BEA Systems, Inc.
Interface SecurityIdentity

All Superinterfaces:


public interface SecurityIdentity
extends Annotation

See Also:
Defines the identity the Web Service assumes during execution. Normally a Web Service assumes the identity of the authenticated caller. This annotation allows the developer to override this behavior so that the Web Service instead executes as a particular role. The role must map to user/group information in the container’s security realm.

Method Summary
 String value()
          Deprecated. A Web Service that includes this member-value assumes the permission-level of the role specified and may access other resources accordingly.
Methods inherited from interface java.lang.annotation.Annotation
annotationType, equals, hashCode, toString

Method Detail


String value()
A Web Service that includes this member-value assumes the permission-level of the role specified and may access other resources accordingly. This annotation is the equivalent of the <security-identity> entry in ejb-jar.xml.

Documentation is available at
Copyright 2006 BEA Systems Inc.