BEA Systems, Inc.
Interface RealmMBean

public interface RealmMBean

The MBean that represents configuration attributes for the security realm.

A security realm contains a set of security configuration settings, including the list of security providers to use (for example, for authentication and authorization).

Code using security can either use the default security realm for the domain or refer to a particular security realm by name (by using the JMX display name of the security realm).

One security realm in the WebLogic domain must have the DefaultRealm attribute set to true. The security realm with the DefaultRealm attribute set to true is used as the default security realm for the WebLogic domain. Note that other available security realms must have the DefaultRealm attribute set to false.

When WebLogic Server boots, it locates and uses the default security realm. If an applpication specifies a different security realm, then that security realm is used instead. In either case, the security realm is considered active since it is used when WebLogic Server runs. Any security realm that is not used when WebLogic Server runs is considered inactive. All active security realms must be configured before WebLogic Server is boots.

Since security providers are scoped by realm, the Realm attribute on a security provider must be set to the realm that uses the provider.

Method Summary
 AdjudicatorMBean getAdjudicator()
          The Adjudication providers for the security realm in order of invocation.
 AuditorMBean[] getAuditors()
          The Auditing providers for the security realm in order of invocation.
 AuthenticationProviderMBean[] getAuthenticationProviders()
          The Authentication providers for the security realm in order of invocation.
 AuthorizerMBean[] getAuthorizers()
          The Authorization providers for the security realm in order of invocation.
 CredentialMapperMBean[] getCredentialMappers()
          The Credential Mapping providers for the security realm in order of invocation.
 KeyStoreMBean[] getKeyStores()
          The Keystore providers for the security realm in order of invocation.
 RoleMapperMBean[] getRoleMappers()
          The Role Mapping providers for the security realm in order of invocation.
 UserLockoutManagerMBean getUserLockoutManager()
          The user lockout manager for the security realm.
 boolean isDefaultRealm()
          Specifies whether or not this security realm is the Default realm for the WebLogic domain.
 boolean isDeployCredentialMappingIgnored()
          Specifies whether or not credential mapping calls on the Credential Manager are ignored or passed to the configured Credential Mapping provider.
 boolean isDeployPolicyIgnored()
          Specifies whether or not policy calls on the Authorization Manager are ignored or passed to the configured Authorization provider.
 boolean isDeployRoleIgnored()
          Specifies whether or not role calls on the Role Manager are ignored or passed to the configured Role Mapping provider.
 boolean isFullyDelegateAuthorization()
          Specifies whether or not the Web and EJB containers should call the security framework on every access.
 boolean isUseDeprecatedWebResource()
          Beginning in WebLogic Server 7.0 SP1 WebResources have been deprecated and will not be used.
 void setAdjudicator(AdjudicatorMBean newValue)
          The Adjudication providers for the security realm in order of invocation.
 void setAuditors(AuditorMBean[] newValue)
          The Auditing providers for the security realm in order of invocation.
 void setAuthenticationProviders(AuthenticationProviderMBean[] newValue)
          The Authentication providers for the security realm in order of invocation.
 void setAuthorizers(AuthorizerMBean[] newValue)
          The Authorization providers for the security realm in order of invocation.
 void setCredentialMappers(CredentialMapperMBean[] newValue)
          The Credential Mapping providers for the security realm in order of invocation.
 void setDefaultRealm(boolean newValue)
          Specifies whether or not this security realm is the Default realm for the WebLogic domain.
 void setDeployCredentialMappingIgnored(boolean newValue)
          Specifies whether or not credential mapping calls on the Credential Manager are ignored or passed to the configured Credential Mapping provider.
 void setDeployPolicyIgnored(boolean newValue)
          Specifies whether or not policy calls on the Authorization Manager are ignored or passed to the configured Authorization provider.
 void setDeployRoleIgnored(boolean newValue)
          Specifies whether or not role calls on the Role Manager are ignored or passed to the configured Role Mapping provider.
 void setFullyDelegateAuthorization(boolean newValue)
          Specifies whether or not the Web and EJB containers should call the security framework on every access.
 void setKeyStores(KeyStoreMBean[] newValue)
          The Keystore providers for the security realm in order of invocation.
 void setRoleMappers(RoleMapperMBean[] newValue)
          The Role Mapping providers for the security realm in order of invocation.
 void setUseDeprecatedWebResource(boolean newValue)
          Beginning in WebLogic Server 7.0 SP1 WebResources have been deprecated and will not be used.
 void setUserLockoutManager(UserLockoutManagerMBean newValue)
          The user lockout manager for the security realm.
 void validate()
          Checks that the realm is valid.
Methods inherited from interface
wls_getAttributeTag, wls_getConstructorTag, wls_getDisplayName, wls_getInterfaceClassName, wls_getMBeanTag, wls_getNotificationTag, wls_getObjectName, wls_getOperationTag

