BEA Systems, Inc.

Type-Safe Access to BEA WebLogic Server 9.2 MBeans (Deprecated)

(Methods marked with @since are not available through the deprecated MBeanHome interface.)
Interface ClusterMBean

All Superinterfaces:
ConfigurationMBean, weblogic.descriptor.DescriptorBean, DynamicMBean, MBeanRegistration, NotificationBroadcaster, weblogic.descriptor.SettableBean, TargetMBean,

public interface ClusterMBean
extends TargetMBean

This bean represents a cluster in the domain. Servers join a cluster by calling ServerMBean.setCluster with the logical name of the cluster. A configuration may define zero or more clusters. They may be looked up by logical name. The name of a cluster denotes its logical cluster name.

Deprecation of MBeanHome and Type-Safe Interfaces

This is a type-safe interface for a WebLogic Server MBean, which you can import into your client classes and access through As of 9.0, the MBeanHome interface and all type-safe interfaces for WebLogic Server MBeans are deprecated. Instead, client classes that interact with WebLogic Server MBeans should use standard JMX design patterns in which clients use the interface to discover MBeans, attributes, and attribute types at runtime. For more information, see "Developing Manageable Applications with JMX" on

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface
Method Summary
 int getAdditionalAutoMigrationAttempts()
          A migratable server could fail to come up on every possible configured machine.
 String getAutoMigrationTableName()
          Return the name of the table to be used for server migration.
 MachineMBean[] getCandidateMachinesForMigratableServers()
          The set of machines (and order of preference) on which Node Manager will restart failed servers.
 String getClusterAddress()
          The address that forms a portion of the URL a client uses to connect to this cluster, and that is used for generating EJB handles and entity EJB failover addresses.
 String getClusterType()
          Optimizes cross-cluster replication for the type of network that servers in the clusters use for administrative communication. getDatabaseLessLeasingBasis()
          Get attributes associated with database less leasing basis used for server migration and singleton services.
 JDBCSystemResourceMBean getDataSourceForAutomaticMigration()
          The data source used by servers in the cluster during migration.
 JDBCSystemResourceMBean getDataSourceForJobScheduler()
          Data source required to support persistence of jobs scheduled with the job scheduler
 JDBCSystemResourceMBean getDataSourceForSessionPersistence()
          To support HTTP Session failover across data centers, requires a datasource to dump session state on disk.
 String getDefaultLoadAlgorithm()
          The algorithm to be used for load-balancing between replicated services if none is specified for a particular service.
 int getFencingGracePeriodMillis()
          During automatic migration, if the Cluster Master determines a server to be dead, it waits for this period of time (in milliseconds) before the Cluster Master migrates the service to another server in the cluster.
 String getFrontendHost()
          The name of the host to which all redirected URLs will be sent.
 int getFrontendHTTPPort()
          The name of the HTTP port to which all redirected URLs will be sent.
 int getFrontendHTTPSPort()
          The name of the secure HTTP port to which all redirected URLs will be sent.
 int getHealthCheckIntervalMillis()
          Interval in milliseconds at which Migratable Servers and Cluster Masters prove their liveness via the database.
 int getHealthCheckPeriodsUntilFencing()
          Maximum number of periods that a cluster member will wait before timing out a Cluster Master and also the maximum number of periods the Cluster Master will wait before timing out a Migratable Server.
 int getIdlePeriodsUntilTimeout()
          Maximum number of periods that a cluster member will wait before timing out a member of a cluster.
 int getInterClusterCommLinkHealthCheckInterval()
          If the cluster link between two clusters goes down, a trigger will run to periodically to see if the link is restored.
 String getJobSchedulerTableName()
          The table name to use for storing timers active with the job scheduler
