Entering and Processing Vouchers Online: Specific Voucher Styles

When you enter specific voucher styles, you use the same pages as regular vouchers, with some different secondary pages, fields, field values, and processing.

This chapter discusses how to:

Note. If financial sanctions validation is enabled at the installation level or the bank level, the system handles specific voucher styles similar to how it handles regular vouchers. Validating vendors against financial sanctions lists (for example, the Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) list) is discussed in other chapters in this PeopleBook and in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Source to Settle Common Information 9.0 PeopleBook.

See Also

Entering and Processing Vouchers Online: General Voucher Entry Information

Voucher Validation

Understanding Financial Sanctions Validation

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Regular Vouchers

Follow the instructions provided for entering vouchers in the Entering and Processing Vouchers Online: General Voucher Entry Information chapter. Unless a page element, edit, or process is explicitly described as applying only to another voucher style, you can assume that it applies to the regular voucher style.

See Entering and Processing Vouchers Online: General Voucher Entry Information.

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Adjustment Vouchers

This section provides an overview of adjustment vouchers and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Adjustment Vouchers

Use adjustment vouchers to adjust existing vouchers or to relate two vouchers to each other. You can manually enter adjustment vouchers or automatically create a debit memo adjustment voucher through the Matching Application Engine process (AP_MATCH). Enter adjustment vouchers to capture credits or to increase the initial voucher.

This section discusses entering adjusting information manually or copying the voucher that you want to adjust into the adjustment voucher. PeopleSoft Payables also provides the use of the Matching process to automatically create debit memos to resolve matching exceptions between the voucher and the purchase orders and receivers. The debit memo adjustment voucher is discussed elsewhere in this PeopleBook.

Note. If you are manually creating a credit memo adjustment for matching exceptions, use the copy function to copy the original voucher into the adjustment voucher. Run the Matching process to properly match the credit memo to the original voucher. This results in the credit memo adjustment voucher with a match status of Matched.

See Also

Creating Credit Memo Adjustment Vouchers

Processing Debit Memo Adjustment Vouchers

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Enter Adjustment Vouchers

Adjustment vouchers use the same pages as regular vouchers, although the pages contain some different fields, field values, and processing.

See Entering and Processing Vouchers Online: General Voucher Entry Information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Adjustment Vouchers

To create adjustment vouchers:

  1. Select Adjustments in the Voucher Style field on the add search page for the Voucher component (VCHR_EXPRESS), and click Add.

  2. (Optional) On the Invoice Information page, in the Copy from a Source Document group box, enter the voucher ID of the voucher that you want to reverse in the Voucher ID field, and click the Copy to Voucher button to copy the entire voucher.

    These fields appear only for adjustment vouchers.

    Note. Source vouchers are regular vouchers and must have the same business unit, vendor setID, and vendor ID as the adjustment voucher that you are creating.

  3. (Optional) To copy individual voucher lines, enter a vendor on the Invoice Information header, and click the Copy From Worksheet link in the unlabeled group box above the Invoice Lines scroll area.

    This accesses the Voucher Worksheet page, where you can search for and copy voucher lines to your adjustment voucher.

    If you are adjusting a voucher that references a purchase order, you can update the prior quantity and amount matched against the purchase order by selecting the Reverse Qty/Amt field on the Voucher Worksheet page. You can also have the Budget Processor restore or liquidate the encumbrance budget by selecting Adjust Matched Values on the Voucher Worksheet page.

    Click Copy to Voucher to copy selected voucher lines to the adjustment voucher and return to the Invoice Information page.

    Note. You can create an adjustment voucher by copying a regular voucher, regardless of the match status on the regular voucher.

    See Copying Voucher Information.

  4. On the Invoice Information page, whether you use the Copy to Voucher button or the Voucher Worksheet page to copy voucher information to the adjustment voucher, the system populates the Related Voucher field on the invoice line with the adjusted voucher's voucher ID to link the adjustment voucher lines to the voucher that you are adjusting.

