BEA Systems, Inc.

Type-Safe Access to BEA WebLogic Server 9.0 MBeans (Deprecated)

Uses of Interface

Packages that use WebLogicMBean Contains classes and interfaces for configuring a WebLogic Server domain. Contains classes and interfaces for monitoring a WebLogic Server domain. 

Uses of WebLogicMBean in

Methods in that return WebLogicMBean
 WebLogicMBean WebLogicMBean.getParent()
          Return the immediate parent for this MBean
 WebLogicMBean MBeanHome.getMBean(ObjectName objectName)
          Deprecated. Returns a type-safe stub for the MBean whose complete JMX object name is contained in the ObjectName that you specify.
 WebLogicMBean MBeanHome.getMBean(String name, String type, String domain, String location)
          Deprecated. Returns a type-safe interface for the Runtime MBean or Local Configuration MBean whose JMX object name matches the name, type, domain, and location values that you specify.
 WebLogicMBean MBeanHome.getMBean(String name, String type, String domain)
          Deprecated. Returns a type-safe interface for the Administration MBean whose JMX object name matches the name, type, and domain values that you specify.
 WebLogicMBean MBeanHome.getMBean(String name, String type)
          Deprecated. Returns a type-safe stub for the Administration MBean in the default JMX domain whose JMX object name matches the name and type values that you specify.
 WebLogicMBean MBeanHome.getMBean(String name, Class cls)
          Deprecated. Returns a type-safe stub for all MBeans in the default JMX domain that implement the class you specify.
 WebLogicMBean MBeanHome.createAdminMBean(String name, String type, String domain, ConfigurationMBean parent)
          Deprecated. Creates an Administration MBean with the name, type, domain, and parent that you specify.
 WebLogicMBean MBeanHome.createAdminMBean(String name, String type, String domain)
          Deprecated. Creates an Administration MBean with the specified name, type, and domain.
 WebLogicMBean MBeanHome.createAdminMBean(String name, String type)
          Deprecated. Creates an Administration MBean with the specified name and type in the default JMX domain.

Methods in with parameters of type WebLogicMBean
 void WebLogicMBean.setParent(WebLogicMBean parent)
          Change the parent for this MBean
 void MBeanHome.deleteMBean(WebLogicMBean mbean)
          Deprecated. Delete the specified MBean..

Uses of WebLogicMBean in

Subinterfaces of WebLogicMBean in
 interface AdminServerMBean
 interface ApplicationMBean
          Deprecated. Replaced by AppDeploymentMBean
 interface BridgeDestinationCommonMBean
          This MBean represents a bridge destination for a messaging bridge instance.
 interface BridgeDestinationMBean
          Deprecated. Replaced with nothing (upgrade to JMSBridgeDestination if it maps to a JMS destination).
 interface ClassDeploymentMBean
          Temporary MBean for startup and shutdown classes.
 interface ClusterMBean
          This bean represents a cluster in the domain.
 interface COMMBean
          This bean represents the server-wide configuration of COM

Deprecation of MBeanHome and Type-Safe Interfaces

 interface ComponentMBean
          Deprecated. in favor of AppDeploymentMBean
 interface ConfigurationExtensionMBean
          This MBean is a reference to a system configuration extension.
 interface ConfigurationMBean
          The tagging interface for configuration MBeans.
 interface ConfigurationPropertyMBean
          Encapsulates information about a property, such as its value and whether it is encrypted.
 interface ConnectorComponentMBean
          Deprecated. in favor of AppDeploymentMBean
 interface ContextCaseMBean
          This mbean defines the mapping between the current context (security principal, group etc) and the request class to use.
 interface ContextRequestClassMBean
          This mbean defines the mapping between the current context (security principal, group) and the request class to use.
 interface DefaultFileStoreMBean
          This MBean describes the configuration of the default file store.
 interface DeploymentConfigurationMBean
          Specifies the domain-level deployment configuration attributes.
 interface DeploymentMBean
          A Deployment is any MBean that may be deployed on one or more targets, such as a Component, a Web Server personality, a JMS Front-end or back-end or a JDBC connection pool.
 interface DomainLogFilterMBean
          Deprecated. Replaced by LogFilterMBean
 interface DomainMBean
          A WebLogic Domain is a group of servers and/or clusters which are administered as a group.
 interface DomainTargetedMBean
          This is a marker interface for TargetInfoMBeans (and their descendants) that are targeted to the entire domain.
 interface EJBComponentMBean
          Deprecated. in favor of AppDeploymentMBean
 interface EJBContainerMBean
          This MBean is used to specify EJB container-wide settings.
 interface EmbeddedLDAPMBean
          The MBean that defines the configuration properties for the embedded LDAP server for the WebLogic domain.
 interface ErrorHandlingMBean
          Fake ErrorHandlingMBean
 interface ExecuteQueueMBean
          This bean is used to configure an execute queue and its associated thread pool.
 interface ForeignJMSConnectionFactoryMBean
          Deprecated. Replaced by the ForeignConnectionFactoryBean type in the new JMS module.
 interface ForeignJMSDestinationMBean
          Deprecated. Replaced by the ForeignDestinationBean type in the new JMS module.
 interface ForeignJMSServerMBean
          Deprecated. Replaced by the ForeignServerBean type in the new JMS module.
 interface ForeignJNDILinkMBean