Method Detail


public AuthenticationProviderMBean[] getAuthenticationProviders()
The Authentication providers for the security realm in order of invocation. Authentication providers can either be a WebLogic Authentication provider or a Custom Authentication provider. The active security realm must have at least one defined Authentication provider.


public void setAuthenticationProviders(AuthenticationProviderMBean[] newValue)
The Authentication providers for the security realm in order of invocation. Authentication providers can either be a WebLogic Authentication provider or a Custom Authentication provider. The active security realm must have at least one defined Authentication provider.

newValue - - new value for attribute AuthenticationProviders
Throws: -  


public RoleMapperMBean[] getRoleMappers()
The Role Mapping providers for the security realm in order of invocation. Role Mapping providers can either be a WebLogic Role Mapping provider or a Custom Role Mapping provider. The active security realm must have at least one defined Role Mapping provider.


public void setRoleMappers(RoleMapperMBean[] newValue)
The Role Mapping providers for the security realm in order of invocation. Role Mapping providers can either be a WebLogic Role Mapping provider or a Custom Role Mapping provider. The active security realm must have at least one defined Role Mapping provider.

newValue - - new value for attribute RoleMappers
Throws: -  


public AuthorizerMBean[] getAuthorizers()
The Authorization providers for the security realm in order of invocation. Authorization providers can either be a WebLogic Authorization provider or a Custom Authorization provider. The active security realm must have at least one defined Authorization provider.


public void setAuthorizers(AuthorizerMBean[] newValue)
The Authorization providers for the security realm in order of invocation. Authorization providers can either be a WebLogic Authorization provider or a Custom Authorization provider. The active security realm must have at least one defined Authorization provider.

newValue - - new value for attribute Authorizers
Throws: -  


public AdjudicatorMBean getAdjudicator()
The Adjudication providers for the security realm in order of invocation. Adjudication providers can either be a WebLogic Adjudication provider or a Custom Adjudication provider. The active security realm must have at least one defined Adjudication provider.


public void setAdjudicator(AdjudicatorMBean newValue)
The Adjudication providers for the security realm in order of invocation. Adjudication providers can either be a WebLogic Adjudication provider or a Custom Adjudication provider. The active security realm must have at least one defined Adjudication provider.

newValue - - new value for attribute Adjudicator
Throws: -  


public AuditorMBean[] getAuditors()
The Auditing providers for the security realm in order of invocation. Auditing providers can either be a WebLogic Auditing provider or a Custom Auditing provider. The active security realm may have zero or more defined Auditing providers.


public void setAuditors(AuditorMBean[] newValue)
The Auditing providers for the security realm in order of invocation. Auditing providers can either be a WebLogic Auditing provider or a Custom Auditing provider. The active security realm may have zero or more defined Auditing providers.

newValue - - new value for attribute Auditors
Throws: -  


public CredentialMapperMBean[] getCredentialMappers()
The Credential Mapping providers for the security realm in order of invocation. Credential Mapping providers can either be a WebLogic Credential Mapping provider or a Custom Credential Mapping provider. The active security realm must have at least one defined Credential Mapping provider.


public void setCredentialMappers(CredentialMapperMBean[] newValue)
The Credential Mapping providers for the security realm in order of invocation. Credential Mapping providers can either be a WebLogic Credential Mapping provider or a Custom Credential Mapping provider. The active security realm must have at least one defined Credential Mapping provider.

newValue - - new value for attribute CredentialMappers
Throws: -  


public KeyStoreMBean[] getKeyStores()
The Keystore providers for the security realm in order of invocation. Keystore providers can either be a WebLogic Keystore provider or a Custom Keystore provider. The active security realm may have zero or more Keystore providers. If no Keystore provider is specified, the key attributes on the deprecated SSL MBean will be used to get the pathnames to the files containing the keys.


