BEA Systems, Inc.

Type-Safe Access to BEA WebLogic Server 9.2 MBeans (Deprecated)

(Methods marked with @since are not available through the deprecated MBeanHome interface.)
Interface WebAppContainerMBean

All Superinterfaces:
ConfigurationMBean, weblogic.descriptor.DescriptorBean, DynamicMBean, MBeanRegistration, NotificationBroadcaster, weblogic.descriptor.SettableBean,

public interface WebAppContainerMBean
extends ConfigurationMBean

This MBean is used to specify domain-wide defaults for the WebApp container. In general, these properties can be overridden at the cluster level (in ClusterMBean, if the same property is present there), the server level (in ServerMBean, if the same property is present there) or for a specific Web application (in weblogic.xml).

Deprecation of MBeanHome and Type-Safe Interfaces

This is a type-safe interface for a WebLogic Server MBean, which you can import into your client classes and access through As of 9.0, the MBeanHome interface and all type-safe interfaces for WebLogic Server MBeans are deprecated. Instead, client classes that interact with WebLogic Server MBeans should use standard JMX design patterns in which clients use the interface to discover MBeans, attributes, and attribute types at runtime. For more information, see "Developing Manageable Applications with JMX" on

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface
Method Summary
 int getMaxPostSize()
          The maximum post size this server allows for reading HTTP POST data in a servlet request.
 int getMaxPostTimeSecs()
          Max Post Time (in seconds) for reading HTTP POST data in a servlet request.
 String getMimeMappingFile()
          Returns the name of the file containing mime-mappings for the domain.
 String getP3PHeaderValue()
           Returns the P3PHeader value that will be sent with all responses for http requests (if non-null).
 int getPostTimeoutSecs()
          The amount of time this server waits between receiving chunks of data in an HTTP POST data before it times out.
 int getServletReloadCheckSecs()
 String getXPoweredByHeaderLevel()
           WebLogic Server uses the X-Powered-By HTTP header, as recommended by the Servlet 2.4 specification, to publish its implementation information.
 boolean isAllowAllRoles()
           In the security-constraints elements defined in a Web application's web.xml deployment descriptor, the auth-constraint element indicates the user roles that should be permitted access to this resource collection.
 boolean isAuthCookieEnabled()
          Whether authcookie feature is enabled or not.
 boolean isClientCertProxyEnabled()
          Specifies whether or not to honor the WL-Proxy-Client-Cert header coming with the request.
 boolean isFilterDispatchedRequestsEnabled()
           Indicates whether or not to apply filters to dispatched requests.
 boolean isHttpTraceSupportEnabled()
           Returns the value of HttpTraceSupportEnabled.
 boolean isJSPCompilerBackwardsCompatible()
          Global property to determine the behavior of the JSP compiler.
 boolean isOptimisticSerialization()
           When OptimisticSerialization is turned on, WebLogic server does not serialize-deserialize context and request attributes upon getAttribute(name) when a request gets dispatched across servlet contexts.
 boolean isOverloadProtectionEnabled()
          This parameter is used to enable overload protection in the webapp container against low memory conditions.
 boolean isReloginEnabled()
          Beginning with the 9.0 release the FORM/BASIC authentication behavior has been modified to conform strictly to the J2EE Specification.
 boolean isRetainOriginalURL()
           retain-original-url is used in FORM based authentication scenarios.
 boolean isRtexprvalueJspParamName()
          Global property which determines the behavior of the JSP compiler when a jsp:param attribute "name" has a request time value.
 boolean isServletAuthenticationFormURL()
           ServletAuthenticationFormURL is used for backward compatibility with previous releases of Weblogic Server.If ServletAuthenticationFormURL is set to true (default), then ServletAuthentication.getTargetURLForFormAuthentication() and HttpSession.getAttribute(AuthFilter.TARGET_URL) will return the URL of the protected target resource.
