Integrating PeopleSoft Asset Management with Other Products

This chapter provides an overview of how Asset Management integrates with other applications and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How PeopleSoft Asset Management Integrates with Other Applications

PeopleSoft Asset Management directly integrates with the following PeopleSoft Enterprise applications:

Integrating With PeopleSoft Billing

PeopleSoft Asset Management integrates with PeopleSoft Billing to pass transactions from assets when the Retire With Sale option has been exercised for an asset. When enabled, you can generate a bill to the purchaser of an asset that is being moved out of your asset database, and pass the transaction to PeopleSoft Billing. PeopleSoft Billing then generates appropriate accounting entries to relieve fixed assets, calculate VAT as necessary, debit PeopleSoft Receivables, and post to PeopleSoft General Ledger.

Integrating With PeopleSoft Budgeting

PeopleSoft Asset Management provides an interface to PeopleSoft Budgeting. To create asset-based budgets, make asset data and depreciation information available to PeopleSoft Budgeting.

Asset Management uses an SQR process (AMBD1000.SQR) to populate the budget asset (BD_ASSET*) tables. Once you run the SQR process to populate the asset tables in Budgeting, you can use asset data in Budgeting. Load all assets from a business unit for a specified fiscal year or period range directly into the Budgeting tables to integrate asset information with Budgeting.

Capital acquisition plans (CAPs) can be added directly into PeopleSoft Asset Management.

Integrating With PeopleSoft General Ledger

PeopleSoft Financials requires that you transfer journals from PeopleSoft Asset Management to your general ledger system. This may be PeopleSoft General Ledger or another external system. As part of the setup for your PeopleSoft asset system, establish a general ledger business unit and ledger, general ledger calendar, journal sources, and accounting entry templates. When you define operators, set up journal distribution privileges for them. This setup enables you to distribute accounting entries for asset transactions and depreciation and generate journals to PeopleSoft General Ledger.

If the general ledger and asset management databases are not integrated, or if you use a different general ledger system, you must complete some prerequisite tasks before integrating the two systems.

Integrating With PeopleSoft IT Asset Management

PeopleSoft IT Asset Management is a system of integrated management processes, strategies, and technologies that provide you with complete control over your IT assets throughout the asset life cycle. PeopleSoft Asset Management integrates with PeopleSoft IT Asset Management by sharing assets in the Asset Repository. PeopleSoft IT Asset Management embeds network discovery tools into PeopleSoft Asset Management to collect perpetual IT asset inventory for reconciliation to the Asset Repository Manager (ARM). When you use PeopleSoft IT Asset Management with PeopleSoft Maintenance Management, the repository stores organizational asset information including physical and financial definitions, acquisition history and maintenance history. PeopleSoft IT Asset Management provides a central workspace to manage discovered and reconciled results, monitor collected metrics, and drill down to detailed asset data for problem solving and information gathering activities. This interactive workspace collects detailed hardware and software inventory information and authorized versus unauthorized license deployment with access to contract and warranty information relative to IT assets. Oracle has partnered with a provider of network discovery tools in PeopleSoft IT Asset Management to perpetually inventory IT assets including software and hardware devices that connect to your network. After the discovery tool collects usage data, it is reconciled to the Asset Repository Manager using configurable business rules that define reconciling data-points. The asset reconciliation engine compares discovered asset inventory to that stored in the ARM, where all organizational assets are stored with complete business data, acquisition history, maintenance history and financial data. Because IT assets are perpetually inventoried using network discovery tools, IT assets are always accurately reflected in business data and financial reporting.

Integrating With PeopleSoft Maintenance Management

The asset repository facilitates sharing common asset data regardless of preferred view and level of granularity. Maintenance management requires a technical view of an asset to maintain appropriate spare parts lists and to facilitate maintenance scheduling of service, materials, and labor. PeopleSoft Maintenance Management builds maintenance functionality off of asset management software utilities like auto-discovery, software delivery, license tracking, usage meter monitoring, configuration management, and contract management. Each component can be identified by serial number, model, manufacturer, and associated warranty and the Asset Repository carries original cost per component when known.

Integrating With PeopleSoft Payables

When you use PeopleSoft Asset Management with PeopleSoft Payables, you have the opportunity to share asset information between these applications. Before you can send voucher information to PeopleSoft Asset Management, you must determine that the point in the payment process at which you want to capitalize the asset is when the invoice for the asset is received and registered in Payables.

If your PeopleSoft Financials and Supply Chain suite includes Payables and Asset Management, you have real-time access to the vendor, voucher, and order data in that system. The interface between these PeopleSoft applications eliminates the need for dual maintenance of vouchers and their corresponding asset data. Payables sends all asset additions, adjustments and retirements for unposted vouchers to PeopleSoft Asset Management. PeopleSoft Asset Management receives information from PeopleSoft Payables in a consistent manner by using Application Engine programs.

The PeopleSoft system enables split-funding of assets within the business processes for PeopleSoft Payables. A one-time setup of the batch processes used by PeopleSoft Asset Management to “receive” assets from PeopleSoft Payables allows a single asset ID to be assigned to multiple cost or expense distributions of a single asset. Using a sequence number as a sub-identifier, the asset capitalization and depreciation amounts can be allocated to one or many distribution lines.

Integrating With PeopleSoft Project Costing

PeopleSoft Asset Management integrates with PeopleSoft Project Costing by sharing information about assets associated with ongoing projects. Assets that originate in Project Costing are usually the outcome of construction projects.

When performing asset maintenance, organizations frequently do so via a project effort. By creating a project, the maintenance organization is oftentimes able to more precisely plan/budget, track, manage, and account for the effort than if numerous unrelated Work Orders (WOs) were generated. The Manage Project feature uses Maintain Asset via Project primarily by introducing the concept of the work order into the process and adds the process of project-based management of asset maintenance. Maintaining an asset with a project involves creating and planning a project, incurring costs against the project, and expensing or capitalizing costs from the work. An enterprise that must both perform their own capital improvement projects and manage large-scale ad hoc maintenance and preventive maintenance efforts may use projects to manage asset maintenance activities.

The Maintain Asset via Project process manages the high-level steps of undertaking a project to maintain or upgrade an asset. The typical process is:

PeopleSoft Project Costing provides the Create and Plan Project to Maintain an Asset process. The goal is to establish a project and associated activities that allow the organization to begin work on maintaining an asset. Once the project and activities are created, work orders are issued to authorize maintenance tasks to occur. Normally, the project is created for either capital improvement projects in which the costs will be capitalized or for large-scale maintenance projects which require more sophisticated project management than the simple dispatching of technicians to work orders.

The process to account for project/asset costs enables the operations manager to review transactions booked to the project for accuracy, and for the accountant responsible for projects and assets to examine the costs to be sure that they contain the correct ChartField values for expenses and the correct information to affect asset values.

Integrating With PeopleSoft Purchasing

When you use PeopleSoft Asset Management with PeopleSoft Purchasing, you have the opportunity to share asset information between these applications. Before you can send receipt information to PeopleSoft Asset Management, you must determine that the point in the procurement process at which you want to capitalize the asset is when an asset is received in PeopleSoft Purchasing.

If your PeopleSoft Financials and Supply Chain suite includes PeopleSoft Purchasing as well as PeopleSoft Asset Management, you have real-time access to the vendor, voucher, and order data in this system. The interface between these PeopleSoft applications eliminates the need for dual maintenance of receipts and their corresponding asset data. PeopleSoft Purchasing sends all asset additions, adjustments and retirements for unposted receipts to PeopleSoft Asset Management. PeopleSoft Asset Management receives information from PeopleSoft Purchasing in a consistent manner by using Application Engine programs.

The PeopleSoft system enables split-funding of assets within the business processes for Purchasing. A one-time setup of the batch processes used by PeopleSoft Asset Management to “receive” assets from either Purchasing allows a single asset ID to be assigned to multiple cost or expense distributions of a single asset. Using a sequence number as a sub-identifier, the asset capitalization and depreciation amounts can be allocated to one or many distribution lines.

Integrating With PeopleSoft Real Estate Management

PeopleSoft Asset Management enables you to manage property assets and to maintain property specific details such as legal descriptions and property tax information within the Asset Repository. Centralizing this asset data in one database enables multiple applications to access the asset and exchange data details as needed. When setting up assets, you can specify property information, space statistics, and location information. You can break property assets down into sublevels: Site, Building, Area, Floor, and Space. Properties can be created directly within Asset Management, then optionally fed to a Computer aided facility management (CAFM) utility, such as Centerstone, exploded into working facility maps where assignments of space allocation and employees can be made, and then fed back to update the repository.