Deprecation of MBeanHome and Type-Safe Interfaces

 interface ForeignJNDIProviderMBean

Deprecation of MBeanHome and Type-Safe Interfaces

 interface HTTPProxyMBean

Deprecation of MBeanHome and Type-Safe Interfaces

 interface IIOPMBean
          Configuration for IIOP properties.
 interface JDBCConnectionPoolMBean
          Deprecated. Replaced by JDBCSystemResourceMBean
 interface JDBCDataSourceFactoryMBean
          Deprecated. Replaced by AppDeploymentMBean
 interface JDBCDataSourceMBean
          Deprecated. Replaced by JDBCSystemResourceMBean
 interface JDBCMultiPoolMBean
          Deprecated. Replaced by JDBCSystemResourceMBean
 interface JDBCSystemResourceMBean
          This bean defines a system-level JDBC resource.
 interface JDBCTxDataSourceMBean
          Deprecated. Replaced by JDBCSystemResourceMBean
 interface JMSBridgeDestinationMBean
          This MBean represents a messaging bridge destination for a JMS messaging product.
 interface JMSConnectionConsumerMBean
          Deprecated. This functionality will be removed in a future release. New applications should use message-driven beans for this purpose.
 interface JMSConnectionFactoryMBean
          Deprecated. Replaced by weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.JmsConnectionFactoryBean
 interface JMSDestCommonMBean
          Deprecated. Replaced by DestinationBean
 interface JMSDestinationKeyMBean
          Deprecated. Replaced by DestinationKeyBean
 interface JMSDestinationMBean
          Deprecated. Replaced by DestinationBean
 interface JMSDistributedDestinationMBean
          Deprecated. Replaced by and weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.UnifrormDistributedDestinationBean
 interface JMSDistributedDestinationMemberMBean
          Deprecated. Replaced by DistributedDestinationMemberBean
 interface JMSDistributedQueueMBean
          Deprecated. Replaced by DistributedQueueBean
 interface JMSDistributedQueueMemberMBean
          Deprecated. Replaced by weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.DistributedQueueMemberBean
 interface JMSDistributedTopicMBean
          Deprecated. Replaced by DistributedTopicBean
 interface JMSDistributedTopicMemberMBean
          Deprecated. Replaced by weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.wl.DistributedTopicMemberBean
 interface JMSFileStoreMBean
          Deprecated. Replaced by FileStoreMBean
 interface JMSInteropModuleMBean
          This bean defines a system-level JMS resource.
 interface JMSJDBCStoreMBean
          Deprecated. Replaced by JDBCStoreMBean
 interface JMSMessageLogFileMBean
          This defines the configuration aspects of the logs for a jms server.
 interface JMSQueueMBean
          Deprecated. Replaced by QueueBean
 interface JMSServerMBean
          This class represents a JMS server.
 interface JMSSessionPoolMBean
          Deprecated. Replaced with message-dirven beans. This functionality will be removed in a future release.
 interface JMSStoreMBean
          Deprecated. Replaced by PersistentStoreMBean
 interface JMSSystemResourceMBean
          This bean defines a system-level JMS resource.
 interface JMSTemplateMBean
          Deprecated. Replaced by TemplateBean
 interface JMSTopicMBean
          Deprecated. Replaced by TopicBean
 interface JMSVirtualDestinationMBean
          Deprecated. Replaced by DistributedDestinationBean
 interface JMXMBean
          Controls which JMX agents are initialized in the current WebLogic Server domain.
 interface JoltConnectionPoolMBean
          This bean defines a Jolt connection pool.
 interface JTAMBean
          This interface provides access to the JTA configuration attributes.
 interface JTAMigratableTargetMBean
          The target that is used internally to register the JTA recovery manager to the Migration Manager.
 interface KernelMBean
          This bean represents the configuration of the core message passing kernel on both WebLogic clients and servers.
 interface LibraryMBean
          Configuration bean for Libraries.
 interface LogFileMBean
          Configures the location, file-rotation criteria, and number of files that a WebLogic Server uses to store log messages.
 interface LogFilterMBean
          This MBean represents a filter to qualify log messages which are selected by the specified filter expression criteria.
 interface LogMBean
