BEA Systems, Inc.

BEA WebLogic Server 9.1 API Reference

Interface ExtendedBootstrapContext

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ExtendedBootstrapContext
extends BootstrapContext

This class provides WebLogic extensions to the standard javax.resource.spi.BootstrapContext. Any customer wishing to access these features simply needs to cast the BootstrapContext received on the ResourceAdapter bean .start() method to ExtendedBootstrapContext

Copyright © 2005 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Method Summary
 void complete()
          To be called by RA when all activity has quiesced and it is safe to undeploy the adapter.
 String getDiagnosticContextID()
 byte getDyeBits()
          Sets the low-order 4 bits as a "dye" on the current thread.
 void setDiagnosticContextID(String id)
          Sets the specified String in the Diagnostic Context payload associated with the current Thread.
 void setDyeBits(byte bits)
          Sets the low-order 4 bits as a "dye" on the current thread.
Methods inherited from interface javax.resource.spi.BootstrapContext
createTimer, getWorkManager, getXATerminator

Method Detail


public void complete()
To be called by RA when all activity has quiesced and it is safe to undeploy the adapter.


public String getDiagnosticContextID()
String the diagnostic payload id set on the current thread or null if not set.


public byte getDyeBits()
                throws ResourceException
Sets the low-order 4 bits as a "dye" on the current thread. Can be used to mark the thread ala the Diagnostic Framework request dyeing.

the bits set as the "dye" on the current thread


public void setDiagnosticContextID(String id)
Sets the specified String in the Diagnostic Context payload associated with the current Thread. This can be used to trace client requests all the way through the system from inbound messages coming in on a proprietary mechanism in the resource adapter.


public void setDyeBits(byte bits)
                throws ResourceException
Sets the low-order 4 bits as a "dye" on the current thread. Can be used to mark the thread ala the Diagnostic Framework request dyeing.

bits - -- the bits to set as the "dye"

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Copyright 2005 BEA Systems Inc.