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Product Documentation

Supported Configurations for WebLogic Server 6.1

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Installation Help for Your Platform

Note: WebLogic Server 6.1 was retired November 14, 2006. See Supported Configurations.

This document contains installation instructions for the following platforms:


BULL/IBM pSeries with AIX

Installation Instructions for WebLogic 6.1 SP6

Use the following steps to download and install WebLogic Server 6.1 SP6:

  1. For information on how to download WebLogic Server 6.1 SP6, see Distribution and Installation Information.
  2. Select the AIX installer.
  3. Use the installation instructions provided:

Installation Instructions for WebLogic 6.1 SP5

  1. Download weblogic610sp5_aix.bin file and CR104985_610sp5_aix.jar file from
  2. Install weblogic610sp5_aix.bin using the instructions at the following links:
  4. Copy the CR104985_610sp5_aix.jar patch file to your installation.
  5. One method would be to copy the file to your WL_HOME/lib directory. If you prefer not to install your patches in WL_HOME/lib, you can create a patch directory, such as WL_HOME/patches, and copy the files to the patch directory.

  6. Unjar the CR104985_610sp5_aix.jar patch file. It contains updated Apache plug-in shared objects and will replace the existing shared object files in your WL_HOME/lib/aix directory.
  7. If you used the patch directory, unjar the CR104985_610sp5_aix.jar patch file and manually copy the files from your WL_HOME/patches directory to your WL_HOME/lib/aix directory.

WebLogic Server 6.1 SP4 Installation Instructions

Use the following steps to download and install WebLogic Server 6.1 SP4:

  1. For information on how to download WebLogic Server 6.1 SP4, see Distribution and Installation Information.
  2. Select the AIX installer.
  3. Use the installation instructions provided:



For general information about Java technology for HP (formerly Compaq) Alpha Systems, see the hp OpenVMSTM systems website.

How to Install BEA WebLogic Server 6.1
on OpenVMSTM AlphaTM

OpenVMS System Requirements


A HP Alpha processor with a non-system disk that can be converted or initialized to ODS-5.

Note: The disk must not have page or swap files on it.


Supplemental Software

Setup, Downloads and Installing WebLogic Server on OpenVMS Alpha

Review all instructions before proceeding. An ODS-5 disk is required.

Setting up a disk, directory, and account to run WebLogic Server

Set up your ODS-5 disk, directory, and account as follows before installing WebLogic Server:

  1. Log in to the SYSTEM account.
  2. Create an account called weblogic610 and set its default device and directory to wldisk:[weblogic610], which you will create in the following steps.
  3. The weblogic610 account should have the following minimum quotas:


  4. Create or convert an ODS-5 disk and define a system logical called wldisk pointing to this disk. For example:

    $ initialize/structure_level=5 DKA100: wldisk

    $ define/system/exec wldisk DKA100:

    Note: also include this command in sys$

  6. Create a directory on the ODS-5 disk called wldisk:[weblogic610] and set the owner to the weblogic610 account. For example:
  7. $ create/dir/own=weblogic610/ver=0 wldisk:[weblogic610]

  8. Create an additional directory on the ODS-5 disk to hold the downloaded kits, called, for example wldisk:[kits] and set the owner to the weblogic610 account. For example:
  9. $ create/dir/own=weblogic610/ver=0 wldisk:[kits]

  10. The following instructions assume that Java SDK, Java Fast VM, and any specified service packs or system ECOs have previously been installed. If they have not yet been installed, do so now and reboot the system.
  11. From the SYSTEM account, execute the following commands:
  12. $ set default wldisk:[weblogic610]

    $ @sys$common:[java$]java$ fast

    $ set process/parse_style=extended !long filenames and case sensitivity

    $ define/nolog java$filename_controls "553648127" !allow filenames > 39.39 bytes

    $ define/nolog/job decc$argv_parse_style enable !preserve argv case from DCL

    $ define/nolog/job decc$efs_case_preserve enable !enable ODS-5 names when you 'unjar' the kit

  13. In order to run Weblogic Server on OpenVMS you must ensure that the OpenVMS timezone is set correctly. Please refer to the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual, Section 6.1 "Setting Correct Time Zone Information on Your System".

