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Stateless EJB Runtime


You can monitor stateless session EJBs using the following statistics:



Idle Beans Count

Reports the number of idle beans in the free pool that are available for use.

Beans In Use Count

Reports the number of beans currently in use from the free pool. This information is useful for tracking demand for your EJB. For example, this can be important when investigating an abnormal pool miss ratio.

The beans-in-use number may slightly exceed the beans-in-cache number in certain situations. WebLogic Server uses anonymous instances to execute finder and home methods. These anonymous instances would cause the beans-in-use count to go up while not changing the beans-in-cache count. However, the difference between these numbers should be relatively small.

Waiter Total Count

Reports the number of times a thread requested and had to wait for a bean from the pool.

Timeout Total Count

Reports the total number of transactions that have timed out. Every EJB request uses valuable server resources such as threads and bean instances.

A timed out transaction means that server resources were tied up in vain, suggesting a problem with the application.

Transactions Committed Total Count

Reports the number of transactions that committed.

Transactions Rolled Back Total Count

Reports the number of transactions rolled back.

Use this to calculate the transaction rollback ratio, which is the ratio of transactions that have rolled back to the number of total transactions involving the EJB:

Transaction Rollback Ratio = (Transaction 
Total Rollback Count / Transaction Total 
Count) * 100 

This information is useful for several reasons. First, it may be useful for signaling a problem with an application. For example, an unexpectedly high rollback ratio may be caused by a problem with a resource used by the application.

You can also use it to gauge the efficiency of an application. A high transaction rollback ratio may mean that a lot of work is being done only to eventually be rolled back, which is inefficient.

Transactions Timed Out Total Count

Reports the number of transactions that timed out.

Use this to calculate the transaction timeout ratio, which is the ratio of transactions that have timed out to the total number of transactions involving an EJB:

Transaction Timeout Ratio = (Transaction 
Total Timeout Count / Transaction Total 
Count) * 100

Timeouts can signal application inefficiency.

Every EJB request uses valuable server resources such as threads and bean instances. A timed out transaction means that server resources were tied up in vain. The transaction timeout ratio is a good indicator of a problem with an application.



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