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Interface examples.cluster.ejb.teller.Teller

public interface Teller
extends EJBObject
The methods in this interface are the public face of TellerBean. The signatures of the methods are identical to those of the EJBean, except that these methods throw a java.rmi.RemoteException. Note that the EJBean does not implement this interface. The corresponding code-generated EJBObject, TellerBeanE, implements this interface and delegates to the bean.

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Method Index

 o balance(String)
Returns the balance of the account in a TellerResult object.
 o checkTransactionId(String)
Returns true if the transaction with a given id was completed (ie, the transaction ID can be found in the transaction log table).
 o deposit(String, double, String)
Deposits amount in specified account using a specific transactionID.
 o transfer(String, String, double, String)
Transfers amount from accountFrom to accountTo using a specific transactionID.
 o withdraw(String, double, String)
Withdraws amount from specified account using a specific transactionID.


 o balance
 public abstract TellerResult balance(String accountId) throws TellerException, RemoteException
Returns the balance of the account in a TellerResult object.

accountId - String Account ID
TellerResult Result of inquiry
Throws: TellerException
if there is an error while checking the balance
Throws: RemoteException
if there is a communications or systems failure
 o deposit
 public abstract TellerResult deposit(String accountId,
                                      double amount,
                                      String transactionId) throws TellerException, RemoteException
Deposits amount in specified account using a specific transactionID.

accountId - String Account ID
amount - double Amount to deposit
transactionId - String Transaction ID
TellerResult Result of inquiry
Throws: TellerException
if there is an error while making the deposit
Throws: RemoteException
if there is a communications or systems failure
 o withdraw
 public abstract TellerResult withdraw(String accountId,
                                       double amount,
                                       String transactionId) throws TellerException, RemoteException
Withdraws amount from specified account using a specific transactionID.

accountId - String Account ID
amount - double Amount to withdraw
transactionId - String Transaction ID
TellerResult Result of inquiry
Throws: TellerException
if there is an error while making the withdrawal
Throws: RemoteException
if there is a communications or systems failure
 o transfer
 public abstract TellerResult transfer(String accountFromId,
                                       String accountToId,
                                       double amount,
                                       String transactionId) throws TellerException, RemoteException
Transfers amount from accountFrom to accountTo using a specific transactionID.

accountFrom - String Account ID of account taking amount from
accountTo - String Account ID of account sending amount to
amount - double Amount to transfer
transactionId - String Transaction ID
TellerResult Result of inquiry
Throws: TellerException
if there is an error while making the transfer
Throws: RemoteException
if there is a communications or systems failure
 o checkTransactionId
 public abstract boolean checkTransactionId(String transactionId) throws RemoteException
Returns true if the transaction with a given id was completed (ie, the transaction ID can be found in the transaction log table).

Note that the code in this method is specific for Oracle databases and would require adjustment for other databases.

transactionID - String Transaction ID
Throws: RemoteException
if there is a communications or systems failure

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