 int getMemberWarmupTimeoutSeconds()
          Maximum number of seconds that a cluster member will wait to discover and synchronize with other servers in the cluster.
 String getMigrationBasis()
          Controls the mechanism used for server migration.
 long getMillisToSleepBetweenAutoMigrationAttempts()
          Controls how long of a pause there should be between the migration attempts described in getAdditionalAutoMigrationAttempts().
 String getMulticastAddress()
          The multicast address used by cluster members to communicate with each other.
 int getMulticastBufferSize()
          The multicast socket send/receive buffer size (at least 64 kilobytes).
 boolean getMulticastDataEncryption()
          Enables multicast data to be incrypted.
 int getMulticastPort()
          The multicast port (between 1 and 65535) used by cluster members to communicate with each other.
 int getMulticastSendDelay()
          The amount of time (between 0 and 100 milliseconds) to delay sending message fragments over multicast in order to avoid OS-level buffer overflow.
 int getMulticastTTL()
          The number of network hops (between 1 and 255) that a cluster multicast message is allowed to travel.
 int getNumberOfServersInClusterAddress()
          Number of servers to be listed from this cluster when generating a cluster address automatically.
 OverloadProtectionMBean getOverloadProtection()
          Get attributes related to server overload protection.
 boolean getPersistSessionsOnShutdown()
          When shutting down servers, sessions are not updated.
 String getRemoteClusterAddress()
          Set the foreign cluster.
 String getReplicationChannel()
          The channel name to be used for replication traffic.
 ServerMBean[] getServers()
          The servers which have declared membership in this cluster.
 int getServiceAgeThresholdSeconds()
          The number of seconds (between 0 and 65534) by which the age of two conflicting services must differ before one is considered older than the other.
 int getSessionFlushInterval()
          Interval in seconds until HTTP Sessions are periodically flushed to the backup cluster to dump session state on disk.
 int getSessionFlushThreshold()
          When number of sessions to be flushed reaches this threshold limit, sessions will be flushed to the backup cluster before the flush interval.
 boolean isClientCertProxyEnabled()
          Specifies whether to honor the WL-Proxy-Client-Cert header coming with the request or not.
 boolean isHttpTraceSupportEnabled()
           Returns the value of HttpTraceSupportEnabled.
 boolean isReplicationTimeoutEnabled()
          Indicates if timeout should be applied to session replication calls.
 boolean isSecureReplicationEnabled()
          Servers in a cluster replicates session data.
 boolean isWeblogicPluginEnabled()
          Specifies whether the proprietary WL-Proxy-Client-IP header should be used.
 HashMap kill()
          Used to force a Shutdown of all the servers belonging to the Cluster.
 void setAdditionalAutoMigrationAttempts(int tries)
          Sets the AdditionalAutoMigrationAttempts value If it is set to -1, migrations will go on forever until the server starts.
 void setAutoMigrationTableName(String name)
 void setCandidateMachinesForMigratableServers(MachineMBean[] machines)
          set getCandidateMachinesForMigratableServers
 void setClientCertProxyEnabled(boolean ccp)
          A value of true causes proxy-server plugins to pass identity certificates from clients to all web applications that are deployed on all server instances in the cluster.
 void setClusterAddress(String address)
          Sets the cluster's address.
 void setClusterType(String type)
          Sets the value of the ClusterType attribute.
 void setDataSourceForAutomaticMigration(JDBCSystemResourceMBean dataSource)
          Sets the DataSourceForAutomaticMigration attribute.
 void setDataSourceForJobScheduler(JDBCSystemResourceMBean mbean)
          Data source required to support persistence of jobs scheduled with the job scheduler
 void setDataSourceForSessionPersistence(JDBCSystemResourceMBean mbean)
          Sets the DataSourceForSessionPersistence attribute.
 void setDefaultLoadAlgorithm(String value)
          Sets the default load balancing algorithm.
