BEA Systems, Inc.
Interface SecurityRoleRef

All Superinterfaces:

public interface SecurityRoleRef
extends Annotation

Each security-role-ref element links a privilege name embedded in the application as a roleName to a security role. Copyright (c) 2005 by BEA Systems. All Rights Reserved.

Method Summary
 String link()
          maps to a "role-name" defined in the "security-role-assignment" element in the weblogic deployment descriptor.
 String role()
          defines the name of the security role
Methods inherited from interface java.lang.annotation.Annotation
annotationType, equals, hashCode, toString

Method Detail


String role()
defines the name of the security role


String link()
maps to a "role-name" defined in the "security-role-assignment" element in the weblogic deployment descriptor.

Documentation is available at
Copyright 2006 BEA Systems Inc.