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XML Registry Entry






Range of Values

Default Value

Public Id

This attribute is used to define the public ID of either the entity to be resolved or the document type definition (DTD) file to be used to parse the document.


System Id

This attribute is used to define the system ID of either the entity to be resolved or the document type definition (DTD) file to be used to parse the document


Root Element Tag

This attribute is used to define the root of the document to be parsed.

Entity Path

This attribute is used to define the path of the file containing the external entity. The path is relative to the registry's entity directory.


Parser Class Name

This attribute is used to define a DOM parser or a SAX parser to be used to parse a document using the DTD defined in the Entity Path attribute. If you are using a custom-generated parser, this attribute is used to define the generated parser.

For a particular DTD (or, in the case of a custom-generated parser, a particular application), this attribute overrides the default DOM or SAX parser that is specified using the DocumentBuiderFactory and SAX Parser Factory attributes in the XML Registry dialog Configuration tab.

Valid class name





Range of Values

Default Value


This attribute provides space for optional user-supplied information.

This attribute value must be an alphanumeric string.



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