 void setFencingGracePeriodMillis(int gracePeriod)
          Sets the value of the FencingGracePeriodMillis attribute.
 void setFrontendHost(String hostName)
          Sets the FrontendHost attribute of the WebServerMBean object
 void setFrontendHTTPPort(int httpPort)
          Sets the FrontendHTTPPort attribute.
 void setFrontendHTTPSPort(int httpsPort)
          Sets the FrontendHTTPSPort attribute.
 void setHealthCheckIntervalMillis(int healthCheckInterval)
          Sets the value of the HealthCheckIntervalMillis attribute.
 void setHealthCheckPeriodsUntilFencing(int healthCheckPeriodsUntilTimeout)
          Sets the value of the HealthCheckPeriodsUntilFencing attribute.
 void setHttpTraceSupportEnabled(boolean tse)
          Attackers may abuse HTTP TRACE functionality to gain access to information in HTTP headers such as cookies and authentication data.
 void setIdlePeriodsUntilTimeout(int timeout)
          Sets the IdlePeriodsUntilTimeout attribute.
 void setInterClusterCommLinkHealthCheckInterval(int interval)
          Sets the InterClusterCommLinkHealthCheckInterval attribute.
 void setJobSchedulerTableName(String tableName)
          The data source that servers in the cluster use to persist cluster wide timers.
 void setMemberWarmupTimeoutSeconds(int seconds)
          Maximum number of seconds that a cluster member will wait to discover and synchronize with other servers in the cluster.
 void setMigrationBasis(String type)
 void setMillisToSleepBetweenAutoMigrationAttempts(long millis)
          Sets the getMillisToSleepBetweenAutoMigrationAttempts value
 void setMulticastAddress(String address)
          Sets the multicast address used by cluster members to communicate with each other.
 void setMulticastBufferSize(int bufSize)
          Defines the multicast socket send/receive buffer size.
 void setMulticastDataEncryption(boolean value)
 void setMulticastPort(int port)
          The multicast port used by cluster members to communicate with each other.
 void setMulticastSendDelay(int delay)
          Sets the number of milliseconds to delay sending message fragments over multicast.
 void setMulticastTTL(int ttl)
          Sets the time-to-live value for the cluster's multicast address.
 void setNumberOfServersInClusterAddress(int numberOfServersInClusterAddress)
          Sets the NumberOfServersInClusterAddress attribute
 void setPersistSessionsOnShutdown(boolean persist)
          Sets the PersistSessionsOnShutdown attribute.
 void setRemoteClusterAddress(String clusterAddress)
          Sets the RemoteClusterAddress attribute.
 void setReplicationChannel(String replicationChannel)
 void setReplicationTimeoutEnabled(boolean replicationTimeout)
          Enable or disable replication timeout.
 void setSecureReplicationEnabled(boolean value)
 void setServiceAgeThresholdSeconds(int seconds)
          Defines the number of seconds by which the age of two conflicting services must differ before one is considered older than the other.
 void setSessionFlushInterval(int sessionFlushInterval)
          Sets the SessionFlushInterval attribute.
 void setSessionFlushThreshold(int sessionFlushThreshold)
          Sets the SessionFlushThreshold attribute.
 void setWeblogicPluginEnabled(boolean wpe)
          WLS HttpRequest.getRemoteAddr() used to rely on X-Forwarded-For for its returned value.
 HashMap start()
          Used to start all the servers belonging to the Cluster.
Methods inherited from interface
freezeCurrentValue, getName, getNotes, isSet, restoreDefaultValue, setComments, setDefaultedMBean, setName, setNotes, setPersistenceEnabled, unSet
Methods inherited from interface
getMBeanInfo, getObjectName, getParent, getType, isCachingDisabled, isRegistered, setParent
Methods inherited from interface
getAttribute, getAttributes, invoke, setAttribute, setAttributes
Methods inherited from interface
postDeregister, postRegister, preDeregister, preRegister
Methods inherited from interface
addNotificationListener, getNotificationInfo, removeNotificationListener
Methods inherited from interface weblogic.descriptor.DescriptorBean
addBeanUpdateListener, addPropertyChangeListener, createChildCopy, createChildCopyIncludingObsolete, getDescriptor, getParentBean, isEditable, removeBeanUpdateListener, removePropertyChangeListener