Download BEA WebLogic Server

For information on how to download this platform, see Distribution and Installation Information.

  1. Select Unix (All) for WebLogic Server 6.1 SP3.
  2. Download the main WebLogic installation file,, and the OpenVMS supplemental installation and configuration files, wls61sp3_OpenVMS_supp.jar.
  3. COPY (or binary FTP) both the WebLogic .zip and the OpenVMS supplemental .jar to a convenient location such as wldisk:[kits]

Installing the WebLogic Server kit (and latest service pack)

From the SYSTEM account, install the WebLogic Server kit as follows:

  1. Set attributes for the downloaded .zip and supplemental .jar files to stream LF. For example:
  2. $ set file/attr=(rfm=stmlf) wldisk:[kits]

    $ set file/attr=(rfm=stmlf) wldisk:[kits]wls61sp3_OpenVMS_supp.jar

  3. Install the WebLogic Server kit by setting default to wldisk:[weblogic610] and using the JAVA command to unpack the archive:
  4. $ set default wldisk:[weblogic610]

    $ java -cp wldisk:[kits] install -i console

    This assumes that the .zip file resides in the wldisk:[kits] directory. If you placed it elsewhere, modify the JAVA command as necessary.

Note: Depending on the speed of the machine, this could run for over 20 minutes. It should create the WLS directory structure starting with the WebLogic directory under [weblogic610]— that is, [weblogic610.wlserver6_1].

An example of the install script is as follows:

Choose Locale...
->1- English


Introduction text, and the BEA WebLogic License is displayed at this point


Choose Install Set
Please Choose the Install Set to be installed by this installer.
->1- Server and Examples
2- Server Only
3- Customize...
: 1

Choose BEA Home Directory
1- Create a New BEA Home
Enter a number: 1
Specify a New BEA Home: /wldisk/weblogic610

Choose Product Directory (! NOTE: avoid "." in VMS directory names !)
1- Modify Current Selection (/wldisk/weblogic610/wlserver6.1)
2- Use Current Selection (/wldisk/weblogic610/wlserver6.1)
>Enter a number: 1

Specify Product Installation Directory: /wldisk/weblogic610/wlserver6_1
1- Modify Current Selection (/wldisk/weblogic610/wlserver6_1)
2- Use Current Selection (/wldisk/weblogic610/wlserver6_1)
Enter a number: 2

IMPORTANT: The command procedures supplied by OpenVMS assume this exact directory structure. If you choose a different directory name, you will need to modify the supplied command files.

Default Server Configuration
1- Modify WebLogic Admin Domain Name (mydomain)
2- Modify Server Name (myserver)
3- Modify Listen Port (7001)
4- Modify Secure (SSL) Listen Port (7002)
5- Done Configuration
Enter a number: 5

Create System Password
Password: password_of_your_choice
Good Password! Installing now....


Install Complete
Congratulations. 'WebLogic Server' has been successfully installed to:

  1. A 30-day evaluation license is provided with your download and normal installation. To continue use of WebLogic Server beyond the initial 30-day evaluation period, you need to obtain a new license from BEA and the following instructions apply:
  2. Copy the new license you obtained from BEA to wldisk:[weblogic610.wlserver6_1.license]. Set default to wldisk:[weblogic610], and use the JAVA command to run LicenseMerger, which installs the new WebLogic Server license. For example:

    $ copy *new_license_filename* to wldisk:[weblogic610.wlserver6_1.license]

    $ set default wldisk:[weblogic610]

    $ java -cp [.utils]utils.jar com.bea.installer.registry.LicenseMerger -
    _$ license.bea wldisk:[weblogic610.wlserver6_1.license]*new_license_filename*

  3. Set default to wldisk:[weblogic610] and use the JAR command to unpack the contents of the OpenVMS command procedures file wls61sp3_OpenVMS_supp.jar which you previously copied into a convenient location such as wldisk:[kits]
  4. $ set default wldisk:[weblogic610]

    $ jar xf wldisk:[kits]wls61sp3_OpenVMS_supp.jar

  5. Log out of the SYSTEM account.

Starting WebLogic Server, the Petstore Example, or Other Examples

Start the server as follows:

  1. Log into the WEBLOGIC610 account.
  2. Note: WebLogic Server V6.1 automatically creates a new updated config.xml on startup, based on your current config.xml and dynamic environment. If you wish to preserve your config.xml, you are recommended to make a copy of this file (for example, config.xml_backup) and copy it to config.xml prior to starting the server. There is no current method of turning off this feature in WebLogic Server V6.1.

