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Installing WebLogic Server Using GUI-Mode Installation


The following sections describe how to install WebLogic Server using graphical user interface (GUI) mode installation on both Windows and UNIX systems:

What Is GUI-Mode Installation?

GUI-mode installation is the graphics-based method of executing the BEA Installation program. It can be run on both Windows and UNIX systems.

To run GUI-mode installation, the console attached to the machine on which you are installing the software must support a Java-based GUI. All consoles for Windows systems support Java-based GUIs, but not all consoles for UNIX systems do.

Note: To install WebLogic Server on a UNIX system with a non-graphics console, see Installing WebLogic Server on UNIX Systems Using Console-Mode Installation.

The following sections focus on using GUI-mode installation to install the WebLogic Server 6.0 base product. Base product, as used here, implies a full installation of WebLogic Server, which includes the installation of the Java Development Kit (JDK). A WebLogic Server 6.0 base product may or may not have Service Packs already applied.

Before You Start

Do not install an upgraded version of WebLogic Server 6.0 on top of a non-upgraded version. For example, do not install WebLogic Server 6.0 with Service Pack 2 already applied on top of WebLogic Server 6.0 with Service Pack 1 already applied. In this example, either uninstall the WebLogic Server instance, as described in Uninstalling WebLogic Server, and then install the upgraded instance, or upgrade the WebLogic Server instance with Service Pack 2, as described in Installing and Uninstalling Service Packs on WebLogic Server.

Starting GUI-Mode Installation on a Windows System

To start the GUI-mode installation process on a Windows system, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Windows system.

    If you want to install WebLogic Server as a Windows service, you must have Administrator privileges. For information about installing WebLogic Server as a Windows service, see Understanding the WebLogic Server Windows Service.

  2. If installing WebLogic Server by downloading from the BEA Web site:

    1. Go to and download the WebLogic Server installer that is specific to your platform.

    2. Go to the directory where you downloaded the installer and double-click filename.exe file, where filename is the name of the WebLogic Server installer.

      If installing WebLogic Server from the CD-ROM:

    3. Insert the WebLogic Server CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.

    4. If the installation script is not automatically invoked, open the Windows Explorer and double-click the CD-ROM icon.

    5. Double-click install.exe. The installation program begins to install WebLogic Server.

  3. Proceed to Running GUI-Mode Installation.

Starting GUI-Mode Installation on a UNIX System

A WebLogic Server 6.0 installer for a UNIX platform takes one of two forms:

This section presents installation procedures for both types of installers.

Starting GUI-Mode Installation for filename.bin Installers

To start the GUI-mode installation process for filename.bin installers, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the target UNIX system.

  2. Open a command-line shell.

  3. If installing WebLogic Server by downloading from the BEA Web site:

    1. Go to and download the WebLogic Server installer that is specific to your platform.

    2. Go to the directory where you downloaded the installer and invoke the installation procedure by entering the following command:

      sh filename.bin

      where filename is the name of the WebLogic Server installer.

      If installing WebLogic Server from the CD-ROM:

    3. Insert the WebLogic Server CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.

    4. Go to the CD-ROM directory.

    5. Invoke the installation procedure by entering the following command:

      sh filename.bin

      where filename is the name of the WebLogic Server installer specific to your platform.

  4. Proceed to Running GUI-Mode Installation.

Starting GUI-Mode Installation for Installers

To start the GUI-mode installation process for installers, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the target UNIX system.

  2. Open a command-line shell.

  3. Include the bin directory of JDK 1.3 (or higher) at the front of the PATH variable on the target system. For example:

    export PATH

    Replace full_path_to_jdk130 with the full pathname to the JDK 1.3 directory.

  4. If installing WebLogic Server by downloading from the BEA Web site:

    1. Go to and download the WebLogic Server installer that is specific to your platform.

    2. Go to the directory where you downloaded the installer and invoke the installation procedure by entering the following command:

      java -cp install

      where filename is the name of the WebLogic Server installer.

      If installing WebLogic Server from the CD-ROM:

    3. Insert the WebLogic Server CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.

    4. Go to the CD-ROM directory.

    5. Invoke the installation procedure by entering the following command:

      java -cp install

      where filename is the name of the WebLogic Server installer specific to your platform.

