Converting to PeopleSoft Asset Management

This chapter provides an overview of converting to Asset Management and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Conversion to PeopleSoft Asset Management

You can convert data using any number of methods that are available to you. You may want to generate a custom program after mapping records and fields from the existing database to the new PeopleSoft database; or you can perform the steps that are outlined in this chapter, using the application engine processes that are available from Oracle to convert the data.

The general tasks are:

  1. Set up the database tables that will store accounting structure and asset information.

  2. Transfer data from the existing system to PeopleSoft Asset Management.

No strict rules exist for performing these tasks. The pace and flow of the implementation will be guided by the requirements of your business environment, available personnel resources, and any unexpected events that you may encounter during the process.

If you use the PeopleSoft application engine processes that are described in this chapter to convert your data, Asset Management business units and books must be established before you transfer data into the loader tables. The sequence of other table setups are more flexible. You may want to partially complete the conversion before doing some table setup. For example, as you set up the Location table, you can refer to the record layout from your conversion file to determine how many different locations you need to establish and what they should be called. In general, however, you should complete the table setup that provides your system structure to begin building your asset management database. Your table setup must be complete before you can finish converting your asset data. The final conversion step, depreciating converted assets, cannot be carried out until all PeopleSoft Asset Management tables are set up. Setting up the database tables that provide your accounting structure and store asset information is discussed in previous chapters. Please refer to these for more details of the tasks involved.

Data validation is an important step as you plan and implement the conversion. Before you begin converting asset data from the current system, look closely at the existing data. Depending on the integrity of the source data, your first step should be to validate the existing data before you begin converting. At various intervals of the data conversion process, you will have the opportunity to examine the data. Create checks and balances as part of your conversion plan to test data that is being loaded into the PeopleSoft database.

Note. The Excel to CI PeopleTools spreadsheet utility enables you to use a PeopleSoft Asset Management template to upload asset data from another source to the PeopleSoft database. You should not plan to use this utility to convert your initial database. This utility is designed to assist in situations in which manual data entry would be tedious. Because the Excel to CI utility is limited to importing 65K rows of data at a time, large volumes of data cannot be uploaded. Because no automatic error checking is in the utility, you should carefully review all rows of data being uploaded and correct any problems as you discover them. Finally, the Asset Management template that is used for Excel to CI does not populate the INTFC_PHY_B tables. Data uploaded by this method may require additional manual data entry. Given these constraints, using the Excel to CI utility to convert legacy data to new PeopleSoft records is not recommended.

See Also

Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before proceeding with the data conversion, you must set up your business units and tables.

PeopleSoft strongly recommends that you add and depreciate some assets online before beginning the conversion process.

Performing these actions is a good test of your table setup. They enable you to test your Asset Profiles to ensure that they are working the way you intended, and you can see how the depreciation program works and how it is affected by different variables and conventions. Knowing what to expect from the PeopleSoft Asset Management application before you begin the conversion will assist you in making decisions for planning and carrying out the conversion.

Click to jump to parent topicConverting with a Customized SQR

To transfer data from an existing system into PeopleSoft Asset Management loader tables, you can write a custom SQR and use the delivered Asset Management application engines in this way:

  1. Write and run a program that transfers data from the existing system into the Asset Management loader tables.

    The following table describes the interim tables in Asset Management:




    Contains financial asset data.


    Contains physical asset data.


    Contains physical asset data.

    Note. When writing this SQR, note that for load types of CN1 that use NEXT in the ASSET_ID field, each load line should have a unique INTFC_ID. This ensures that Asset IDs are generated correctly. In all other cases, you should use one INTFC_ID for each set of transactions with the same load type.

    Note. The sample conversion program, AMCV1000.SQR, and its SQC links are not supported.

  2. Run the Transaction Edit program (AMIFEDIT) to perform edit checks on the specified data fields to ensure that the information you load into PeopleSoft Asset Management is correct. The data fields that are edited include ChartFields, business units, and books.

  3. Preview and approve data in the loader tables.

    Use the Financials Transactions page, Physical Transactions A page, and Physical Transactions B page to see which data was loaded into the loader tables.