Method Detail


public int getAdditionalAutoMigrationAttempts()
A migratable server could fail to come up on every possible configured machine. This attribute controls how many further attempts, after the first one, should be tried. Note that each attempt specified here indicates another full circut of migrations amongst all the configured machines. So for a 3-server cluster, and the default value of 3, a total of 9 migrations will be attempted. If it is set to -1, migrations will go on forever until the server starts.


public String getAutoMigrationTableName()
Return the name of the table to be used for server migration.



public MachineMBean[] getCandidateMachinesForMigratableServers()

The set of machines (and order of preference) on which Node Manager will restart failed servers. (Requires you to enable each server for automatic migration.)

Each server can specify a subset of these cluster-wide candidates, which limits the machines on which the server can be restarted. Servers can also specify their own order of preference.

See Also:


public String getClusterAddress()

The address that forms a portion of the URL a client uses to connect to this cluster, and that is used for generating EJB handles and entity EJB failover addresses. (This address may be either a DNS host name that maps to multiple IP addresses or a comma-separated list of single address host names or IP addresses.)

Defines the address to be used by clients to connect to this cluster. This address may be either a DNS host name that maps to multiple IP addresses or a comma separated list of single address host names or IP addresses. If network channels are configured, it is possible to set the cluster address on a per channel basis.

The clusterAddress value
See Also:


public String getClusterType()

Optimizes cross-cluster replication for the type of network that servers in the clusters use for administrative communication.

To enhance the reliability of HTTP sessions, you can configure servers in one cluster to replicate the session data to servers in a different cluster. In such an environment, configure the clusters to be one of the following types:


public getDatabaseLessLeasingBasis()
Get attributes associated with database less leasing basis used for server migration and singleton services.


public JDBCSystemResourceMBean getDataSourceForAutomaticMigration()

The data source used by servers in the cluster during migration. (You must configure each Migratable Server within the cluster to use this data source.)

JDBC connection pool to be used by the HABasis module.


public JDBCSystemResourceMBean getDataSourceForJobScheduler()

Data source required to support persistence of jobs scheduled with the job scheduler

DataSource for job scheduler.


public JDBCSystemResourceMBean getDataSourceForSessionPersistence()

To support HTTP Session failover across data centers, requires a datasource to dump session state on disk.

DataSource for session persistence.


public String getDefaultLoadAlgorithm()

The algorithm to be used for load-balancing between replicated services if none is specified for a particular service. The round-robin algorithm cycles through a list of WebLogic Server instances in order. Weight-based load balancing improves on the round-robin algorithm by taking into account a pre-assigned weight for each server. In random load balancing, requests are routed to servers at random.

Defines the algorithm to be used for load-balancing between replicated services if none is specified for a particular service.

The defaultLoadAlgorithm value


public int getFencingGracePeriodMillis()

During automatic migration, if the Cluster Master determines a server to be dead, it waits for this period of time (in milliseconds) before the Cluster Master migrates the service to another server in the cluster.

fencing-grace-period in milli seconds.


public String getFrontendHost()

The name of the host to which all redirected URLs will be sent.

Sets the HTTP FrontendHost for the default webserver (not virtual hosts) for all the servers in the cluster. Provides a method to ensure that the webapp will always have the correct HOST information, even when the request is coming through a firewall or a proxy. If this parameter is configured, the HOST header will be ignored and the information in this parameter will be used in its place, when constructing the absolute urls for redirects.

The FrontendHost value
See Also:


public int getFrontendHTTPPort()

The name of the HTTP port to which all redirected URLs will be sent.

Sets the FrontendHTTPPort for the default webserver (not virtual hosts) for all the servers in the cluster. Provides a method to ensure that the webapp will always have the correct PORT information, even when the request is coming through a firewall or a proxy. If this parameter is configured, the HOST header will be ignored and the information in this parameter will be used in its place, when constructing the absolute urls for redirects.

The FrontendHTTPPort value
See Also:


public int getFrontendHTTPSPort()

The name of the secure HTTP port to which all redirected URLs will be sent.

Sets the FrontendHTTPSPort for the default webserver (not virtual hosts) for all the servers in the cluster. Provides a method to ensure that the webapp will always have the correct PORT information, even when the request is coming through a firewall or a proxy. If this parameter is configured, the HOST header will be ignored and the information in this parameter will be used in its place, when constructing the absolute urls for redirects.

