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Messaging Bridge

[Attributes and Console Screen Reference for Messaging Bridge]

The following sections explain how to configure and manage a WebLogic Messaging Bridge:

You may also want to refer these WebLogic JMS sections:


What Is a Messaging Bridge?

The WebLogic Messaging Bridge allows you to configure a forwarding mechanism between any two messaging products—thereby, providing interoperability between separate implementations of WebLogic JMS, or between WebLogic JMS and another messaging product. You can use the Messaging Bridge to integrate your messaging applications between:

A messaging bridge consists of two destinations that are being bridged: a source destination that the bridge reads messages from and a target destination where the bridge sends the messages that it receives from the source destination. For WebLogic JMS and third-party JMS products, a messaging bridge communicates with source and target destinations using the resource adapters provided with WebLogic Server. For non-JMS messaging products, a custom connector adapter must be obtained from a third-party OEM vendor or by contacting BEA Professional Services in order to access non-JMS source or target destinations.

Source and target bridge destinations can be either queues or topics. You can also specify a quality of service (QOS), as well as message filters, transaction semantics, and connection retry policies. Once a messaging bridge is configured, it is easily managed from the Administration Console, including temporarily suspending bridge traffic whenever necessary, tuning the execute thread pool size to suit your implementation, and monitoring the status of all your configured bridges.

In addition to this document, BEA Systems provides messaging bridge examples that are available for download. Follow the links on the JMS Technology page at These examples are distributed as .zip files that you can unzip into an existing WebLogic Server samples directory structure.


About the Bridge's Resource Adapters

A messaging bridge uses resource adapters to communicate with the configured source and target JMS destinations. You need to associate both the source and target JMS destinations with a supported resource adapter in order for the bridge to communicate with them. The JNDI name for the adapter is configured as part of the resource adapter's deployment descriptor.

Note: Although WebLogic JMS includes a "General Bridge Destination" framework for accessing non-JMS messaging products, WebLogic Server does not provide supported connector adapters for such products. Therefore, you must obtain a custom connector adapter from a third-party OEM vendor and consult their documentation for configuration instructions. You can also contact BEA Professional Services for information about obtaining a custom connector adapter.

The supported resource adapters are located in the WL_HOME\server\lib directory and are described in the following table.

Table 119-1 Messaging Bridge Resource Adapters and JNDI Names






Provides transaction semantics via the XAResource. Used when the required QOS is Exactly-once. This envelops a received message and sends it within a user transaction (XA/JTA). The following requirements are necessary in order to use this resource adapter:

  • Any WebLogic Server implementation being bridged must be release 6.1 or later.

  • The source and target JMS connection factories must be configured to use the XAConnectionFactory.

Note: Before deploying this resource adapter, refer to the Using the Messaging Bridge to Interoperate with Different WebLogic Server Releases and Domains for specific transactional configuration requirements and guidelines.



Provides no transaction semantics. Used when the required QOS is Atmost-once or Duplicate-okay. If the requested QOS is Atmost-once, the resource adapter uses the AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE mode. If the requested QOS is Duplicate-okay, CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE is used.

Note: For more information about the acknowledge modes used in non-transacted sessions, see "WebLogic JMS Fundamentals" in Programming WebLogic JMS.

You will specify the appropriate resource adapter by its JNDI name when you configure each source and target bridge destination.


Configuring a Messaging Bridge

Configuring a messaging bridge consists of the following tasks:

When you initially create a message bridge, many attributes are set with the default value. You may need to change message bridge settings to better suit your environment. For example, you may wish to select QOS Degradation Allowed rather than have the messaging bridge use the initially configured QOS.

Create a Messaging Bridge

Creating a messaging bridge consists of the following tasks:

  1. Create source and target bridge destinations.
  2. Deploy a resource adaptor.
  3. Create a messaging bridge instance.
  4. Deploy the messaging bridge.

To simplify these tasks, the Administration Console assists you in creating a messaging bridge by deploying an appropriate resource adaptor and setting the values of some attributes. You may need to review the message bridge configuration and modify some attribute settings to better suit your environment. See Modify a Messaging Bridge Configuration for Your Environment for more information on how to modify an existing messaging bridge.

Note: Click the Help button to access detailed information for each panel.