          Configures the threshold severity level and filter settings for logging output.
 interface MachineMBean
          This bean represents a machine on which servers may be booted.
 interface MailSessionMBean
          Facilitates using the JavaMail APIs, which provide applications and other J2EE modules with access to Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)- and Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)-capable mail servers on your network or the Internet.
 interface MaxThreadsConstraintMBean
          This MBean defines the max number of concurrent threads that can execute requests sharing this max constraint.
 interface MessagingBridgeMBean
          This MBean represents a WebLogic messaging bridge.
 interface MigratableTargetMBean
          A target that is suitable for services that shall be active on at most one server of a cluster at a time.
 interface MinThreadsConstraintMBean
          This MBean defines the minimum number of concurrent threads that should allocated to this constraint provided there are enough pending requests.
 interface NetworkAccessPointMBean
          A server can specifiy additional network connections by using a NetworkAccessPointMBean.
 interface NetworkChannelMBean
          Deprecated. use NetworkAccessPointMBean
 interface NodeManagerMBean
          This bean is represents a NodeManager that is associated with a machine.
 interface OverloadProtectionMBean
          This Mbean has attributes concerning server overload protection.
 interface PathServiceMBean
          This class represents a path service.
 interface PersistentStoreMBean
          This MBean is the parent of the GenericFileStoreMBean and GenericJDBCStoreMBean.
 interface RemoteSAFContextMBean
          Fake RemoteSAFContextMBean
 interface ResponseTimeRequestClassMBean
          This mbean defines the response time goal for this request class.
 interface RMCFactoryMBean
          Represents a J2EE resource manager connection factory in a J2EE app.
 interface SAFAgentMBean
          This class represents a Store-and-Forward (SAF) agent.
 interface SecurityConfigurationMBean
          Provides domain-wide security configuration information.
 interface SecurityMBean
          Deprecated. Replaced by SecurityConfigurationMBean
 interface ServerFailureTriggerMBean
          Configuration to mark the server as failed when threads are stuck.
 interface ServerMBean
          This class represents a WebLogic Server.
 interface ServerStartMBean
          This bean is used to configure the attributes necessary to start up a server on a remote machine.
 interface ShutdownClassMBean
          Provides methods for configuring a shutdown class.
 interface SNMPAgentMBean
          The MBean representing the SNMP Agent Configuration.
 interface SNMPAttributeChangeMBean
          This class describes the settings to receive MBean-attribute change trap.
 interface SNMPCounterMonitorMBean
          This class describes the criteria for a Counter-based Monitor.
 interface SNMPGaugeMonitorMBean
          This class describes the criteria for a Gauge-based Monitor.
 interface SNMPJMXMonitorMBean
          This is a base class for Monitor based trap configuration MBeans : SNMPCounterMonitorMBean, SNMPStringMonitorMBean and SNMPGaugeMonitorMBean.
 interface SNMPLogFilterMBean
          This MBean represents a filter to qualify log messages which are logged to the server logfile.
 interface SNMPProxyMBean
          The MBean representing the SNMP agents to be proxied by the current one.
 interface SNMPStringMonitorMBean
          This class describes the criteria for a String-based Monitor.
 interface SNMPTrapDestinationMBean
          This MBean describes all the destinations to which SNMP traps can be sent.
 interface SNMPTrapSourceMBean
          This MBean is the base of SNMP TRAP related configuration MBeans.
 interface SSLMBean
          This MBean represents the configuration of the SSL protocol.
 interface StartupClassMBean
          Provides methods that configure startup classes.
 interface SubDeploymentMBean
          This bean represents an individually targetable entity within a deployment package, which is deployable on WLS.
 interface SystemResourceMBean
          A system resource is a resource whose definition is part of the system configuration rather than an application.