    Note. Copying source vouchers or voucher lines is optional. You can enter an adjustment voucher with no reference to another voucher. In that case, you do not have to enter a related voucher.

  5. On the Invoice Information page, enter positive or negative adjustment lines as appropriate.

  6. Access additional information for your adjustments on the remaining pages in the Voucher component.

    These pages are the same as those for regular voucher entry.

See Also

Entering Reversal Vouchers

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Credit Memo Adjustment Vouchers

To manually create a credit memo adjustment for matching exceptions:

  1. Place the original voucher on match hold by selecting Match Dispute in the Voucher Match Action field on the Match Exception Workbench Details page.

    No further match processing is done on this voucher until you change the match status.

    See Reviewing Match Exceptions.

  2. Create an adjustment voucher for the credit memo invoice that you received from your vendor by copying the original voucher on the Voucher component.

    See Creating Adjustment Vouchers.

  3. Override the original voucher with a credit memo by selecting Credit Note as the Voucher Match Action on the Match Exception Workbench Details page.

    See Reviewing Match Exceptions.

  4. Run the Matching process.

    The Matching process applies the match status of Matched and the match type of Auto - Matched to the credit memo adjustment voucher if there are no other match exceptions. The Matching process applies the match status of Matched and the match type of Matched With Credit Note to the original voucher.

    See Initiating the Matching Application Engine Process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdjusting Matched Values

If you select the Adjust Matched Values check box on the Voucher Worksheet page for any copied voucher lines when you create adjustment vouchers, here is what happens:

If the check box is labeled Restore Encumbrance, then you are in a Commitment Control environment, and there is a related, unreconciled purchase order. If you select it, the system restores or liquidates the encumbrance amount in the budget ledger by the amount of the adjustment. The Budget Status field is changed to Not Checked.

If the check box is labeled Adjust Mtch Value/Encumbrance, then the voucher is subject to matching and Commitment Control, and selecting it causes both the matching status adjustment and the encumbrance restoration to occur.

See Also

Copying Voucher Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReversing Quantities or Amounts for Purchase Order Information

If you select the Reverse Qty/Amt (reverse quantity/amount) check box on the Voucher Worksheet for any vouchers when you create adjustment vouchers, here is what happens when the copied voucher is related to a purchase order:

  1. The Matching process or Voucher Posting Application Engine process (AP_PSTVCHR) verifies that the credit adjustment of a voucher line does not exceed the purchase order schedule line total matched quantity (QTY_MATCHED and AMT_MATCHED in PS_PO_LN_SHIP_MTCH).

  2. If the adjustments were to reduce the total purchase order matched quantities/amounts below zero, a system match exception occurs: the RTV/credit adjustments are greater than the purchase order matched quantity/amounts.

  3. After the adjustments are validated against purchase order matched quantities/amounts, the following processing occurs:

    1. New rows are inserted into PS_PO_LINE_MATCHED with purchase order, receiver, and voucher line information, as well as credit adjustment values.

    2. PS_PO_LN_SHIP_MTCH is deleted for the same purchase order schedule line that was referenced on the credit voucher line.

    3. An insert is performed to PS_PO_LN_SHIP_MTCH by adding the matched quantity and amount for the same purchase order schedule line from PS_PO_LINE_MATCHED.

    4. Purchase order header match status (MATCH_STATUS_PO) for the same purchase order is updated to P for partial.

See Also

Copying Voucher Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReversing Quantities or Amounts for Receipt Information

If you select the Reverse Qty/Amt check box on the Voucher Worksheet for any vouchers when you create adjustment vouchers, here is what happens when the copied voucher is related to a receipt. If any receiver information was found on the credit voucher lines, the system also adjusts receiver matched quantities/amounts:

  1. The Matching process or the Voucher Posting process verifies the credit adjustment if a voucher line does not exceed the receiver ship line total matched quantity (QTY_MATCHED and AMT_MATCHED in PS_RECV_LN_SHP_MTH).