The property component enables you to manage property tax bill tracking, and other statistics that help with reporting/portals such as occupancy, maximum occupancy, square footage per department or other categorization, and so on.

Leases can be attached at any asset level but once they are, their children cannot be attached while that lease is still active. Subleases allow them to be released out, and that is the only case where the rule does not apply. Total area defaults and is controlled by the repository, but rentable and usable space can be modified on the lease. With PeopleSoft Real Estate Management, you can create and manage a lease between a landlord and tenant simply by pulling the property asset data stored within the Asset Repository.

Integrating With PeopleSoft Strategic Sourcing

PeopleSoft Asset Management integrates with the PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management Strategic Sourcing module, enabling you to put unused assets up for auction and, if a bid is awarded, automatically generate a retirement transaction.

Click to jump to parent topicIntegrating with PeopleSoft Billing

This section provides an overview of integrating PeopleSoft Asset Management with PeopleSoft Billing and discusses how to enable the integration.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How to Integrate with PeopleSoft Billing

PeopleSoft Asset Management integration with PeopleSoft Billing enables you to complete asset life cycle processes, bill retire with sale transactions and generate accounting entries in PeopleSoft Billing and PeopleSoft Asset Management. Using the AM BI Interface process, you can pass asset Retire With Sale transactions from PeopleSoft Asset Management to PeopleSoft Billing to generate appropriate accounting entries to relieve fixed assets, calculate VAT as necessary, debit Receivables, and post to PeopleSoft General Ledger. You can also send asset reinstatements to PeopleSoft Billing as credit lines.

This diagram displays the data and process flow that occurs when you integrate PeopleSoft Asset Management with PeopleSoft Billing:

PeopleSoft Asset Management integration with PeopleSoft Billing process data flow

When an asset is retired by sale in PeopleSoft Asset Management:

  1. Retire the asset with a sale in PeopleSoft Asset Management and collect the appropriate customer information within PeopleSoft Asset Management.

  2. Send the transaction information and billing information to the Billing Interface using the AM/BI process (AM_BI_INFTC).

When PeopleSoft Strategic Sourcing puts an asset on an auction site for sale:

  1. If the auction bid is awarded, PeopleSoft Strategic Sourcing sends the customer information and asset sold proceeds to PeopleSoft Asset Management, to initiate and complete the retirement transaction with proceeds from bid price.

    1. PeopleSoft Asset Management retires the asset and creates the appropriate accounting entries for sale.

    2. You run the AM BI interface process to send the retirement sales transaction and billing information to Billing.

      Note. You must collect customer information at the time of sale and send this information to PeopleSoft Billing with the retirement transactions, as assets can be purchased by an individual or entity not currently in the Customer Master table.

  2. If the auction bid is not awarded, PeopleSoft Strategic Sourcing returns the asset to PeopleSoft Asset Management and changes the auction status to allow PeopleSoft Asset Management to realize any asset activity as a cost adjustment, transfer, or retirement.

PeopleSoft Asset Management interfaces with PeopleSoft Billing if you installed PeopleSoft Billing, and if you:

  1. Select the Billing Interface Processing option on the Asset Management Interface Options page, and set up a default billing business unit, bill type, bill source, and bill by identifier.

  2. Select the Create Bill option on the Retire Assets page.

If PeopleSoft Asset Management interfaces with PeopleSoft Billing, PeopleSoft Asset Management creates the proceeds to the billing clearing account. PeopleSoft Asset Management sends to PeopleSoft Billing the proceeds clearing account in order to reflect both sides of the customer’s debt. When PeopleSoft Billing receives the PeopleSoft Asset Management data, PeopleSoft Billing reverses the clearing account and generates the receivable account.

PeopleSoft Asset Management calculates an estimated VAT amount (if necessary), generates retirement and sales accounting entries, and posts the entries to PeopleSoft General Ledger. If PeopleSoft Asset Management interfaces with PeopleSoft Billing, you run the AM/BI Interface process to send the transactions to Billing to book the sale, create accounting entries, generate the invoice, and post the debt to PeopleSoft Receivables. If retirement is originated from PeopleSoft Strategic Sourcing, Asset Management does not send VAT information to Billing (Strategic Sourcing does not process VAT). If retirement is originated from Assets Management, Asset Management calculates VAT estimates only.

Note. PeopleSoft Asset Management VAT is estimated and PeopleSoft Billing VAT is the actual calculated VAT taking customer and bill by information into account.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEnabling PeopleSoft Billing Integration with PeopleSoft Asset Management

To establish processing between PeopleSoft Asset Management and PeopleSoft Billing, you must select the Billing Interface Processing option from the Billing Interface group box in the AM Business Unit Definition component. This activates integration between the two applications and enables the Create Bill option on the Asset Management Retirement page. PeopleSoft Billing is the only billing interface that is supported by this feature.

When you activate the Billing interface, you must also enter values for the BI Unit, Bill Source, Bill Type, and Bill By Identifier fields. If Billing business units and other Billing information to complete the business unit definitions on this page have not yet been defined, you must do so before beginning transaction processing.

You must define the default book in the AM Business Unit Definition component. This is the default book for the AM/BI Interface. This should also be established as the primary book in your PeopleSoft General Ledger setup.

Also, establish the accounting entry template to be used in retirement transactions where the asset is retired with the disposal code Retire w/Sale. You must designate the account for the Billing clearing account, Proceeds to Billing, in the accounting entry template. This maintains balanced accounting entries between PeopleSoft Asset Management and PeopleSoft Billing accounts.

PeopleSoft Asset Management and PeopleSoft Billing Business Unit Mapping

To accommodate InterUnit and non-InterUnit scenarios for PeopleSoft Asset Management asset retirement integration, the AM BI Interface process writes the BUSINESS_UNIT_AM and BUSINESS_UNIT_AMTO values to the INTFC_BI table, writes the BUSINESS_UNIT_AM value to the BI_HDR table, and writes the BUSINESS_UNIT_AMTO value to BI_LINE table. Writing these values to Billing tables enables you to track the entity retiring the assets, as well as the entity receiving the asset. Billing supports one General Ledger to business unit (BUSINESS_UNIT_TO) per invoice. Therefore, PeopleSoft Asset Management to business units must share the same corresponding PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit. Billing supports multiple Asset Management to business units at the line level, but each business unit to must be booked to the same General Ledger to business unit.

PeopleSoft Asset Management is not required to populate the INTFC_BI.INTERUNIT_FLG. If PeopleSoft Asset Management passes an InterUnit customer, the PeopleSoft Billing Interface populates this field with Y (yes).

The Billing Interface also populates the INTFC_BI.BUSINESS_UNIT_GL field, based on the billing business unit (INTFC_BI.business_unit) Asset Management passes.

If the Billing Interface is creating an InterUnit bill (INTFC_BI.InterUnit_flg = Y), it populates the INTFC_BI.BUSINESS_UNIT_TO field (when Asset Management passes no value) with the BUSINESS_UNIT_GL value, which the interface obtains from the CUST_OPTION table, based on the customer ID. If the Billing Interface is not able to determine a value for the INTFC_BI.BUSINESS_UNIT_TO field using customer defaulting, it stops the transaction and marks it in error.

See Also

Selecting Asset Management Interface Options

Defining Accounting Entries

Establishing PeopleSoft Billing Business Units

Defining Bill Types

Defining Bill Sources

Defining Bill-By Identifiers

Click to jump to parent topicIntegrating with Budgeting

This section provides an overview of integration Asset Management with Budgeting and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How to Integrate With Budgeting

Asset Management provides an interface to Budgeting. To create asset-based budgets, make asset data and depreciation information available to Budgeting. The Asset Management to Budgeting Structured Query Report (SQR) populates the BD_ASSET* tables. Once you run the SQR (AMBD1000.SQR) to populate the asset tables in Budgeting, you can use asset data in Budgeting.

CAPs can be added directly into Asset Management.

Load all assets from a business unit for a specified fiscal year or period range directly into the Budgeting tables to integrate asset information with Budgeting.

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Page Name

Object Name



Load Asset Catalog


Asset Management, Asset Transactions, Capital Acquisition Planning, Load Budgeting Asset Catalog

Load the budgeting asset catalog.