 interface TargetInfoMBean
          This bean represents any weblogic entity which can be targeted.
 interface TargetMBean
          A tagging interface that designates a class as a target for deployment of a AppDeploymentMBean.
 interface UnixMachineMBean
          This bean represents a machine that is running the UNIX operating system.
 interface VirtualDestinationMBean
          This class represents a virtual destination.
 interface VirtualHostMBean
          This bean represents the configuration of virtual web server within a WebLogic Server instance.
 interface WebAppComponentMBean
          Deprecated. in favor of AppDeploymentMBean
 interface WebAppContainerMBean
          This MBean is used to specify domain-wide defaults for the WebApp container.
 interface WebDeploymentMBean
          A Web Deployment is any MBean that may be deployed on one or more target or WebServers.
 interface WebServerLogMBean
          Aggregates the logging attributes for the WebServerMBean.
 interface WebServerMBean
          This bean represents the configuration of virtual web server within a weblogic server.
 interface WebServiceComponentMBean
          Deprecated. in favor of AppDeploymentMBean
 interface WebserviceCredentialProviderMBean
          Encapsulates information about a particular credential provider that has been configured for a Web Service security configuration.
 interface WebserviceSecurityConfigurationMBean
          Encapsulates information about a Web Service security configuration.
 interface WebserviceSecurityMBean
          Encapsulates information about a Web Service security configuration.
 interface WebserviceSecurityTokenMBean
          Encapsulates information about a particular token that has been configured for a Web Service security configuration.
 interface WebserviceTimestampMBean
          Encapsulates the timestamp information that is associated with a Web Service security configuration.
 interface WebserviceTokenHandlerMBean
          Encapsulates information about a particular token handler that has been configured for a Web Service security configuration.
 interface WLECConnectionPoolMBean
          This bean defines a WLEC connection pool.
 interface WorkManagerMBean
          Configuration MBean representing WorkManager parameters.
 interface WorkManagerShutdownTriggerMBean
          This MBean is used to configure the trigger that shuts down the WorkManager.
 interface WSReliableDeliveryPolicyMBean
          This class represents the reliable messaging delivery policy for the current WebLogic Server as both a sender and a receiver of a reliable SOAP message to and from a Web service running on a different WebLogic Server.
 interface WTCExportMBean
          This interface provides access to the WTC export configuration attributes.
 interface WTCImportMBean
          This interface provides access to the WTC import configuration attributes.
 interface WTCLocalTuxDomMBean
          This interface provides access to the WTC local Tuxedo Domain configuration attributes.
 interface WTCPasswordMBean
          This interface provides access to the WTC password configuration attributes.
 interface WTCRemoteTuxDomMBean
          This interface provides access to the WTC remote Tuxedo Domain configuration attributes.
 interface WTCResourcesMBean
          This interface provides access to the WTC resources configuration attributes.
 interface WTCServerMBean
          This MBean defines a WTC Server.
 interface WTCtBridgeGlobalMBean
          This interface provides access to the WTC tBridge Global configuration attributes.
 interface WTCtBridgeRedirectMBean
          This interface provides access to the WTC tBridge Redirect configuration attributes.
 interface XMLEntityCacheMBean
          Configure the behavior of JAXP (Java API for XML Parsing) in the server.
 interface XMLEntitySpecRegistryEntryMBean
          An Entity Spec Entry specifies how to resolve an external entity based its public and system IDs.
 interface XMLParserSelectRegistryEntryMBean
          A Parser Select Entry specifies the SAX/DOM parser factory implementation classes for a particular document type.
 interface XMLRegistryEntryMBean
          Deprecated. replaced by XMLRegistryMBean.
 interface XMLRegistryMBean
          Configure the behavior of JAXP (Java API for XML Parsing) in the server.