Use the following steps to configure a messaging bridge instance:

  1. Click to expand the Services and Message Bridge nodes.
  2. Click the Bridges node.
  3. Click Configure a new Messaging Bridge link.
  4. Configure the source destination.
  5. Configure the target destination.
  6. Modify the configuration attributes for your messaging bridge instance. Click the Help button to see detailed information about the attributes on this panel.
  7. Click Continue.
  8. Select the servers and/or clusters on which you want to deploy your new bridge. See Targeting a Messaging Bridge to a Server, a Cluster, or a Migratable Target for general information on targeting a messaging bridge.
  9. Click Continue.
  10. A messaging bridge instance is created. The console checks your configuration and lists any tasks you must perform manually. You may need to perform one or more of the following tasks:

  11. Click Finish.
  12. If necessary, perform any tasks displayed in Step 9. See Using the Messaging Bridge to Interoperate with Different WebLogic Server Releases and Domains and Using the Messaging Bridge to Access a Third-Party Messaging Provider for additional information on how to resolve these tasks.

Create a New Destination

Use the following instructions to create a new destination for your messaging bridge instance:

  1. Click the Drop-down arrow to view a list of message providers.
  2. Select the message provider for your destination.
  3. Click Continue.
  4. Modify the configuration attributes for your destination. Click the Help button to see detailed information about the attributes on this panel.
  5. Click Create the bridge destination.

Use an Existing Bridge Destination

Use the following instructions to configure your messaging bridge instance for an existing destination:

  1. Click the Drop-down arrow to view a list of destinations.
  2. Select the destination for your messaging bridge.
  3. Click Continue.
  4. Click the Drop-down arrow to view a list of message providers.
  5. Select the message provider for your destination.
  6. Click Continue.

Modify a Messaging Bridge Configuration for Your Environment

The following sections provide information on how to modify the configuation of individual message bridge components:

Deploying the Bridge's Resource Adapters

Before you configure the messaging bridge destinations, deploy the appropriate resource adapters in the WebLogic Server domain that is hosting the messaging bridge, as follows:

  1. Select the domain in which you will deploy the adapters (for example, Examples).
  2. Select the Deployments —> Connector Modules option to open the Resource Connectors page.
  3. Follow the deployment assistant instructions to deploy the appropriate resource adapter, as defined in Table 119-1.
  4. You must target the resource adapter to the same WebLogic Server instance that the messaging bridge will be targeted to. For more information, see Targeting a Messaging Bridge to a Server, a Cluster, or a Migratable Target.

For more information on deploying resource adapters, see "Packaging and Deploying Connectors" in Programming WebLogic Server J2EE Connectors.

Configuring Source and Target Bridge Destinations

A messaging bridge connects two actual destinations that are mapped to bridge destinations: a source destination from which messages are received, and a target destination to which messages are sent. Depending on the messaging products that need to be bridged, there are two types of bridge destinations:

Before starting the procedures in this section, refer to the Using the Messaging Bridge to Interoperate with Different WebLogic Server Releases and Domains or Using the Messaging Bridge to Access a Third-Party Messaging Provider sections for specific configuration requirements and guidelines.

Note: When configuring third-party JMS provider bridge destination, you can use the Foreign JMS Server feature to quickly configure multiple source or target destinations. For more information, see Simple Access to Remote or Foreign JMS Providers.

Configuring JMS Bridge Destinations

A JMSBridgeDestination instance defines a unique name for a bridge's source and target destinations within a WebLogic domain, the name of the adapter used to communicate with the specified destination, property information to pass to the adapter (Connection URL, Connection Factory JNDI Name, etc.), and, optionally, a user name and password.

You need to configure a JMSBridgeDestination instance for each actual source and target JMS destination to be mapped to a messaging bridge. Therefore, when you finish defining attributes for a source JMS bridge destination, repeat these steps to configure a target JMS bridge destination, or vice versa. You will designate the source and target JMS Bridge Destinations in Modifying an Existing Messaging Bridge Instance.

To configure a source or target JMS bridge destination, follow these steps.

  1. Expand the Services —> Messaging Bridge node.
  2. Click the JMS Bridge Destinations node to open the JMS Bridge Destinations page in the right pane.
  3. Click the Configure a new JMS Bridge Destination link. A Configuration dialog shows the tabs associated with configuring a new JMS bridge destination.
  4. On the Configuration General tab, define the general configuration attributes for a JMS bridge destination:
  5. For more information about JMS bridge destination attributes, see JMS Bridge Destination --> Configuration.

  6. Click Create to create an instance of the bridge destination with the name you specified in the Name field. The new instance is added under the JMS Bridge Destination node in the left pane.

When you finish defining attributes for a source JMS bridge destination, repeat these steps to configure a target JMS bridge destination, or vice versa. Then follow the instructions for Modifying an Existing Messaging Bridge Instance.