 boolean isServletReloadCheckSecsSet()
 boolean isWAPEnabled()
          Indicates whether the session ID should include JVM information.
 boolean isWeblogicPluginEnabled()
          Specifies whether or not the proprietary WL-Proxy-Client-IP header should be honored.
 boolean isWorkContextPropagationEnabled()
          Indicates whether or not WorkContextPropagation is enabled.
 void setAllowAllRoles(boolean allowAllRoles)
          Sets the value of the backward compatibility switch AllowAllRoles attribute.
 void setAuthCookieEnabled(boolean enable)
          Sets the value of the isAuthCookieEnabled attribute.
 void setClientCertProxyEnabled(boolean ccp)
          A value of true causes proxy-server plugins to pass identity certificates from clients to all web applications that are deployed on all server instances in the domain.
 void setFilterDispatchedRequestsEnabled(boolean enabled)
          Sets the value of the backward-compatibility parameter "FilterDispatchedRequestsEnabled".
 void setHttpTraceSupportEnabled(boolean tse)
           Attackers may abuse HTTP TRACE functionality to gain access to information in HTTP headers such as cookies and authentication data.
 void setJSPCompilerBackwardsCompatible(boolean compat)
           Sets the value of the JSPCompilerBackwardsCompatible parameter.
 void setMaxPostSize(int bytes)
          Sets the value of the maxPostSize attribute.
 void setMaxPostTimeSecs(int secs)
          Max Post Time (in seconds) for reading HTTP POST data in a servlet request.
 void setMimeMappingFile(String mimeMapping)
          Sets the mimeMapping file name for the domain.
 void setOptimisticSerialization(boolean b)
          Sets the OptimisticSerialization value.
 void setOverloadProtectionEnabled(boolean enabled)
           Sets the value of OverloadProtectionEnabled param
 void setP3PHeaderValue(String p3pHeader)
          If set to a non-null value a "P3P" header will always be sent with all responses for http requests.
 void setPostTimeoutSecs(int secs)
          Sets the value of the postTimeoutSecs attribute.
 void setReloginEnabled(boolean enabled)
          Enables re-login for FORM/BASIC authentication in webapps.
 void setRetainOriginalURL(boolean b)
          Sets the RetainOriginalURL value.
 void setRtexprvalueJspParamName(boolean rtexprvalue)
           Sets the value of RtexprvalueJspParamName
 void setServletAuthenticationFormURL(boolean b)
          Sets the ServletAuthenticationFormURL value.
 void setServletReloadCheckSecs(int servletReloadCheckSecs)
 void setWAPEnabled(boolean enable)
          Sets the value of the IsWAPEnabled attribute.
 void setWeblogicPluginEnabled(boolean wpe)
          WLS HttpRequest.getRemoteAddr() used to rely on X-Forwarded-For for its returned value.
 void setWorkContextPropagationEnabled(boolean workContextPropagationEnabled)
          Sets the value of WorkContextPropagationEnabled
 void setXPoweredByHeaderLevel(String xPoweredByHeaderLevel)
           Sets the level for XPoweredBy header information
Methods inherited from interface
freezeCurrentValue, getName, getNotes, isSet, restoreDefaultValue, setComments, setDefaultedMBean, setName, setNotes, setPersistenceEnabled, unSet
Methods inherited from interface
getMBeanInfo, getObjectName, getParent, getType, isCachingDisabled, isRegistered, setParent
Methods inherited from interface
getAttribute, getAttributes, invoke, setAttribute, setAttributes
Methods inherited from interface
postDeregister, postRegister, preDeregister, preRegister
Methods inherited from interface
addNotificationListener, getNotificationInfo, removeNotificationListener
Methods inherited from interface weblogic.descriptor.DescriptorBean
addBeanUpdateListener, addPropertyChangeListener, createChildCopy, createChildCopyIncludingObsolete, getDescriptor, getParentBean, isEditable, removeBeanUpdateListener, removePropertyChangeListener

Method Detail


public int getMaxPostSize()

The maximum post size this server allows for reading HTTP POST data in a servlet request. A value less than 0 indicates an unlimited size.

