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Configuring and Managing WebLogic Server

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Monitoring a WebLogic Server Domain

These sections describe WebLogic Server monitoring capabilities that help you manage and optimize application availability, performance, and security:


Facilities for Monitoring WebLogic Server

These sections describe WebLogic Server facilities for monitoring the health and performance of a WebLogic Server domain:

Administration Console

The WebLogic Server Administration Console provides visibility into a broad array of configuration and status information.

The Administration Console obtains information about domain resources from the domain's Administration Server. The Administration Server is populated with Management Beans (MBeans), based on Sun's Java Management Extension (JMX) standard, which provides the scheme for management access to domain resources.

The Administration Server contains:

When you access a monitoring page for particular resource in the Administration Console, the Administration Server performs a GET operation to retrieve the current attribute values.

For details on what data is available on specific console pages, see Monitoring WebLogic Server using the Administration Console.

Server Self-Health Monitoring

WebLogic Server provides a self-health monitoring feature to improve the reliability and availability of server instances in a domain. Selected subsystems within each server instance monitor their health status based on criteria specific to the subsystem. If an individual subsystem determines that it can no longer operate in a consistent and reliable manner, it registers its health state as "failed" with the host server instance.

Each server instance checks the health state of all its registered subsystems to determine the overall viability of the server. If one or more critical subsystems have reached the "failed" state, the server instance marks its own health state as "failed" to indicate that the it cannot reliably host an application.

When used in combination with Node Manager, server self-health monitoring enables you to automatically reboot servers that have failed. This improves the overall reliability of a domain, and requires no direct intervention from an administrator. See Node Manager Capabilities for more information.

Obtaining Server Health Programmatically

You can check the self-reported health state of a server instance programmatically by calling the getHealthState() method on the ServerRuntimeMBean. Similarly, you can obtain the health state of a registered WebLogic Server subsystem by calling the getHealthState() method on its MBean. The following MBeans automatically register their health states with the host server:

See the Javadocs for WebLogic Classes for more information on individual MBeans.

Messages and Log Files

WebLogic Server records information about events such as configuration changes, deployment of applications, and subsystem failures in log files. The information in log files is useful for detecting and troubleshooting problems, and monitoring performance and availability.

For detailed information about log files and the WebLogic Server logging subsystem, see "Logging" in Administration Console Online Help.

WebLogic Server outputs status and error messages to:


Monitoring WebLogic Server using the Administration Console

The left pane of the Administration Console is a tree control, with a node for key entities you have configured. The following sections list the attributes displays on monitoring pages in each node:

Domain Monitoring Pages

You can access one WebLogic domain at a time using the Administration Console. The Domain—>Monitoring tab provides access to key configuration attributes and the current state for the servers and clusters in the current domain. The following table lists the monitoring pages available for a domain, and the attributes displayed on each page.

Console Page

Attributes Displayed

Domain—> Monitoring—>Server

  • Name

  • Machine

  • Listen Address

  • Listen Port

  • State

  • SSL Listen Port


  • Name

  • Cluster Status

  • Cluster Address

  • Multicast Address

  • Multicast Send Delay

  • Configure Server Count

  • Good Server Count

  • Bad Server Count

Other Domain Monitoring Links

Each domain-level monitoring page has links to display:

Server Monitoring Pages

When expanded, the Servers node lists each server instance in the current domain. To monitor key run-time attributes for a server instance, click on its name, and choose one of Monitoring tabs. The monitoring pages available depend on the application objects deployed to the server instance. The following table lists the monitoring pages available for a server instance, and the attributes displayed on each page.

Console Page

Attributes Displayed


  • State Activation Time

  • WebLogic Version

  • JDK Vendor

  • JDK Version

  • Operating System

  • OS Version

Domain—>Server—>Monitoring—>General—>Monitor all Active Queues...

Domain—>Server—>Monitoring—>General—>Monitor all Connections...

Domain—>Server—>Monitoring—>General—>Monitor all Active Sockets..


  • Idle Threads

  • Oldest Pending Request

  • Throughput

  • Queue Length

  • Memory Usage


  • Total Users Locked Out

  • Total Invalid Logins

  • Total Login Attempts while Locked

  • Total Users Unlocked

  • Invalid Logins High

  • Locked Users


  • Current Connections

  • Connections High

  • Total Connections

  • Current JMS Servers

  • Servers High

  • Servers Total


Monitor all Active JMS Connections...


Monitor all Active JMS Servers...

Domain—>Server—>Monitoring—>JMS—>Monitor all Pooled JMS Connections...