Uses of WebLogicMBean in

Subinterfaces of WebLogicMBean in
 interface AppClientComponentRuntimeMBean
          This is the ComponentRuntimeMBean for J2EE Application Client Containers.
 interface ApplicationRuntimeMBean
          An application represents a J2EE Enterprise application packaged in an EAR file or EAR exploded directory.
 interface AppRuntimeStateRuntimeMBean
          Provides access to runtime state for deployed applications.
 interface ClusterRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a server's view of the members of a WebLogic cluster within a WebLogic domain.
 interface ComponentRuntimeMBean
          Base class for all runtime mbeans that provide status of running modules.
 interface ConnectorComponentRuntimeMBean
          Generates notifications about the deployment state of resource adapters.
 interface ConnectorConnectionPoolRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic Connector Connection Pool
 interface ConnectorConnectionRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring individual WebLogic Connector connections
 interface ConnectorInboundRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring inbound connections of resource adapters.
 interface ConnectorServiceRuntimeMBean
          This interface defines the runtime information that can be accessed at a connector service level.
 interface CursorRuntimeMBean
          This interface is a base interface for paging cursor implementations.
 interface DeployerRuntimeMBean
          Deprecated. Replaced by weblogic.deploy.api.spi.WebLogicDeploymentManager
 interface DeploymentTaskRuntimeMBean
          Deprecated. Replaced by weblogic.deploy.api.spi.WebLogicDeploymentManager
 interface DomainRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic domain.
 interface EJBCacheRuntimeMBean
          This interface contains accessor methods for all cache runtime information collected for an EJB.
 interface EJBComponentRuntimeMBean
          This is the top level interface for all runtime information collected for an EJB module.
 interface EJBLockingRuntimeMBean
          This interface contains accessor methods for all lock manager runtime information collected for an EJB.
 interface EJBPoolRuntimeMBean
          This interface contains accessor methods for all free pool runtime information collected for an EJB.
 interface EJBRuntimeMBean
          This interface contains accessor methods for all common runtime information collected for all EJB types.
 interface EJBTimerRuntimeMBean
          This interface contains accessor methods for all EJB Timer runtime information collected for an EJB.
 interface EJBTransactionRuntimeMBean
          This interface contains accessor methods for all transaction runtime information collected for an EJB.
 interface EntityCacheCumulativeRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring an XML Cache.
 interface EntityCacheCurrentStateRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring the size and usage of an XML Cache.
 interface EntityCacheRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring an XML Cache.
 interface EntityEJBRuntimeMBean
          This interface contains accessor methods for all EJB runtime information collected for an Entity Bean.
 interface ExecuteQueueRuntimeMBean
          This bean is used to monitor an execute queue and its associated thread pool.
 interface InterceptionComponentRuntimeMBean
          Interception: This is the top level interface for all runtime information collected for an Interception module.
 interface JDBCConnectionPoolRuntimeMBean
          Deprecated. Replaced by JDBCDataSourceRuntimeMBean
 interface JDBCDataSourceTaskRuntimeMBean
 interface JMSComponentRuntimeMBean
          This is the top level interface for all runtime information collected for an JMS module.
 interface JMSConnectionRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JMS connection.
 interface JMSConsumerRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JMS consumer.
 interface JMSDestinationRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JMS destination (topic or queue).
 interface JMSDurableSubscriberRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JMS durable subscriber.
 interface JMSMessageCursorRuntimeMBean
          This runtime MBean represents a handle to a server-side JMS message result set.
 interface JMSMessageManagementRuntimeMBean
          This interface defines the common management functionality for both Queues and Topics

Deprecation of MBeanHome and Type-Safe Interfaces

 interface JMSPooledConnectionRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring pooled JMS connections.
 interface JMSProducerRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JMS producer.
 interface JMSRemoteEndpointRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic SAF remote endpoint for a JMS imported destination.
 interface JMSRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JMS service.
 interface JMSServerRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JMS server.
 interface JMSSessionPoolRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JMS session pool.
 interface JMSSessionRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JMS session.
 interface JoltConnectionPoolRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic Jolt Connection Pool
 interface JoltConnectionRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring individual WebLogic Jolt connections
 interface JoltConnectionServiceRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic Jolt component
 interface JRockitRuntimeMBean
          Exposes runtime data about the JRockit Virtual Machine (VM) that is running the current WebLogic Server instance.
 interface JTARecoveryRuntimeMBean
          This interface is used for accessing transaction runtime characteristics for recovered transactions that are associated with a particular Transaction Recovery Service.
 interface JTARuntimeMBean
          This interface is used for accessing transaction runtime characteristics within a WebLogic server.
 interface JTAStatisticsRuntimeMBean
          This interface contains general JTA runtime statistics.
 interface JTATransactionStatisticsRuntimeMBean
          This interface contains general JTA transaction runtime statistics.
 interface JVMRuntimeMBean
          Provides methods for retrieving information about the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) within with the current server instance is running.
 interface LibraryRuntimeMBean