The maxPostSize value
See Also:
setMaxPostSize(int), WebServerMBean.getMaxPostSize()


public int getMaxPostTimeSecs()

Max Post Time (in seconds) for reading HTTP POST data in a servlet request. MaxPostTime < 0 means unlimited

The maxPostTimeSecs value
See Also:
setMaxPostTimeSecs(int), WebServerMBean.getMaxPostTimeSecs()


public String getMimeMappingFile()

Returns the name of the file containing mime-mappings for the domain.

Format of the file should be: extension=mime-type


If this file does not exist, WebLogic Server uses an implicit mime-mapping set of mappings defined in weblogic.utils.http.HttpConstants (DEFAULT_MIME_MAPPINGS). To remove a mapping defined in implicit map just set it to blank.

See Also:


public String getP3PHeaderValue()

Returns the P3PHeader value that will be sent with all responses for http requests (if non-null). The value of this header should set to the location of the policy reference file for the Web site.

For details see:

Alternatively, a servlet filter can be used to set the P3P header.

P3P header value (location of the policy reference file)
See Also:


public int getPostTimeoutSecs()

The amount of time this server waits between receiving chunks of data in an HTTP POST data before it times out. (This is used to prevent denial-of-service attacks that attempt to overload the server with POST data.)

The postTimeoutSecs value
See Also:
setPostTimeoutSecs(int), WebServerMBean.getPostTimeoutSecs()


public int getServletReloadCheckSecs()


public String getXPoweredByHeaderLevel()

WebLogic Server uses the X-Powered-By HTTP header, as recommended by the Servlet 2.4 specification, to publish its implementation information.

Following are the options:

the xPoweredByHeaderLevel value
See Also:


public boolean isAllowAllRoles()

In the security-constraints elements defined in a Web application's web.xml deployment descriptor, the auth-constraint element indicates the user roles that should be permitted access to this resource collection. Here role-name = "*" is a compact syntax for indicating all roles in the Web application. In previous releases, role-name = "*" was treated as all users/roles defined in the realm. This parameter is a backward-compatibility switch to restore old behavior. Default behavior is one required by the spec, meaning all roles defined in the web application. If set, the value defined in weblogic.xml (container-descriptor -> allow-all-roles) takes precedence (if set) over this value.

The allowAllRoles value
See Also:


public boolean isAuthCookieEnabled()

Whether authcookie feature is enabled or not.

AuthCookieEnabled value
See Also:
setAuthCookieEnabled(boolean), WebServerMBean.isAuthCookieEnabled()


public boolean isClientCertProxyEnabled()

Specifies whether or not to honor the WL-Proxy-Client-Cert header coming with the request.

The clientCertProxyEnabled value
See Also:
setClientCertProxyEnabled(boolean), ClusterMBean.isClientCertProxyEnabled(), ServerMBean.isClientCertProxyEnabled()


public boolean isFilterDispatchedRequestsEnabled()

Indicates whether or not to apply filters to dispatched requests. This is a backward compatibility flag. Until version 8.1, WebLogic Server applied ServletFilters (if configured for the Web application) on request dispatches (and includes/forwards). Servlet 2.4 has introduced the "Dispatcher" element to make this behavior explicit. The default value is Dispatcher=REQUEST. In order to be complaint with the J2EE specification, the default value for FilterDispatchedRequestsEnabled is false beginning with WebLogic Server 9.0. Note that if you are using old descriptors (meaning web.xml does not have version=2.4), then WebLogic Server automatically uses FilterDispatchedRequestsEnabled = true for the Web applications, unless filter-dispatched-requests-enabled is explicitly set to false in weblogic.xml. This means that old applications will work fine without any modification. Additionally, during migration of old domains to the 9.0 domain, the migration plugin automatically sets this flag to true.