Configuring General Bridge Destinations

A general BridgeDestination instance defines a unique name for the actual source and target general bridge destinations within the WebLogic domain, the name of the adapter used to communicate with the specified destination, a list of properties to pass to the adapter, and, optionally, a user name and password.

Note: Although WebLogic JMS includes a "General Bridge Destination" framework for accessing non-JMS messaging products, WebLogic Server does not provide supported connector adapters for such products. Therefore, you must obtain a custom connector adapter from a third-party OEM vendor and consult their documentation for configuration instructions. You can also contact BEA Professional Services for information about obtaining a custom connector adapter.

You need to configure a BridgeDestination instance for each actual source and target destination to be mapped to a messaging bridge. Therefore, when you finish defining attributes for a source general bridge destination, repeat these steps to configure a target general bridge destination, or vice versa. You will designate the source and target general Bridge Destinations in Modifying an Existing Messaging Bridge Instance.

To configure a source or target general bridge destination, follow these steps.

  1. Expand the Services —> Messaging Bridge node.
  2. Click the General Bridge Destinations node to open the General Bridge Destinations page in the right pane.
  3. Click the Configure a new General Bridge Destination link. A Configuration dialog shows the tabs associated with configuring a new general bridge destination.
  4. On the Configuration General tab, define the general configuration attributes for a general bridge destination:
  5. For more information about the general bridge destination attributes, see General Bridge Destination --> Configuration.

  6. Click Create to create an instance of the general bridge destination with the name you specified in the Name field. The new instance is added under the General Bridge Destination node in the left pane.

When you finish defining attributes for a source general bridge destination, repeat these steps to configure a target general bridge destination, or vice versa. Then follow the instructions for Modifying an Existing Messaging Bridge Instance.

Modifying an Existing Messaging Bridge Instance

Note: Before starting the procedure in this section, refer to the Using the Messaging Bridge to Interoperate with Different WebLogic Server Releases and Domains or Using the Messaging Bridge to Access a Third-Party Messaging Provider sections for specific configuration requirements and guidelines.

To modify a messaging bridge, follow these steps:

  1. Expand the Services —> Messaging Bridge node.
  2. Expand the Bridges node to open the Messaging Bridges tab in the right pane.
  3. Click the messaging bridge that you want to modify. A dialog shows the tabs associated with configuring a new messaging bridge.
  4. On the Configuration General tab, define the general configuration attributes for a messaging bridge:
  5. Table 119-2 Messaging Bridge Attributes on the General Tab




    Enter a messaging bridge name that is unique across a WebLogic Server domain.

    Source Destination

    Select the source destination from which messages are received by the messaging bridge. Following the example target JMS bridge destination name that was previously suggested for connecting WebLogic Server releases 6.1 and 8.1, you would select the "61SourceDestination" name that you created on the JMS Bridge Destination -> Configuration tab.

    Target Destination

    Select the target destination to which messages are sent from the messaging bridge. Following the example target JMS bridge destination name that was previously suggested for connecting WebLogic Server releases 6.1 and 8.1, you would select the "81TargetDestination" name that you created on the JMS Bridge Destination -> Configuration tab.


    Specify a selector to filter the messages that are sent across the messaging bridge. Only messages that match the selection criteria are sent across the messaging bridge. For queues, messages that do not match the selection criteria are left behind and accumulate in the queue. For topics, messages that do not match the connection criteria are dropped.

    For more information on using selectors to filter messages, see Developing a WebLogic JMS Application in Programming WebLogic JMS.

    Quality Of Service (QOS)

    Select a quality-of-service guarantee for forwarding a message across a messaging bridge. The valid qualities of service are:

    Exactly-once (default) — Each message will be sent exactly once. This is the highest quality of service. In order to use this QOS:

    • Any WebLogic Server implementation must be release 6.1 or later.

    • The source and target JMS connection factories must be configured to use the XAConnectionFactory.

    • The transaction jms-xa-adp.rar adapter must be deployed and identified in the Adapter JNDI Name attribute as "eis.jms.WLSConnectionFactoryJNDIXA" for both the source and target destinations.

    Atmost-once — Each message is sent at most one time. Some messages may not be delivered to the target destination.

    Duplicate-okay — Each message is sent at least one time. Duplicate messages can be delivered to the target destination.

    QOS Degradation Allowed

    Indicate whether the messaging bridge automatically degrades the requested QOS when the configured one is not available. If this occurs, a message is delivered to the WebLogic startup window (or log file). If QOS Degradation Allowed is not selected, and the messaging bridge cannot satisfy the requested QOS, it will result in an error and the messaging bridge will not start.

