Upgrading WebLogic Application Environments

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Silent Upgrade XML Script Reference

Before using the WebLogic Upgrade Wizard in silent mode, you have the option of creating an XML script that defines your upgrade requirements, and passing that script to the wizard on the command line.

When run in silent mode, the Upgrade Wizard searches the domain’s root directory for an XML script with a name that indicates the type of upgrade task to be performed. If the wizard does not locate an XML script, it uses default system values.

This appendix provides the following sample XML upgrade scripts:

Depending on the particular configuration of the environment you are upgrading, you can modify specific values in these scripts, as explained in this appendix, and have the WebLogic Upgrade Wizard use them instead. This appendix identifies those values and their defaults, and explains how they can be modified.

Note: Only WebLogic Server domains can be upgraded using silent mode.


About Modifying the Sample XML Scripts

To create an XML script for a silent mode upgrade, modify one of the sample scripts provided in this appendix. Note the following:


Security Provider Upgrade Script

To upgrade the security providers in a domain, the WebLogic Upgrade Wizard looks for an XML script named weblogic-upgrade-securityproviders-responses.xml, which is displayed in Listing E-1. The values that may be modified are shown in bold.

Listing E-1 Sample Silent-Mode XML Script for Upgrading Security Providers
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<group name="SecurityProviderUpgradeGroup">
<plugin name="SecurityProviderUpgradeStepOne">
<input-adapter name="IA">
<bind-property name="selectedFileNames">
<plugin name="SecurityProviderUpgradeStepTwo">
<input-adapter name="IA">
<bind-property name="selectedFileNames">

Table E-1 identifies the keywords contained in this script, the values you can specify for those keywords, and the default values that are used by the WebLogic Upgrade Wizard if you do not modify them.

Table E-1 Silent-Mode XML Script Values for Upgrading Security Providers
For this keyword...
Set the value to the...
This keyword defaults to the...
Path of the directory that contains the security provider JARs to be upgraded.
For example:
By default, security providers are located in WL_HOME\server\lib\mbeantypes, where WL_HOME specifies the root directory of the pre-10.x installation.
Path of directory from which the Upgrade Wizard is run, such as:
Path of the directory in which you want to save the new security provider JAR files.
For example:
WL_HOME\server\lib\mbeantypes, where WL_HOME specifies the root directory of the WebLogic Server 10.x installation.


Node Manager Upgrade Script

To upgrade the Node Manager from an existing domain, the WebLogic Upgrade Wizard looks for an XML script named weblogic-upgrade-nodemanager-responses.xml, which is displayed in Listing E-2. The values that may be modified are shown in bold.

Listing E-2 Sample Silent-Mode XML Script for Upgrading a Node Manager
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<group name="NodeManagerPlugInGroup">
<plugin name="NodeManagerPlugIn">
<input-adapter name="IA">
<bind-property name="selectedFileNames">

Table E-2 identifies the keyword contained in this script, the value you can specify for that keyword, and the default value used by the WebLogic Upgrade Wizard if you do not modify it.

Table E-2 Silent-Mode XML Script Value for Upgrading the Node Manager
For this keyword...
Set the value to the...
This keyword defaults to the...
Path of the directory of Node Manager to be upgraded by navigating the local directory hierarchy.
By default, the Node Manager home directory is located in WL_HOME\common\nodemanager, where WL_HOME specifies the root directory of the pre-10.x installation.
Directory from which the Upgrade Wizard is run. For example: c:\bea\wlserver_10.3\common\nodemanager


Domain Upgrade Script

To upgrade an existing domain, the WebLogic Upgrade Wizard looks for an XML script named weblogic-upgrade-domain-responses.xml, which is displayed in Listing E-3. The values that may be modified are shown in bold.

Note: Specifying the name of the domain Administration Server, as described in Table E-3 for the keyword ADMIN_SERVER_NAME, is required because there is no default value.
Listing E-3 Sample Silent-Mode XML Script for Upgrading a Domain
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<group name="DomainSelectionGroup">
<plugin name="SelectWebLogicVersionPlugIn">
<input-adapter name="ChoiceIA">
<bind-property name="selectedChoiceIds">
<plugin name="DomainDirectorySelectionPlugIn">
<input-adapter name="IA">
<bind-property name="selectedFile">
<group name="PostDirSelectionGroup">
<plugin name="AdminServerSelectionPlugIn">
<input-adapter name="IA">
<bind-property name="selectedChoiceIds">
<plugin name="NodeManagerCredentialsPlugIn">
<input-adapter name="UsernameIA">
<bind-property name="value">
<input-adapter name="PasswordIA">
<bind-property name="value">
<input-adapter name="PasswordConfirmIA">
<bind-property name="value">
<plugin name="OptionalGroupsSelectionPlugIn">
<input-adapter name="IA">
<bind-property name="selectedChoiceIds">
<value> . . . </value>
<group name="PostDirSelectionPost81Group">
<plugin name="AdminServerSelectionPlugIn">
<input-adapter name="IA">
<bind-property name="selectedChoiceIds">
<plugin name="OptionalGroupsSelectionPlugIn">
<input-adapter name="IA">
<bind-property name="selectedChoiceIds">
<value> . . . </value>
<group name="DomainBackupGroup">
<plugin name="DomainDirectoryBackupPlugIn">
<input-adapter name="FileSelectionIA">
<bind-property name="selectedFileNames">
<input-adapter name="TextIA">
<bind-property name="value">


Table E-3 identifies the keywords contained in this script, the values you can specify for the keywords, and the default values used by the WebLogic Upgrade Wizard if you do not modify them.

Table E-3 Silent-Mode XML Script Value for Upgrading a Domain 
For this keyword...
Set the value to ...
This keyword defaults to ...
The version of WebLogic Server contained in the domain being upgraded1.
The version of WebLogic Server identified in the configuration file (config.xml) of the domain being upgraded. For example,
If the software version number is not specified in the domain configuration file, the wizard displays the version number as, by default. In this case, there is no impact if the default value does not match the actual version number of the pre-10.x domain.
Name of the domain’s Administration Server instance.

Note: Assigning a value for this keyword is required because there is no default. If you do not provide the Administration Server name, this silent upgrade script will generate an exception and terminate.

No default value is assigned.
The path of the directory that contains the WebLogic domain to be upgraded.
The directory from which the Upgrade Wizard is run. For example: c:\bea\user_projects\domains\mydomain
The username for Node Manager.
The password for Node Manager.
The confirmation password for Node Manager.
One or more of the following options2:
  • If this option is specified, the wizard backs up the original domain directory and stores it in a zip file.

  • If this option is specified, log files are included in the backup zip file. The number and size of log files can be large, so you may want to exclude them from the backup file by disabling this option. By default, log files are included in the backup file.

  • Some behavior supported in pre-9.0 releases of WebLogic Server has been changed as of 9.0 to comply with J2EE 1.4. By default, the wizard sets flags to enable the previous behavior in the new domain. If you specify this option, these flags for backward compatibility are not set.

Path of the directory in which you want to save the backup zip file.
Directory from which the Upgrade Wizard is run. For example:
Name of the backup zip file.

1You can specify multiple versions of WebLogic Server, as in the following example:

1  6.1 OR 7.0 OR 8.1 OR "9.0 or higher"

2OPTIONAL_ACTION_1 may be specified so that one of multiple options is used. For example:




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