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WebLogic Server Configuration Reference

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A server can fine-tune its network channel settings by using a NetworkAccessPointMBean. The NetworkAccessPointMBean is also used to set the listen address and external DNS name that a server uses for a particular channel.


<!ELEMENT NetworkAccessPoint EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST NetworkAccessPoint
   AcceptBacklog              CDATA                    "-1"
   CompleteCOMMessageTimeout  CDATA                    "-1"
                              CDATA                    "-1"
   CompleteT3MessageTimeout   CDATA                    "-1"
   ListenAddress              CDATA                    #IMPLIED
   ListenPort                 CDATA                    "-1"
   LoginTimeoutMillis         CDATA                    "-1"
   LoginTimeoutMillisSSL      CDATA                    "-1"
   Name                       CDATA                    #REQUIRED
   Notes                      CDATA                    #IMPLIED
   SSLListenPort              CDATA                    "-1"
   TunnelingClientPingSecs    CDATA                    "-1"
                              CDATA                    "-1"

Parent Elements

The NetworkAccessPoint element is a child of the Server element.


Table 53-1 NetworkAccessPointMBean Element Attributes



Range of Values and Default

Console Label


Allowed backlog of connection requests on the listen port. -1 implies that this value is inherited from the channel.

Default: -1

Minimum: -1

Accept Backlog


The maximum number of seconds spent waiting for a complete COM message to be received. This attribute helps guard against denial of service attacks in which a caller indicates that they will be sending a message of a certain size which they never finish sending. -1 implies that this value is inherited from the channel.

Default: -1

Minimum: -1

Maximum: 480

Units: seconds

COM Message Timeout


The maximum number of seconds spent waiting for a complete HTTP message to be received. This attribute helps guard against denial of service attacks in which a caller indicates that they will be sending a message of a certain size which they never finish sending. -1 implies that this value is inherited from the channel.

Default: -1

Minimum: -1

Maximum: 480

Units: seconds

HTTP Message Timeout


The maximum number of seconds spent waiting for a complete T3 message to be received. This attribute helps guard against denial of service attacks in which a caller indicates that they will be sending a message of a certain size which they never finish sending. -1 implies that this value is inherited from the channel.

Default: -1

Minimum: -1

Maximum: 480

Units: seconds

T3 Message Timeout


A value of null indicates that this value is inherited from the server.

Default: null

Listen Address


The plaintext (non-SSL) listen port for the channel. -1 implies that this value is inherited from the channel.

Default: -1

Listen Port


The login timeout for the server, in milliseconds. This value must be equal to or greater than 0. -1 implies that this value is inherited from the channel.

Default: -1

Minimum: -1

Maximum: 100000

Units: milliseconds

Login Timeout


The number of milliseconds that WebLogic Server waits for an SSL connection before timing out. SSL connections take longer to negotiate than regular connections. If clients are connecting over the Internet, raise the default number to accommodate additional network latency. A value of 0 disables the attribute.

-1 implies that this value is inherited from the channel.

Default: -1

Minimum: -1

Maximum: java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE

Units: milliseconds

SSL Login Timeout


The name of this configuration. WebLogic Server uses an MBean to implement and persist the configuration.



Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.



The SSL listen port for the channel. -1 implies that this value is inherited from the channel.

Default: -1

SSL Listen Port


Interval (in seconds) at which to ping an http-tunneled client to see if its still alive. -1 implies that this value is inherited from the channel.

Default: -1

Units: seconds

Tunneling Client Ping


Duration (in seconds) after which a missing http-tunneled client is considered dead. -1 implies that this value is inherited from the channel.

Default: -1

Units: seconds

Tunneling Client Timeout



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