Run Budgets to AM Interface


Asset Management, Asset Transactions, Capital Acquisition Planning, Send To Budgeting

Load all assets from a business unit for a fiscal year or period range that you specify directly into the Budgets tables.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Budgets Interface Page

Access the Run Budgets to AM Interface page, and complete the appropriate fields.

The interface tables loaded by this process are emptied and reloaded each time that it is run. A separate Budgets process, AMBD1000.SQR, formats the asset data for use in the Budgeting process.

Note. If the number of assets that you are processing is large (200,000 or more), consider reducing it into smaller batches. For example, you might process one or more departments, categories, projects, or a similar breakdown to narrow the number of items being processed at one time. The exact number of assets that make up the "breaking point" beyond which you should process in smaller batches varies depending on your database platform, tablespace and rollback size, and other factors.

Click to jump to parent topicIntegrating With General Ledger

This section provides an overview of integrating Asset Management with General Ledger.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How to Integrate With General Ledger

Regardless of the general ledger system that you use, you must transfer journals from Asset Management to General Ledger. As part of the setup for your asset system, establish a general ledger business unit and ledger, general ledger calendar, journal sources, and accounting entry templates. When you define operators, set up journal distribution privileges for them. This setup enables you to distribute accounting entries for asset transactions and depreciation and generate journals to General Ledger.

If the General Ledger and Asset Management databases aren’t integrated, or if you use a different general ledger system, you need to complete some prerequisite tasks before integrating the two systems.

Two processes are required to complete the bridge between Asset Management and another general ledger system:

Asset management also uses the book code and document sequencing functionality available through General Ledger.

See Also

Integrating General Ledger with Other PeopleSoft Applications

Defining Document Sequencing

Defining Accounting Entries

Click to jump to parent topicIntegrating Asset Management With IT Asset Management

This section provides an overview of integrating asset management with IT Asset Management.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How to Integrate With IT Asset Management

IT asset management represents an entire system of integrated management processes, strategies and technologies implemented to provide you with complete control over your IT assets throughout the asset life cycle. Asset Management integrates with IT Asset Management by sharing assets in the Asset Repository.

IT Asset Management embeds network discovery tools into Asset Management to collect perpetual IT asset inventory for reconciliation to the Asset Repository Manager (ARM). When you use IT Asset Management with Maintenance Management, the repository stores organizational asset information including physical and financial definitions, acquisition history and maintenance history. IT Asset Management provides a central workspace to manage and deploy IT Asset Management systems, view discovered and reconciled results, monitor collected metrics, and drill-down to detailed asset data for problem solving and information gathering activities. This interactive workspace collects detailed hardware and software inventory information and authorized versus unauthorized license deployment with access to contract and warranty information relative to IT assets.

PeopleSoft has partnered with network discovery tools in IT Asset Management to perpetually inventory IT assets including software and hardware devices that connect to your network. After the discovery tool collects usage data, it is reconciled to the Asset Repository Manager using configurable business rules that define reconciling data-points. The asset reconciliation engine compares discovered asset inventory to that stored in the ARM, where all organizational assets are stored with complete business data, acquisition history, maintenance history and financial data. Because IT assets are perpetually inventoried using network discovery tools, IT assets are always accurately reflected in business data and financial reporting.

This diagram shows the basic integration between Asset Management and IT Asset Management.

IT Asset Management and Asset Management integration diagram

Note. You must use Asset Management before you can use IT Asset Management.

See Also

Working with the Asset Repository

Click to jump to parent topicIntegrating Asset Management with Maintenance Management

This section provides an overview of integrating asset management with Maintenance Management.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How to Integrate With Maintenance Management

Asset Management integrates with Maintenance Management by creating service request and work order links between asset warranty claims or other asset maintenance events, and assets. Asset Management maintains assets in the Asset Repository, where they are accessible among the ALM products, including Maintenance Management. Each asset record stores maintenance activity details and can be adjusted, transferred or retired by Maintenance Management processes.

Work orders are used to track the costs associated with maintaining or creating assets. In Maintenance Management, a work order consists of multiple work order tasks with each task specifying the asset that is being maintained as well as a related project and activity. Each task is used to identify the transaction costs of performing the asset maintenance. These transaction costs flow from Maintenance Management into various systems including Asset Management. A work order task can only specify one asset, one project and one activity, but any given asset, project and activity can be maintained by multiple work orders or work order tasks. When an asset is selected from the Asset Management asset repository for maintenance or repair through a work order, Maintenance Management notifies the user of any warranties associated with the asset being worked on in the work order. You can then file warranty claims for the work performed to recover the cost of the work performed.

With a preventive maintenance schedule in place, Maintenance Management can automatically generate work orders and maintenance forecasts to help you ensure that your asset base is optimally maintained. You have the option of setting up resource requirements for a work order task for labor, materials, purchased or on-hand parts, and tools resources prior to scheduling these resources. To simplify this process, you can set up work order task templates that define these requirements for different types of tasks and problems. Another method of determining parts that may be required to repair an asset is by accessing an Equipment Parts List (EPL), which is part of the Assets Management asset repository and lists the asset and any parts or other information associated with the asset. If special requirements are specified, this information can be copied forward to be used as the basis for scheduling those resources. When setting up requirements, you have the option of indicating whether to calculate estimated costs either at the business unit level or at the shop level for labor, materials, and tools resources. The total estimated costs for each resource are accumulated in the work order's cost page. When each work order task is executed, the total actual costs for each work order task resource is also displayed in the work order's cost page, along with any variances between the two and stored at the asset level within the asset repository.

Asset Management can record and attach meter readings to assets and force a preventive maintenance event if a meter falls outside the tolerance range defined on the Meter Type page. When a meter reading falls outside of the tolerance range, Asset Management creates a preventive maintenance work order. The system only performs this function when you have defined a preventive maintenance schedule ID for the asset with a range meter type assigned to the schedule ID. The Asset Repository enables you to require a meter for any kind of work order in order to complete the work order.

While Maintenance Management offers tactical reporting and analytics for understanding costs and effectiveness by shop and asset, the ability to analyze operations and costs across the enterprise is key to driving wholesale changes into the organization. Searches can be done to identify parts used anywhere in your entire organization. This information can be invaluable when you are trying to address the impact of a manufacturer recall or to ensure that a decision to upgrade a component is executed consistently throughout the enterprise. The integrated Asset Repository Manager enables you to rapidly identify, access, and analyze your entire asset base. Separate financial and operational asset hierarchies within the asset repository lets financial users view the asset base from one perspective and lets operations and maintenance users view it from a totally different perspective.

This diagram shows how the Maintenance Management and Asset Management products integrate.

Maintenance Management and Asset Management integration diagram

See Also

Understanding Integrated and Shared Products Setup Considerations

Click to jump to parent topicIntegrating Asset Management with Real Estate Management

This section provides an overview of integrating asset management with Real Estate Management.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How to Integrate With Real Estate Management

Asset Management integrates with Real Estate Management by managing the defined property assets associated with Real Estate Management in the Asset Repository and by providing the integration with third-party CAFM software vendors, such as Centerstone, to manage employee/department to property assets information .

Real Estate Management utilizes Asset Management centralized Asset Repository Manager as the source of all operational and financial property asset information. The repository provides property tax tracking against each site or building stored. Using existing functionality in Asset Management including express capitalization from Project Costing enables companies to perform project management and then capitalize or expense the costs related to their properties accordingly.

Asset Management provides third-party CAFM integration through the centralized asset repository. The financial asset from the repository is used along with employee and department information from PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM as the source to the CAFM solution for space management. The property floor and space information, and employee space assignments performed in the CAFM solution are then updated automatically back to the repository to provide a single source of information on accurate measurements of spaces within properties and timely assignments of employees in spaces. This information can then be passed to General Ledger for facility cost allocations based on square feet or meters per department as well as providing an up-to-date space utilization model.

When creating a lease in Real Estate Management, you use Asset Management’s centralized asset repository for property information. You can select the property from a list or enter the property information manually. To select the property from the list, properties must already exist in the repository through either manual entry or through the third-party CAFM integration. The properties are known to be valid as they are generated into the repository in a controlled manner: through the capitalization processes between Project Costing and Asset Management, through the asset entry as a new acquisition or through the third-party CAFM integration. The integration between Asset Management and the third-party CAFM provider also enables Real Estate Management to use information about the property assets captured in the Asset Repository such as size of spaces, location of assets within these spaces, and employee assignments to spaces.

