BEA Systems, Inc.

Uses of Class

Packages that use DispositionReport

Uses of DispositionReport in weblogic.uddi.client.service

Methods in weblogic.uddi.client.service that return DispositionReport
 DispositionReport Publish.deleteBinding(DeleteBinding input)
          Creates a soap message, using the requested delete_binding structure, to make a function call at the remote registry.
 DispositionReport Publish.deleteBusiness(DeleteBusiness input)
          Creates a soap message, using the requested delete_business structure, to make a function call at the remote registry.
 DispositionReport Publish.deleteService(DeleteService input)
          Creates a soap message, using the requested delete_service structure, to make a function call at the remote registry.
 DispositionReport Publish.deleteTModel(DeleteTModel input)
          Creates a soap message, using the requested delete_tModel structure, to make a function call at the remote registry.
 DispositionReport Publish.discardAuthToken(DiscardAuthToken input)
          Creates a soap message, using the requested discard_authToken structure, to make a function call at the remote registry.
 DispositionReport Publish.validateCategorization(ValidateCategorization input)
          Creates a soap message, using the requested validate_categorization structure, to make a function call at the remote registry.

Uses of DispositionReport in weblogic.uddi.client.structures.exception

Methods in weblogic.uddi.client.structures.exception that return DispositionReport
 DispositionReport UDDIException.getDispositionReport()
          Gets the disposition report.

Methods in weblogic.uddi.client.structures.exception with parameters of type DispositionReport
 void UDDIException.setDispositionReport(DispositionReport value)
          Sets the disposition report.

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Copyright 2006 BEA Systems Inc.