See Also:


public boolean isHttpTraceSupportEnabled()

Returns the value of HttpTraceSupportEnabled.

HttpTraceSupportEnabled value
See Also:
setHttpTraceSupportEnabled(boolean), ClusterMBean.setHttpTraceSupportEnabled(boolean), ServerMBean.setHttpTraceSupportEnabled(boolean)


public boolean isJSPCompilerBackwardsCompatible()

Global property to determine the behavior of the JSP compiler. When this property set to "true", the JSP compiler throws a translation error for JSPs that do not conform to the JSP2.0 specification. This property exists for backward compatibility.



public boolean isOptimisticSerialization()

When OptimisticSerialization is turned on, WebLogic server does not serialize-deserialize context and request attributes upon getAttribute(name) when a request gets dispatched across servlet contexts. This means you will need to make sure that the attributes common to Web applications are scoped to a common parent classloader (they are application-scoped) or placed in the system classpath if the two Web applications do not belong to the same application. When OptimisticSerialization is turned off (which is the default) WebLogic Server does serialize-deserialize context and request attributes upon getAttribute(name) to avoid the possibility of ClassCastExceptions. The value of OptimisticSerialization can also be overridden for specific Web applications by setting the optimistic-serialization value in weblogic.xml.

optimisticSerialization value
See Also:


public boolean isOverloadProtectionEnabled()

This parameter is used to enable overload protection in the webapp container against low memory conditions. When a low memory situation occurs, new session creation attempts will result in weblogic.servlet.SessionCreationException. The application code needs to catch this exception and take proper action. Alternatively appropriate error-pages can be configured in web.xml against weblogic.servlet.SessionCreationException. This check is performed only on memory and replicated sessions.

OverloadProtectionEnabled value
See Also:
weblogic.servlet.SessionCreationException, setOverloadProtectionEnabled(boolean)


public boolean isReloginEnabled()

Beginning with the 9.0 release the FORM/BASIC authentication behavior has been modified to conform strictly to the J2EE Specification. If a user has logged-in but does not have privileges to access a resource, the 403 (FORBIDDEN) page will be returned. Turn this flag on to enable the old behavior, which was to return the user to the login form.

The ReloginEnabled value
See Also:


public boolean isRetainOriginalURL()

retain-original-url is used in FORM based authentication scenarios. When this property is set to true, after a successful authentication, Weblogic Server will redirect back to the web resource (page/servlet) retaining the protocol (http/https) used to access the protected resource in the original request. If set to false (which is the default value), Weblogic Server will redirect back to the protected resource using the current protocol. retain-original-url value can also be specified at per webapp level in weblogic.xml. The value in weblogic.xml, if specified, overrides the domain level value.

retainOriginalURL value
See Also:


public boolean isRtexprvalueJspParamName()

Global property which determines the behavior of the JSP compiler when a jsp:param attribute "name" has a request time value. Without this property set to "true", the JSP compiler throws an error for a JSP using a request time value for the "name" attribute as mandated by the JSP 2.0 spec. This property exists for backward compatibility.

See Also:


public boolean isServletAuthenticationFormURL()

ServletAuthenticationFormURL is used for backward compatibility with previous releases of Weblogic Server.If ServletAuthenticationFormURL is set to true (default), then ServletAuthentication.getTargetURLForFormAuthentication() and HttpSession.getAttribute(AuthFilter.TARGET_URL) will return the URL of the protected target resource. If set to false, the above API's will return the URI of the protected target resource. By default the value is set to true.(new method added in

servletAuthenticationFormURL value
See Also:,, isServletAuthenticationFormURL()


public boolean isServletReloadCheckSecsSet()


public boolean isWAPEnabled()

Indicates whether the session ID should include JVM information. (Checking this box may be necessary when using URL rewriting with WAP devices that limit the size of the URL to 128 characters, and may also affect the use of replicated sessions in a cluster.) When this box is selected, the default size of the URL will be set at 52 characters, and it will not contain any special characters.

