BEA Systems, Inc.

BEA WebLogic Server 9.1 API Reference

Interface Suspendable

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Suspendable

Suspendable may be implemented by a ResourceAdapter JavaBean if it supports suspend, resume or side-by-side versioning

November 14, 2003
Copyright © 2005 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Field Summary
static int ALL
          Used to indicate that INBOUND, OUTBOUND & WORK are to be suspended/resumed
static int INBOUND
          Used to indicate that inbound communication is to be suspended/resumed
static int OUTBOUND
          Used to indicate that outbound communication is to be suspended/resumed
static int RESUME
          May be used to indicate a resume() operation
static int SUSPEND
          May be used to indicate a suspend() operation
static int WORK
          Used to indicate that submission of Work is to be suspended/resumed
Method Summary
 void init(ResourceAdapter ra, Properties props)
          Used by WLS to inform a ResourceAdapter that it is a new version of an already deployed resource adapter.
 boolean isInboundSuspended(MessageEndpointFactory endptFactory)
          Used to determine whether the inbound activity is currently suspended for the given MessageEndpointFactory
 boolean isSuspended(int type)
          Used to determine whether the specified type of activity is currently suspended.
 void resume(int type, Properties props)
          Request to resume the activity specified.
 void resumeInbound(MessageEndpointFactory endptFactory, Properties props)
          Request to resume the inbound activity on the given MessageEndpointFactory
 void startVersioning(ResourceAdapter ra, Properties props)
          Used by WLS to indicate to the current version of this resource adapter that a new version of the resource adapter is being deployed.
 boolean supportsInit()
          Used to determine if this resource adapter supports the init() method used for resource adapter versioning (side-by-side deployment)
 boolean supportsSuspend(int type)
 boolean supportsVersioning()
          Used to determine if this resource adapter supports the startVersioning() method used for resource adapter versioning (side-by-side deployment)
 void suspend(int type, Properties props)
          Request to suspend the activity specified.
 void suspendInbound(MessageEndpointFactory endptFactory, Properties props)
          Request to suspend the inbound activity on the given MessageEndpointFactory

Field Detail


public static final int ALL
Used to indicate that INBOUND, OUTBOUND & WORK are to be suspended/resumed

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int INBOUND
Used to indicate that inbound communication is to be suspended/resumed

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int OUTBOUND
Used to indicate that outbound communication is to be suspended/resumed

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RESUME
May be used to indicate a resume() operation

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SUSPEND
May be used to indicate a suspend() operation

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int WORK
Used to indicate that submission of Work is to be suspended/resumed

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public void init(ResourceAdapter ra,
                 Properties props)
          throws ResourceException
Used by WLS to inform a ResourceAdapter that it is a new version of an already deployed resource adapter. This method is called prior to start() so that the new resource adapter may coordinate its startup with the resource adapter it is replacing.

ra - The old version of the resource adapter that is currently running
props - Properties associated with the versioning operation
ResourceException - If the init() fails.


public boolean isInboundSuspended(MessageEndpointFactory endptFactory)
                           throws ResourceException
Used to determine whether the inbound activity is currently suspended for the given MessageEndpointFactory

true iff the inbound activity is suspened by this resource adapter


public boolean isSuspended(int type)
Used to determine whether the specified type of activity is currently suspended.

type - An int from 1 to 7 specifying the type of activity requested (i.e. Suspendable.INBOUND, .OUTBOUND, .WORK or the sum of one or more of these, or the value Suspendable.ALL )
true iff the specified type of activity is suspened by this resource adapter


public void resume(int type,
                   Properties props)
            throws ResourceException
Request to resume the activity specified. The Properties may be null or specified according to RA-specific needs

type - An int from 1 to 7 specifying the type of resume being requested (i.e. Suspendable.INBOUND, .OUTBOUND, .WORK or the sum of one or more of these, or the value Suspendable.ALL )
props - Optional Properties (or null) to be used for ResourceAdapter specific purposes
ResourceException - If the resource adapter can't complete the request


public void resumeInbound(MessageEndpointFactory endptFactory,
                          Properties props)
                   throws ResourceException
Request to resume the inbound activity on the given MessageEndpointFactory

props - Optional Properties (or null) to be used for ResourceAdapter specific purposes
ResourceException - If the resource adapter can't complete the request


public void startVersioning(ResourceAdapter ra,
                            Properties props)
                     throws ResourceException
Used by WLS to indicate to the current version of this resource adapter that a new version of the resource adapter is being deployed. This method can be used by the old RA to communicate with the new RA and migrate services from the old to the new. After being called, the ResourceAdapter is responsible for notifying the Connector container via the ExtendedBootstrapContext.complete() method, that it is safe to be undeployed.

ra - The new ResourceAdapter JavaBean
props - Properties associated with the versioning when it can be undeployed
ResourceException - If something goes wrong


public boolean supportsInit()
Used to determine if this resource adapter supports the init() method used for resource adapter versioning (side-by-side deployment)

true iff this resource adapter supports the init() method


public boolean supportsSuspend(int type)
type - An int from 1 to 7 specifying the type of suspend this inquiry is about (i.e. Suspendable.INBOUND, .OUTBOUND, .WORK or the sum of one or more of these, or the value Suspendable.ALL )
true iff the specified type of suspend is supported


public boolean supportsVersioning()
Used to determine if this resource adapter supports the startVersioning() method used for resource adapter versioning (side-by-side deployment)

true iff this resource adapter supports the startVersioning() method


public void suspend(int type,
                    Properties props)
             throws ResourceException
Request to suspend the activity specified. The Properties may be null or specified according to RA-specific needs

type - An int from 1 to 7 specifying the type of suspension being requested (i.e. Suspendable.INBOUND, .OUTBOUND, .WORK or the sum of one or more of these, or the value Suspendable.ALL )
props - Optional Properties (or null) to be used for ResourceAdapter specific purposes
ResourceException - If the resource adapter can't complete the request


public void suspendInbound(MessageEndpointFactory endptFactory,
                           Properties props)
                    throws ResourceException
Request to suspend the inbound activity on the given MessageEndpointFactory

props - Optional Properties (or null) to be used for ResourceAdapter specific purposes
ResourceException - If the resource adapter can't complete the request

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Copyright 2005 BEA Systems Inc.