BEA Systems, Inc.
Interface ProviderMBean

All Known Subinterfaces:
ActiveDirectoryAuthenticatorMBean, AdjudicatorMBean, AuditorMBean, AuthenticationProviderMBean, AuthenticatorMBean, AuthorizerMBean, CredentialMapperMBean, DefaultAdjudicatorMBean, DefaultAuditorMBean, DefaultAuthenticatorMBean, DefaultAuthorizerMBean, DefaultCredentialMapperMBean, DefaultIdentityAsserterMBean, DefaultKeyStoreMBean, DefaultRoleMapperMBean, DeployableAuthorizerMBean, DeployableCredentialMapperMBean, DeployableRoleMapperMBean, IdentityAsserterMBean, IPlanetAuthenticatorMBean, KeyStoreMBean, LDAPAuthenticatorMBean, LDAPX509IdentityAsserterMBean, NovellAuthenticatorMBean, OpenLDAPAuthenticatorMBean, RealmAdapterAdjudicatorMBean, RealmAdapterAuditorMBean, RealmAdapterAuthenticatorMBean, RealmAdapterAuthorizerMBean, RoleMapperMBean

public interface ProviderMBean

The base MBean for all security providers.

It includes attributes common to all security providers. Every security provider must implement an MBean that extends this MBean.

If the security provider supports management methods, the management methods cannot be called until the validate method of realm in which the security provider is configured successfully returns. That is, the administrator must completely configure the realm before using the management methods (for example, adding a user).

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getDescription()
          Describes this security provider.
 java.lang.String getProviderClassName()
          The name of the Java class used to load the security provider.
 RealmMBean getRealm()
          The realm that contains this security provider.
 java.lang.String getVersion()
          this security provider's version.
 void setRealm(RealmMBean newValue)
          The realm that contains this security provider.
Methods inherited from interface
wls_getAttributeTag, wls_getConstructorTag, wls_getDisplayName, wls_getInterfaceClassName, wls_getMBeanTag, wls_getNotificationTag, wls_getObjectName, wls_getOperationTag

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getProviderClassName()
The name of the Java class used to load the security provider.

Each security provider must implement a runtime class (eg. com.acme.MyAuthenticationProviderImpl) which extends provider type specific interface in (eg. The security provider must also implement an mbean which ultimately extends this mbean. The security provider's mbean must set the default value of this read-only attribute the fully qualified classname of the security provider's runtime class (eg. com.acme.MyAuthenticationProviderImpl). In other words, the security provider's mbean hard-wires the name of its runtime class.


public java.lang.String getDescription()
Describes this security provider.

Each security provider's mbean should set the default value of this read-only attribute to a string that describes the provider. In other words, each security provider's mbean hard-wires its description. There are no conventions on the contents of the description. It should be a human readable string that gives a brief description of the security provider.


public java.lang.String getVersion()
this security provider's version.

Each security provider's mbean should set the default value of this read-only attribute to a string that specifies the version of the provider (eg. 7.3.04). In other words, each security provider's mbean hard-wires its version. There are no conventions on the contents of the version string.


public RealmMBean getRealm()
The realm that contains this security provider.

Each security provider mbean instance may only be used by one security realm mbean. That is, security providers are scoped within a realm. The realm has attributes that return its providers (eg. Authorizers). Similarly, each provider uses this attribute to refer back to its realm.

Whoever adds a security provider to a realm must also set this attribute to make the provider refer to its realm.


public void setRealm(RealmMBean newValue)
The realm that contains this security provider.

Each security provider mbean instance may only be used by one security realm mbean. That is, security providers are scoped within a realm. The realm has attributes that return its providers (eg. Authorizers). Similarly, each provider uses this attribute to refer back to its realm.

Whoever adds a security provider to a realm must also set this attribute to make the provider refer to its realm.

newValue - - new value for attribute Realm
Throws: -  

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WebLogic Server 7.0 API Reference