The WAPEnabled value
See Also:
setWAPEnabled(boolean), WebServerMBean.isWAPEnabled()


public boolean isWeblogicPluginEnabled()

Specifies whether or not the proprietary WL-Proxy-Client-IP header should be honored. (This is needed only when WebLogic plugins are configured.)

The weblogicPluginEnabled value
See Also:
setWeblogicPluginEnabled(boolean), ClusterMBean.isWeblogicPluginEnabled(), ServerMBean.isWeblogicPluginEnabled()


public boolean isWorkContextPropagationEnabled()

Indicates whether or not WorkContextPropagation is enabled. By default it is turned on. There is a little overhead involved in propagating WorkContexts. Therefore, if you don't care about WorkContext propagation, turn this value off in production environments.

whether WorkContextPropagation is turned on or not
See Also:


public void setAllowAllRoles(boolean allowAllRoles)
                      throws InvalidAttributeValueException

Sets the value of the backward compatibility switch AllowAllRoles attribute.

allowAllRoles -
See Also:


public void setAuthCookieEnabled(boolean enable)

Sets the value of the isAuthCookieEnabled attribute.

Enables use of additional secure AuthCookie to make access to https pages with security constraints more secure. The session cookie will not be sufficient to gain access. This property can be overridden at WebServerMBean level.

See Also:
isAuthCookieEnabled(), WebServerMBean.setAuthCookieEnabled(boolean)


public void setClientCertProxyEnabled(boolean ccp)

A value of true causes proxy-server plugins to pass identity certificates from clients to all web applications that are deployed on all server instances in the domain.

A proxy-server plugin encodes each identify certification in the WL-Proxy-Client-Cert header and passes the header to WebLogic Server instances. Each WebLogic Server instance takes the certificate information from the header, trusting that it came from a secure source, and uses that information to authenticate the user.

If you specify true, use a ConnectionFilter to ensure that each WebLogic Server instance accepts connections only from the machine on which the proxy-server plugin is running. Specifying true without using a connection filter creates a potential security vulnerability because the WL-Proxy-Client-Cert header can be spoofed.

A value of true overrides the value that each server instance within the domain specifies with ServerMBean.setClientCertProxyEnabled(boolean).

By default (or if you specify false):

ccp - The new clientCertProxyEnabled value
See Also:
isClientCertProxyEnabled(), ClusterMBean.setClientCertProxyEnabled(boolean), ServerMBean.setClientCertProxyEnabled(boolean)


public void setFilterDispatchedRequestsEnabled(boolean enabled)
                                        throws InvalidAttributeValueException

Sets the value of the backward-compatibility parameter "FilterDispatchedRequestsEnabled".

enabled -
See Also:


public void setHttpTraceSupportEnabled(boolean tse)

Attackers may abuse HTTP TRACE functionality to gain access to information in HTTP headers such as cookies and authentication data. In the presence of other cross-domain vulnerabilities in Web browsers, sensitive header information could be read from any domains that support the HTTP TRACE method.

This attribute is for disabling HTTP TRACE support. It is present also in ClusterMBean and ServerMBean so the attribute HttpTraceSupportEnabled can be set differently for different clusters/servers

See Also:
isHttpTraceSupportEnabled(), ClusterMBean.setHttpTraceSupportEnabled(boolean), ServerMBean.setHttpTraceSupportEnabled(boolean)


public void setJSPCompilerBackwardsCompatible(boolean compat)

Sets the value of the JSPCompilerBackwardsCompatible parameter.

compat -


public void setMaxPostSize(int bytes)
                    throws InvalidAttributeValueException

Sets the value of the maxPostSize attribute. This parameter can be overridden at the WebServerMBean level.