    Maximum Idle Time

    For bridges running in asynchronous mode, specify the maximum amount of time the messaging bridge will sit idle before checking the health of its connections. For bridges running in synchronous mode, this determines the amount of time the messaging bridge can block on a receive call if no transaction is involved.

    Asynchronous Mode Enabled

    Indicate whether a messaging bridge works in asynchronous mode. Messaging bridges that work in asynchronous mode are driven by the source destination. The messaging bridge listens for messages and forwards them as they arrive. When Asynchronous Mode is disabled, the bridge works in synchronous mode, even if the source supports asynchronous receiving.

    Note: For a messaging bridge with a QOS of Exactly-once to work in asynchronous mode, the source destination has to support the MDBTransaction interface described in the weblogic.jms.extensions Javadoc. Otherwise, the bridge automatically switches to synchronous mode if it detects that MDBTransactions are not supported by the source destination. For more information about MDBTransactions, see "Using Message-Driven Beans" in Programming WebLogic EJB.

    Durability Enabled

    This is used only for JMS topics or for third-party destinations with similar characteristics as a JMS topic. By enabling durability, a messaging bridge creates a durable subscription for the source destination. This allows the source JMS implementation to save messages that are sent to it when the bridge is not running. The bridge will then forward these messages to the target destination once it is restarted. If this attribute is not selected, messages that are sent to the source JMS topic while the bridge is down cannot be forwarded to the target destination.

    Note: If a bridge must be taken permanently offline, you must delete any durable subscriptions that use the bridge. For information on deleting durable subscribers, see "Deleting Durable Subscriptions" in Programming WebLogic JMS.


    Indicates the initial state of the messaging bridge when it is configured and whenever the server is restarted. You can also use this field to dynamically start and stop the messaging bridge. To stop the bridge, clear the check box. Conversely, reselect the check box to restart the bridge.

    Note: Unless there is a configuration issue that prevents the messaging bridge from starting, this field indicates the expected run-time state of the messaging bridge. For information on monitoring all the configured messaging bridges in your domain, see Monitoring All Messaging Bridges.


    For more information about the general messaging bridge attributes, see the Attributes table in Messaging Bridge --> Configuration --> General.

  6. Click Apply to save your changes. If you selected the Started check box, the bridge will be in a running state once it is targeted.
  7. Optionally, on the Target and Deploy tab, select an independent server instance, a cluster, or a migratable server target on which to deploy the messaging bridge. This must the same target where the bridge's resource adapter was deployed. You can also reconfigure deployment targets later if you wish.
  8. For more information, see Targeting a Messaging Bridge to a Server, a Cluster, or a Migratable Target.

  9. Optionally, on the Connection Retry tab, change the attribute fields or accept the default values as assigned. Since the source and target destinations for a messaging bridge will not always be available, the messaging bridge must be able to reconnect to the destination at some periodic interval. These attributes govern the time between reconnection attempts. Then, click Apply to save your changes.
  10. For more information about the bridge's connection retry attributes, see the Attributes table in Messaging Bridge --> Configuration --> Connection Retry.

  11. Optionally, on the Transactions tab, change the attribute fields or accept the default values as assigned. Then, click Apply to save your changes.
  12. For more information about the bridge's transaction attributes, see the Attributes table in Messaging Bridge --> Configuration --> Transactions.

Targeting a Messaging Bridge to a Server, a Cluster, or a Migratable Target

You can choose the servers, clusters, or migratable targets in your domain on which you would like to deploy a messaging bridge. You can also reconfigure deployment targets later if you wish.

  1. Expand the Messaging Bridge —> Bridges node to show the list of messaging bridges defined in your domain.
  2. Click the messaging bridge that you want to assign to a server, cluster, or migratable target. A dialog displays in the right pane showing the tabs associated with the messaging bridge instance.
  3. Click the Target and Deploy tab to display the following targeting options.
  4. Click Apply to save your assignments.


Using the Messaging Bridge to Interoperate with Different WebLogic Server Releases and Domains

The following interoperability guidelines apply when using the messaging bridge to access JMS destinations on different releases of WebLogic Server and in other WebLogic domains.

Note: When the messaging bridge is used to communicate between two domains running different releases of Weblogic Server, a best-practice recommendation is for the messaging bridge to be configured to run on the domain using the latest release of Weblogic Server.

