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Programming WebLogic XML

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XML Overview

What Is XML?

How Do You Describe an XML Document?

Why Use XML?

What Are XSL and XSLT?

What Are DOM and SAX?



What Is XML Streaming?

What Is JAXP?

JAXP Packages

Common Uses of XML and XSLT

Using XML and XSLT to Separate Content from Presentation

XML as a Message Format for Business-to-Business Communication

WebLogic Server XML Features

XML Document Parsers

XML Document Transformer

Difference in Built-In Transformer Between Versions 8.1 and Previous of WebLogic Server

WebLogic XML Streaming API

JAXP Pluggability Layer Implementation

WebLogic Servlet Attributes

WebLogic XSLT JSP Tag Library

XML Registry For Configuring Parsers and Transformers

XML Registry for Configuring External Entity Resolution

Code Examples for Parsing and Transforming XML Documents

Editing XML Files

Learning About XML

Developing XML Applications with WebLogic Server

Developing XML Applications: Main Steps

Parsing XML Documents

Parsing XML Documents Using JAXP in SAX Mode

Parsing XML Documents Using JAXP in DOM Mode

Parsing XML Documents in a Servlet

Using the org.xml.sax.DefaultHandler Attribute to Parse a Document

Using the org.w3c.dom.Document Attribute to Parse a Document

Validating and Non-Validating Parsers

Handling Entity Resolution While Parsing an XML Document

General Information About External Entities

Using the WebLogic Server Entity Resolution Features

Using Parsers Other Than the Built-In Parser

Using the WebLogic FastParser

Generating New XML Documents

Generating XML from a DOM Document Tree

Using the Apache Serialize Class

Using the JAXP Transformer Class

Generating XML Documents in a JSP

Transforming XML Documents

Using JAXP to Transform XML Data

Example of Transforming an XML Document Using JAXP

Converting Your XML Code From Using the Xalan API to JAXP 1.1 API

Using the JSP Tag to Transform XML Data

XSLT JSP Tag Syntax

XSLT JSP Tag Usage

Transforming XML Documents Using an XSLT JSP Tag

Example of Using the XSLT JSP Tag in a JSP

Using Transformers Other Than the Built-In Transformer

XML Application Scoping

Overview of Application Scoping

The weblogic-application.xml File

Configuring a Parser or Transformer for an Enterprise Application

Configuring an External Entity for an Enterprise Application

Configuring the External Entity Cache for an Enterprise Application

Using the WebLogic XML Streaming API

Overview of the WebLogic XML Streaming API

Javadocs for the WebLogic XML Streaming API

Parsing an XML Document: Typical Steps

Example of Parsing an XML Document

Getting an XML Input Stream

Getting a Buffered XML Input Stream

Filtering the XML Stream

Creating a Custom Filter

Iterating Over the Stream

Determining the Specific XMLEvent Type

Getting the Attributes of an Element

Positioning the Stream

Getting a Substream

Marking and Resetting a Buffered XML Input Stream

Closing the Input Stream

Generating a New XML Document: Typical Steps

Example of Generating an XML Document

Creating an XML Output Stream

Adding Elements to the Output Stream

Adding Attributes to an Element on the Output Stream

Adding an Input Stream to an Output Stream

Printing an Output Stream

Closing the Output Stream

Using the WebLogic XPath API

Overview of the WebLogic XPath API

Using the DOMXPath Class

Example of Using the DOMXPath Class

Main Steps When Using the DOMXPath Class

Using the StreamXPath Class

Example of Using the StreamXPath Class

Main Steps When Using the StreamXPath Class

XML Programming Best Practices

When to Use the DOM, SAX, and Streaming APIs

Increasing Performance of XML Validation

When to Use XML Schemas or DTDs

Configuring External Entity Resolution for Maximum Performance

Using SAX InputSources

Improving Performance of Transformations

XML Programming Techniques

Transmitting XML Data Between A Java Client and WebLogic Server

Handling XML Documents in a JMS Application

Accessing External Entities That Do Not Have an HTTP Interface

Retrieving XML Document Header Information

Administering WebLogic Server XML

Overview of Administering WebLogic Server XML

XML Administration Tasks

How the XML Registry Works

Parser Selection Within the XML Registry

XML Parser and Transformer Configuration Tasks

Configuring a Parser or Transformer Other Than the Built-In

Configuring a Parser for a Particular Document Type

External Entity Configuration Tasks

Configuring External Entity Resolution

Configuring the External Entity Cache

Monitoring the External Entity Cache

XML Reference


Code Examples

Related WebLogic Server Documentation

Tutorials and Online Courses

Other XML Specifications and Information


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