Deprecation of MBeanHome and Type-Safe Interfaces

 interface LogBroadcasterRuntimeMBean
          This MBean broadcasts JMX notifications for each log message generated in the local WLS server.
 interface LogRuntimeMBean
          This interface defines the control operations for a log in the WebLogic Server.
 interface MailSessionRuntimeMBean
          RuntimeMBean for JavaMail Sessions

Deprecation of MBeanHome and Type-Safe Interfaces

 interface MANReplicationRuntimeMBean

Deprecation of MBeanHome and Type-Safe Interfaces

 interface MaxThreadsConstraintRuntimeMBean
          Runtime information for MaxThreadsConstraint

Deprecation of MBeanHome and Type-Safe Interfaces

 interface MessageCursorRuntimeMBean
          This interface specifies methods for cursor result sets comprised of messages.
 interface MessageDrivenControlEJBRuntimeMBean
          This interface contains controls to suspend & resume the MDBs.
 interface MessageDrivenEJBRuntimeMBean
          This interface contains accessor methods for all EJB runtime information collected for a Message Driven Bean.
 interface MessagingBridgeRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic messaging bridge.
 interface MigratableServiceCoordinatorRuntimeMBean

Deprecation of MBeanHome and Type-Safe Interfaces

 interface MinThreadsConstraintRuntimeMBean
          Monitoring information for MinThreadsConstraint

Deprecation of MBeanHome and Type-Safe Interfaces

 interface NonXAResourceRuntimeMBean
          This represents runtime statistical information about a NonXAResource

Deprecation of MBeanHome and Type-Safe Interfaces

 interface PathServiceRuntimeMBean
          This interface is used for accessing a WebLogic path service entity

Deprecation of MBeanHome and Type-Safe Interfaces

 interface PersistentStoreConnectionRuntimeMBean

Deprecation of MBeanHome and Type-Safe Interfaces

 interface PersistentStoreRuntimeMBean

Deprecation of MBeanHome and Type-Safe Interfaces

 interface PSAssemblyRuntimeMBean
          This interface is used for accessing a WebLogic path service entity

Deprecation of MBeanHome and Type-Safe Interfaces

 interface PSEntryCursorRuntimeMBean
          This runtime MBean extends the cursor mbean with write methods, such as delete, update, etc.
 interface QueryCacheRuntimeMBean
          This interface contains accessor methods for all query cache runtime information collected for an EJB.
 interface RealmRuntimeMBean
          This class is used to monitor and manage per security realm runtime information.
 interface RequestClassRuntimeMBean
          RequestClassRuntimeMBean presents runtime information about RequestClasses.
 interface SAFAgentRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic SAF agent.
 interface SAFConversationRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic SAF conversation.
 interface SAFMessageCursorRuntimeMBean
          This runtime MBean represents a handle to a SAF message result set.
 interface SAFRemoteEndpointRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic SAF remote endpoint

Deprecation of MBeanHome and Type-Safe Interfaces

 interface SAFRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic SAF service.
 interface SAFStatisticsCommonMBean
          This class is has all the common statistics stuff for a SAFAgentRuntimeMBean or a SAFRemoteEndpoitsRuntimeMBean.
 interface ServerChannelRuntimeMBean
          Runtime information for NetworkAccessPoints or "Channels".
 interface ServerLifeCycleRuntimeMBean
          Provides methods that transition servers from one state to another.
 interface ServerLifeCycleTaskRuntimeMBean
          Exposes monitoring information about a server's lifecycle.
 interface ServerRuntimeMBean
          Provides methods for retrieving runtime information about a server instance and for transitioning a server from one state to another.
 interface ServerSecurityRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring WebLogic Security Info.
 interface ServletRuntimeMBean
          Describes a servlet.
 interface ServletSessionRuntimeMBean
          Deprecated. As of WebLogic 9.0, use WebAppComponentRuntimeMBean instead.
 interface StatefulEJBRuntimeMBean
          This interface contains accessor methods for all EJB runtime information collected for a Stateful Session Bean.
 interface StatelessEJBRuntimeMBean
          This interface contains accessor methods for all EJB runtime information collected for a Stateless Session Bean.
 interface TaskRuntimeMBean
          Exposes monitoring information about an ongoing and potentially long-running administrative process.
 interface ThreadPoolRuntimeMBean
          This bean is used to monitor the self-tuning queue

