BEA Systems, Inc.

Interface ServiceClient

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ServiceClient
extends Annotation

This is an annotation that you can place on a stub that's used within a JWS. By placing this annotation, the container will perform dependency injection to the stub which allows you to use advanced features such as reliable messaging, conversational invoke and asynchronous invokes.

Method Summary
 String endpointAddress()
          The endpoint address that this stub is supposed to be calling.
 String portName()
          The port name that this stub points to.
 String serviceName()
          The service name that this stub points to.
 String wsdlLocation()
          The wsdl location that this stub points to.
Methods inherited from interface java.lang.annotation.Annotation
annotationType, equals, hashCode, toString

Method Detail


String serviceName()
The service name that this stub points to.


String portName()
The port name that this stub points to. If there is only one port, this attribute is optional.


String wsdlLocation()
The wsdl location that this stub points to. If leave blank, the runtime will use the saved wsdl to instantiate the stub.


String endpointAddress()
The endpoint address that this stub is supposed to be calling. If leave blank, the runtime will use the address specified in the wsdl.

Documentation is available at
Copyright 2006 BEA Systems Inc.