  4. Use the Transaction Loader process (AMIF1000) to transfer information from the loader tables into your Asset Management tables.

    This process reads data in the INTFC_FIN, INTFC_PHY_A and INTFC_PHY_B tables, and then populates the Asset Management tables with the asset data. This data appears in Asset Management as open transactions.

    The AMIF1000 process has two options for populating open transaction accounting and transaction date fields with respect to how costs and accumulated depreciation are loaded. Search for RJS2-34 in AMIF1000 and choose the option that matches your business needs before running the program.

    See Using Transaction Loader Conversion Dates Options.

  5. Convert and depreciate the assets.

Note. When converting data from another system to PeopleSoft Asset Management, you should convert data as of the period before you want the system effective. You should calculate depreciation as of the first period that the system is effective.

For example, if you want the system to be effective on January 1, 2006, you should convert all your data as of December 31, 2005. The fiscal year, START_PD, and END_PD on the depreciation table should be 2005, 12, 12. The TRANS_DT and DTTM_STAMP should be December 31, 2005. However, you should calculate depreciation with OPEN_TRANS accounting and transaction dates of January 1, 2006.

The following diagram shows the Asset conversion process:

Asset conversion process

See Also

Understanding the Loader Table Data Dictionary

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the Transaction Loader Edit Program

Before running the Transaction Loader (AMIF1000) program, you must run the Transaction Loader Edit (AMIFEDIT) program to check for valid values. The Transaction Loader Edit program edits the fields you specify, validates values, and marks those values that are in error. Using one or both of two available queries, you can check the results and view messages for those fields that are in error. This process helps ensure that the data is correct when it is entered by the Transaction Loader into PeopleSoft Asset Management tables.

This section discusses how to:

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Object Name



Transaction Loader Edit


Asset Management, Send/Receive Information, Load Transactions, Edit Transactions, Transaction Loader Edit

Run the Transaction Edit program.

BU Book Chartfields Summarize


Click the Chartfields link on the Transaction Loader Edit page.

Select ChartField summary options for the transaction loader edit process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Transaction Loader Edit Page

Access the Transaction Loader Edit page.

Interface Edit Options

Select all the fields on which you want to perform the edit valuation. Cancel the selection of those fields that will have no values because you do not use the field, (that is, optional fields Category and Tax Class.)

Note. The default condition is to run edit checks on all of these fields. They are all selected when you first display the page. To prevent an edit check on a particular field, clear that check box.

Find Trans Load ID (transaction load ID)

System Source

Generates the transactions that you want to edit.

Load Type

A more detailed version of Trans Type. One trans type can generate several different load types.

Note. Whenever you rerun the Transaction Edit program, old message files from the previous run are deleted.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the Results of the Transaction Edit Program

To view results from the Transaction Edit program, run the following two queries:

Click to jump to parent topicPreviewing and Approving Results

After the asset data is in the loader tables, you will need to verify that the information in the loader tables is correct and approve all the load lines that you want to load into PeopleSoft Asset Management. This review and approval process is designed to prevent you from inadvertently loading massive amounts of invalid data into the system.

Use the Financials Transactions page, Physical Transactions A page, and Physical Transactions B page to see which data was loaded into INTFC_FIN, INTFC_PHY_A and INTFC_PHY_B. If you find errors, you can either correct them online using the SQL query tool or modify your custom SQR and run the program again.

See Also

Previewing Data in the Loader Tables

Click to jump to parent topicPopulating Asset Management Tables with Asset Data

This data conversion step populates PeopleSoft Asset Management database tables with the data that you just loaded into INTFC_FIN, INTFC_PHY_A, and INTFC_PHY_B by running the Transaction Loader Application Engine, AMIF1000.

The Transaction Loader is also used for mass transactions. After performing a mass change, run this Application Engine to create entries in Asset Management tables.

Note. You must run the Transaction Edit program (AMIFEDIT) before running the Transaction Loader, especially at conversion time. The Transaction Edit program performs edit checks on the data fields that you specify to help ensure that the information you load into PeopleSoft Asset Management is correct. Review the data that is loaded into INTFC_FIN, INTFC_PHY_A and INTFC_PHY_B and look carefully at the Transaction Loader Application Engine (AMIF1000) before you run it. You may need to change some of the data defaults that it contains.

