BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.0sp2 API Reference

Uses of Class

Packages that use MarkupElement
weblogic.html The HtmlKona package is deprecated. 

Uses of MarkupElement in weblogic.html

Subclasses of MarkupElement in weblogic.html
 class AlignType
 class AnchorType
 class BorderstyleType
 class ClearType
 class FieldType
 class FrameType
 class MediaType
 class MimeType
 class RulesType
 class ScrollType
 class SpacerType
 class TextAlignType
 class WindowName
 class WrapType

Fields in weblogic.html declared as MarkupElement
static MarkupElement MarkupElement.Break
          Deprecated. Use with an addElement() method.
static MarkupElement MarkupElement.CR
          Deprecated. Use with an addElement() method.
static MarkupElement MarkupElement.HorizontalLine
          Deprecated. Use with an addElement() method.
static MarkupElement MarkupElement.HorizontalRule
          Deprecated. Use with an addElement() method.
static MarkupElement MarkupElement.NoBreak
          Deprecated. Use with an addElement() method.
static MarkupElement MarkupElement.WordBreak
          Deprecated. Use with an addElement() method.
static MarkupElement MarkupElement.BeginAddress
          Deprecated. Use with an addElement() method.
static MarkupElement MarkupElement.EndAddress
          Deprecated. Use with an addElement() method.
static MarkupElement MarkupElement.BeginBlockquote
          Deprecated. Use with an addElement() method.
static MarkupElement MarkupElement.EndBlockquote
          Deprecated. Use with an addElement() method.
static MarkupElement MarkupElement.BeginBold
          Deprecated. Use with an addElement() method.
static MarkupElement MarkupElement.EndBold
          Deprecated. Use with an addElement() method.
static MarkupElement MarkupElement.BeginBody
          Deprecated. Use with an addElement() method.
static MarkupElement MarkupElement.EndBody
          Deprecated. Use with an addElement() method.
static MarkupElement MarkupElement.BeginCenter
          Deprecated. Use with an addElement() method.
static MarkupElement MarkupElement.EndCenter
          Deprecated. Use with an addElement() method.
static MarkupElement MarkupElement.BeginComment
          Deprecated. Use with an addElement() method.
static MarkupElement MarkupElement.EndComment
          Deprecated. Use with an addElement() method.
static MarkupElement MarkupElement.BeginDiv
          Deprecated. Use with an addElement() method.
static MarkupElement MarkupElement.EndDiv
          Deprecated. Use with an addElement() method.
static MarkupElement MarkupElement.BeginHtml
          Deprecated. Use with an addElement() method.
static MarkupElement MarkupElement.EndHtml
          Deprecated. Use with an addElement() method.
static MarkupElement MarkupElement.BeginItalic
          Deprecated. Use with an addElement() method.
static MarkupElement MarkupElement.EndItalic
          Deprecated. Use with an addElement() method.
static MarkupElement MarkupElement.BeginLiteral
          Deprecated. Use with an addElement() method.
static MarkupElement MarkupElement.EndLiteral
          Deprecated. Use with an addElement() method.
static MarkupElement MarkupElement.BeginParagraph
          Deprecated. Use with an addElement() method.
static MarkupElement MarkupElement.EndParagraph
          Deprecated. Use with an addElement() method.
static MarkupElement MarkupElement.BeginTitle
          Deprecated. Use with an addElement() method.
static MarkupElement MarkupElement.EndTitle
          Deprecated. Use with an addElement() method.
static MarkupElement MarkupElement.EndFont
          Deprecated. Use with an addElement() method with BeginFont().

Methods in weblogic.html that return MarkupElement
static MarkupElement MarkupElement.BeginFont(int val)
          Deprecated. Increases or decreases the font size.
static MarkupElement MarkupElement.BeginFontSize(int val)
          Deprecated. Sets the font size to the specified integer.
static MarkupElement MarkupElement.BeginFontFace(java.lang.String face)
          Deprecated. Sets a font face.
static MarkupElement MarkupElement.BeginHeader(int val)
          Deprecated. Sets a heading size.
static MarkupElement MarkupElement.EndHeader(int val)
          Deprecated. Ends a heading container.
 MarkupElement MarkupElement.setContents(java.lang.String val)

Documentation is available at