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JMS Queue



Create a JMS Queue

  1. Click to expand the JMS node.

  2. Click to expand the JMS Servers node.

  3. Click to expand a server instance under JMS Servers.

  4. Click the Destinations node. The JMS Destinations table displays in the right pane showing all the JMS queue and topic destinations.

  5. Click the Configure a new JMS Queue text link. A dialog displays in the right pane showing the tabs associated with configuring a new destination queue.

  6. Enter values in the attribute fields.

  7. Click Create to create a destination queue instance with the name you specified in the Name field. The new instance is added under the Destinations node in the left pane.


Clone a JMS Queue

  1. Click to expand the JMS node.

  2. Click to expand the JMS Servers node.

  3. Click to expand a server instance under JMS Servers.

  4. Click the Destinations node. The Destinations table displays in the right pane showing all the destinations.

  5. Click the Clone icon in the row of the destination topic you want to clone. A dialog displays in the right pane showing the tabs associated with cloning a destination queue.

  6. Enter values in the attribute fields.

  7. Click Create to create a destination queue instance with the name you specified in the Name field. The new instance is added under the Destinations node in the left pane.


Delete a JMS Queue

  1. Click to expand the JMS node.

  2. Click to expand the JMS Servers node.

  3. Click to expand a server instance under JMS Servers.

  4. Click the Destination node. The JMS Destinations table displays in the right pane showing all the session pools.

  5. Click the Delete icon in the row of the destination queue you want to delete. A dialog displays in the right pane prompting you to confirm your deletion request.

  6. Click Yes to delete the destination queue. The topic icon under the Destinations node is deleted.


Monitor All Active JMS Destinations

See "Monitor All Active JMS Destinations" in the JMS Server online help for more information.






Range of Values

Default Value


Name of the queue. The JNDI name is configured separately.

This attribute is not dynamically configurable.

Java identifier, unique within the JMSServer



Name used to look up the destination within the JNDI namespace. The destination name is configured separately. If not specified, the destination name is not advertised through the JNDI namespace.

This attribute is not dynamically configurable.

Java identifier, unique within the JNDI namespace scope


Enable Store

Flag specifying whether or not the queue uses the persistent store specified by the JMS server.

  • If this flag is enabled, but no persistent store is defined for the JMS Server, then the configuration fails and WebLogic JMS does not boot.

  • If this flag is disabled, then the queue does not support persistent messages.

  • If this flag is set to Default, then the queue uses the persistent store—if one is defined for the JMS server—and supports persistent messaging.

This attribute is not dynamically configurable.

false, true, default



The JMS template from which the queue is derived. If this attribute is not defined, then the attributes for the queue must be specified as part of the destination.

The Template attribute setting per destination is static. The template attributes, however, can be modified dynamically.

Existing JMS template name or none


Destination Keys

This attribute provides a list of potential destination keys for sorting the messages that arrive on the queue. They are ordered from most significant to least significant. A key that is based on JMSMessageID can only be the last key.

Note: If JMSMessageID is not defined in the key, it is implicitly assumed to be the last key and set as "Ascending" (FIFO) for the sort order.



Thresholds & Quotas



Range of Values

Default Value

Bytes Maximum

Maximum number of bytes that may be stored in the destination. A value of -1 specifies that there is no limit on the number of bytes that can be stored in the destination.

This attribute is dynamically configurable, but only incoming messages are impacted; stored messages are not impacted.

-1, 0 through 263 - 1,
Less than or equal to Bytes Threshold High


Bytes Threshold High

Upper threshold value based on the number of bytes stored in the destination.

If the number of bytes exceeds this threshold—and if bytes paging is enabled and a paging store has been configured for the JMS Server—then destination-level bytes paging is started, and a message is logged on the server indicating a high threshold condition. A value of -1 specifies that destination bytes paging and threshold log messages are disabled for the destination.

This attribute is dynamically configurable, but only incoming messages are impacted; stored messages are not impacted.

Note: Bytes paging cannot be dynamically disabled by resetting the Bytes High Threshold to -1. To disable paging, you could set the Bytes High Threshold to a very large number (max is 263-1), so that paging would not be triggered.

-1, 0 through 263 - 1,
Less than or equal to Bytes Maximum,
>Bytes Threshold Low


Bytes Threshold Low

Lower threshold value based on the number of bytes stored in the destination.

If the number of bytes falls below this threshold, then destination-level bytes paging is stopped (if paging is occurring), and a message is logged on the server indicating that the threshold condition has cleared. A value of -1 specifies that destination bytes paging and threshold log messages are disabled for the destination.

This attribute is dynamically configurable, but only incoming messages are impacted; stored messages are not impacted.

-1, 0 through 263 - 1,
<Bytes Threshold High


Bytes Paging Enabled

Flag for specifying whether or not bytes paging is enabled on the destination.

  • If this attribute is set to False, then destination-level byte paging is explicitly disabled for this destination.

  • If this attribute is set to True, a paging store has been configured for the JMS Server, and both the Bytes Threshold Low and Bytes Threshold High attribute values are greater than -1, then destination-level bytes paging is enabled for this destination.