See Also

Running the Transaction Loader

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Transaction Loader Conversion Dates Options

At conversion, you have two options when you use the Transaction Loader to populate open transaction accounting and transaction dates:

First Day of the Following Accounting Period

To populate the open transaction accounting and transaction dates with the first day of the following accounting period, perform these steps.

  1. Sign in to the Application Design.

  2. Open Application Engine AMIF_FIN_PHY.

  3. Scroll down to section 200120 and click the plus sign to expand the section.

  4. Make sure that steps Step 100 and Step 120 are Inactive and step Step 130 is Active.

Populate Dates as Specified in INTFC_FIN

To populate the open transaction accounting and transaction dates with the date that is specified in the INTFC_FIN table, perform these steps:

  1. Sign in to the Application Design.

  2. Open Application Engine AMIF_FIN_PHY.

  3. Scroll down to section 200120 and click the plus sign to expand the section.

  4. Make sure that steps Step 100 and Step 120 are Active and Step 130 is Inactive.

Click to jump to parent topicDepreciating Converted Assets

The final step in converting to PeopleSoft Asset Management is to process all the open transactions that were created by the Transaction Loader. You will run the programs to:

Note. When converting data from the current system to PeopleSoft Asset Management, you should convert data as of the period before you want the system effective. You should calculate depreciation as of the first period that the system is effective.

For example, if you want the system to be effective on 01/01/06, you should convert all of the data as of 12/31/05. The fiscal year, START_PD and END_PD on the depreciation table, should be 2005, 12, 12, respectively. The TRANS_DT and DTTM_STAMP should be 12/31/05. However, you should calculate depreciation with OPEN_TRANS accounting and transaction dates of 01/01/06.

For converted assets and assets that are loaded through the Transaction Loader, the default is to book accumulated depreciation to the previous period. However, any accumulated depreciation is booked to the current period:

  1. If you populate the START_PD, END_PD and FISCAL_YEAR fields in the Financial Loader table (INTFC_FIN) with values for the current period.

  2. If the amount in the DEPR field is not 0.

Click to jump to parent topicClosing the Conversion Process

At this point, the conversion has created all the data in the system, and all assets are depreciated. Before you can move into full production, you must now close the conversion process:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Close the Conversion Process

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Object Name



Run Interface Loader


Asset Management, Send/Receive Information, Load Interface, Receive Conversion Data, Run Interface Loader

Run the Interface Loader program that can be used to delete data from the loader tables.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVerifying the Conversion

You must run implementation checks to make sure that all the calculations used the correct values, followed the methods that you intended, and so forth. By balancing the conversion, you verify that the currency amounts in the system are those that you expect to see. If they are not, you need to verify your source system data and check the SQRs to determine where you might have inadvertently used the wrong depreciation method, an invalid date, or some other variable that affects calculations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRestoring Disk Space

Access the Run Interface Loader page.

When the conversion is complete, you will want to release the disk space that is occupied by all the interim tables that you used in the process. Working backwards, you can delete data from the tables that were populated by using the Interface Loader.

Load/Delete Process Buttons

Select Delete Fin/Phy and run this request. Process Scheduler runs the AMCV2000 process at user-defined intervals.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating Security

You may want to restrict access to the Interface Loader and Transaction Loader after the conversion is completed and approved. Review the system security page settings and make changes as warranted.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook, “Security Administration”.

Click to jump to parent topicLoading Retired Assets

You can add retired assets and asset history to the database. The load type ARA is used specifically for loading historical information for assets that are already retired.

For this load type, the Transaction Loader inserts records into Asset and, if applicable, Asset Custodian, Asset Location, Warranty, Attribute, License, Comments, PI Asset History, Parent Asset, and Acquisition Detail. It creates Book and Cost rows, as well as one row of accumulated depreciation for each book, all using the transaction type ADD. After modifying some of the values in INTFC_FIN and changing the transaction type to RET, the Transaction Loader inserts Cost and Retirement rows. The status of the assets is set to D (Disposed) for retired assets.