The following provides a high level picture of the actual integration steps between Asset Management and the third-party CAFM provider:

The following information is exchanged between the two systems:

The following diagram displays the process flow for Real Estate Management integration:

Asset Management and Real Estate Management integration points

See Also

Integrating with Other Applications

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicExchanging Asset Data with Centerstone CAFM

Asset Management shares the asset repository with Real Estate Management. The asset repository integrates with Centerstone sending space allocation information for defined property assets as well as employee and department information. In turn, Centerstone passes updated space allocation information for existing assets as well as new “sub” assets, such as floor, space and area, with the measurements from the CAFM application, and the employee assignments to the “sub” assets, back to PeopleSoft.

The asset repository supports integration to Real Estate Management by enabling asset property records (ASSET_PROPERTY) to have asset components. There is a one-to-one relationship between an asset and the asset property. During asset creation, when the asset type Propertyis selected, the Property Information tab is enabled. Information relating to the property asset as well as property tax information is stored here.

Note. Defining an asset as property is only available from the Asset Basic Add component.

The following are the impacts of the integration on the asset repository:

To support these functions, the following rules apply:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you can use the space allocation link with Centerstone CAFM utilities, you must first have completed the following steps:

  1. Complete the installation of Centerstone CAFM to set up the appropriate integration messages between PeopleSoft and eCenterstone.

    See PeopleSoft Enterprise Financials, ESA, and Supply Chain Management 9.0 Product-Specific Installation Instructions, “Integrating PeopleSoft Enterprise 9.0 Asset Management With eCenterstone Space Management Solution”.

  2. Enable Space Management integration with Asset Management on the Installation Product Options page for Asset Management (INSTALLATION_AM) in the installation component (INSTALLATION).

    See Defining Asset Management Installation Options.

  3. Establish the statistics code and statistical account for Space Allocation for each Asset Management business unit on the Interface Options page (BUS_UNIT_INTFC_OPT) of the define business units component (BU_DEFN).

    See Establishing PeopleSoft Asset Management Business Units.

  4. Enable and define or modify trees with business units from which properties and employees will be used to exchange information with Centerstone CAFM.

    See Establishing PeopleSoft Asset Management Business Units.

    See Adding Department Values.

    See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.46 PeopleBook, “PeopleSoft Tree Manager”.

  5. Establish asset types and subtypes within Asset Management to define property assets.

    See Establishing Asset Processing.

  6. Establish active property assets with designated types and subtypes in the asset repository.

    See Adding and Maintaining Assets.

  7. Optionally record property taxes associated with property assets using the Record Property Taxes page and component (ASSET_PROP_TAX).

    See Adding and Maintaining Assets.

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Object Name



Basis Generation For Allocation Process


Asset Management, Send/Receive Information, Load Interface, Space Allocation

Generate the cost basis for the space allocation process.

CAFM Property Integration


Asset Management, Send/Receive Information, Computer Aided Facility Mgmt, Property Integration

Exchange property information with Centerstone CAFM application using these processes:


    Request employee location from CAFM.


    Request property size and occupancy from CAFM.


    Request new and deleted properties from CAFM.

CAFM Department Integration


Asset Management, Send/Receive Information, Computer Aided Facility Mgmt, Department Integration

Exchange department information with Centerstone CAFM application using the RE_PUB_DEPT process: This application engine process is a Full Sync of Department Tree that transfers the department tree specified for the selected business unit to CAFM so their system understands the general departmental breakdown. With that information, the CAFM system can properly assign custodians to property assets and employees to spaces. CAFM has no ability to modify department data, as the FSCM tables are considered the master data.

CAFM Employee Integration


Asset Management, Send/Receive Information, Computer Aided Facility Mgmt, Employee Integration

Exchange employee information with Centerstone CAFM application using the RE_PUB_EMPL process: The application engine process is a Full Sync of Employees that transfers the employee data from the HR employee tables residing in FSCM. This data is provided to the CAFM system so that employees can be assigned to spaces on the floor plan when users are performing space management. CAFM has no ability to modify employee data, as the FSCM HR tables are considered the master data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Space Allocation Basis for Centerstone CAFM

Access the Basis Generation For Allocation Process page.

Use a run control definition to establish the space allocation cost basis. The space allocations exchanged with Centerstone can be measured by square feet, meters or any other measurement that suits your organization. This process determines how the actual space allocated by Centerstone should be measured.

Centerstone creates the space allocations and passes them back to PeopleSoft. The allocation is then used to calculate the cost, for example, per square foot used by a specific department or resource. The information can then be used by General Ledger in the Allocation Process and in generating financial statistics and reports.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicExchanging Property Information with Centerstone CAFM

Access the CAFM Property Integration page.

Each process name to be run and its description is displayed.

Sync Option

Select the integration broker message type to be used. The options are:

  • FullSync

    A full synchronization message will exchange all information even if it has not changed since the last time the information was requested. The exception for rule this is that when requesting New Properties, full sync will behave like an incremental sync.

  • Incremental Sync

    An incremental synchronization message will exchange only information that has changed since the last time the information was requested.

When you run the process, the requested CAFM data updates the following PeopleSoft tables:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicExchanging Department Information with Centerstone CAFM

Access the CAFM Department Integration page.

Business Unit GL

Select the associated GL business unit from which employees are selected to exchange information.

Tree Name

Select the appropriate Department tree from which employees selected are to exchange information.

Note. If you select a tree other than Department, the process will fail.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicExchanging Employee Information with Centerstone CAFM

Access the CAFM Employee Integration page.

The employee integration with Centerstone CAFM does not require the input of any parameters.

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing PeopleSoft Asset Management, Purchasing, and Payables Transactions

This section provides an overview of processing Asset Management, Purchasing and Payables transactions and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding PeopleSoft Asset Management, Purchasing and Payables Transactions

PeopleSoft Purchasing sends receipts to PeopleSoft Asset Management as either capitalized or non-capitalized assets. If non-capitalized assets are created from Purchasing, these assets can be capitalized when the voucher information is received from Payables.

Note. PeopleSoft Asset Management automatically capitalizes assets created from PeopleSoft Payables as long as the asset profile used is able to be capitalized. Additionally, retirement transactions communicated from AP/PO to AM represent only closed vouchers, if that action was selected at the business unit level and canceled receipts.

See Selecting Asset Management Interface Options.

See PeopleSoft Purchasing Integrations.

Before you can incorporate Asset Management with Purchasing and Payables transactions, you need to understand:

The data flow conforms to the logical steps that you take to create integrated transactions between Asset Management and these applications:

Data flow from Payables and Purchasing to Asset Management

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Payables Transactions with Asset Management

Asset Management provides the opportunity to add assets in mass directly from existing accounts payable vouchers. To do so, accounts payable voucher information is loaded into Asset Management by using the Payables/Purchasing Interface.

Note. If you are using Projects to capture data on your asset-related POs and receipts, the system passes purchasing and receipts data through the Projects to Asset Management interface rather than the Payables/Purchasing Interface. In this way, the PeopleSoft system provides the navigation from the Asset Acquisition Detail page to POs and receipts, as well as the associated projects.

To send asset information from Payables to Asset Management:

  1. Identify the voucher lines as asset-related in Payables.

    This enables you to enter asset information on the Voucher Invoice Information page.

    It is not necessary to enter the asset ID on the receiver or voucher panels, unless you want to:

  2. Save and approve the voucher.

  3. Run matching (depending on your setup options), and post the voucher to accounts payable.

    Warning! If the voucher data being sent to Asset Management relates to previous assets that were created from Purchasing, the voucher must be matched to the PO and receiver. There can be no overrides with respect to receivers or receiver quantities exceptions. If encountered, Accounts Payable Receiver Match Exceptions RULE_R500 or RULE_R600 must not be overridden on asset-related vouchers; this interface cannot properly match up PO, receiver, voucher, and asset data with receiver match exceptions that have been overridden. Duplicate assets may result.

    Note. If matching is not required for the vendor, you cannot use the Copy Receiver function when copying to a voucher. You can use only the Copy PO function to copy PO distribution lines. It is recommended that when creating vouchers for asset-related items, you copy the voucher information from the receiver, with the understanding that in some cases only the PO is available in Payables. If only the PO is copied onto the voucher, Payables must associate receivers with the vouchers.

  4. Run the Load Assets Application Engine process (INTFAPAM) to populate the Asset Management Pre-Interface Loader table (INTFC_PRE_AM).

    The Pre-Interface Loader determines the appropriate type of asset transactions to be loaded into the Asset Management Loader Tables, based on the voucher information and comparing it to the receiving information.

