represents a person in the groupware schema.
IReadReport The IReadReceipt interface represents the message that is sent when a message that was flagged with a read receipt was read by the recipient.
IReport The IReport interface represents messages that are used to report on events in the mail subsystem, such as INonDeliveryReport notices.
ITask Represents a task in the groupware schema.
ITaskList The ITaskList interface represents the set of sliced ITasks in a container.
ITasksContainer Container class that holds tasks.

Class Summary
BusyStatus The element class for the BusyStatusEnum enumeration.
BusyStatusEnum The enumeration class that contains BusyStatus elements.
CustomNamedKey The CustomNamedKey class provides a way to create keys that are not statically mapped at runtime, but can be used to set and get properties with any provider.
DefaultContainerClass The element class for the DefaultContainerClassEnum enumeration.
DefaultContainerClassEnum The enumeration class that contains DefaultContainerClass elements.
DefaultEmbeddedImageListener This class is an embedded image listener.
DefaultRootContainerClass The element class for the DefaultRootContainerClassEnum enumeration.
DefaultRootContainerClassEnum The enumeration class that contains DefaultRootContainerClass elements.
FreeBusy This class represents the FreeBusy data for an IAddressEntry.
Importance The element class for the ImportanceEnum enumeration.
ImportanceEnum The enumeration class that contains Importance elements.
PhoneNumber This class is a wrapper for phone number representations.
PostalAddress This class is a wrapper for postal address representations.
RecipientHelper This class provides methods useful for working with recipients.
RecipientType The element class for the RecipientTypeEnum enumeration.
RecipientTypeEnum The enumeration class that contains RecipientType elements.
Sender This class is used to represent a sender of a message.
TaskStatus The element class for the TaskStatusEnum enumeration.
TaskStatusEnum The enumeration class that contains TaskStatus elements.
TimeSlot Represents a time slot for free/busy information.

Exception Summary
MailboxAccessDeniedException This exception is thrown when the user could not access the specified mailbox.

Package com.compoze.collab.groupware Description

This package provides the classes for the groupware schema.

Before understanding how this API is used you must first understand the Personal Messaging API in general. See the package description of the com.compoze.collab package for more information on this.

Groupware as defined by this schema includes the following functionality:

The most common groupware backends in use at the time of this writing are Microsoft Exchange and Lotus Domino. The only way to make your application compatible with all groupware backends is to stick to classes in the groupware package only. Extended schemas for specific providers may have additional functionality, but that functionality will only work for that specific provider.

To begin using the groupware API, first obtain an instance of IGroupwareSession by using SessionFactory to create a session backed by a provider that supports the groupware schema. The diagram below shows a visual representation of the items and containers in the groupware schema.

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