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  WebLogic Server Doc Home   |     WebLogic jCOM Reference Guide   |   Previous Topic   |   Next Topic   |   Contents   |   View as PDF

Java Properties in jCOM.jar


The following table documents the properties which can be set for the jcom.jar:

jCOM Property



TCP/IP Connections have TCP_NODELAY set when running in DCOM mode. See the standard Java API documentation for an explanation of what this actually does.


Specifies the TCP/IP port jCOM uses to receive incoming DCOM requests (actually uses two ports).


Sets the COM mode to be used when WebLogic jCOM initialises COM for new threads using CoInitializeEx.


This causes any incoming connections which have not been used for specified number of milliseconds to disconnect.


This causes any outgoing connections (connections initiated by the WebLogic jCOM runtime) which have not been used for specified number of milliseconds to disconnect.


Normally when running in DCOM mode theWebLogic jCOM runtime includes all the IP addresses for the local machine in DCOM object references to Java objects that it passes over to COM. Setting this property limits the IP address to that specified (also uses RMI_LOCAL_HOST but com.bea.jcom.server overrides it).


See the Multi-Threading section of the WebLogic jCOM documentation.


Tells theWebLogic jCOM runtime to run in Native mode (the value associated with the property is ignored).


Tells the WebLogic jCOM runtime to not use the COM Global Interface Table construct when running in in native mode. Setting this property means that WebLogic jCOM stores object reference pointers directly, instead of GIT cookies, which in turn means that you may have problems passing object references between threads.


Set this property to the name of a NT server machine that WebLogic jCOM can talk to to authenticate incoming DCOM calls. See the Security section of the WebLogic jCOM reference guide.


Tells the WebLogic jCOM runtime what local port to try to use when opening DCOM connections to COM servers -- if the specified port is already in use, it tries the next one up, until it reaches JCOM_LOCAL_PORT_END.


Tells the WebLogic jCOM runtime the upper limit to use for local ports to use when opening DCOM connections to COM servers (see JCOM_LOCAL_PORT_START).


Used when the proxies generated by java2com have been put into a specific package (using an undocumented mechanism).


WebLogic jCOM will let peer close sockets when running in DCOM mode.


Sets the name that an NT machine will see as the client's workstation name when the client is running in DCOM mode, using AuthInfo.setDefault(...), or AuthInfo.setThreadDefault(...)


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