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Connector Module Deployment Assistant --> Step 1 - Start

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The Connector Module Deployment Assistant helps you to deploy a resource adaptor on one or more servers in the domain. You can select either an archived Connector (.rar file), or a Connector in exploded .rar format.

Use the links in the Location field to browse directories on the Administration Server machine and locate the Connector module to deploy. (If the Connector does not reside on the Administration Server machine, first use the upload link to upload it.)

When the assistant detects a .rar file or exploded .rar directory in the current directory, it lists the archive or directory name as a selection beneath the Location field. Select the name of the archive or directory you want to deploy, and click Target Module to target the Connector to an available server instance or cluster.


Deploying New Connector (Resource Adapter) Modules

Viewing Deployed Connectors

Stopping Deployed Connectors

Adding or Editing Connector Deployment Notes

Deleting a Connector

Related Topics

"Configuration" in Programming WebLogic Server J2EE Connectors

"weblogic-ra.xml" in Programming WebLogic Server J2EE Connectors


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