    You can process adjustments by first unposting the vouchers, making changes to them, and then reposting and sending the adjustments to Asset Management. Rematching, if applicable, is also required.

    When a voucher that was already sent to Asset Management is closed, the asset that was originally created by the voucher results as a negative addition, retirement, or no transaction. The appropriate action is defined during system setup on the Establish Business Units, Interface Options page.

    If the initial posting and unposting are processed in the same run of AMPS1000, no asset is created because the two transactions cancel each other out. Load status for the first posting entry is set to Consolidated; load status for the unposting and closing entry is set to Done.

    When a voucher that has previously been distributed to Asset Management is unposted and the ChartFields are changed, corresponding asset transfers are not handled. Asset transfers can only be made in the Asset Management system. In addition, once an asset has been capitalized from the PO, you cannot change the profile on the receiver or voucher pages, nor can you create a subsequent voucher to affect this asset with a new profile. Ensure that profiles are correct on the PO and in the item master catalog.

  5. Preview the data in the Pre-Interface table, and make corrections as needed.

  6. Run the Payables/Purchasing Interface process (AMPS1000_RQST) from Asset Management, Send/Receive Information, Retrieve Info from AP/PO.

    This process loads the Transaction Loader tables (INTFC_FIN and INTFC_PHY_A). Every voucher line becomes a Pending Asset Load transaction, with book and cost information entered automatically according to the asset profile ID, cost, and quantity on the voucher. If your profile ID uses multiple books, then multiple book and cost information is generated. If an existing asset ID is specified on a voucher, then the cost associated with that voucher is added to the existing asset as a cost adjustment transaction.

    Asset Management assigns asset cost as:

    (Asset Cost) = (Sum of Item Costs) + (Use Tax) + (Sales Tax) + (Freight) + (Miscellaneous Charges)+(Nonrecoverable VAT)

  7. Preview data in the loader tables, and approve load lines.

  8. Run the Transaction Loader (AMIF1000) to load these transactions into the Asset Management tables.

    Note. Because the Payables Interface sets the default profile switch to Yes in the load tables, all books on the Transaction Loader asset profile automatically appear by default for each asset. In addition, all lines appear as automatically approved.

    Warning! Ensure that if any of the assets that you are adding through the Payables/Purchasing interface include references to foreign currency, the exchange rate for that currency is defined in the currency exchange rate tables. If an exchange rate has not been defined, the assets will not populate the PS_COST table.

    See Specifying Currency Options for the Journal Source.

Note. 1. Credit memos created in PeopleSoft Payables are not sent to PeopleSoft Asset Management by way of the Payables Application Engine. The asset manager should make these adjustments manually in the Cost Adjust/Transfer component.

2. AMPS1000 interprets asset sequence numbers when assigning NEXT asset id. Asset ids for Split-funded assets using the asset id sequence number to associate multiple distribution lines to a single asset ID are assigned in this step of the interface process.

3. Each distribution line entered in Payables for a split-funded asset will become a different cost line in Asset Management. If the same ChartFields are used for the different lines, the integration process will not consolidate the Cost lines.

See Also

Basic Voucher and Payment Processing

Processing Batch Vouchers

Adding and Maintaining Assets

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing PeopleSoft Purchasing Transactions with PeopleSoft Asset Management

Asset Management enables you to add assets from existing purchase orders (POs) and receipts.

Note. If you are using PeopleSoft Projects to capture data on asset-related POs and receipts, the system passes purchasing and receipts data through the Projects-to-Asset Management interface rather than directly from the Payables or Purchasing interface. In this way, the PeopleSoft system provides the navigation from the Asset Acquisition Detail page to POs and receipts, as well as the associated projects.

To send purchasing information to Asset Management:

  1. Generate a PO for the asset in Purchasing.

    The PO should include the relevant AM business unit, profile ID, Capital Acquisition Plan (CAP) number, sequence number, tag number, employee ID, capitalization status, and cost type.

    If the quantity on the requisition is one, enter an asset tag number on the requisition to enable the PO and the receiver to appear by default.

    Note. You can specify a CAP number and sequence number on a requisition (or a PO, if you do not use a requisition) in Purchasing to tie an asset to a budget. The system then passes the CAP information from the requisition to the PO to the receiver, and then into Asset Management.

  2. Send the PO to the vendor.

  3. When you receive the asset, enter it as Received in Purchasing.

    The asset information specified on the PO appears by default to the receiver; you can record additional asset information on the receiving pages of Purchasing.

  4. Run the Receiver Interface Push Application Engine process (PO_RECVPUSH) in Purchasing.

    This process loads receiver lines into the Pre-Interface table (INTFC_PRE_AM).

    Note. The Receiver Interface Push process can be run in multiple ways. If you are processing a receipt that has no inventory-related lines, the Receiver Interface Push process is used. If you are processing a receipt that has both inventory-related lines as well as asset related lines, the Receiver Interface Push process runs as part of the Receipts Assets and Putaway process.

  5. Run the Pre-Interface table (INTFC_PRE_AM) process. Preview the data in the Pre-Interface table, and make corrections as needed.

    Note. The Receiver Interface Push application engine process (PO_RECVPUSH) must be run to send receiver information related to a purchase order to PeopleSoft Asset Management. Both the Receiver Interface Push process and the Payables to Assets Interface process must be run when the voucher is created from a PO.

  6. Run the Payables/Purchasing Interface process (AMPS1000).

    This process loads the Transaction Loader tables (INTFC_FIN and INTFC_PHY_A).

  7. Preview data in the loader tables, and adjust the approval status if necessary.

    Interface IDs appear with a status of Pre-approved. Set them to Unapproved on the Financial and Physical A Approval pages as needed.

  8. Run the Transaction Loader process (AMIF1000) to load these transactions into the Asset Management tables.

    Note. Because the Purchasing Interface sets the default profile switch to Yes in the load tables, the Transaction Loader automatically retrieves by default all book information defined on the asset profile for each asset created. In addition, all lines received are automatically approved.

Although capitalizing at the point of receipt is not a recommended accounting practice, an asset entered through Purchasing may be either capitalized or uncapitalized. There are two ways to do this. The Capitalize check box on the PeopleSoft Purchasing Business Unit page allows you to specify that items are capitalized at the point of receipt. If an item is to be capitalized at the point of receipt, a financial asset is created when the receiver lines are loaded by the Transaction Loader. If an item is not capitalized at time of receipt, you can capitalize it later by either of the following methods:

Assets are capitalized and depreciated based on actual cost and the date on which the asset is placed in service. This assumes that the asset has been received and invoiced by the vendor. Capitalization of an asset can include asset cost plus freight, taxes, and adjustments for installations. Each of these items may be treated differently for financial and tax purposes and can be determined only from the vendor’s invoice.

Capitalizing an asset from PO cost may over- or understate the asset account on the balance sheet because the final invoice cost has not been received. When the asset has been received and invoiced, it can then be capitalized correctly and depreciated by using the actual invoiced costs. Additionally, if the asset has been capitalized upon receipt with differing ChartField information at the time of invoicing, it requires that the financial designation of the asset be finalized on the requisition.

If an asset has been received but not invoiced, it is included in the receipt accruals posted to the general ledger, but they are not yet capitalized. GAAP and FASB do not specifically support this accounting treatment; however, a standard recommendation is to maintain proper independent documentation that supports all recording of assets and expenses.

If an asset is created from PeopleSoft Purchasing, and it is serialized (or unitized later in Asset Management) and the corresponding voucher line’s cost is different from the receiving amount, the difference is distributed to all assets created from the receipt.

The serialization attribute on the item is the easiest, most efficient, and most effective way to use the interface. The serialization attribute also streamlines the business process. Unitization or consolidation should only be necessary if you haven't installed Purchasing, because PeopleSoft Purchasing serializes or leaves items and assets consolidated for the entire process.

Items used in this interface should be properly established in the item master catalog.

When an item is created, it can be classified as an asset by assigning an asset profile ID on the Purchasing Attributes page. An item can also be specified as serial-controlled on the Item Definition − Inventory: Tracking/Description page. Verify that the item ID is classified correctly prior to receiving assets. This saves you much time and eliminates such processes as Unitization and Consolidation. If, for example, you receive five items and the PO/AM interface should create five individual assets as opposed to one asset with a quantity of five, then the item ID should be serial-controlled, and it should also have an asset profile ID assigned in Purchasing Attributes.

However you choose to capitalize, understand that once an asset has been capitalized in Asset Management, you cannot subsequently change related asset or ChartField information in the subsystems. In other words, asset transfers are not performed from PeopleSoft Purchasing or Payables; transfers are handled only in PeopleSoft Asset Management.