  3. Choose one of the following operations:

Shutting down the WebLogic Server

You may use the supplied command file to shut down the WebLogic Server as follows:

Known Issues with WebLogic Server 6.1 on OpenVMS


IBM OS/400 V5R1

Known Issues

There are a number of known issues associated with this release on this platform:


Download the WebLogic distribution

For information on how to download this platform, see Distribution and Installation Information.

  1. Find your WebLogic Server release and Service Pack on the download page.
  2. From your client workstation, download WebLogic for AS/400 from the WebLogic web site. (
  3. Use a 32-bit program such as WinZip to unpack the zip file.

Transfer WebLogic to the AS/400 and install

  1. Log into the AS/400 with an administrative account.
  2. Create a save file in the AS/400 library QGPL:
  3. ===> CRTSAVF FILE (QGPL/WEBL610sp2)

    This command creates a save file on the AS/400 where you will transfer the webl610sp2 file.

  4. At a command prompt on the Windows NT client computer, type:
  5. $ ftp AS/400-hostname $ bin $ put webl610sp2 QGPL/WEBL610sp2

  6. Log into the AS/400 with an administrative account. Restore the save file:

  8. Run the WebLogic installation script:

    The INSWEBL script does the following:

    1. Creates WEBLOGIC and WLADMIN user profiles.
    2. Gives WEBLOGIC and WLADMIN user profiles all authority for all commands in the WEBLOGIC61 library.
    3. Installs WebLogic and the Java programs associated with its classes, .jar files, and .zip files. During this process, you will see the message:
    4. Restoring WebLogic Server files. Please wait.

      If the restore succeeds, you will see the message:

      WebLogic Server product successfully installed.

      If the restore does not succeed, you will see the message

      WebLogic Server product did not install successfully.

  10. If you want, you can delete the save file with the command:
  11. ===> DLTF FILE(QGPL/WEBL610sp2)

    On your Windows NT workstation, you can also delete the .zip file you downloaded and the webl610sp2 file.

  12. The WEBLOGIC61/INSWEBL programs (*PGM) and command (*CMD) are shipped with public authority set to *USE. Once the install has been run successfully, the administrator may set the authority on these objects to PUBLIC *EXCLUDE.
  13. Your AS/400 now has a WebLogic IFS directory containing the WebLogic Java classes as well as configuration files and example programs.

    The Java classes are transformed with the AS/400 Java transformer with level 40 optimization, so AS/400 direct executables for WebLogic are used.

  14. The weblogic server is installed at /weblogic/610sp2. The BEA home directory is /weblogic/61sp2. The WebLogic product installation directory is /weblogic/61sp2/wlserver6.1.
  15. For more information about the BEA home directory, please refer to the discussion here:

Add WebLogic administrative users

WebLogic administrative users have *ALL authority for the commands in the WEBLOGIC61 library and *RWX authority on certain files in the /weblogic directory. To allow a user to start and stop the server or to modify any of these files, you can add GRPPRF(WLADMIN) to their profiles.

To create a new user with authority to administer WebLogic, use this command:


To add authority to administer WebLogic to an existing user, use this command:


About the WEBLOGIC user

The WEBLOGIC61/INSWEBL command creates the WEBLOGIC user profile with authorizations of *NONE. You cannot log in as WEBLOGIC. However, you can add users to the WLADMIN group, allowing them to start WebLogic Server.

About the evaluation license

This installer can not generate evaluation license dynamically. Please contact BEA customer support to download an evaluation license at the BEA product download site.

Setting the CLASSPATH and other environment variables

Before you start WebLogic Server, you must add the WebLogic classes to the CLASSPATH environment variable.

