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Interface examples.cluster.ejb.teller.TellerHome

public interface TellerHome
extends EJBHome
This interface is the home interface for the, which in WebLogic is implemented by the code-generated container class TellerBeanC. A home interface may support one or more create methods, which must correspond to methods named "ejbCreate" in the EJBean.

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Method Index

 o create()
This method corresponds to the ejbCreate method in the bean "".


 o create
 public abstract Teller create() throws CreateException, RemoteException
This method corresponds to the ejbCreate method in the bean "". The parameter sets of the two methods are identical. When the client calls TellerHome.create(), the container allocates an instance of the EJBean and calls ejbCreate().

Throws: RemoteException
if there is a communications or systems failure
Throws: CreateException
if there is problem creating the bean
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