If an asset is split-funded, the batch process generates the next asset ID based upon a subordinate sequence number identifying multiple distribution lines to a single asset allowing asset cost to be split across all identified accounting distributions.

Note. Non-financial assets created in Purchasing (not capitalized at the point of receipt) automatically display a status of Received. The asset remains in Received status until the asset is paid or the decision is made to capitalize the asset. When the asset is invoiced in Payables and that invoice information is processed by the PO/AP/AM interface, the status of the asset is updated to In Service, and the asset is capitalized.

Note. Asset Management does not make adjustments for existing assets from the PO interface. The process only adds new assets.

See Also

Entering Asset Information

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Purchasing and Payables Transactions with Asset Management

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Process Purchasing and Payables Transactions with Asset Management

Page Name

Object Name



Pre-AM 1


Asset Management, Send/Receive Information, Preview AP/PO Information

Preview the data in the Pre-Interface PreAM 1 table.

Payables/Purchasing Interface


Asset Management, Send/Receive Information, Retrieve Info from AP/PO

Run the Pre-Interface Loader to load the data (from Payables or Purchasing) into the Asset Management Loader tables.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPreviewing Data in the Pre-Interface Table

Access the Pre-AM 1 page.

Asset Management enables you to add assets from existing POs and receipts or from existing accounts payable vouchers.

Note. If the fields on this page are changed, the voucher data may not match the PeopleSoft Asset Management data. In this case, the Load Status of the inconsistent rows should be set to Errored. You should then correct the voucher and resend it to PeopleSoft Asset Management. Physical information can be changed here because it does not affect capitalization or depreciation. In case AMPS1000 sets the status to Errored., you need to check the message log on the process monitor for the error message. Care should be taken to keep these changes in sync with purchasing and receiving data.

This table provides a step-by-step example of how a typical transaction flows from Purchasing to Asset Management:


PeopleSoft Application



Enter a PO.


Purchase Order - Form

Select the vendor, buyer, item, unit of measurement, and amount. Click Defaults to access the Purchase Order Defaults page.

Enter Asset Management information.


Purchase Order Defaults

Enter the AM unit and asset profile ID. Clear the Capitalize check box if you want to send assets to Asset Management with a status of To be Capitalized. Click OK.

Select all lines from Purchasing.


Purchase Order Defaults

This action returns you to the Purchase Order - Form page.

Select Matching.


Purchase Order - Form

In the Go To region of the page, select 11-Matching from the drop-down list box.

Select Match Action and Match Rules.


PO Matching


Dispatch the PO.


Dispatch Purchase Orders


Create receipts.


Receiving (RECV_WPO_AM)

Click Asset Information.

Assign the tag number, serial ID, and asset ID.


Receiving: Asset Information (RECV_WPO_AM)

Select the appropriate icons, and save the page.

Process receipts.


Process Receipts


View your asset transactions to be processed.

Asset Management

Load Preview - Pre AM 1


Run the Purchasing/ Payables Interface to load the Transaction Loader tables.

Asset Management

Purchasing/Payables Interface


Run the Transaction Loader to load the Asset Management tables.

Asset Management

Transaction Loader Request


Review the asset in Asset Basic Information.

Asset Management

Asset Acquisition Detail

You should see an acquisition row for each asset.

See Also

Adding and Maintaining Assets

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Payables/Purchasing Interface

Access the Payables/Purchasing Interface page.

When running this process, be aware of how the Pre-Interface Loader and the Transaction Loader each handles multisource transactions:

This table provides a more detailed step-by-step example of how a typical transaction flows from Payables to Asset Management. In this example, Payables receives data from Purchasing:


PeopleSoft Application



Create a voucher by copying the receiver or PO.


Voucher - Invoice Information (VCHR_EXPRESS)

Click Copy PO/Recv. This action opens the Voucher Copy Worksheet.

Manually associate receivers if only the PO is copied onto the voucher.


Voucher - Invoice Information (VCHR_EXPRESS)

Click the Associate Receivers link.

Select the PO or receiver unit and receiver ID that you want to pay, and click the Copy PO button.


 Voucher - Invoice Information (VCHR_EXPRESS)

After clicking the Copy PO button, you are returned to the Voucher-Invoice Information page.

Verify that the item is ready for matching.


Voucher Attributes (VCHR_STATUS_IA)

In the Match Action group box, Ready should appear as the status.

Match processes.


Match Request


Verify that there are no receiver exceptions.




Verify that the voucher can be posted.


Voucher Attributes - Matched Vouchers


Post the voucher.


Voucher Posting Request


Verify that Posted appears as the voucher post status.


Voucher Inquiry


Run the Load Assets process.


Load Assets Request

This loads Payables transactions to the Pre-Interface table.

Review and correct data if necessary.

Asset Management

Load Preview - Pre AM 1


Run the Purchasing/ Payables Interface to load the Transaction Loader tables.

Asset Management

Purchasing/Payables Interface


Review and correct the data if necessary.

Asset Management

Financials Transactions and Physical Transaction A


Run the Transaction Loader to load the Asset Management tables.

Asset Management

Transaction Loader Request


Verify the asset cost on the Cost History page.

Asset Management

Asset Cost History (ASSET_TRANS_01)

You should see a cost row for each book of the related profile ID.

Review the asset in Asset Basic Information, and verify that the asset is capitalized.

Asset Management

Asset Acquisition Detail

You should see an acquisition row for each asset. The row from the PO is retained, not updated, and a new row from Payables is added.

Note. The Purchasing interface process does not check for non-PO received assets when processing vouchers for PeopleSoft Asset Management.

Click to jump to parent topicIntegrating with PeopleSoft Project Costing

This section provides an overview of integration PeopleSoft Asset Management with PeopleSoft Project Costing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding PeopleSoft Project Costing Integration

Assets that originate in Project Costing are usually the outcome of construction projects. They can accumulate cost information associated with salvage and removal costs, proceeds from sales and the like.

When you establish integration between PeopleSoft Asset Management and PeopleSoft Project Costing, you can perform the following processes from PeopleSoft Project Costing:

PeopleSoft Project Costing can also send cost information to PeopleSoft Asset Management for group assets that have not yet been consolidated. The cost for unrealized assets is accumulated as a pseudo group member asset, and depreciated at the group asset level.

Project Costing sends asset information directly to the Asset Management Loader Tables (INTFC_FIN and INTFC_PHY_A) by using the Project Costing-Asset Management Integration Application Engine process (RUN_PC_AM). This enables you to depreciate costs with a project before its completion.

Note. PeopleSoft Asset Management creates transactions in Asset Management tables from other feeder systems by using the Transaction Loader (AMIF1000) application engine. Transactions for existing assets that have a status of Retired or Transferred are not passed through the Transaction Loader; they are processed within their respective components.

Once you have transferred data from Project Costing, you can preview data in the loader tables, approve the load lines, approve the interface ID, and run the Transaction Loader process to transfer the data into Asset Management tables.

The Transaction Loader process can run automatically when:

Note. If you are sending Parent-Child assets from Project Costing, the Transaction Loader relies on information that you have defined on the Asset Definition page of the Capitalize Project Assets component to accurately create the asset definition in Asset Management. If you have identified an existing parent asset for the asset that you are capitalizing from Project Costing, the Transaction Loader automatically creates a child asset. If you enter an asset ID in Project Costing, and also enter that same asset ID in the Parent ID field and it does not exist in the Asset Management PARENT_ASSET table, Transaction Loader creates a parent asset.

See Also

Managing Assets

Click to jump to parent topicIntegrating with Strategic Sourcing

This section provides an overview of integrating Asset Management with Strategic Sourcing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Integrating With Strategic Sourcing

When a sale is initiated by Strategic Sourcing, information required to bill for the auctioned asset is made available to Asset Management and sent to Billing (if applicable). Processing transactions in multiple currencies is also available.

If you integrate with Billing, you are able to generate billing invoices for assets sold at auction. This link provides a conduit for accessing customer information when generating billing invoices.

This process map shows the typical data flow between these products:

Asset Management integration to Strategic Sourcing data flow

Note. Strategic Sourcing does not process all types of assets. Any assets tagged as hazardous material or that have been retired, transferred, or subjected to reinstatement, or that are subject to VAT are not processed by Strategic Sourcing. The Strategic Sourcing statuses are available within the Asset Basic Add page. These are: Sold in Auction, Sent to Auction, Not Allowed to be Auctioned, and Allowed to be Auctioned.