Max Post Size (in bytes) for reading HTTP POST data in a servlet request. MaxPostSize < 0 means unlimited.

bytes - The new maxPostSize value
See Also:
getMaxPostSize(), WebServerMBean.setMaxPostSize(int)


public void setMaxPostTimeSecs(int secs)
                        throws InvalidAttributeValueException

Max Post Time (in seconds) for reading HTTP POST data in a servlet request. MaxPostTime < 0 means unlimited. This param can be overridden at WebServerMBean level.

secs - The new maxPostTimeSecs value
See Also:
getMaxPostTimeSecs(), WebServerMBean.setMaxPostTimeSecs(int)


public void setMimeMappingFile(String mimeMapping)

Sets the mimeMapping file name for the domain.

mimeMapping -
See Also:


public void setOptimisticSerialization(boolean b)

Sets the OptimisticSerialization value.

b -
See Also:


public void setOverloadProtectionEnabled(boolean enabled)

Sets the value of OverloadProtectionEnabled param

enabled -
See Also:


public void setP3PHeaderValue(String p3pHeader)

If set to a non-null value a "P3P" header will always be sent with all responses for http requests. The value of the P3P header will be the value assigned to this configuration parameter. The value should be equal to the location of the policy reference file for the Web site.

For details see:

Alternatively, a servlet filter can be used to set the P3P header.

p3pHeader - P3P Header value (location of the policy reference file)
See Also:


public void setPostTimeoutSecs(int secs)
                        throws InvalidAttributeValueException

Sets the value of the postTimeoutSecs attribute.

Timeout (in seconds) for reading HTTP POST data in a servlet request. This parameter can be overridden at the WebServerMBean level.

secs - The new postTimeoutSecs value
See Also:
getMaxPostTimeSecs(), WebServerMBean.setPostTimeoutSecs(int)


public void setReloginEnabled(boolean enabled)

Enables re-login for FORM/BASIC authentication in webapps. Corresponding weblogic.xml element: container-descriptor -> relogin-enabled takes precendence over this value (if set).

enabled - ReloginEnabled value
See Also:


public void setRetainOriginalURL(boolean b)

Sets the RetainOriginalURL value.

b -
See Also:


public void setRtexprvalueJspParamName(boolean rtexprvalue)

Sets the value of RtexprvalueJspParamName

rtexprvalue -
See Also:


public void setServletAuthenticationFormURL(boolean b)

Sets the ServletAuthenticationFormURL value.

b -
See Also:


public void setServletReloadCheckSecs(int servletReloadCheckSecs)


public void setWAPEnabled(boolean enable)

Sets the value of the IsWAPEnabled attribute. This property can be overridden at WebServerMBean level.

enable - The new WAPEnabled value
See Also:
isWAPEnabled(), WebServerMBean.setWAPEnabled(boolean)


public void setWeblogicPluginEnabled(boolean wpe)

WLS HttpRequest.getRemoteAddr() used to rely on X-Forwarded-For for its returned value. This is a security hole as the HTTP header can be easily mocked and we end up with returning a wrong value. This is improved by introducing a proprietary header WL-Proxy-Client-IP from our plugins and this header will only be used if WLS is configured to use our plugins. This is duplicated both in ClusterMBean and ServerMBean so the attribute WeblogicPluginEnabled can be used cluster-wide. ClusterMBean overrides ServerMBean

wpe - The new weblogicPluginEnabled value
See Also:
isWeblogicPluginEnabled(), ClusterMBean.setWeblogicPluginEnabled(boolean), ServerMBean.setWeblogicPluginEnabled(boolean)


public void setWorkContextPropagationEnabled(boolean workContextPropagationEnabled)

Sets the value of WorkContextPropagationEnabled

workContextPropagationEnabled -
See Also:


public void setXPoweredByHeaderLevel(String xPoweredByHeaderLevel)

Sets the level for XPoweredBy header information

xPoweredByHeaderLevel -
See Also:

Documentation is available at
Copyright 2006 BEA Systems Inc.