  5. Proceed to Running GUI-Mode Installation.

Running GUI-Mode Installation

The installation program prompts you to enter specific information about your system and configuration. For instructions on responding to the prompts during installation, see the following table.

In this window . . .

Perform the following action . . .

BEA Logo


Select the language in which to display text during the installation.




Click the Next button to proceed with the installation. You may cancel the installation at any time by clicking Exit.


License Agreement


Read the BEA Software License Agreement and indicate your acceptance of the terms of the agreement by selecting Yes. The default is No. To continue with the installation, you must accept the terms of the license agreement and then click Next.


Choose Install Set


Select the software to be installed on your system. The default selection is Server with Examples, which installs the program files and the examples files. To accept the default, click Next. To install just the program files, select Server Only and then click Next. For a basic description of program files and examples files, see WebLogic Server Software Components.


Choose BEA Home Directory


Specify the BEA Home directory that will serve as the central support directory for all BEA products installed on the target system. If you already have a BEA Home directory on your system, you can select that directory (recommended) or create a new BEA Home directory. If you choose to create a new directory, the WebLogic Server installer program automatically creates the directory for you. For details about the BEA Home directory, see BEA Home Directory.


Choose Product Directory


Specify the directory in which you want to install the WebLogic Server software. Select the default product directory (wlserver6.0) or create a new product directory. If you choose to create a new directory, the installer program automatically creates the directory for you.


Default Server Configuration


Enter your configuration choices for the WebLogic Server default server:

  • Enter an administrative domain name in the text box labeled WebLogic Admin Domain Name. The default is mydomain.

A domain is a unit of administration for a WebLogic Server installation. A WebLogic domain may consist of one or more WebLogic Servers. For additional information about WebLogic domains, see "Overview of WebLogic Server Management" in the Administration Guide.

  • Enter a server name in the text box labeled Server Name. The default is myserver.

  • Enter a dedicated TCP/IP port number in the text box labeled Listen Port. This number specifies the port at which the default server listens for connections. The default is 7001.

  • Enter a dedicated listen port number in the text box labeled Secure (SSL) Listen Port. The secure listen port is used for secure Web connections based on the secure sockets layer (SSL) protocol. The default is 7002.

    Note: If you are reinstalling WebLogic Server after changing these defaults in your previous configuration, the default values displayed in this window reflect your modifications.


Install WebLogic Server Service
(Windows systems only)


Click Yes if you want to install WebLogic Server as a service on your Windows system. If you select Yes, the default server starts as a service each time you boot your Windows system. The default is No. If you accept the default, WebLogic Server is not installed as a service.

For more information about installing WebLogic Server as a service, see Understanding the WebLogic Server Windows Service.


Create System Password


Enter a password that contains at least 8 characters but no more than 20 characters.

You are prompted to enter this password to start the WebLogic Server default server. You are prompted for the username system and this password to access the WebLogic Server Administration Console from a Web browser. The installer program creates the system account (username system having the password you specify here) during the installation.


Installing . . .


No user input is required here. The installer program is installing WebLogic Server in the user-specified product directory.

Note: It is normal for the installation progress bar to stop for a fairly long time, especially at the end. The installer is still working when this occurs.


Install Complete


Click Done to exit the installer program.


Congratulations! Your installation of the BEA WebLogic Server software is complete!

Understanding the WebLogic Server Windows Service

You must have Administrator privileges to install WebLogic Server as a Windows service.

When you install WebLogic Server as a Windows service, the installer program populates a command script file named installNtService.cmd with the default server configurations that you specified during the installation and then runs the script to create the WebLogic Server service. The following listing shows the command line structure of the installNtService.cmd script.

Listing 2-1 installNtService.cmd Script-Example

@echo off


cd C:\bea\wlserver6.0\config\mydomain

rem *** Set Classpath to load Weblogic Classes
set CLASSPATH=.;C:\bea\wlserver6.0\lib\weblogic_sp.jar;

rem *** Set Command Line for service to execute
rem *** %JAVA_HOME%\java will automatically be prepended.
set CMDLINE="-ms64m -mx64m -classpath \"%CLASSPATH%\"
     -Dweblogic.Domain=mydomain -Dweblogic.Name=myserver\"C:\bea\wlserver6.0/lib/
     weblogic.policy\" -Dbea.home=\"C:\bea\" weblogic.Server"

rem *** Install the service
"C:\bea\wlserver6.0\bin\beasvc" -install -svcname:myserver
     -extrapath:"C:\bea\wlserver6.0\bin" -cmdline:%CMDLINE%


Running the installNtService.cmd script creates an entry for the service (myserver by default) in the Windows Registry so that the Windows system knows to start the service each time the Windows system boots. The Windows system starts the WebLogic Server default server as a process running in the background, similar to a UNIX system starting and running a daemon process.

