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Session Descriptor --> Configuration

Tasks     Additional Documentation     Attributes


Use this tab to configure parameters for HTTP sessions.


Configuring a New Web Application or Web Service

Using the Web Application Deployment Descriptor Editor

Additional Documentation

(Requires an Internet connection.)

web.xml Deployment Descriptor Elements


Attribute Label


Value Constraints

URLRewriting Enabled

Enables URL rewriting, which encodes the session ID into the URL and provides session tracking if cookies are disabled in the browser.

Attribute: URLRewritingEnabled

Readable: yes

Writable: yes


The size of the session ID. The minimum value is 8 bytes and the maximum value is Integer.MAX_VALUE. If you are writing a WAP application, you must use URL rewriting because the WAP protocol does not support cookies. Also, some WAP devices have a 128-character limit on URL length (including parameters), which limits the amount of data that can be transmitted using URL re-writing. To allow more space for parameters, use this parameter to limit the size of the session ID that is randomly generated by WebLogic Server.

Attribute: IDLength

Default: "52"

Readable: yes

Writable: yes

Cookie Comment

Specifies the comment that identifies the session tracking cookie in the cookie file. If unset, this parameter defaults to WebLogic Session Tracking Cookie. You may provide a more specific name for your application.

Attribute: CookieComment

Readable: yes

Writable: yes

Cookie Domain

Specifies the domain for which the cookie is valid. For example, setting CookieDomain to returns cookies to any server in the domain. The domain name must have at least two components. Setting a name to com or net is not valid. If unset, this parameter defaults to the server that issued the cookie.

Attribute: CookieDomain

Readable: yes

Writable: yes

Cookie Max Age Secs

The life span of the session cookie, in seconds, after which it expires on the client. If the value is 0, the cookie expires immediately. The maximum value is Integer.MAX_VALUE, where the cookie lasts forever. If set to -1, the cookie expires when the user exits the browser.

Attribute: CookieMaxAgeSecs

Default: -1

Readable: yes

Writable: yes

Cookie Name

Defines the session cookie name. Defaults to JSESSIONID if unset. You may set this to a more specific name for your application.

Attribute: CookieName

Readable: yes

Writable: yes

Cookie Path

Specifies the pathname to which the browser sends cookies. If unset, this parameter defaults to / (slash), where the browser sends cookies to all URLs served by WebLogic Server. You may set the path to a narrower mapping, to limit the request URLs to which the browser sends cookies.

Attribute: CookiePath

Readable: yes

Writable: yes

Invalidation Interval Secs

The time, in seconds, that WebLogic Server waits between doing house-cleaning checks for timed-out and invalid sessions, and deleting the old sessions and freeing up memory. Use this parameter to tune WebLogic Server for best performance on high traffic sites. The minimum value is every second (1). The maximum value is once a week (604,800 seconds). If unset, the parameter defaults to 60 seconds.

Attribute: InvalidationIntervalSecs

Default: 60

Readable: yes

Writable: yes

JDBCConnection Timeout Secs

The time, in seconds, that WebLogic Server waits before timing out a JDBC connection, where x is the number of seconds between.

Attribute: JDBCConnectionTimeoutSecs

Default: 120

Readable: yes

Writable: yes

Persistent Store Cookie Name

The name of the cookie used for cookie-based persistence.

Attribute: PersistentStoreCookieName

Readable: yes

Writable: yes

Persistent Store Dir

The directory path where WebLogic Server will store the sessions. The directory path is either relative to the temp directory or an absolute path. The temp directory is either a generated directory under the WEB-INF directory of the Web Application, or a directory specified by the context-param javax.servlet.context.tmpdir. Ensure that you have enough disk space to store the number of valid sessions multiplied by the size of each session. You can find the size of a session by looking at the files created in the PersistentStoreDir. Note that the size of each session can vary as the size of serialized session data changes. You can make file-persistent sessions clusterable by making this directory a shared directory among different servers. You must create this directory manually.

Attribute: PersistentStoreDir

Readable: yes

Writable: yes

Persistent Store Pool

Specifies the name of a JDBC connection pool to be used for persistence storage.

Attribute: PersistentStorePool

Readable: yes

Writable: yes

Persistent Store Type

The persistent store method to one of the following options: memory: Disables persistent session storage. file: Uses file-based persistence. jdbc: Uses a database to store persistent sessions. replicated: Same as memory, but session data is replicated across the clustered servers. cookie: All session data is stored in a cookie in the user's browser.

Attribute: PersistentStoreType

Default: "memory"

Valid values:

  • "memory"

  • "file"

  • "replicated"

  • "jdbc"

  • "cookie"

Readable: yes

Writable: yes

Persistent Store Table

Applicable only when PersistentStoreType is set to JDBC. This is used when you want to use a table name in the Database other than the Default table name.

Attribute: PersistentStoreTable

Readable: yes

Writable: yes

Cookies Enabled

Use of session cookies is enabled by default and is recommended, but you can disable them by setting this property to false.

Attribute: CookiesEnabled

Readable: yes

Writable: yes

Tracking Enabled

Tells the webapp container whether to keep track of sessions between
requests. The webapp container normally keeps track of the
sessions between request using one of two mechanisms:

1. Using session cookie (see param CookieName - defaults to JSESSIONID)
2. URL Encoding (see ServletResponse.encodeURL)

If TrackingEnabled is set to false then the container does not set the session
tracking cookie in the response and ignores the incoming session tracking
cookie with the request. It does not encode the url.

Attribute: TrackingEnabled

Readable: yes

Writable: yes

Timeout Secs

The time, in seconds, that WebLogic Server waits before timing out a session, where x is the number of seconds between a session's activity. Minimum value is 1, default is 3600, and maximum value is integer MAX_VALUE.

Attribute: TimeoutSecs

Default: 3600

Readable: yes

Writable: yes

Console Main Attribute

If you enable Session Monitoring in the WebLogic Server Administration Console, set this parameter to the name of the session parameter you will use to identify each session that is monitored. For more information, see Monitoring a WebLogic Domain.

Attribute: ConsoleMainAttribute

Readable: yes

Writable: yes


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