Interface IProgress

public interface IProgress

This interface provides callbacks for reporting progress on time-consuming operations.

Method Summary
 void exceptionOccured(Throwable t)
          If the operation threw an exception, this method will be called instead of setResults(Object).
 void setMaximum(int iMaxCount)
          This method is called to report the total amount of work to be done.
 void setProgress(int iCount)
          This method is called at intervals to report the total progress so far.
 void setResults(Object results)
          This method will be called once the operation is complete to report the results if the operation succeeded.

Method Detail


void setMaximum(int iMaxCount)
This method is called to report the total amount of work to be done. It will be the first method called. The value of iMaxCount may be arbitrary.

iMaxCount - the total amount of work to be done


void setProgress(int iCount)
This method is called at intervals to report the total progress so far. iCount will be non-negative, stay the same or increase on each call, and will not exceed the value of iMaxCount in setMaximum(int).

iCount - the amount of work done so far


void setResults(Object results)
This method will be called once the operation is complete to report the results if the operation succeeded. If the operation threw an exception, exceptionOccured(Throwable) will be called instead. This will be the last method called.

results - the results of the operation


void exceptionOccured(Throwable t)
If the operation threw an exception, this method will be called instead of setResults(Object). This method may be called at any time, and will be the last method called.

t - the exception that occured

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