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Application --> Deploy


The Application > Deploy tab displays the deployment status of each module in the Enterprise Application.

To deploy or redeploy individual application modules, use the Deploy or Redeploy button next to the module names in the table. You can also use the Deply All or Redeploy All buttons to manage all application modules shown on this page. (When deploying or redeploying a module, the target server uses the application files located at the path shown in the Configuration tab.)

To undeploy application modules shown on this page, use the Stop or Stop All button. Note that when you undeploy an application module, the source files remain at the path specified in the Configuration tab; you can deploy the modules later without having to reconfigure the application.

(To configure additional deployment targets for this application, click the Targets tab.)


Deploying a New Enterprise Application or Web Service

Viewing Deployed Enterprise Applications

Stopping Deployed Enterprise Applications

Adding or Editing Application Deployment Notes

Deleting an Application or Application Module

Monitoring Enterprise Applications

Related Topics


Packaging and Deploying WebLogic Server Applications


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