public void setKeyStores(KeyStoreMBean[] newValue)
The Keystore providers for the security realm in order of invocation. Keystore providers can either be a WebLogic Keystore provider or a Custom Keystore provider. The active security realm may have zero or more Keystore providers. If no Keystore provider is specified, the key attributes on the deprecated SSL MBean will be used to get the pathnames to the files containing the keys.

newValue - - new value for attribute KeyStores
Throws: -  


public UserLockoutManagerMBean getUserLockoutManager()
The user lockout manager for the security realm. The active security realm must have one defined user lockout manager.


public void setUserLockoutManager(UserLockoutManagerMBean newValue)
The user lockout manager for the security realm. The active security realm must have one defined user lockout manager.

newValue - - new value for attribute UserLockoutManager
Throws: -  


public boolean isDefaultRealm()
Specifies whether or not this security realm is the Default realm for the WebLogic domain. Only one realm may have this attribute set to true. All other realms must have the attribute set to false.

Default Value: new java.lang.Boolean(false)


public void setDefaultRealm(boolean newValue)
Specifies whether or not this security realm is the Default realm for the WebLogic domain. Only one realm may have this attribute set to true. All other realms must have the attribute set to false.

newValue - - new value for attribute DefaultRealm
Throws: -  


public boolean isDeployRoleIgnored()
Specifies whether or not role calls on the Role Manager are ignored or passed to the configured Role Mapping provider.

Default Value: new java.lang.Boolean(false)


public void setDeployRoleIgnored(boolean newValue)
Specifies whether or not role calls on the Role Manager are ignored or passed to the configured Role Mapping provider.

newValue - - new value for attribute DeployRoleIgnored
Throws: -  


public boolean isUseDeprecatedWebResource()
Beginning in WebLogic Server 7.0 SP1 WebResources have been deprecated and will not be used. Instead of WebResources, the more functional URLResources will be used. If this realm has an authorization provider that requires the older WebResources, set this to true.

Default Value: new java.lang.Boolean(false)


public void setUseDeprecatedWebResource(boolean newValue)
Beginning in WebLogic Server 7.0 SP1 WebResources have been deprecated and will not be used. Instead of WebResources, the more functional URLResources will be used. If this realm has an authorization provider that requires the older WebResources, set this to true.

newValue - - new value for attribute UseDeprecatedWebResource
Throws: -  


public boolean isDeployPolicyIgnored()
Specifies whether or not policy calls on the Authorization Manager are ignored or passed to the configured Authorization provider.

Default Value: new java.lang.Boolean(false)


public void setDeployPolicyIgnored(boolean newValue)
Specifies whether or not policy calls on the Authorization Manager are ignored or passed to the configured Authorization provider.

newValue - - new value for attribute DeployPolicyIgnored
Throws: -  


public boolean isDeployCredentialMappingIgnored()
Specifies whether or not credential mapping calls on the Credential Manager are ignored or passed to the configured Credential Mapping provider.

Default Value: new java.lang.Boolean(false)


public void setDeployCredentialMappingIgnored(boolean newValue)
Specifies whether or not credential mapping calls on the Credential Manager are ignored or passed to the configured Credential Mapping provider.

newValue - - new value for attribute DeployCredentialMappingIgnored
Throws: -  


public boolean isFullyDelegateAuthorization()
Specifies whether or not the Web and EJB containers should call the security framework on every access. If false the containers are free to only call the security framework when security is set in the deployment descriptors.

Default Value: new java.lang.Boolean(false)


public void setFullyDelegateAuthorization(boolean newValue)
Specifies whether or not the Web and EJB containers should call the security framework on every access. If false the containers are free to only call the security framework when security is set in the deployment descriptors.

newValue - - new value for attribute FullyDelegateAuthorization
Throws: -  


public void validate()
              throws ErrorCollectionException
Checks that the realm is valid. If the realm is not valid, the MBean throws an ErrorCollectionException containing a list of java.lang.Exceptions, one for each reason that the realm is not valid. The text of each exception describes the problem.

ErrorCollectionException -  

Documentation is available at

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WebLogic Server 7.0 API Reference