The FrontendHTTPSPort value
See Also:


public int getHealthCheckIntervalMillis()

Interval in milliseconds at which Migratable Servers and Cluster Masters prove their liveness via the database.

health-check-interval in milli seconds.


public int getHealthCheckPeriodsUntilFencing()

Maximum number of periods that a cluster member will wait before timing out a Cluster Master and also the maximum number of periods the Cluster Master will wait before timing out a Migratable Server.



public int getIdlePeriodsUntilTimeout()

Maximum number of periods that a cluster member will wait before timing out a member of a cluster.

Maximum number of periods that a cluster member will wait before timing out a member of a cluster.

The idlePeriodsUntilTimeout


public int getInterClusterCommLinkHealthCheckInterval()

If the cluster link between two clusters goes down, a trigger will run to periodically to see if the link is restored. The duration is specified in milliseconds.

Inter cluster communication link health check interval


public String getJobSchedulerTableName()

The table name to use for storing timers active with the job scheduler

The database table name to use for persisting job scheduler timers


public int getMemberWarmupTimeoutSeconds()

Maximum number of seconds that a cluster member will wait to discover and synchronize with other servers in the cluster. Normally, the member will be able to sync in 30 seconds. If the value of this attribute is higher, that does not necessarily mean that it will take longer for the member to warmup. Instead it defines an upper bound on the time that a server will wait to sync with the servers that it has discoverred. If the value is set 0, servers will not attempt to discover other running server in the cluster during server initialization

The memberWarmupTimeoutSeconds value


public String getMigrationBasis()
Controls the mechanism used for server migration.


public long getMillisToSleepBetweenAutoMigrationAttempts()
Controls how long of a pause there should be between the migration attempts described in getAdditionalAutoMigrationAttempts(). Note that this delay only happens when the server has failed to come up on every machine.

See Also:


public String getMulticastAddress()

The multicast address used by cluster members to communicate with each other.

The valid range is from from to The default value used by WebLogic Server is You should avoid using multicast addresses in the range x.0.0.1

This address should be unique to this cluster and should not be shared by other applications.

The multicastAddress value
See Also:
ServerMBean.getInterfaceAddress(), getMulticastPort()


public int getMulticastBufferSize()

The multicast socket send/receive buffer size (at least 64 kilobytes).

Returns the multicast socket send/receive buffer size.

The multicastBufferSize value


public boolean getMulticastDataEncryption()
Enables multicast data to be incrypted. Only the multicast data is encrypted. Multicast header information is not encrypted.

true if encryption is enabled, false otherwise


public int getMulticastPort()

The multicast port (between 1 and 65535) used by cluster members to communicate with each other.

Defines the multicast port used by cluster members to communicate with each other.

The multicastPort value
See Also:
setMulticastPort(int), getMulticastAddress()


public int getMulticastSendDelay()

The amount of time (between 0 and 100 milliseconds) to delay sending message fragments over multicast in order to avoid OS-level buffer overflow.

Defines the number of milliseconds to delay sending message fragments over multicast in order to avoid OS-level buffer overflow.

The multicastSendDelay value


public int getMulticastTTL()

The number of network hops (between 1 and 255) that a cluster multicast message is allowed to travel.

Defines the number of network hops that a cluster multicast message is allowed to travel. 1 restricts the cluster to one subnet.

The multicastTTL value


public int getNumberOfServersInClusterAddress()
Number of servers to be listed from this cluster when generating a cluster address automatically. This setting has no effect if Cluster Address is explicitly set.

number of server to be listed in this cluster
See Also:


public OverloadProtectionMBean getOverloadProtection()
Get attributes related to server overload protection. The default values for all cluster members are set here. Individual servers can override them as needed.


public boolean getPersistSessionsOnShutdown()

When shutting down servers, sessions are not updated. If the primary and secondary servers of a session are shut down with no session updates, the session will be lost. Turning on PersistSessionsOnShutdown will save any active sessions to the database specified in getDataSourceForSessionPersistence() when a server is shutdown. The sessions will not be written at any other time. (For example, they are not saved via this mechanism if there is a server crash.)