The CLASSPATH environment variable for the session in which you run WebLogic Server must contain these classes:


You must also set the QIBM_MULTI_THREADED environment variable to Y before you run STRWEBL, JAVA, or RUNJAVA commands or the JAVA command in an interactive QSHELL shell.

You can enter the CLASSPATH as a parameter when you run the STRWEBL CL command. Or you can use ADDENVVAR to add variables to your environment, CHGENVVAR to change an environment variable, or WRKENVVAR to add or modify variables in the environment.

The next sections describe how to set the CLASSPATH and other variables on the AS/400 using ADDENVVAR or QSHELL and on a Windows NT workstation. (The commands are displayed on several lines here for clarity, but they should be typed without line breaks when you enter them.)

Setting environment variables with the CL ADDENVVAR command

The following commands set the CLASSPATH and QIBM_MULTI_THREADED environment variables in an AS/400 session:

===> ADDENVVAR ENVVAR(CLASSPATH) VALUE( '/weblogic/610sp2/wlserver6.1/lib/os400/wlos400.jar:/weblogic/610sp2/wlserver6.1/lib/weblogic.jar')


Setting environment variables in QSHELL

If you set environment variables in your session before you start QSHELL, the variables remain set in QSHELL, unless a ".profile" file in your home directory or the /etc/profile file resets environment variables.

You can set environment variables for every interactive QSHELL shell you start with STRQSH or QSH by setting the CLASSPATH in the .profile file in your home directory. An administrator can set environment variables globally by adding them to the /etc/profile file, which is executed whenever any user starts a QSHELL shell with the STRQSH or QSH commands.

To set environment variables in QSHELL, use these commands at the prompt, or add them to one of the profile files:

$ export -s \ CLASSPATH='/weblogic/610sp2/wlserver6.1/lib/os400/wlos400.jar:/weblogic/610sp2/wlserver6.1/lib/weblogic.jar')


Setting CLASSPATH on a workstation with Client Access

You must set the CLASSPATH environment variable on a workstation running WebLogic classes from the AS/400. The QIBM_MULTI_THREADED environment variable is needed only when you are running Java classes in the AS/400 VM.

In this example, AS400SRVR is the name of the AS/400 server where WebLogic Server is installed.

C:\>SET \ CLASSPATH==%CLASSPATH%://AS400SRVR/weblogic/610sp2/wlserver6.1/lib/os400/wlos400.jar://AS400SRVR/weblogic/610sp2/wlserver6.1/lib/weblogic.jar

Starting WebLogic Server

The WEBLOGIC61/STRWEBL command starts WebLogic Server. This command changes to the WEBLOGIC account before it starts the server. This is important because objects the server creates belong to the WEBLOGIC account. If you start the server using a method other than the WEBLOGIC/STRWEBL command, you may experience problems with permissions. With QSHELL you can start WebLogic sever using the shell script shipped with WebLogic server, but WebLogic Server will be using your user profile. This could be a security problem in a production environment.

To start WebLogic Server with the WEBLOGIC61/STRWEBL command:

  1. Log into the AS/400 with an account that is a member of the WLADMIN group.
  2. Change to the WebLogic root directory. For example, there is a default root directory shipped with WebLogic server: "/weblogic/610sp2/wlserver6.1".
  3. ===> CD '/weblogic/610sp2/wlserver6.1'

  4. Make sure that the CLASSPATH variable is set as described in the previous section.
  5. Make sure there is no active QSHELL session within the current job. You should press F3 to quit a QSHELL session, otherwise WebLogic Server won't start.
  6. Start WebLogic Server with the following CL command:

  8. Enter domain name in the WebLogic Domain Name field. For example, enter mydomain (the default shipped with Weblogic)
  9. Enter server name in the WebLogic Server Name field. For example, enter myserver (the default shipped with WebLogic).
  10. In the bea.home Directory field, enter the bea home directory, or use *ROOT_INSTALL_DIR as default, which will point to /weblogic/610sp2
  11. In the "WebLogic root directory" field, enter the default value *CURDIR (which will point to /weblogic/610sp2/ wlserver6.1).
    Optionally, enter the directory that contains the security resources for your domains and your configuration files.
  12. Enter CLASSPATH in the Classpath field or use *ENVVAR as default.
  13. Enter JVAV and WebLogic properties and values in the "Property name" and "Property value" list.
  14. For more information about WebLogic Server startup properties, see Starting and Stopping WebLogic Servers.