To load retired assets:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConsiderations for Retiring Assets

Before loading retired assets, note these considerations:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPopulating Loader Tables

To load retired assets using the ARA load type, follow these instructions to populate the loader tables:

Enter the accumulated depreciation into INTFC_FIN.DEPR, one entry for every ChartField combination. Each entry in INTFC_FIN corresponds to a row in PS_DEPRECIATION.

To simplify populating the load tables, one entry in INTFC_FIN is used to create both an ADD and a RET cost row for each book.

The key difference between the ADD and the RET rows is the DTTM_STAMP. The Transaction Loader loads the ADD row first, and then it increments the DTTM_STAMP by one day, sets the RETIRE_SW to 1, and multiplies COST and QUANTITY by negative 1 (−1). It then loads this as the RET row.

Note that when the Transaction Loader finishes successfully, values in all the INTFC_FIN rows for ARA INTFC_TYPE and INTFC_ID will have changed. If you want to rerun the transaction using the same INTFC_ID entries:

These actions restore the rows to their original values.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Retired Asset Data

After you load retired assets, pay close attention to these INTFC_FIN fields:

INTFC_FIN Field Name



Accumulated depreciation.




The asset historical retirement date.


Although you can set this to any value, we recommend that you set it to the earliest date/time stamp used for any of the assets that you are loading. This setting will ensure that it is earlier than all the retirement dates.


Make sure it is a negative number.


Make sure it is a negative number.


Represents the fiscal year (FY) of the accumulated depreciation.


Starting period.


Ending period.


Gain or loss.


Ending depreciation date.


Beginning depreciation date.




0 (AMIF1000 handles the switch to 1 for the RET cost row).


Accumulated depreciation.

Also pay close attention to these INTFC_PHY_A fields:

INTFC_PHY_A Field Name





Must be valid in PROFILE_DET_TBL if you set DEFAULT_PROFILE_SW = Y in INTFC_FIN and INTFC_PHY_A.

When using the Transaction Loader, you need not populate those fields that contain data in the PROFILE_DET_TBL if you provide a valid PROFILE_ID and set DEFAULT_PROFILE_SW to Y on both INTFC_FIN and INTFC_PHY_A.

Click to jump to parent topicConverting Lease Information

The interface load table INTFC_LEASE contains leased asset information for lease schedules that were already calculated. This lease interface table is used to add leases to PeopleSoft Asset Management tables using the Transaction Loader interface type LAD (Leased Asset Addition). The lease payment schedule information should be populated in the INTFC_LEASE table; it is not calculated by the Transaction Loader.

Before running the Transaction Loader, the INTFC_LEASE, INTFC_FIN and INTFC_PHY_A tables must be loaded with leased asset information. The new ASSET_IDs are calculated if the interface table ASSET_ID fields are set to NEXT. If NEXT ASSET_ID is used, each INTFC_LINE_NUM should represent one ASSET_ID, and the same INTFC_LINE_NUM should be used for all three interface tables.

These fields are required in INTFC_LEASE:

These fields can have values of zero or N, or the default value from the profile (if you are using default profile switch = "Yes"):

If LEASE_TYPE = O (Operating Lease), then DEFAULT_PROFILE_SW must equal N. If it is an operating lease asset, then the BOOK field in the LEASE_OPER record will be populated with the DEFAULT_BOOK in the BUS_UNIT_TBL_AM record.

All of the preceding fields affect the LEASE_BOOK. The INTFC_FIN.LIFE on the LEASE_BOOK should be calculated as FREQUENCY × LEASE_TERM. For example, if the PYMNT_SCHED_ID is monthly and LEASE_TERM = 24, then LIFE = 24 and ESTIMATED LIFE = 24. The preceding data is needed for lease adjustments in Asset Management.

When the INTFC_LEASE table is populated, you can use the Load Preview-Lease page to review and correct lease data before uploading to the PeopleSoft Asset Management tables.

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Object Name



Load Preview-Lease


Asset Management, Send/Receive Information, Approve Lease Information, Review

Review and, if necessary, correct lease data before uploading it to PeopleSoft Asset Management tables.

Load Approval - Lease


Asset Management, Send/Receive Information, Approve Lease Information, Approve

Approve lease data before uploading to PeopleSoft Asset Management tables.