See Also

Putting Assets Up for Auction

Click to jump to parent topicPreviewing Data in the Loader Tables

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Previewing Data in the Loader Tables

The most common way to transfer data to Asset Management is to populate two loader tables, Financial (INTFC_FIN) and Physical A (INTFC_PHY_A). These tables are typically populated when you:

You can view data loaded into these tables, giving you the opportunity to preview the data to be loaded into Asset Management when you run the Transaction Loader.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Preview Data in the Loader Tables

Page Name

Object Name



Financial Transactions


Asset Management, Send/Receive Information, Approve Financial Information, Review

View data in the financial loader table.

Physical Transactions A


Asset Management, Send/Receive Information, Approve Physical Information, Review A

View data in the physical loader table.

Physical Transactions B


Asset Management, Send/Receive Information, Approve Physical Information, Review B

View data in the physical loader table. This table and page are mainly used during conversion.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPreviewing the Financial Loader Tables

Access the Financial Transactions page.

Interface ID

Identifies the interface process that populated the table.

Interface Line Number

Displays the row that you are viewing in the table.

PI ID (physical inventory ID)

Displays the physical inventory control ID. A value appears if the transactions were generated by the Physical Inventory process (AMPI1000).

Mass Change Definition

Displays the mass change definition used if you have populated this table by running a mass change.

Auto Approval Status (automatic approval status)

This check box is selected if you have set the Approved field to a value of Y in the loader table (when converting); if the transactions came from Purchasing, Projects, or Payables and you selected Auto Approval on the AM Specific Fields page of the Asset Mass Change component; or if you selected Auto Approval on the physical inventory control ID. If this check box is not selected, you must approve the interface ID manually.

Asset ID

When the asset ID is set to NEXT, the next asset number for your business unit is assigned to this asset when you run the Transaction Loader. If the asset is subject to split-funding treatment, a subidentifying sequence number is appended to the asset ID. These are assigned when you retrieve information from Purchasing or Payables.

The Financial Transactions page (INTFC_FIN) displays financial information and associated ChartFields one row at a time. This is the data that the Transaction Loader uses to populate the Asset Management tables; after you review it, you can makes changes as needed depending on your editing permissions established at the user preferences level.

Warning! Updates can be made to conversion data (by using SQL) or other financial data that has not been calculated by a program. However, when data has been calculated by a mass change, the Payables/Purchasing interface or the Capitalize Project Assets interface should not be changed without careful consideration of the implications of such changes. Any information manually updated could cause integrity problems and you must be certain that you understand the changes you are making before you make them.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPreviewing Physical Data in the Loader Tables

Access the Physical Transactions A page or the Physical Transactions B page.

Preview the data and complete the appropriate fields.

Click to jump to parent topicApproving Load Lines

This section discusses how to:

Although most records appear preapproved, you may need to approve all pending interface IDs before loading them into the Asset Management tables. The Interface Asset Information component includes pages on which you can approve pending interface IDs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Approve Load Lines

Page Name

Object Name



Approve Financial


Asset Management, Send/Receive Information, Approve Financial Information, Approve

Approve the data in the financial loader table. The page displays a summary of all the interface IDs pending approval in the financial loader table.

Approve Physical A


Asset Management, Send/Receive Information, Approve Physical Information, Approve-A

View data in the physical loader table.

Approve Physical B


Asset Management, Send/Receive Information, Approve Physical Information, Approve-B

View data in the physical loader table. This table and page are mainly used during conversion.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicApproving Financial Load Line Interface IDs

Access the Approve Financial page.

Intfc ID (interface ID)

Identifies by number the interface process used to populate the table.


Reflects the business unit that receives these transactions when you run the Transaction Loader.

PI ID (physical inventory ID)

Appears if you have populated this table by generating reconciliation transactions as part of a physical inventory process.

Transaction/Interface Load ID and Load Type

Load lines are summarized by these fields. The load type is much like the trans type, but provides a greater level of detail. Each trans type in PeopleSoft Asset Management can generate several different load types.

This table displays some load types (those marked with an asterisk are uncommon):

Load Type

Long Name

Financial or Physical


Additional Cost Add



Insert Acquisition Detail

Physical *


Asset Add



Asset Cost Adjustment



Asset Depreciation Write-off



Adjust Cost & Add Acquisition Detail

Financial and physical *


Add Retired Asset

Financial and physical


Asset Deletion

Financial and physical


Asset Information Update



Book Deletion

Financial *


Book Change



Selective Book Delete

Financial *


Asset Capitalization



Custodian/Location Change

Physical *


Capitalize into Composite



Conversion of First Book

Financial and physical


Conversion of Subsequent Books



Financial and Physical Add



Group ID Asset Add

Financial and physical


Physical Inventory History Insert



InterUnit Transfer, In Side

Financial and physical


InterUnit Transfer, Out Side



Leased Asset Add

Financial and physical *


Non-financial Add



Open Transaction Generator

Not applicable *


Physical Asset Change



Partial Retirement



Replace Acquisition Detail



Asset Recategorization



Asset Reinstatement



Asset Retirement



Non-financial Retirement



IntraUnit Transfer


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicApproving Physical Interface IDs

Access the Approve Physical A page or the Approve Physical B page.

Review and complete the applicable fields.

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the Transaction Loader

This section discusses how to run the transaction loader (AMIF1000).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Transaction Loader Run Process

The Transaction Loader reads data staged in the loader tables and populates Asset Management tables with the data. Use the Transaction Loader whenever the loader tables have been populated as a result of integration with other applications or conversion from a previous fixed-asset system, or to complete data updates processed by a mass change or physical inventory.

Note. If you are converting from a previous fixed-asset system, you must run the Transaction Edit program (AMIFEDIT) before running the Transaction Loader. The Transaction Edit program performs edit checks on the data fields that you specify to help ensure that the information that you load into Asset Management is correct. Review the data loaded into INTFC_FIN, INTFC_PHY_A, and INTFC_PHY_B, and view the Transaction Loader (AMIF1000) carefully before you run it. You may need to change some of the data defaults that it contains.

If you are using the Transaction Loader to integrate information from Purchasing or Payables, you may want to consolidate or unitize load lines. This is only necessary if you are unable to use the serialization characteristics in the item master catalog. If you choose to do so, consolidation or unitization must be completed before running the Transaction Loader.

For converted assets and assets loaded through the Transaction Loader, the default is to book accumulated depreciation to the previous period. However, if you populate the START_PD, END_PD, and FISCAL_YEAR fields on the Financial Loader table (INTFC_FIN) with the values for the current period, and the amount in the DEPR field is not 0, any accumulated depreciation is booked to the current period.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Run the Transaction Loader

Page Name

Object Name



Run Transaction Loader


Asset Management, Send/Receive Information, Load Transactions, Load Transactions into AM

Run the Transaction Loader process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Transaction Loader - Request Page

Access the Run Transaction Loader page.

Run Control Parameters

System Source

One load ID may come from multiple system sources—for example, from both PeopleSoft Purchasing and PeopleSoft Payables. To run all lines with the same load ID, leave the System Source field blank. To process only PeopleSoft Billing, Payables, or only the Purchasing load lines with the ID, and so on, then enter that system.

Process PeopleSoft Maintenance Management Transactions

Select to process Maintenance Management transactions. This options displays if you have installed Maintenance Management. If the option is unchecked, the transaction loader will not process Maintenance Management transactions.

Find Trans Load ID (optional)

If you do not already know the interface ID that you want to process, the Transaction Loader enables you to search for transactions based on system source, load type, and load status, and whether they consist of physical or financial records. You can use as many or as few of these criteria as you want. The more you use, the narrower your search is.

The load status can be one of the following values. Enter the appropriate value:

Load Status


Consolidate (consolidated)

Transactions Consolidated (will not be loaded)


Transaction Errors

Note. To rerun transactions in status Errored you have to change the load status to Pending.

In Process

Processing is ongoing.


Transactions Loaded

On Hold

Transaction are not processed.


Transactions Not Loaded


Transaction line replaced with alternate line.


Transactions Unitized (will not be loaded)

Click to jump to parent topicConsolidating and Unitizing Assets

This section provides an overview of consolidating and unitizing assets and tell you how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Consolidation and Unitization of Assets

When you run the Transaction Loader, each pending load line generates a unique asset in PeopleSoft Asset Management. If you want to consolidate many load lines into a single asset, or split a load line into many assets (unitize), you must do so before running the Transaction Loader.