  15. If you want to run WebLogic Server in the background, change the Submit field to *YES.
  16. Modify any of the other parameters as needed.
  17. For parameters such as CLASSPATH, there may not initially be enough room to enter the entire value. You can expand a line by entering an ampersand (&) before you enter the value. Keep entering ampersands until there is enough room to enter your value. Press Enter to execute the command.

    For example, the following command starts the default server shipped with WebLogic Server:

    ===> WEBLOGIC61/STRWEBL DOMAINNAME(mydomain) SERVERNAME(myserver) PROPERTIES(( '=/weblogic/610sp2/wlserver6.1/lib/weblogic.policy'))

    If you start the WebLogic Server interactively (Submit set to *NO), do not press F3 or F12 to exit the Java Command Entry Screen until you see a message similar to this:

    Java program completed

    See the WebLogic Server Administration Guide for detailed instructions on administering WebLogic, including setting up WebLogic Server as an HTTP server.

    WebLogic Server has extensive properties to give you a fine degree of control its operation.

    Also read about the property-related changes in the release notes for WebLogic Server.

Stopping WebLogic Server

You can shut down WebLogic Server through the Administration Console, or enter the ENDWEBL command:


Enter the WebLogic administrative user name (usually system) and password, and then press Enter to continue. Wait until you see a message similar to the following:

Shutdown initiated
The shutdown sequence has been initiated.
Java program completed

After this message appears, you can press F3 to exit the Java Command Entry Screen and return to the AS/400 Command Entry screen.

First time Set-up for the default servers shipped with WebLogic.

BEA ships three default servers with WebLogic product. The configuration repository can be found at /weblogic/610sp2/wlserver6.1/config.

Server myserver in Domain mydomain is the default product server.

The initial system password of WebLogic Servers is abcd1234. You should change it the first time when server is started.

To change the password:

  1. Start your default WebLogic Server. When the system asks for your password, type:
  2. abcd1234

  3. After the server started, open an Administration Console from a web browser using the URL:
  4. http://AS400NAME:PORT/console

    Enter system as your administrative user name and abcd1234 as your password.

  5. In the left panel of the console, click on the Users icon under the Security category.
  6. Change the system password on the right panel.

Additional demo domains

Two additional demo domains are also shipped: PetStore and Examples.

These servers were supposed to use the evaluation copy of CloudScape database shipped with WebLogic. We found Cloudscape doesn't work with JDK1.3.1 on AS/400, so a DDL for demo database is shipped with WebLogic.

To set up the demo database, execute the following CL command:


A demo database named WLSDEMO will be created on your machine. If you want to use a different name for the database, please edit member WLSDEMO in the file WEBLOGIC61/SQLSRC, replacing the string wlsdemo with the name you chose.

To set up proper JDBC connection pool properties like user name and password, you also need to modify file config.xml in these directories:

For more information about setting up JDBC connections please refer to the WebLogic for IBM AS/400e Technical FAQ.

Starting the PetStore server

  1. Modify /weblogic/610sp2/wlserver6.1/config/petstore/config.xml, seting user id and password for the JDBC connection pool to demo database WLSDEMO.
  2. Execute:
  3. ===> CD '/weblogic/610sp2/wlserver6.1'

  4. Set CLASSPATH to:
  5. /weblogic/610sp2/wlserver6.1/lib/os400/wlos400.jar:/weblogic/610sp2/wlserver6.1/lib/weblogic.jar:/weblogic/610sp2/wlserver6.1/config//petstore/serverclasses

  6. The initial password for this server is abcd1234
  7. Execute:
  8. ===> WEBLOGIC61/STRWEBL DOMAINNAME(petstore) SERVERNAME(petstoreServer) PROPERTIES( ('=/weblogic/610sp2/wlserver6.1/lib/weblogic.policy'))