This attribute is applicable both to session persistence on server shutdown or session persistence across a WAN.

Rolling upgrade can potential have a bad interaction with traditional in-memory session replication. As managed servers are shutdown and upgraded, in-memory servlet sessions will be lost if both primary and secondary are rebooted before a new request arrives for the session.

whether or not session persistence on shutdown is enabled


public String getRemoteClusterAddress()

Set the foreign cluster. Cluster infrastructure uses this address to connect to foreign cluster for HTTP Session WAN/MAN failover.

Foreign cluster Address.


public String getReplicationChannel()

The channel name to be used for replication traffic. Cluster infrastructure uses this channel to send updates for HTTP sessions and stateful session beans. If none is set then the default channel will be used.

In order for this feature to work, the named channel must exist on all members of the cluster and must be configured to use the same protocol. It is valid for the selected channel to be configured to use a secure protocol.

Channel name to be used for replication.
See Also:


public ServerMBean[] getServers()

The servers which have declared membership in this cluster.

The servers value


public int getServiceAgeThresholdSeconds()

The number of seconds (between 0 and 65534) by which the age of two conflicting services must differ before one is considered older than the other.

Defines the number of seconds by which the age of two conflicting services must differ before one is considered older than the other.

The serviceAgeThresholdSeconds value


public int getSessionFlushInterval()

Interval in seconds until HTTP Sessions are periodically flushed to the backup cluster to dump session state on disk.

session-flush-interval in seconds.


public int getSessionFlushThreshold()

When number of sessions to be flushed reaches this threshold limit, sessions will be flushed to the backup cluster before the flush interval. This helps the server to flush sessions faster under load.



public boolean isClientCertProxyEnabled()

Specifies whether to honor the WL-Proxy-Client-Cert header coming with the request or not.

The clientCertProxyEnabled value
See Also:
WebAppContainerMBean.isClientCertProxyEnabled(), ServerMBean.isClientCertProxyEnabled()


public boolean isHttpTraceSupportEnabled()

Returns the value of HttpTraceSupportEnabled.

HttpTraceSupportEnabled value
See Also:
WebAppContainerMBean.isHttpTraceSupportEnabled(), ServerMBean.isHttpTraceSupportEnabled()


public boolean isReplicationTimeoutEnabled()
Indicates if timeout should be applied to session replication calls.


public boolean isSecureReplicationEnabled()
Servers in a cluster replicates session data. If replication channel is defined then the session data will be sent using the replication channel protocol and secured replication settings will be ignored. If no replication channel is defined and secured replication is enabled then session data for in-memory replication will be sent over SSL using default secured channel. However, this added security for replication traffic comes with a significant cluster performance degradation. It should only be enabled if security is of greater concern than the performance degradation.

true if secure replication is enabled, false otherwise


public boolean isWeblogicPluginEnabled()

Specifies whether the proprietary WL-Proxy-Client-IP header should be used. (This needed only when WebLogic plugins are configured.)

Gets the weblogicPluginEnabled attribute of the ClusterMBean object

The weblogicPluginEnabled value
See Also:
WebAppContainerMBean.isWeblogicPluginEnabled(), ServerMBean.isWeblogicPluginEnabled()


public HashMap kill()

Used to force a Shutdown of all the servers belonging to the Cluster.



public void setAdditionalAutoMigrationAttempts(int tries)
Sets the AdditionalAutoMigrationAttempts value If it is set to -1, migrations will go on forever until the server starts.

tries - number of additional times to loop through all the machines
See Also:


public void setAutoMigrationTableName(String name)


public void setCandidateMachinesForMigratableServers(MachineMBean[] machines)

set getCandidateMachinesForMigratableServers


public void setClientCertProxyEnabled(boolean ccp)

A value of true causes proxy-server plugins to pass identity certificates from clients to all web applications that are deployed on all server instances in the cluster.

