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JMS Template --> Configuration --> Override

Tasks     Related Topics     Attributes


This tab defines configuration override attributes for a JMS template, which provides an efficient means of defining multiple destinations with similar attribute settings.

The configurable override attributes for a JMS template are the same as those configured for a destination. However, if the destination that is using a JMS template specifies an override value for an attribute, the override value is used.


Creating a JMS Template

Related Topics

"WebLogic JMS Fundamentals" in Programming WebLogic JMS

"Managing WebLogic JMS" in Programming WebLogic JMS

"Developing a WebLogic JMS Application" in Programming WebLogic JMS


Table 22-1

Attribute Label


Value Constraints

Priority Override

The priority assigned to all messages that arrive at the destination, regardless of the Priority specified by the message producer.

The default value (-1) specifies that the destination will not override the Priority setting.

This attribute is dynamically configurable, but only incoming messages are impacted; stored messages are not impacted.


Attribute: PriorityOverride

Minimum: -1

Maximum: 9

Default: -1

Dynamic: yes

Time To Live Override

The time-to-live value assigned to all messages that arrive at the destination, regardless of the TimeToLive specified by the message producer.

The default value (-1) specifies that the destination will not override the TimeToLive setting.

This attribute is dynamically configurable, but only incoming messages are impacted; stored messages are not impacted.


Attribute: TimeToLiveOverride

Minimum: -1

Maximum: 9223372036854775807

Default: -1

Dynamic: yes

Time To Deliver Override

The default delay, either in milliseconds or as a schedule, between when a message is produced and when it is made visible on its target destination, regardless of the TimeToDeliver specified by the producer and/or the connection factory.

The default value (-1) specifies that the destination will not override the TimeToDeliver setting.

The Time To Deliver Override can be specified either as a long or as an advanced scheduling syntax (see "Setting Message Delivery Times" in Programming JMS for details.)

Note: Changing the Time To Deliver Override only affects future message delivery, it does not affect message delivery of already produced messages.


Attribute: TimeToDeliverOverride

Default: "-1"

Dynamic: yes

Delivery Mode Override

The delivery mode assigned to all messages that arrive at the destination regardless of the DeliveryMode specified by the message producer.

A value of No-Delivery specifies that the DeliveryMode will not be overridden.

This attribute is dynamically configurable, but only incoming messages are impacted; stored messages are not impacted.


Attribute: DeliveryModeOverride

Default: No-Delivery

Valid values:

  • Persistent

  • Non-Persistent

  • No-Delivery

Dynamic: yes


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