Starting the Examples Server

  1. Modify /weblogic/610sp2/wlserver6.1/config/examples/config.xml, set up user name and password for the JDBC connection pool to demo database WLSDEMO.
  2. Execute:
  3. ===> CD '/weblogic/610sp2/wlserver6.1'

  4. set CLASSPATH to
  5. /weblogic/610sp2/wlserver6.1/lib/os400/wlos400.jar:/weblogic/610sp2/wlserver6.1/lib/weblogic.jar

  6. The initial password for this server is abcd1234
  7. Execute:
  8. ===> WEBLOGIC61/STRWEBL DOMAINNAME(examples) SERVERNAME(examplesServer) PROPERTIES(( '=/weblogic/610sp2/wlserver6.1/lib/weblogic.policy'))

WebLogic Developer Center for IBM AS/400e

The AS/400 Developer Center is your starting point for using WebLogic Server on the IBM AS/400. From the Developer Center you can access documentation written specifically about using WebLogic software in an AS/400 environment, as well as documents relevant to all WebLogic users.


IBM OS/390 Platform Support

For more supported platform information, see IBM S/390 with OS/390.

General Information

For general information about S/390, OS/390, and USS/390, see IBM's S/390 website.


Install WebLogic Server on OS/390 using the WebLogic .zip archive distribution. Follow the instructions for installing from a .zip archive for your version of WebLogic Server.

Important for WebLogic 6.1 SP2 users 

Copyright (c) 2002 BEA Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved.
This README file contains information about the OS/390 release and contains installation instructions.
This file and the installation shell scripts are in EBCDIC (Cp1047). All other text files in this distribution are in ASCII (ISO-8859-1). To facilitate the operation in this mode there are shell scripts and executable binaries in the $WL_HOME/bin/os390 directory. These programs are:
avi	= ASCII vi - converts file to EBCDIC, edits and convert back to ASCII.
acnv	= ASCII convert - converts file to EBCDIC.
a2e	= ASCII to EBCDIC filter - converts stdin from ASCII to stdout in 	EBCDIC.
e2a	= EBCDIC to ASCII filter - converts stdin from EBCDIC to stdout in	ASCII.
javac	= Java Compile - Compiles in ISO-8859-1 encoding.
javacmd = Java execute script - Runs Java with the ISO-8859-1 encoding.
repjdk	= Replicate JDK - Replicates the JDK and makes changes for ASCII 	(ISO-8859-1) operation.
1. Download the WebLogic generic distribution, be sure to specify binary mode transfers.
2. Download the Weblogic uss_support zip file, in binary mode.
3. Download the and, in text mode.
4. Edit the for your installation and run the install shell script. 
   $ sh
   This will install the generic WebLogic on your system. The
output of the installation is written into the file
install.log in ASCII.
5. Export the WL_HOME variable to point to the WebLogic installation.
6. Overlay the installation with the uss_support modules:
   $ cd $WL_HOME
   $ chmod +x $WL_HOME/bin/os390
7. Add weblogic/bin to your execution path.
   $ export PATH=$WL_HOME/bin:$WL_HOME/bin/os390:$PATH
8. Replicate the JDK for WebLogic execution. This is necessary as java compiler must be run in the correct mode.  For the example, we assume that the JDK is in the /pub directory. Also, you MUST be in super user mode to perform this step (ie. login to OPEN1).
   $ cd /pub
   $ repjdk J1.3 WLSJ1.3
   This step will copy the current JDK, J1.3, into a new
directory, WLSJ1.3. All WebLogic operation MUST run against
this copy of the JDK. If the new directory exists, it will be
9. Copy the java.login file to your $HOME directory. This allows the JAAS to run the WebLogic supplied security methods and not the ones from IBM.
   $ cp $WL_HOME/java.login $HOME/.java.login.config
10. The config.xml files for your applications, for example PetStore, must be edited to use the JDK that was replicated in step 8. For example:
   $ cd $WL_HOME/config/petstore
   $ avi config.xml         ! Remember it's in ASCII !
11. Convert execution shell scripts to EBCDIC prior to use. For example:
   $ acnv
   If you have a replicated JDK, step 8, you'll need to change
the JAVA_HOME to reflect its location.
12. Create a password file, password.ini, in ASCII for WebLogic to start. For example:
   $ avi password.ini
The operation of the WebLogic Server is like the operation on any other Unix style platform. Except, that you have the ASCII files on an EBCDIC platform.
All log files and text files (html, xml, etc.) are in ASCII and must be viewed or edited with the utilities mentioned above. Should you encounter a shell script file in ASCII, it will appear as garbage on your screen, you can convert it using the acnv program. For example:
   $ acnv