Deprecation of MBeanHome and Type-Safe Interfaces

 interface TimerRuntimeMBean
          This RuntimeMBean exposes information about all active timers present in the WebLogic timer implementation.
 interface TransactionNameRuntimeMBean
          This interface represents runtime statistics for a transaction name category.
 interface TransactionResourceRuntimeMBean
          This interface represents runtime statistics for a transactional resource.
 interface UserLockoutManagerRuntimeMBean
          This class is used to monitor and manage per security realm user lockout information.
 interface WANReplicationRuntimeMBean

Deprecation of MBeanHome and Type-Safe Interfaces

 interface WebAppComponentRuntimeMBean
          Describes a servlet component (servlet context).
 interface WebServerRuntimeMBean
          Describes a Web Server (HTTP Server)

Deprecation of MBeanHome and Type-Safe Interfaces

 interface WLDFAccessRuntimeMBean
          Use this interface to access the different types of diagnostic data generated by a server.
 interface WLDFArchiveRuntimeMBean
          Use this interface to collect statistical information about the data archives maintained by WLDF.
 interface WLDFDataAccessRuntimeMBean
          Use this interface to access the specific type of diagnostic data from an underlying log for which this instance is created.
 interface WLDFDbstoreArchiveRuntimeMBean
          Use this interface to retrieve statistical information associated with the WLDF archives that use databases for storage.
 interface WLDFFileArchiveRuntimeMBean
          Use this interface to collect statistical information about file-based WLDF archives.
 interface WLDFHarvesterRuntimeMBean
          Provides information about harvestable and harvested attributes, types, and instances.
 interface WLDFImageCreationTaskRuntimeMBean
          Exposes monitoring information about a potentially long-running request for the generation of a diagnostic image.
 interface WLDFImageRuntimeMBean
          This interface controls diagnostic image creation, and provides access to run-time information about past and current diagnostic image capture requests.
 interface WLDFInstrumentationRuntimeMBean
          This interface defines various methods for accessing runtime information about the diagnostic instrumentation system.
 interface WLDFWatchJMXNotificationRuntimeMBean
          Attaches a notification listener in order to receive watch notification events when a watch evaluates to true.
 interface WLDFWatchNotificationRuntimeMBean
          Provides access to Watch and Notification statistical data for the current instance of this server.
 interface WLDFWlstoreArchiveRuntimeMBean
          Use this interface to retrieve statistical information associated with WLDF archives that use WebLogic Store for data storage.
 interface WLECConnectionPoolRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic WLEC Connection Pool
 interface WLECConnectionRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring individual WebLogic WLEC connections
 interface WLECConnectionServiceRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic WLEC component
 interface WorkManagerRuntimeMBean
          WorkManager Runtime information.
 interface WseeHandlerRuntimeMBean
          Provides runtime information about a SOAP message handler that has been associated with a Web Service.
 interface WseeOperationRuntimeMBean
          Describes the state of a particular Web Service operation, such as deployment state and runtime statistics about the execution of the operation.
 interface WseePolicyRuntimeMBean
          Specifies runtime information about the WS-Policy files that are available for the Web Service.
 interface WseePortRuntimeMBean
          Describes the state of a particular Web Service port.
 interface WseeRuntimeMBean
          Encapsulates runtime information about a particular Web Service.
 interface WSRMRemoteEndpointRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic SAF remote endpoint for WebServices Reliable Messaging.
 interface WTCRuntimeMBean
          This class is used to query, stop, and start WTC connections.

Classes in that implement WebLogicMBean
 class ComponentRuntimeMBeanImpl
 class DomainRuntimeMBeanDelegate
 class JDBCDataSourceTaskRuntimeMBeanImpl
 class TaskRuntimeMBeanImpl

Methods in that return WebLogicMBean
 WebLogicMBean RuntimeMBeanDelegate.getParent()

Methods in with parameters of type WebLogicMBean
 void RuntimeMBeanDelegate.setParent(WebLogicMBean parent)

Documentation is available at
Copyright 2005 BEA Systems Inc.