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Installing WebLogic Server Using Silent Installation


The following sections describe how to install WebLogic Server using silent installation on both Windows and UNIX systems:

What Is Silent Installation?

Silent installation reads the settings for your configuration from a text file that you create prior to beginning the installation. Manual intervention is not necessary during the installation process. Silent installation works on both Windows and UNIX systems.

Silent installation is a way of setting installation configurations only once and then using those configurations to duplicate the installation on many machines.

The following sections focus on using silent installation to install the WebLogic Server 6.0 base product. Base product, as used here, implies a full installation of WebLogic Server, which includes the installation of the Java Development Kit (JDK). A WebLogic Server 6.0 base product may or may not have Service Packs already applied.

Note: Using silent installation implies your consent to the BEA License Agreement. You neither see a copy of the BEA Software License Agreement nor have any means to accept the terms of the agreement.

Before You Start

Do not install an upgraded version of WebLogic Server 6.0 on top of a non-upgraded version. For example, do not install WebLogic Server 6.0 with Service Pack 2 already applied on top of WebLogic Server 6.0 with Service Pack 1 already applied. In this example, either uninstall the WebLogic Server instance, as described in Uninstalling WebLogic Server, and then install the upgraded instance, or upgrade the WebLogic Server instance with Service Pack 2, as described in Installing and Uninstalling Service Packs on WebLogic Server.

Using Silent Installation: Main Steps

The silent installation process has two primary steps:

  1. Create a template file that contains the configuration settings, such as BEA Home directory, product directory, domain and server names, and listen ports appropriate for your installation.

    For the detailed procedure, see Creating a Template File. Two sample template files are provided in Windows Template File and UNIX Template File.

  2. Invoke the installation process using the values specified in the template files.

    For the detailed procedure, see Invoking the Silent Installation Process on a Windows System and Invoking the Silent Installation Process on a UNIX System.

Creating a Template File

To create a template file for use in the silent installation process, follow these steps:

  1. Display the template file specific to your platform in a supported browser. The following templates are available:

  2. Copy the contents of the template file and save it as a text file named in the directory containing the WebLogic Server installer.

  3. In the file, modify the values for the keywords shown in the following table to create your desired configuration.

    For this keyword . . .

    Enter the following value . . .



    The mode of installation. The default is silent; do not modify this value.




    A language code determining the language displayed during the installation. Besides en for English, you can set this value to de for German (Deutsch), es for Spanish (Español), fr for French (Français), or ja (or ja_JP) for Japanese.




    The full pathname for the BEA Home directory of your choice. For details about the BEA Home directory, see BEA Home Directory.




    The full pathname for the WebLogic Server product directory of your choice.




    A domain name of your choice for the WebLogic Server default server.




    A server name of your choice for the WebLogic Server default server.




    A dedicated TCP/IP port number for the WebLogic Server default server. This number specifies the port at which the server listens for connections. The default is 7001. To accept the default, do not modify this value.




    A dedicated secure listen port number for the WebLogic Server default server. The secure listen port number is used for secure Web connections based on the secure sockets layer (SSL) protocol. The default is 7002. To accept the default, do not modify this value.


    (Windows systems only)


    Yes or no to installing the WebLogic Server default server as a Windows service. If you select yes, the default server starts as a service each time you boot your Windows system. The default is no: WebLogic Server is not installed as a service. To accept the default, do not modify this value.

    For more information about installing WebLogic Server as a service, see Understanding the WebLogic Server Windows Service.




    A password of your choice that contains at least eight characters but no more than 20 characters.

    You are prompted to enter this password to start the WebLogic Server default server. You are prompted for the username system and this password to access the WebLogic Server Administration Console from a Web browser. The installer program creates the system account (username system having the password you specify here) during the installation.




    The chosen installation set. The default is ServerExample, which instructs the installer program to install both program files and example files.You can set this value to either ServerExample or ServerOnly. If you want to install only the program files, set this value to ServerOnly.

    For a basic description of program files and examples files, see WebLogic Server Software Components.


In the template files, comment lines are preceded by hash marks.

To install WebLogic Server as a Windows service, comment the INSTALL_NT_SERVICE=no line and uncomment the INSTALL_NT_SERVICE=yes line.

To specify the ServerOnly install set, comment the CHOSEN_INSTALL_SET=ServerExample line and uncomment the CHOSEN_INSTALL_SET=ServerOnly line.

Invoking the Silent Installation Process on a Windows System

Installing the software using silent installation takes the same amount of time as a standard installation. During silent installation, an initial installation program window appears briefly, indicating that the installation has started.

To invoke the silent installation process on a Windows system, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Windows system.

    If you want to install WebLogic Server as a Windows service, you must have Administrator privileges. For information about installing WebLogic Server as a Windows service, see Understanding the WebLogic Server Windows Service.