  • If this attribute is set to Default, then this value inherits the JMS template's value—if a JMS template is specified. If no template is configured for the destination, then the Default value is equivalent to False.

Note: If server-level bytes paging is enabled, and destination-level paging is disabled for a given destination, than messages on the destination can still be paged if server-level paging is started. However, when destination-level paging is disabled for a given destination, then the destination-level high thresholds will not force the destination to page out messages when they are exceeded.



Messages Maximum

Maximum number of messages that may be stored in the destination. A value of -1 specifies that there is no limit on the number of messages that can be stored in the destination.

This attribute is dynamically configurable, but only incoming messages are impacted; stored messages are not impacted.

-1, 0 through 263 - 1,
Less than or equal to Bytes Threshold High


Messages Threshold High

Upper threshold value based on the number of messages stored in the destination.

If the number of messages exceeds this threshold—and if messages paging is enabled and a paging store has been configured for the JMS Server—then destination-level paging is started, and a message is logged on the server indicating a high threshold condition. A value of -1 specifies that destination messages paging and threshold log messages are disabled for the destination.

This attribute is dynamically configurable, but only incoming messages are impacted; stored messages are not impacted.

Note: Messages paging cannot be dynamically disabled by resetting the Messages High Threshold to -1. To disable paging, you could set the Messages High Threshold to a very large number (max is 263 -1), so that paging would not be triggered.

-1, 0 through 263 - 1,
Less than or equal to Messages Maximum,
>Messages Threshold Low


Messages Threshold Low

Lower threshold value based on the number of messages stored in the destination.

If the number of messages falls below this threshold, then destination-level messages paging is stopped (if paging is occurring) and a message is logged on server, indicating that the threshold condition has cleared. A value of -1 specifies that destination messaes paging and threshold log messages are disabled for the destination.

This attribute is dynamically configurable, but only incoming messages are impacted; stored messages are not impacted.

-1, 0 through 263 - 1,
<Messages Threshold High


Messages Paging Enabled

Flag for specifying whether or not messages paging is enabled on the destination.

  • If this attribute is set to False, then destination-level message paging is explicitly disabled for this destination.

  • If this attribute is set to True, a paging store has been configured for the JMS Server, and both the Message Threshold Low and Message Threshold High attribute values are greater than -1, then destination-level messages paging is enabled for this destination.

  • If this attribute is set to Default, then this value inherits the JMS template's value—if a JMS template is specified. If no template is configured for the destination, then the Default value is equivalent to False.

Note: If server-level messages paging is enabled, and destination-level paging is disabled for a given destination, than messages on the destination can still be paged if server-level paging is started. However, when destination-level paging is disabled for a given destination, then the destination-level high thresholds will not force the destination to page out messages when they are exceeded.






Range of Values

Default Value

Priority Override

Priority assigned to all messages that arrive at the destination, regardless of the priority specified by the message producer.

The default value (-1) specifies that the destination will not override the Priority setting.

This attribute is dynamically configurable, but only incoming messages are impacted; stored messages are not impacted.

-1, 0 through 9


Time To Live Override

Time-to-live assigned to all messages that arrive at the destination, regardless of the time-to-live specified by the message producer.

The default value (-1) specifies that the destination will not override the Time To Live setting.

This attribute is dynamically configurable, but only incoming messages are impacted; stored messages are not impacted.

-1, 0 through 263 - 1


Time To Deliver Override

Defines the default delay, in milliseconds, between when a message is produced and when it is made visible on its destination, regardless of the delivery time specified by the producer and/or connection factory.

The default value (-1) specifies that the destination will not override the Time To Deliver setting.

This attribute is dynamically configurable, but only incoming messages are impacted; stored messages are not impacted.

-1, 0 through 263 - 1,
or string syntax for a delivery schedule


Delivery Mode Override

Delivery mode assigned to all messages that arrive at the destination regardless of the delivery mode specified by the message producer.

The default No-Delivery value specifies that the delivery mode will not be overridden.

This attribute is dynamically configurable, but only incoming messages are impacted; stored messages are not impacted.

Persistent, Non-Persistent, or No-Delivery




Monitor All Active JMS Destinations



Range of Values

Default Value


Destination name.



Associated server name.



Current number of registered message consumers.


Consumers High

Greatest number of registered message consumers at any given time.


Consumers Total

Total number of registered message consumers.


Bytes Current

Current number of bytes stored.


Bytes Pending

Number of unacknowledged and uncommitted transactional bytes stored.


Bytes Received

Number of bytes received.


Bytes Threshold Time

Amount of time that the destination has spent in a bytes threshold condition since the last time the server was booted.



Current number of messages stored at this destination.


Messages High

Greatest number of messages stored at any given time.


Messages Pending

Number of unacknowledged and uncommitted transactional messages stored.


Messages Received

Number of messages received.


Messages Threshold Time

Amount of time that the destination spent in a message threshold condition.


For additional information about monitoring JMS Queues, please see Monitor All Active JMS Services.





Range of Values

Default Value


This attribute provides a space for user-supplied information.

The value must be an alphanumeric string.



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