Although it is preferable to use the Item Master Catalog to predefine asset serialization characteristics, the system allows you to unitize or consolidate financial or physical asset load lines. You may have one line that actually represents several different assets; for example, you may pay for 10 computers with one voucher line. If you run the PeopleSoft Payables Interface without unitizing, this voucher line becomes one pending load line for one asset, and the quantity is equal to 10. To generate several assets, you must first unitize the single load line into 10 separate lines. Then when you run the Transaction Loader, each load line generates one asset; that is, 10 assets are created, each having a quantity equal to one.

Note. Establishing items in the master catalog with serialization attributes can save you much time by making the unitization and consolidation step unnecessary. If you want unitized assets when receiving or generating the voucher for items with multiple quantities (receiver and voucher lines have a quantity greater than one), establish those items as serialized. If your items should not be considered an asset unless their quantity is greater than one—for example, a dozen—then establish those items as nonserialized. Even if you do not use the item master catalog for other business processes, it may make sense to set up your asset items in the catalog as a one-time setup activity.

This documentation discusses consolidating and unitizing assets rather than load lines. However, it is important to remember that the assets don’t actually exist until you run the Transaction Loader.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Consolidate and Unitize Assets

Page Name

Object Name



Consolidate Assets - FROM Assets


Asset Management, Send/Receive Information, Load Transactions, Consolidate Assets

Consolidate assets with an action of Add. Leave the dialog box blank, and click OK.

Consolidate Assets - TO Asset


Asset Management, Send/Receive Information, Load Transactions, Consolidate Assets, TO Asset

Consolidate and save your new asset as a load line.

Unitize Assets - FROM Asset


Asset Management, Send/Receive Information, Load Transactions, Unitize Assets

View detailed information on the load line that you selected.

Proportional Unitization Defaults


Click the EZ Unitize button on the Unitize Assets - FROM Assets page.

Specify details for proportional unitization.

Unitize Assets - TO Assets


Asset Management, Send/Receive Information, Unitize Assets, TO Assets

Define individual assets into which you want this load line unitized.

Unitization Totals


Click the Totals/Balance link on the Unitize Assets - TO Assets page.

View totals and balances.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConsolidating Assets – FROM Assets

Access the Consolidate Assets - FROM Assets page.

This page enables you to search for consolidation from assets with a particular value by using these search fields:




Activity ID derived from PeopleSoft Project Costing.

Asset Category

Asset Category

Budget Reference

Budget Reference

Class Field

Class Field



Fund Code

Fund Code

Invoice Number

Invoice - from PeopleSoft Payables

Interface ID

Interface ID

Interface Line Number

Interface Line Number

Item ID

Inventory Item - from PeopleSoft Payables

Operating Unit

Operating Unit - from PeopleSoft General Ledger

PO Number

Purchase Order - from PeopleSoft Purchasing



Program Code

Program Code


Project - from Project Costing, Purchasing, or Payables.

Receipt Line

Receiver - from PeopleSoft Purchasing

Receipt Number

Receiver line number - from PeopleSoft Purchasing.

Vendor ID


Voucher ID

Voucher - from Payables

You use different search fields when consolidating lines from different systems. For example, when consolidating lines from PeopleSoft Payables, you can search on Voucher ID. When consolidating lines from Purchasing, you can search on PO Number. If you enter Invoice Number, the system prompts you to select from a list of invoice numbers; if you enter PO Numbers, you receive a list of PO numbers.

Enter the search field that you want to use, and then enter the value to search for.

Note. Rows continue to be added to the scroll area on page one, based on the field and value combination actions. It may be necessary for you to delete unwanted rows.

From Asset Tabs


Review ChartField information related to the load line.


Review cost information related to the load line.


Review interface information, including the interface line, about the load line.

Select the asset with which to work in the TO Asset page by selecting the radio button at the beginning of a line. You can select only one asset at a time.

Note. It is recommended that you don’t change the value of the profile ID, so that you are able to delete rows from the search grid on each tab in the component.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConsolidating Assets – TO Assets

Access the Consolidate Assets - TO Asset page.

Enter a information about your asset if appropriate. Most of the fields on this page are optional fields.

The values displayed in the Cost, Sales Tax, Freight, and Use Taxfields equals the sum of the value for all of the consolidated from assets.

To complete the consolidation process, load the resulting load transaction by using the Transaction Loader.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnitizing Assets – FROM Assets

Access the Unitize Assets - FROM Asset page.

Verify that this is the line that you want to unitize, then click EZ Unitize to access the Proportional Unitization Defaults page, where you can proportionally unitize.

Note. Unitizing interface rows that contain a default PROFILE_ID equal to N (multibook assets) prompts unitization of all books. The cost of the other books for each new asset is based on the percent cost of the unitized book.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Details for Proportional Unitization

Access the Proportional Unitization Defaults page.

Note. If you enter a quantity but no description or profile at the prompt, these values appear by default from the Unitize From page.

The Unitize Assets - TO Assets page appears, and the system automatically inserts new load lines in the scroll region based on the prompt information that you entered. You do not have to separate out the assets manually. All of the amounts are prorated.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnitizing Assets – TO Assets

Access the Unitize Assets - TO Assets page.

Certain information on this page appears by default from the originating system.

Information for assets that originated in accounts payable appears by default for these fields:

Note. These fields appear only after you have entered a profile ID, and you have moved the cursor out of that field or used the EZ Unitize function.

Information for assets that originated in Purchasing appears by default for these fields:

Information for assets that originated in Projects appears by default for these fields:

Click the Totals/Balance link to access the Unitization Totals page, where you can view totals and balances.

To complete the unitization process, load the resulting load lines by using the Transaction Loader.

Click to jump to parent topicExporting Property Tax Data to Third-Party Tax Systems

Companies are required to submit property tax in each jurisdiction where they operate and own property. When organizations have multiple locations in different taxing jurisdictions, this requirement is increasingly burdensome to the tax department. Many corporations have purchased third-party property tax software to manage and calculate their property tax and to file their returns. PeopleSoft Asset Management gives you the ability to export property-related asset information to third-party property tax systems such as Vertex, Taxware, and Property Tax Management Systems. An SQR program populates a property tax table for export to third-party property tax systems. The data fields selected for export is based upon the import file requirements of Vertex, but it is easily modified to suit those of other property tax vendors.

Export property tax information from the Load Property Tax Table page to export property tax data to third-party tax systems.

You can also build your own export table definition and export by using the PeopleTools Query Utility.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Export Property Tax Data to Third-Party Tax Systems

Page Name

Object Name



Load Property Tax Table


Asset Management, Financial Reports, Load Reporting Tables, Load Property Tax Table

Export property tax information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLoading the Property Tax Table Page

Access the Load Property Tax Table page, and complete the appropriate fields.

Note. While viewing and exporting data from the PS_PROPERTY_TAX table, note that the RETIREMENT_DT field in this table is used for both transfers out and retirements. When the asset is retired, a retirement date appears. For the assets that have been transferred out, a transfer transaction date appears, with the TRANS_IN_OUT switch set to O.

Click to jump to parent topicImporting Asset Data by Using the Excel to Component Interface Utility

PeopleSoft Asset Management provides the option to use a utility program that employs a delivered PeopleSoft Asset Management template and Microsoft Excel spreadsheets to upload asset information in batches. You can use the interface to upload asset information from a spreadsheet template when adding multiple assets to your database and to add set up data into the system.

The following component interfaces (CI) are provided by PeopleSoft Asset Management:

When using the INTFC_FINPHY_SS_A component interface, the data is loaded to INTFC_FIN and INTFC_PHY_A tables. Three interface types are allowed: CN1, CN2, and FAD. The default profile switch can be on or off. A preview page for the asset data enables you to preview the imported information from the spreadsheet. Finally, a PeopleTools component interface is delivered, enabling you to upload asset Add transactions into the PeopleSoft Asset Management database.

To import asset information to the database by using the Excel to Component Interface spreadsheets:

  1. Connect to the PeopleTools Excel spreadsheet utility interface.

  2. Define the Microsoft Excel template that you are importing.

  3. Complete the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet template with the data to be imported for new assets.

  4. Preview the data to be imported from the asset import preview page.

  5. Select the component interface, and submit the data for addition to the database.

Detailed information about using the Excel to Component Interface Utility appears in the PeopleTools PeopleBook.

See Also

Adding and Maintaining Assets

Getting Started With PeopleSoft Enterprise Asset Management