A proxy-server plugin encodes each identify certification in the WL-Proxy-Client-Cert header and passes the header to WebLogic Server instances. Each WebLogic Server instance takes the certificate information from the header, trusting that it came from a secure source, and uses that information to authenticate the user.

If you specify true, use a ConnectionFilter to ensure that each WebLogic Server instance accepts connections only from the machine on which the proxy-server plugin is running. Specifying true without using a connection filter creates a potential security vulnerability because the WL-Proxy-Client-Cert header can be spoofed.

A value of true overrides the value that each server instance within the cluster specifies with ServerMBean.setClientCertProxyEnabled(boolean).

By default (or if you specify false):

ccp - The new clientCertProxyEnabled value
See Also:
WebAppContainerMBean.setClientCertProxyEnabled(boolean), ServerMBean.setClientCertProxyEnabled(boolean)


public void setClusterAddress(String address)
                       throws InvalidAttributeValueException

Sets the cluster's address.

address - The new clusterAddress value
IllegalArgumentException - if the address is not either a well-formed IP address or hostname.
See Also:


public void setClusterType(String type)
Sets the value of the ClusterType attribute.


public void setDataSourceForAutomaticMigration(JDBCSystemResourceMBean dataSource)

Sets the DataSourceForAutomaticMigration attribute.

See Also:


public void setDataSourceForJobScheduler(JDBCSystemResourceMBean mbean)

Data source required to support persistence of jobs scheduled with the job scheduler

DataSource for job scheduler.


public void setDataSourceForSessionPersistence(JDBCSystemResourceMBean mbean)

Sets the DataSourceForSessionPersistence attribute.

mbean -
See Also:


public void setDefaultLoadAlgorithm(String value)
                             throws InvalidAttributeValueException

Sets the default load balancing algorithm.

value - The new defaultLoadAlgorithm value
IllegalArgumentException - if the value is not a valid algorithm.


public void setFencingGracePeriodMillis(int gracePeriod)

Sets the value of the FencingGracePeriodMillis attribute.

See Also:


public void setFrontendHost(String hostName)
                     throws InvalidAttributeValueException

Sets the FrontendHost attribute of the WebServerMBean object

hostName - The new FrontendHost value


public void setFrontendHTTPPort(int httpPort)
                         throws InvalidAttributeValueException

Sets the FrontendHTTPPort attribute.

httpPort - The new FrontendHTTPPort value
See Also:


public void setFrontendHTTPSPort(int httpsPort)
                          throws InvalidAttributeValueException

Sets the FrontendHTTPSPort attribute.

httpsPort - The new FrontendHTTPSPort value
See Also:


public void setHealthCheckIntervalMillis(int healthCheckInterval)

Sets the value of the HealthCheckIntervalMillis attribute.

healthCheckInterval - in milli seconds.
See Also:


public void setHealthCheckPeriodsUntilFencing(int healthCheckPeriodsUntilTimeout)

Sets the value of the HealthCheckPeriodsUntilFencing attribute.

See Also:


public void setHttpTraceSupportEnabled(boolean tse)
Attackers may abuse HTTP TRACE functionality to gain access to information in HTTP headers such as cookies and authentication data. In the presence of other cross-domain vulnerabilities in web browsers, sensitive header information could be read from any domains that support the HTTP TRACE method. This attribute is for disabling HTTP TRACE support. It is duplicated both in ClusterMBean and ServerMBean so the attribute HttpTraceSupportEnabled can be used cluster-wide. ClusterMBean overrides ServerMBean

See Also:
WebAppContainerMBean.setHttpTraceSupportEnabled(boolean), ServerMBean.setHttpTraceSupportEnabled(boolean)


public void setIdlePeriodsUntilTimeout(int timeout)

Sets the IdlePeriodsUntilTimeout attribute.

See Also:


public void setInterClusterCommLinkHealthCheckInterval(int interval)

Sets the InterClusterCommLinkHealthCheckInterval attribute.

interval -
See Also:


public void setJobSchedulerTableName(String tableName)

The data source that servers in the cluster use to persist cluster wide timers.

