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General Bridge Destination


For non-JMS messaging products, you need to configure a generic BridgeDestination instance for each source and target destination to be mapped by a messaging bridge.

Note: Although WebLogic JMS includes a provisional General Bridge Destination framework for accessing non-JMS messaging products, WebLogic Server does not provide supported adapters for such products. Therefore, you must obtain a custom adapter from a third-party OEM vendor and consult their documentation for configuration instructions. You could also contact BEA Professional Services more information about obtaining a custom non-JMS adapter.


Creating a General Bridge Destination

  1. Expand the Messaging Bridge node.

  2. Click the General Bridge Destinations node to open the General Bridge Destinations tab in the right pane.

  3. In the right pane, click the Configure a New General Bridge Destination link. A Configuration dialog shows the tabs associated with configuring a new general bridge destination.

  4. On the Configuration General tab, enter values in the Name, Adapter JNDI Name, Adapter Class Path, and Properties attribute fields. For more information about these general attributes, see Configuration.

  5. Optionally, fill out the User Name and User Password attributes. For more information about these attributes, see Configuration.

    Note: All operations done to the specified destination are done using that user name and password. Therefore, the User Name/Password for the source and target destinations must have permission to access the underlying destinations in order for the messaging bridge to work.

  6. Click Create to create an instance the general bridge destination with the name you specified in the Name field. The new instance is added under the General Bridge Destination node in the left pane.

  7. When you finish defining attributes for a source general bridge destination, repeat these steps to configure a target general bridge destination, or vice versa.

For what's next in configuring a messaging bridge, see Messaging Bridge.


Cloning a General Bridge Destination

  1. Expand the Messaging Bridge node and the General Bridge Destinations node.

  2. The General Bridge Destinations table displays in the right pane showing all the general bridge destination instances.

  3. Click the Clone icon in the row of the general bridge destination that you want to clone. A dialog shows the tabs associated with cloning a general bridge destination.

  4. Enter values in the attribute fields.

  5. Click Clone to create a general bridge destination with the name you specified in the Name field. The general bridge destination is added to the General Bridge Destination table in the right pane.


Deleting a General Bridge Destination

  1. Expand the Messaging Bridge node and the General Bridge Destinations node.

  2. The General Bridge Destinations table displays in the right pane showing all the general bridge destination instances.

  3. Click the Delete icon in the row of the general bridge destination instance that you want to delete. A dialog prompts you to confirm your deletion request.

  4. Click Yes to delete the general bridge destination, and then click Continue to redisplay the General Bridge Destinations table in the right pane. The general bridge destination is deleted from the General Bridge Destinations table.


Adding a Note to a General Bridge Destination

  1. Expand the Message Bridge node to expand it.

  2. Click the General Bridge Destinations node to expand it and show the list of general bridge destinations defined in your domain.

  3. Click the general bridge destination that you want to add a note to. A dialog shows the tabs associated with the general bridge destination instance.

  4. Click the Notes tab. Type a note in the Notes field.

  5. Click Apply to save your changes.






Range of Values

Default Value


A bridge destination name that is unique across a WebLogic domain. For the source destination, you may want to change the default name to "Source Bridge Destination". For the target, use something like "Target Bridge Destination". Once configured, these names are listed as options in the Source Destination and Target Destination attributes on the Bridges --> General tab.

This attribute is not dynamically configurable.

Java identifier, unique within specific domain.

MyGeneral Bridge Destination

Adapter JNDI Name

A bridge destination must supply the JNDI name of the adapter used to communicate with the specified destination.

WebLogic Server does not provide adapters for non-JMS messaging products. Therefore, you must use a specialized adapter from a third-party OEM vendor or contact BEA Professional services.

This attribute is dynamically configurable.

Java identifier, unique within JNDI namespace


Adapter Classpath

The CLASSPATH of the bridge destination, which is mainly used to connect to a different release of WebLogic JMS.

When connecting to a destination that is running on WebLogic Server 6.0 or earlier, the bridge destination must supply a CLASSPATH that indicates the locations of the classes for the earlier WebLogic Server implementation.

When connecting to a third-party messaging product, you must supply the product's CLASSPATH in the WebLogic Server CLASSPATH.

This attribute is dynamically configurable.

The value must be an alphanumeric string.



Specifies all the properties defined for the bridge destination. Each property must be separated by a semicolon (for example, DestinationJNDIName=myTopic;DestinationType=topic;).

For non-JMS messaging products that use adapters provided by a third-party OEM vendor, you should consult the vendor's documentation for property configuration instructions.

The following properties are required for all JMS implementations:

ConnectionURL - URL used to establish a connection to the destination.

InitialContextFactory - Factory used to get the JNDI context.

ConnectionFactoryJNDIName - the JMS connection factory used to create a connection.

DestinationJNDIName - JNDI name of the JMS destination.

DestinationType - Queue or Topic.

This attribute is dynamically configurable.

The value must be an alphanumeric string proceeded by the following property identifiers:







User Name

The optional user name that the messaging bridge will give to the bridge adapter.

Note: All operations done to the specified destination are done using the User Name and User Password. Therefore, the User Name/Password for the source and target bridge destinations must have permission to access the underlying source and target destinations in order for the messaging bridge to work.

This attribute is dynamically configurable.

The value must be an alphanumeric string.


User Password

The password that the messaging bridge will give to the bridge adapter.

This attribute is dynamically configurable.

The value must be an alphanumeric string.





Range of Values

Default Value


This attribute provides a space for user-supplied information.

The value must be an alphanumeric string.



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