  2. If the adjustments were to reduce the total receiver ship line matched quantities/amounts below zero, a system match exception occurs: RTV/credit adjustments are greater than the receiver ship line matched quantity/amounts.

  3. After the adjustments are validated against receiver ship line matched quantities/amounts, the following processing occurs:

    1. New rows are inserted into PS_RECV_VCHR_MTCH with purchase order, receiver, and voucher lines information, as well as credit adjustment values.

      Note. If you undo matching for an adjustment voucher, the rows in PS_VCHR_RECV_MTCH are not deleted. The receipt information is still associated to the adjustment voucher.

    2. PS_RECV_LN_SHP_MTH is deleted for the same receiver ship line that was referenced on the credit voucher line.

    3. An insert is performed to PS_RECV_LN_SHP_MTH by adding the matched quantity and amount for the same receiver ship line from PS_RECV_VCHR_MTCH.

    4. Receiver header match status (MATCH_STATUS_RECV) for the same receiver is updated to P for partial.

See Also

Copying Voucher Information

Click to jump to parent topicModifying Claim Vouchers

This section provides an overview of claim vouchers and the pages used to modify claim vouchers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Claim Vouchers

PeopleSoft Payables integrates with the Claims Management feature and PeopleSoft Receivables to process claim vouchers. Claims are used to adjust VAT accounting entries for the following settlement methods: checks, drafts, electronic funds transfers (EFTs), and direct debits. Claims vouchers are posted but not paid.

Claims are first processed between PeopleSoft Receivables and Claims Management. Claims Management then populates PeopleSoft Payables staging tables (VCHR_HDR_STG, VCHR_LINE_STG and VCHR_DIST_STG) with the claim voucher information for the Voucher Build Application Engine process (AP_VCHRBLD), using the Claims Management Process Claims Application Engine program (PO_PRCSCLAIM). The Voucher Build process performs various edits to ensure the claim voucher is in compliance (such as verifying that the VAT Declaration Point field is set for Invoice, and that there is only one payment schedule). If the process builds the voucher with a Recycle status, the claim appears on the Voucher Build Error component. Correct recycled claims by using the Voucher component. If there is a pre-edit error on this voucher (for example, an invalid vendor), you can access and correct it on the complete worksheet of the quick invoice.

Note. You cannot create or import claim vouchers. They can enter the PeopleSoft Payables system only through Claims Management, which transmits information to the PeopleSoft Payables staging tables.

You can perform the following edits to claim vouchers in the Update/Display mode:

You can approve, close, delete, and archive claims. In addition, the system includes claims in the budget checking document sequence numbering processes, as per established parameters for the transaction business unit. You can also use the on-demand processing functionality, located on the Voucher component.

When posting claims, the system uses the PeopleSoft Receivables Rebate Control account to post the accounting entries. Review the following example:

Voucher Header: 220 EUR as gross amount and 20 EUR of VAT.

Voucher Line 1: 200 EUR and 20 EUR of VAT, distributed as follows:




Distribution 1: Rebate Account 1

60 EUR


Distribution 2: Rebate Account 2

40 EUR


Distribution 3: Rebate Account 3

100 EUR

10 EUR

PeopleSoft Payables posts the following accounting entries:




AR Rebate Control



Rebate Account 1



Rebate Account 2



Rebate Account 3



VAT Input



With claims, you cannot perform the following functions and processes:

In addition, you can view claim information only on these inquiries and reports:

See Also

Selecting Payment Options

Defining Payables User Preferences

Using Vendor Rebates

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Modify Claim Vouchers

You modify claim vouchers using the same pages as regular vouchers, although the pages contain some different fields, field values, and processing. Use the Complete Worksheet of the Quick Invoice feature to correct pre-edit errors.

See Entering and Processing Vouchers Online: General Voucher Entry Information.

