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EJB Component


The following sections describe how to use the Administration Console to set the attributes for installing or configuring new EJBs. Read about EJBs in Programming WebLogic Enterprise Java Beans.


Install a New EJB

  1. Expand the Deployments node in the left pane.

  2. Double-click EJB. The EJB Deployments table displays in the right pane showing all the deployed EJBs.

  3. Click Install a new EJB to install a new EJB on the server. The Upload and Install and Application dialog shows in the right pane.

  4. Enter the path of the . jar file in the text-entry field, or click the Browse button to browse your file system and choose the .jar file you want to install.

  5. Click Upload to install the .jar file. The new EJB is added under EJB in the left pane.


Configure a New EJB

  1. Expand the Deployments node in the left pane.

  2. Double-click EJB. The EJB Deployments table displays in the right pane showing all the deployed EJBs.

  3. Click Configure a new EJB to create a new component. The EJBComponent pane, where you configure the new EJB displays in the left pane.

  4. On the General tab in the EJBComponent pane:

    1. Enter the name of the EJB component in the Name field.

    2. Enter the path you want to use for this component and the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) in the Path URI field.

    3. Enter the order in which you want to deploy the component to the server in the Deployment Order field.

    4. Click the Deployed checkbox to set the deployment status for the component.

  5. To configure the compiler options, on the EJBC options tab in the EJBComponent pane:.

    1. Enter the Java compiler to be used in the Java Compiler field.

    2. Enter the path where the generated files will be stored in the Tmp Path field.

    3. Enter any rmic options in the Extra Rmic Options field.

    4. Click the Keep Generated Source Files checkbox to choose to keep the generated source files.

  6. Click Create to create the component.




Range of Values

Default Value


This attribute returns the name of the EJB component.

The name can be up to 256 alphanumeric characters, but may not contain commas or spaces.



This attribute returns the URL of this EJB component.

Valid URL



This attribute returns the name of the application.



Number of Instances

This attribute returns the number of instances of this EJB component.



Java Compiler

This attribute sets the java compiler to be used for this component.

Valid java compiler


Tmp Path

This attribute sets the path where the generated files are stored by ejbc.



Extra RMIC Options

This attribute allows the user to set rmic options.



Keep Generated Sources

This attribute enables or disables the ability to keep generated source files.


Selected = enabled

Not Selected = not enabled

Not Selected

Path URI

This attribute allows the user to set the path for this component and the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that points to the application component.

The path can be a directory name for a component in exploded directory format or an EAR file.




This attribute allows the user to set the deployment status for a component.


Deployed = selected

Undeployed = not selected


Deployment Order

This attribute allows the user to set the order in which the component is deployed to the server.





Range of Values

Default Value

Target Servers

This attribute allows the user to select servers on which this ejb will be deployed.


None Selected

Target Clusters

This attribute allows the user to select clusters on which this ejb will be deployed.


None Selected




Range of Values

Default Value


This attribute provides a space for user supplied information.

The value must be an alphanumeric string.


Read about EJBs in Programming WebLogic Enterprise Java Beans.


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