  • Total Transactions

  • Total Committed

  • Total Rolled Back

  • Timeout Rollbacks

  • Resource Rollbacks

  • Application Rollbacks

  • System Rollbacks

  • Total Heuristics

  • Total Transactions Abandoned

  • Average Commit Time

Transaction by Name

  • Pooled Beans Current Count

  • Beans in Use Current Count

  • Access Total Count

  • Miss Total Count

  • Cache Access Count

  • Cache Hit Count

  • Cache Miss Count

Transactions by Resource

  • Name

  • Transactions

  • Commits

  • Rollbacks

  • Heuristics

  • Heuristic Commits

  • Heuristic Rollbacks

  • Mixed Heuristics

  • Heuristic Hazards

In-Flight JTA

  • Transaction Id

  • Name

  • Status

  • Seconds Active

  • Servers

  • Resources

Domain—>Server—>Remote Start
Output—>View Server output...

If the server instance was started by Node Manager,
its standard out is written to a log file that can be viewed
with this link.

Domain—>Server—>Remote Start
Output—>View Server error output...

If the server instance was started by Node Manager,
its standard err is written to a log file that can be viewed
with this link.

Domain—>Server—>Remote Start Output—>View Node Manager output...

If the server instance was started by Node Manager,
the Node Manager log can be viewed with this link.


  • Total Nursery Size

  • Max Heap Size

  • Gc Algorithm

  • Total Garbage Collection Count

  • GCHandles Compaction

  • Concurrent

  • Generational

  • Incremental

  • Parallel

  • Number Of Processors

  • Total Number Of Threads

  • Number Of Daemon Threads

Other Server Monitoring Links

Each top level tab page for a server instance—Performance, Security, JMS, JTA— has links to display:

Clusters Monitoring Pages

The following table lists the monitoring pages available for a cluster, and the attributes displayed on each page

Console Page

Attributes Displayed


  • Number of Servers configured for this cluster

  • Number of Servers currently participating in this cluster

  • Name

  • State

  • Servers

  • Resend Requests

  • Fragments Received

  • Lost Multicast Messages


Machines Monitoring Pages

The following table lists the monitoring pages available for a machine, and the attributes displayed on each page.


Console Page

Attributes Displayed

Machine—>Monitoring—>Node Manager Status

  • State

  • bea.home

  • weblogic.nodemanager.javaHome

  • weblogic.nodemanager.listenAddress

  • weblogic.nodemanager.listenPort


Machine—>Monitoring—>Node Manager—>Logs

Deployments Monitoring Pages

The following table lists the monitoring pages available in the Deployments Node, and the attributes displayed on each page

Console Page

Attributes Displayed

EJB --> Monitoring --> Stateful EJBs

  • Cache Access Count

  • Cache Hit Count

  • Lock Manager Entries Current Count

  • Lock Manager Access Count

  • Lock Manager Waiter Total Count

  • Lock Manager Timeout Total Count

EJB --> Monitoring --> Stateless EJBs

  • Pooled Beans Current Count

  • Beans In Use Current Count

  • Waiter Current Count

  • Pool Timeout Total Count

  • Access Total Count

  • Miss Total Count

  • Pooled Beans Current

EJB --> Monitoring --> Message Driven EJBs

  • Pooled Beans Current Count

  • Beans In Use Current Count

  • Pool Timeout Total Count

  • Access Total Count

  • JMSConnection Alive

EJB --> Monitoring --> Entity EJBs

  • Pooled Beans Current Count

  • Beans in Use Current Count

  • Access Total Count

  • Miss Total Count

  • Cache Access Count

  • Cache Hit Count

  • Cache Miss Count

Web Applications—>Monitoring—>Web Applications

  • Server

  • Context Root

  • Servlets

  • Sessions

  • Sessions High

  • Total Sessions

Web Applications—>Monitoring—>Servlets

  • Servlet Name

  • Server

  • Invocation Total Count

  • Execution Time Average

Web Applications—> Monitoring—>Sessions

Web Service --> Monitoring --> Servlets

Web Service --> Monitoring --> Sessions

Web Service --> Monitoring --> Web Services

Connector Modules

EJB Modules


Services Monitoring Pages

The following table lists the monitoring pages available in the Services node, and the attributes displayed on each page.

Console Page

Attributes Displayed

JDBC—>Connection Pools

  • Server

  • State

  • Connections

  • Waiters

  • Num Unavailable


  • Name

  • Dentinal

  • Pool Name

  • Row Prefetch Enabled

  • Enable Two Phase Commit

  • Stream Chunk Size

  • Row Prefetch Size

  • Deployed

JMS Connection Factory

  • Name

  • JNDIName

  • Client Id

  • Default Priority

  • Default Time To Live

  • Default Redelivery Delay

JMS Server

  • Name

  • Store

  • Temporary Template

  • Bytes Maximum

  • Messages Maximum

JMS Topics

JMS Queues


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