  2. Open a command-line shell.

  3. If installing WebLogic Server by downloading from the BEA Web site:

    1. Go to and download the WebLogic Server installer that is specific to your platform.

    2. Go to the directory where you downloaded the installer and invoke the installation procedure by entering the following command, making sure to specify the full pathname of the file:

      filename.exe -f full_path\

      where filename is the name of the WebLogic Server installer, and full_path is the full pathname of the file.

      If installing WebLogic Server from the CD-ROM:

    3. Insert the WebLogic Server CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.

    4. Go to the CD-ROM directory.

    5. Invoke the installation procedure by entering the following command, making sure to specify the full pathname of the file:

      filename.exe -f full_path\

      where filename is the name of the WebLogic Server installer specific to your platform, and full_path is the full pathname of the file.

  4. To verify that the software installed successfully, see Performing Post-Installation Tasks.

Invoking the Silent Installation Process on a UNIX System

A WebLogic Server 6.0 installer for a UNIX platform takes one of two forms:

This section presents installation procedures for both types of installers.

Invoking the Silent Installation Process for filename.bin Installers

Installing the software using silent installation takes the same amount of time as a standard installation. During silent installation, a startup message appears, followed by an "Installing . . ." message, indicating that the installation has started.

To invoke the silent installation process for filename.bin installers, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the target UNIX system.

  2. Open a command-line shell.

  3. If installing WebLogic Server by downloading from the BEA Web site:

    1. Go to and download the WebLogic Server installer that is specific to your platform.

    2. Go to the directory where you downloaded the installer and invoke the installation procedure by entering the following command, making sure to specify the full pathname of the file:

      sh filename.bin -f full_path/

      where filename is the name of the WebLogic Server installer, and full_path is the full pathname of the file.

      If installing WebLogic Server from the CD-ROM:

    3. Insert the WebLogic Server CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.

    4. Go to the CD-ROM directory.

    5. Invoke the installation procedure by entering the following command, making sure to specify the full pathname of the file:

      sh filename.bin -f full_path/

      where filename is the name of the WebLogic Server installer specific to your platform, and full_path is the full pathname of the file.

  4. To verify that the software installed successfully, see Performing Post-Installation Tasks.

Invoking the Silent Installation Process for Installers

Installing the software using silent installation takes the same amount of time as a standard installation. During silent installation, a startup message appears, followed by an "Installing . . ." message, indicating that the installation has started.

To invoke the silent installation process for installers, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the target UNIX system.

  2. Open a command-line shell.

  3. Include the bin directory of JDK 1.3 (or higher) at the front of the PATH variable on the target system. For example:

    export PATH

    Replace full_path_to_jdk130 with the full pathname to the JDK 1.3 directory.

  4. If installing WebLogic Server by downloading from the BEA Web site:

    1. Go to and download the WebLogic Server installer that is specific to your platform.

    2. Go to the directory where you downloaded the installer and invoke the installation procedure by entering the following command, making sure to specify the full pathname of the file:

      java -cp install -f full_path/

      where filename is the name of the WebLogic Server installer, and full_path is the full pathname of the file.

      If installing WebLogic Server from the CD-ROM:

    3. Insert the WebLogic Server CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.

    4. Go to the CD-ROM directory.

    5. Invoke the installation procedure by entering the following command, making sure to specify the full pathname of the file:

      java -cp install -f full_path/

      where filename is the name of the WebLogic Server installer specific to your platform, and full_path is the full pathname of the file.

  5. To verify that the software installed successfully, see Performing Post-Installation Tasks.

Windows Template File

This sample Windows template file applies to silent installation of WebLogic Server 6.0 with no Service Packs applied, WebLogic Server 6.0 with Service Packs already applied, and WebLogic Server 6.0 Service Packs.


### Silent Installation Properties File




### Locale




### BEA Home Directory

### NOTE: backslashes must be escaped.




### Product Installation Directory




### Default Domain




### Default Server




### Default Listen Port




### Default SSL Listen Port




### Install WebLogic Server as a Windows Service





### System Password




### Default Install Set
### Valid Values: ServerExample, ServerOnly



UNIX Template File

This sample UNIX template file applies to silent installation of WebLogic Server 6.0 with no Service Packs applied, WebLogic Server 6.0 with Service Packs already applied, and WebLogic Server 6.0 Service Packs.


### Silent Installation Properties File




### Locale




### BEA Home Directory




### Product Installation Directory




### Default Domain




### Default Server




### Default Listen Port




### Default SSL Listen Port




### System Password




### Default Install Set
### Valid Values: ServerExample, ServerOnly



What's Next?

To learn more about WebLogic Server 6.0, view the following files:

To verify that your software is installed correctly, and to start the default server and console, see Performing Post-Installation Tasks.


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