See Also:


public void setMemberWarmupTimeoutSeconds(int seconds)

Maximum number of seconds that a cluster member will wait to discover and synchronize with other servers in the cluster.

seconds - The new memberWarmupTimeoutSeconds value
See Also:


public void setMigrationBasis(String type)
type - of basis used for migration


public void setMillisToSleepBetweenAutoMigrationAttempts(long millis)
Sets the getMillisToSleepBetweenAutoMigrationAttempts value

millis - number of milliseconds to wait
See Also:


public void setMulticastAddress(String address)
                         throws InvalidAttributeValueException

Sets the multicast address used by cluster members to communicate with each other.

address - The new multicastAddress value
IllegalArgumentException - if the argument is not a well-formed IP address.
See Also:
ServerMBean.getInterfaceAddress(), setMulticastPort(int)


public void setMulticastBufferSize(int bufSize)

Defines the multicast socket send/receive buffer size.

bufSize - The new multicastBufferSize value


public void setMulticastDataEncryption(boolean value)


public void setMulticastPort(int port)
                      throws InvalidAttributeValueException

The multicast port used by cluster members to communicate with each other.

port - The new multicastPort value
See Also:
getMulticastPort(), setMulticastAddress(java.lang.String)


public void setMulticastSendDelay(int delay)
                           throws InvalidAttributeValueException

Sets the number of milliseconds to delay sending message fragments over multicast.

delay - The new multicastSendDelay value


public void setMulticastTTL(int ttl)
                     throws InvalidAttributeValueException

Sets the time-to-live value for the cluster's multicast address.

ttl - The new multicastTTL value


public void setNumberOfServersInClusterAddress(int numberOfServersInClusterAddress)

Sets the NumberOfServersInClusterAddress attribute

See Also:


public void setPersistSessionsOnShutdown(boolean persist)

Sets the PersistSessionsOnShutdown attribute.

persist - whether or not to persist sessions on shutdown
See Also:


public void setRemoteClusterAddress(String clusterAddress)

Sets the RemoteClusterAddress attribute.

clusterAddress - Set the foreign cluster address for WAN/MAN HTTP session failover.
See Also:


public void setReplicationChannel(String replicationChannel)
replicationChannel - channel name for session replication.
See Also:


public void setReplicationTimeoutEnabled(boolean replicationTimeout)
Enable or disable replication timeout.


public void setSecureReplicationEnabled(boolean value)


public void setServiceAgeThresholdSeconds(int seconds)
                                   throws InvalidAttributeValueException,

Defines the number of seconds by which the age of two conflicting services must differ before one is considered older than the other.

seconds - The new serviceAgeThresholdSeconds value


public void setSessionFlushInterval(int sessionFlushInterval)

Sets the SessionFlushInterval attribute.

sessionFlushInterval - in seconds
See Also:


public void setSessionFlushThreshold(int sessionFlushThreshold)

Sets the SessionFlushThreshold attribute.

sessionFlushThreshold -
See Also:


public void setWeblogicPluginEnabled(boolean wpe)

WLS HttpRequest.getRemoteAddr() used to rely on X-Forwarded-For for its returned value. This is a security hole due to HTTP header can be easily mocked and we end up with returning wrong value. This is improved by introducing a proprietary header WL-Proxy-Client-IP from our plugins and this header will only be used if WLS is configured to use our plugins. This is duplicated both in ClusterMBean and ServerMBean so the attribute WeblogicPluginEnabled can be used cluster-wide. ClusterMBean overrides ServerMBean

wpe - The new weblogicPluginEnabled value
See Also:
WebAppContainerMBean.setWeblogicPluginEnabled(boolean), ServerMBean.setWeblogicPluginEnabled(boolean)


public HashMap start()

Used to start all the servers belonging to the Cluster. HashMap contains references to TaskRuntimeMBeans corresponding to each server in the Cluster, keyed using the server name.


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Copyright 2006 BEA Systems Inc.