> Extending the
Administration Console
Extending the
Administration Console
Extending the Desktop
Extending the Look and Feel
Extending the Home Book
Extending the ContentBook
Localizing a Portlet Title
Create a Backing Class for Localizing Portlet Titles
Create a NavTreeBacking Class
Invoke the NavTreeBacking Class
Example: How a NavTreeExtensionBacking Class Adds a Node Tree to the NavTreePortlet
Data Models for Forms and Tables
Data Model for Forms
Data Model for Tables
Handles for ActionForms and Row Beans
Create Struts Action Classes for Handling Form Data
Configure Struts ActionForms and Action Mappings
Add a Handle to Your Row Bean and Action Class
Use the column-link Tag
Use the column-dispatch Tag
Add Buttons to a Table
Add Checkboxes and Buttons to a Table
Example: How Checkboxes and Buttons Process Data