Account and Environment Information

The WebLogic Server service runs under the LocalSystem account and the Windows System environment profile. You can view the System environment profile by choosing Start Settings Control Panel System Environment tab and viewing the System Variables scroll box.

Manual Configuration of Windows Service

To create or reconfigure the WebLogic Server service manually, you edit the installNtService.cmd script as needed and then run the script. The script, together with the uninstallNtService.cmd script, is located in the wls_6.0_prod_dir\config\domain_name directory, where wls_6.0_prod_dir represents the product directory in which you installed the WebLogic Server software, and domain_name represents the name of the default server domain you specified during installation (mydomain by default). You must have Administrator privileges to run the installNtService.cmd and uninstallNtService.cmd scripts.

Because the Windows System environment typically includes no Java compiler (javac.exe) in its PATH, you can add this path by editing the extrapath option of the beasvc command in the installNtService.cmd script and then running the script. For example, in the following extrapath option definition, the added path highlighted in bold will include the Java compiler in the Windows System environment:


WebLogic Server needs access to the Java compiler to be able to compile its JavaServer Pages (JSPs) during startup. Without access to the Java compiler, the WebLogic Server JSPs will not be compiled.

Note: For details about the beasvc command and its options, go to the directory where the beasvc command resides and enter beasvc -help.

Additional Windows Service Information

The WebLogic Server service uses the system password that you specified during installation when booting WebLogic Server. If you change this password at a later time, you must uninstall the service using uninstallNtService.cmd, modify the installNtService.cmd file to include the -password argument, and execute the modified installNtService.cmd file. For details about modifying the installNtService.cmd file, see "Starting and Stopping WebLogic Servers" in the Administration Guide.

Understanding the WebLogic Server Windows Shortcuts

When installing WebLogic Server 6.0 on a Windows system, the installer program automatically uses BEA WebLogic E-Business Platform as the parent folder for WebLogic Server 6.0. As additional BEA Home directories are added to the system, the installer program continues to create new BEA WebLogic E-Business Platform folders using the convention shown in the following figure.

Figure 2-1 Tracking Multiple BEA Home Directories on the Same System

Each BEA Home directory has an associated BEA WebLogic E-Business Platform folder. Each BEA WebLogic E-Business Platform folder has one or more BEA product folders (see note) and two files: BEAHOMEx Location and View History. The numbers associated with BEAHOME are sequential starting at 2; no number appears if only one BEA Home directory is created on a Windows system.

Note: Because a BEA Home directory may be the home directory for several BEA products including WebLogic Server, WebLogic Collaborate, and BEA Tuxedo, a BEA WebLogic E-Business Platform folder may contain several BEA product folders.

For a given BEA Home directory and BEA WebLogic E-Business Platform folder, the BEAHOME file contains the pathname of the BEA Home directory, and the View History file contains a history of installation and uninstallation for the BEA Home directory. Double-clicking the text icon associated with either file displays its content. The BEAHOME and history files contain information extracted from the logs/log.txt file located in the BEA Home directory.

Going forward, all BEA products will share the convention described here, which will ensure that BEA shortcut entries appear together in a uniform manner.

Retroactive Creation of BEA WebLogic E-Business Platform Parent Folder

Even when updating WebLogic Server software having a folder other than BEA WebLogic E-Business Platform, a Service Pack installer will create the shortcuts associated with the update in a BEA WebLogic E-Business Platform folder.

WebLogic Server 6.0 Shortcut Files

The WebLogic Server 6.0 folder (StartProgramsBEA WebLogic E-Business PlatformWebLogic Server 6.0) contains the shortcut files shown in the following figure:

Figure 2-2 WebLogic Server 6.0 Shortcut Files

What's Next?

To learn more about WebLogic Server 6.0, view the following files:

To verify that your software is installed correctly, and to start the default server and console, see Performing Post-Installation Tasks.


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