Integrating with Other Applications

This chapter provides an overview of product integration and discusses how to integrate with:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Product Integration

To fully take advantage PeopleSoft Real Estate Management, you should understand the points of integration between PeopleSoft Real Estate Management and the other PeopleSoft applications that you have purchased. Because applications share information, you must plan to work closely with the implementation teams that install other PeopleSoft applications to ensure that the PeopleSoft applications provide the full functionality and efficiency that your company requires.

PeopleSoft Real Estate Management is designed to fully integrate with PeopleSoft Asset Management (through the Asset Repository Manager), Payables, Billing (through the Transaction Billing Processor), and General Ledger. PeopleSoft Real Estate Management does not require the installation of some of these products; however, you cannot take advantage of asset management, real estate management, and financial processing functionality unless you have installed the corresponding PeopleSoft applications.

PeopleSoft Real Estate Management also integrates with third-party Computer Aided Facilities Management (CAFM) applications through the centralized asset repository in PeopleSoft Asset Management and enables you to manage the facilities maintenance and moves using PeopleSoft Maintenance Management also through the centralized asset repository in PeopleSoft Asset Management.

See Understanding How to Integrate With Real Estate Management.

Click to jump to parent topicIntegrating with PeopleSoft General Ledger

As with all financial applications, PeopleSoft General Ledger provides the foundation for how information is processed financially. As a result, you must define the general ledger ChartFields and other standard PeopleSoft General Ledger setup, such as general ledger business units, for reference in PeopleSoft Real Estate Management. Additionally, because organizations are required to account for lease obligations based on compliance standards, PeopleSoft Real Estate Management provides straightline accounting that integrates directly with PeopleSoft General Ledger to facilitate entries for compliance. You can set up straightline accounting defaults when you create your real estate business units or it can be performed manually when you create a lease. After the straightline amounts are calculated and staged, the system assigns predefined general ledger ChartFields, such as account and department, to the accrual, deferral, and adjustment amounts. After the adjustments are complete, you can apply the accrual or deferral into the general ledger.

See Understanding Journal Generator.

See Also

Understanding Straightline Accounting

Click to jump to parent topicIntegrating with PeopleSoft Asset Management

The integration between PeopleSoft Asset Management and PeopleSoft Real Estate Management is through the centralized asset repository in PeopleSoft Asset Management. The asset repository enables you to set up properties manually or through the CAFM integration. These properties are generated into the repository in a controlled manner: through the capitalization processes between PeopleSoft Project Costing and PeopleSoft Asset Management, through the asset manager's entry as a new acquisition, or through the third-party CAFM integration.

The property data in the asset repository enables PeopleSoft Real Estate Management to create and manage a lease between a landlord and a tenant by pulling the property asset data within the centralized asset repository. The asset repository store property data in this hierarchical order: site, building, floor, area, and space. For example, when you create a lease is for a building, the floor, area, and space are unavailable for another lease after that lease is activated. The same is true when a floor of the building is leased, the areas and spaces in that floor are unavailable. The only exception to this is when a sublease to the parent lease is created. Additionally, you cannot select properties that are designated as owned in the repository on payables leases. This minimizes chances of error as well as simplifies lists of properties for selection. However, you can select owned properties and subleases on receivables leases.

Other data stored in the asset repository includes: location of the property assets, measurement of site, building, floor, area or space, location of assets, and the department or employee assignments as well as property tax information on sites. This data is used for tracking and statistical reporting.

See Understanding General Ledger Standard Budgets, Understanding How PeopleSoft Asset Management Integrates with Other Applications.

See Also

Adding and Maintaining Asset Information

Click to jump to parent topicIntegrating with PeopleSoft Contracts

PeopleSoft Real Estate Management uses the Transaction Billing Processor to integrate with PeopleSoft Contracts to automatically generate invoices in PeopleSoft Billing for rents, operating expenses and specific maintenance fees on a predefined lead-time. The Transaction Billing Processor interface sends invoice requests from PeopleSoft Real Estate Management to PeopleSoft Billing with the appropriate customer, tax, and accounting information in the right structure to display in the right grouping and format on the invoice.

See Understanding Integration Messages for Transaction Billing.

Click to jump to parent topicIntegrating with PeopleSoft Payables

Recurring rent, security deposits, operating expense reconciliations, percent rent sales reports, and manual fees are sent from PeopleSoft Real Estate Management to PeopleSoft Payables for payment. PeopleSoft Payables then generates vouchers for the payments and sends information regarding the payments back to PeopleSoft Real Estate Management. To make this integration seamless, you must establish PeopleSoft Payables setup information such as payables business units, withholding tax codes, and vendors in the Vendor Information component (VNDR_ID) for use in PeopleSoft Real Estate Management setup and lease creation.

See Configuring the PeopleSoft Payables Payment Interface.

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In PeopleSoft Real Estate Management, a tenant is also known as a customer. You must set up customers in the Customer Information component (CUSTOMER_GENERAL) before they can be attached to a lease and billed for their leases.

Recurring rent, security deposits, operating expense audits, percent rent sales reports, and manual fees are sent from PeopleSoft Real Estate Management to PeopleSoft Billing through the Transaction Billing Processor. PeopleSoft Billing then generates invoices for these payments and provides information regarding the invoices to PeopleSoft Real Estate Management. Similar to the PeopleSoft Payables integration, PeopleSoft Billing setup information such as billing business units, bill type, bill by, and tax codes must be established for use in PeopleSoft Real Estate Management setup.

See Understanding the Billing Interface Data Structure.

See Maintaining General Customer Information.

Click to jump to parent topicIntegrating with PeopleSoft Asset Lifecycle Management Portal Pack

The PeopleSoft ALM portal pack provides a series of pagelets that reside on the portal and reference summarized data from PeopleSoft Real Estate Management, the asset repository, and other financial applications for visibility to pertinent property and lease information.

See Using Pagelets Enabled by PeopleSoft Real Estate Management.