Notes on using WebLogic Server with OS/390


SuSE Linux for IBM S/390 and Z-Series

General Information

For general information about SuSE Linux for S/390, see IBM's Linux for s/390 website:

Install WebLogic Server on SuSE Linux for S/390 using the WebLogic .zip archive distribution. Follow the instructions for installing from a zip archive for your version of WebLogic Server.

Installation and Notes for Linux/390 WebLogic 6.1 users

This documentation contains information about the Linux/390 release and contains installation specific instructions for WebLogic 6.1 users.

This version is installed and operates just like any other Unix version of WebLogic.

After installation, you must create a file in your login home directory called .java.login.config with the contents:



{ required debug=true;



This file allows the JAAS security to invoke the WebLogic Server security module rather than the one from IBM.

Known Issues

  1. When using the IIOP feature be sure to include the s390.jar file in the CLASSPATH. With the SR1 release of the JDK, IBM changed the way IIOP works. To include the .jar file, put:
  2. CLASSPATH=$WL_HOME/lib/linux/s390/s390.jar:$CLASSPATH

  3. Problem with DB2 hanging when using JTA transactions. This is a DB2 problem that IBM is working to correct.
  4. DB2 on OS/390 has many restrictions that do not exist on the Linux/390 verison of DB2. As long as you use pre-existing databases, you should not encounter any problems. For example, the PetStore application can use DB2 on Linux/390. But due to the table name length restrictions of the OS/390 version of DB2, you can't transfer the tables to that environment. The restrictions on OS/390 are scheduled to be addressed in the Version 8 release.

Configuring Pet Store to use DB2

Download the file from:

If you wish to configure the PetStore application to use DB2, then follow these steps:

  1. Edit the db2petstore.sql and change the CONNECT statement to match your DB2 configuration and accounts.
  2. Use db2petstore.sql to install the database schema objects and insert the sample data into the database.
  3. $ db2 -tvf db2petstore.sql

  4. Start the WebLogic PetStore application and change your JDBC settings from the console:
    1. Launch and logon to the Administration Console as the system user when prompted.
    2. In the left pane of the WebLogic Server Administration Console, click:
    3. petstore --> Services --> JDBC --> Connection Pools

    4. Change attributes on the petstorePool to get the DB2 connection.
    5. Set URL to:


      Note: YOUR_DATABASE needs to be the same as used in the CONNECT statement in step 1.

      Set Driver to:

      Set Properties:


      Note: YOUR_DB2_USER needs to be the same as used in the CONNECT statement in step 1.


      Click Password Change and enter the password for YOUR_DB2_USER account.

  5. Change to add $DB2_HOME/sqllib/java12/ in the CLASSPATH to replace the Cloudscape definitions. Also, you can remove the -Dcloudscape properties from the WebLogic startup command line. Set the DB2_HOME environment variable to the DB2 installation directory. For example:
  6. $ export DB2_HOME=/home/db2inst1

  7. Run from WLS_HOME/config/examples. WLS_HOME is the location of the WebLogic installation directory.
  8. Set your directory to the following:
  9. WLS_HOME/samples/petStore/src/components/customer/src

  10. Edit customer_ejb.xml and change:
  11. <env-entry>







    to be:








  12. Set your directory to the following:
  13. WLS_HOME/samples/petStore/src/components/customer/src/com/sun/j2ee/\blueprints/customer/order/dao

  14. Copy into this directory.
  15. Set your directory to the following:
  16. WLS_HOME/samples/petStore/src/petstore/src

  17. Run
  18. Copy:
  19. WLS_HOME/samples/petStore/src/petstore/build/petstore.ear



Notes for Linux/390 WebLogic 6.1 Service Pack 2 users

This documentation contains information about the Linux/390 release and contains specific information for WebLogic 6.1 Service Pack 2 users.