Resource Naming Rules for Inter-Domain Interoperability Using the Messaging Bridge

Within a domain, each server instance must be named uniquely and must not use the same name as the domain. This unique naming rule also applies to all configurable JMS objects, such as JMS servers, stores, templates, connection factories, session pools, and connection consumers. Additionally, in order for Weblogic domains to successfully interoperate using the Messaging Bridge, all participating resources (except connection factories) must have unique names across the interoperating domains. This rule includes domains from different releases of WebLogic Server.

For example, you cannot create a WebLogic Server instance named myserver in a version 8.1 domain named mydomain81 if there is already a server instance named myserver in a version 7.0 domain named mydomain70. On the JMS subsystem level, you cannot have two similarly named JMS servers (e.g., myJMSServer) residing in separate interoperating domains.

Therefore, you must adhere to the following rules when using the Messaging Bridge to interoperate between domains:

Message Properties

Message properties are inherited from the Default Delivery Mode attribute on the connection factory used when a message is forwarded to its target destination. If the Default Delivery Mode is Persistent, a non-persistent message is forwarded as a persistent message resulting in a significant performance loss.

If you configure a bridge instance to forward non-persistent messages, configure and use a connection factory that has the Default Delivery Mode set to Non-Persistent.

Configuring Interoperability for WebLogic Domains

Unless the Exactly-once QOS (quality of service) is required for handling two-phase transactions sent across the messaging bridge, there are no special security configuration requirements for the bridge to interoperate between two release 6.1 or later domains.

However, you must follow these steps when a bridge running on release 7.0 domain must handle transactional messages (using the Exactly-once QOS) between two release 6.1 or later domains

  1. For each server participating in the transaction, set the Security Interoperability Mode flag according to Using Security Interoperability Mode before rebooting.
  2. Note: When Security Interoperability Mode is set to performance, you are not required to set domain trust between the domains.

  3. Configure domain trust for the all participating bridge domains.
    1. In all participating WebLogic Server 6.x domains, change the password for the system user to the same value in all participating domains on the Security—>Users tab in the Administration Console. See Changing the System Password.
    2. Establish domain trust by setting a security credential for all domains to the same value in all participating domains. If you have participating 6.x domains, set the security credential for all domains to the same value as the system password in all participating WebLogic Server 6.x domains.

Using the Messaging Bridge To Access Destinations In a Release 6.1 or Later Domain

Use these guidelines when configuring a messaging bridge on a release 8.1 domain to provide "Exactly-once" transactional message communication between two release 6.1 or later domains.

Note: The Exactly-once quality of service for two-phase transactions is only supported for release 6.1 or later.


Using the Messaging Bridge to Access a Third-Party Messaging Provider

When configuring a messaging bridge involves interoperability with a third-party messaging provider, you must configure the following:

Note: The messaging bridge cannot provide the "Exactly-once" quality of service when the source and target bridge destinations are located on the same resource manager (that is, when the bridge is forwarding a global transaction that is using the XA resource of the resource manager). For example, when using MQ Series, it is not possible to use the same Queue Manager for the source and target bridge destinations.

For more information on configuring the remaining attributes for a JMS Bridge Destination, see Configuring JMS Bridge Destinations.


Managing a Messaging Bridge

Once a messaging bridge is up and running, it can managed from the console.

Monitoring All Messaging Bridges

To monitor the status of all configured messaging bridges in your domain:

  1. Expand the Server node.
  2. Select the server instance where the messaging bridges are configured. A dialog displays in the right pane showing the tabs associated with the selected server instance.
  3. Select the Services —> Bridge tab.
  4. Click the Monitor all Messaging Bridge Runtimes text link.
  5. A table displays showing all the messaging bridge instances for the server and their status (either as running or not running).

Stopping and Restarting a Messaging Bridge

To temporarily suspend and restart an active messaging bridge:

  1. Expand the Messaging Bridge node.
  2. Select the messaging bridge instance that you want to suspend.
  3. On the Configuration —> General tab, clear the Started check box to suspend the bridge.
  4. To restart the bridge, select the Started check box.

Configuring the Messaging Bridge Execute Thread Pool Size

You can configure the default execute thread pool size for your messaging bridges. For example, you may want to increase or decrease the default size to reduce competition from the WebLogic Server default thread pool. Entering a value of -1 disables this thread pool and forces a messaging bridge to use the WebLogic Server default thread pool.

  1. Expand the Servers node.
  2. Select the specific server instance where the messaging bridge is configured.
  3. In the right pane, select the Services —> Bridge tab.
  4. Enter a new value in the Messaging Bridge Thread Pool Size field.
  5. Click Apply to save your changes.


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