Using the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework Console Extension

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Overview of the WLDF Console Extension

The WLDF Console Extension provides a set of visual tools you can use to directly manipulate objects to display diagnostic information about WebLogic Server instances. The following sections provide a high level overview:


Scope of the Diagnostic Information Displayed

You install the WLDF Console Extension into a domain, and you can display diagnostic data about any of the server instances in that domain and about applications running on those servers.


Two Main Panels

The WLDF Console Extension has two panels, the Tabs panel and the View panel, plus a toolbar and a status bar, as shown in Figure 3-1.

Figure 3-1 WLDF Console Extension Panels

WLDF Console Extension Panels


View Panel Overview

A view is a collection of one or more charts, which display captured monitoring and diagnostic data, as shown in Figure 3-2 and Figure 3-3. Views are displayed in the View panel, on the right side of the WLDF Console Extension page. The View panel displays a single view at a time.

Figure 3-2 A View Containing One Chart

A View Containing One Chart

Figure 3-3 A View Containing Three Charts

A View Containing Three Charts

Each chart contains a legend, labels, and controls for identifying and displaying the data. A chart can display data from one or more data sources from one or more servers in the domain. The data sources include one or more metrics (that is, the value of an MBean instance attribute) or one or more instrumented methods. Each data source is displayed as a distinct graph, which shows the values of data points over a time span. The relationship between views, charts, and graphs is shown in Figure 3-4. In the figure, the view contains two charts, “WLDF Metrics Chart” and “JVMRuntime@MedRecServer,” based on metrics data from the MedRecServer server. “WLDF Metrics Chart” contains one metrics graph, “UpTime@MedRecServer.” The “JVMRuntime@MedRecServer” chart contains two metrics graphs, HeapSizeCurrent@MedRecServer” and “HeapFreeCurrent@MedRecServer.”

Notes: A chart can include graphs based on data from one or more servers in the domain.
Note: You cannot mix metrics graphs and method performance graphs in the same chart.
Figure 3-4 Relationships of Graphs to Charts and of Charts to Views

Relationships of Graphs to Charts and of Charts to Views


Tabs Panel Overview

The Tabs panel, on the left side of the page, contains tabs with controls for creating and modifying the views and charts that are displayed in the View panel, on the right.

The Tabs panel contains four tabs:


Toolbar and Status Bar Overview

The toolbar and status bar are available at all times, regardless of which tab is displayed in the Tabs panel.

The toolbar is displayed directly above the Tabs and View panels. The buttons and icon in the toolbar are described in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1 Buttons and Icon in the Toolbar
Button or Icon

Relationships of Graphs to Charts and of Charts to Views

Focus context
Click to change focus between the Tabs panel to the View panel.

Relationships of Graphs to Charts and of Charts to Views

Save all modified views
Click to save all custom views. If no views have been modified since they were last saved, this button is disabled and is colored gray.

Note: If you add or change a view, you must click save before going to another web page.Otherwise, your changes will be lost.

Relationships of Graphs to Charts and of Charts to Views

Discard all unsaved view changes.
Click to discard all changes you made to all views since you last saved them.

Relationships of Graphs to Charts and of Charts to Views

Stop all active views
Click to stop all active views.

Relationships of Graphs to Charts and of Charts to Views

Click to delete selected graph or chart. (This button is unavailable if a built-in view is selected.

Relationships of Graphs to Charts and of Charts to Views

Status of data polling
Displays the status of the data poller on the right side of the toolbar:
  • Green indicates that data is being retrieved from the server with no problem.
  • Yellow indicates that there are some problems retrieving data from the server.
  • Red indicates that no data is being retrieved from the server.

The status bar at the bottom of the page displays information about the selected item.


Displaying Tooltips for Controls, Views, Graphs, and Charts

You can display short messages, called tooltips, about several types of objects in the WLDF Console Extension by positioning the mouse pointer over the objects. To display a tooltip for an item, move the mouse pointer to point to the object, and pause. Do not click the mouse. After a momentary delay, a short message about the item is displayed.

In all areas of the WLDF Console Extension, you can display tooltips for standard controls such as buttons, text fields, sliders, and so forth, which tell you what each control does. But you can also display details about other objects displayed in the WLDF Console Extension and about the sources from which the diagnostic data is gathered, as described in the following sections:


Creating Views, Graphs, and Charts: Main Steps

To create a view and add charts and graphs:

  1. From the Views tab, create or select a view. See Working with Views.
  2. Decide which kind of chart you want to create and select the appropriate tab for creating that kind of chart:
  3. In the Metrics tab or Requests tab, select the server for which you want to display diagnostic data. See Working with All Charts and Graphs.
  4. Drag items from the Metrics or Requests tab in the left panel to the active view in the right panel. Drop an item into a blank area in the view to create a new chart and graph, or drop it into an existing chart to add a new graph to the other graph(s) in the chart. See Working with All Charts and Graphs.
  5. Optionally, select the Properties tab, and use the tools on that tab to change the appearance of graph(s) and chart(s). See Working with All Charts and Graphs.
  6. If you are working with a custom view, save the view (click the Save icon). Otherwise, your changes will be lost when you go to another web page. See Working with Views.


Alternative Ways to Manipulate Objects

The WLDF Console Extension is a graphical user interface with visual tools for setting attributes and manipulating objects. Alternative interaction techniques are available for accomplishing many activities:

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