The JDK on the 2.4 kernel requires the 20020415 version of glibc and two updates to the kernel:

  1. 20020521 version of the k_deflt patch
  2. 20020521 version of the k_timer patch.


Red Hat Linux for IBM S/390 and Z-Series

General Information

For general information about Red Had Linux for S/390, see IBM's Linux for s/390 website:

Install WebLogic Server on Red Hat Linux for S/390 using the WebLogic .zip archive distribution. Follow the instructions for installing from a zip archive for your version of WebLogic Server.

Installation and Notes for Linux/390 WebLogic 6.1 SP3 users

This documentation contains information about the Linux/390 release and contains installation specific instructions for WebLogic 6.1 users.

This version is installed and operates just like any other Unix version of WebLogic.

After installation, you must create a file in your login home directory called .java.login.config with the contents:



{ required debug=true;



This file allows the JAAS security to invoke the WebLogic Server security module rather than the one from IBM.

Known Issues

  1. When using the IIOP feature be sure to include the s390.jar file in the CLASSPATH. With the SR1 release of the JDK, IBM changed the way IIOP works. To include the .jar file, put:
  2. CLASSPATH=$WL_HOME/lib/linux/s390/s390.jar:$CLASSPATH

  3. Problem with DB2 hanging when using JTA transactions. This is a DB2 problem that IBM is working to correct.
  4. DB2 on OS/390 has many restrictions that do not exist on the Linux/390 verison of DB2. As long as you use pre-existing databases, you should not encounter any problems. For example, the PetStore application can use DB2 on Linux/390. But due to the table name length restrictions of the OS/390 version of DB2, you can't transfer the tables to that environment. The restrictions on OS/390 are scheduled to be addressed in the Version 8 release.

Configuring Pet Store to use DB2

Download the file from:

If you wish to configure the PetStore application to use DB2, then follow these steps:

  1. Edit the db2petstore.sql and change the CONNECT statement to match your DB2 configuration and accounts.
  2. Use db2petstore.sql to install the database schema objects and insert the sample data into the database.
  3. $ db2 -tvf db2petstore.sql

  4. Start the WebLogic PetStore application and change your JDBC settings from the console:
    1. Launch and logon to the Administration Console as the system user when prompted.
    2. In the left pane of the WebLogic Server Administration Console, click:
    3. petstore --> Services --> JDBC --> Connection Pools

    4. Change attributes on the petstorePool to get the DB2 connection.
    5. Set URL to:


      Note: YOUR_DATABASE needs to be the same as used in the CONNECT statement in step 1.

      Set Driver to:

      Set Properties:


      Note: YOUR_DB2_USER needs to be the same as used in the CONNECT statement in step 1.


      Click Password Change and enter the password for YOUR_DB2_USER account.

  5. Change to add $DB2_HOME/sqllib/java12/ in the CLASSPATH to replace the Cloudscape definitions. Also, you can remove the -Dcloudscape properties from the WebLogic startup command line. Set the DB2_HOME environment variable to the DB2 installation directory. For example:
  6. $ export DB2_HOME=/home/db2inst1

  7. Run from WLS_HOME/config/examples. WLS_HOME is the location of the WebLogic installation directory.
  8. Set your directory to the following:
  9. WLS_HOME/samples/petStore/src/components/customer/src

  10. Edit customer_ejb.xml and change:
  11. <env-entry>







    to be:








  12. Set your directory to the following:
  13. WLS_HOME/samples/petStore/src/components/customer/src/com/sun/j2ee/\blueprints/customer/order/dao

  14. Copy into this directory.
  15. Set your directory to the following:
  16. WLS_HOME/samples/petStore/src/petstore/src

  17. Run
  18. Copy:
  19. WLS_HOME/samples/petStore/src/petstore/build/petstore.ear




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