See Entering Quick Invoices Using the Complete Worksheet.

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Journal Vouchers

This section provides an overview of journal vouchers and discusses how to create journal vouchers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Journal Vouchers

Journal vouchers are used to adjust accounting entries for vouchers that have been posted and paid and for vouchers whose payments have also been posted.

For example, let's say a voucher has been entered using expense account 123000. The voucher has been posted and paid, and the payment has been posted, when you discover that the expense should have used account 456000. To avoid making a manual general ledger entry, which would cause PeopleSoft General Ledger and Payables to get out of sync, and to avoid unposting the voucher, which involves correcting the voucher and then reposting it for payment, you simply enter a journal voucher. On the journal voucher, you reverse the amount to account 123000 and add the amount to account 456000, keeping PeopleSoft General Ledger and Payables in sync. Then you post the journal voucher without having to post a payment.

Note. Only when you use the summary control posting method can you use journal vouchers to correct voucher accounting entries. For vouchers posted using the detail offset method, you must use a manual journal entry in the general ledger to correct accounting entries. You set up the posting method on the Installation Options - Payables page.

See Also

Setting Up Payables Installation Options

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Create Journal Vouchers

Journal vouchers use the same pages as regular vouchers—with the exception of some secondary pages—although some fields, field values, and processing are different.

See Entering and Processing Vouchers Online: General Voucher Entry Information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Journal Vouchers

To create a journal voucher:

  1. Select Journal Voucher as the voucher style on the add search page for the Voucher component and click Add.

  2. Enter your new distribution lines.

    Journal vouchers are zero-amount vouchers; you cannot copy any source documents.

    Do not change any of the amounts on a journal voucher. You are using the journal voucher to back out accounting entries that were entered incorrectly.

  3. (Optional) To link this voucher to the voucher that you are adjusting, enter a voucher ID in the Related Voucher field in the Invoice Information page header.

    Use the Related Voucher field to associate the journal voucher to the voucher whose accounting entries were entered incorrectly.

  4. Access additional information for your journal vouchers on the remaining pages in the Voucher component.

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Prepaid Vouchers

Prepaid vouchers are discussed in the Processing Prepayments chapter.

See Processing Prepayments.

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Registered Vouchers

This section provides an overview of registered vouchers, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Registered Vouchers

Generally, the practice of registering a voucher is required for goods or services that are purchased without generating a purchase order, in which case payment authorization is required. In the case of a good or services that is VAT-applicable, for example, you may need to report the VAT amounts on the correct month's VAT report, before you receive distribution line information. Register vouchers enable you to do this.

You register a voucher in the system when it is received, not when the account distribution is known. You record it against a suspense account for tracking purposes and send it to the approval officer. When accounting entries for the registered voucher have been generated and posted, the accounting transactions are created. By registering the voucher, you post the payables accrual, any tax, and any other nonmerchandise charges as early as possible in the processing cycle.

When the approval officer has authorized the voucher and provided you with the ChartFields, you unpost the voucher and use the Complete Register Voucher component (VCHR_CMPL_UNPST_LC) to enter the correct voucher costing details. The system generates entries to reverse the suspense account and to charge the appropriate expense account.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

You must define a Voucher Registration suspense account on the Accounting Entry Template page.

See Creating Accounting Entry Templates.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Enter and Complete Registered Vouchers

Page Name

Object Name



Invoice Information


Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Add/Update, Regular Entry, Invoice Information

Create a register voucher by entering the voucher using a voucher style of Register Voucher.

UnPost Voucher


Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Maintain, UnPost Voucher, UnPost Voucher

View a listing of register vouchers for unposting. Unpost applicable register vouchers to reverse the entry against the suspense account.

Registered Voucher Listing


Accounts Payable, Reports, Vouchers, Registered Voucher, Registered Voucher Listing

Define run parameters for the Registered Voucher Listing report (APYCR_LC). Use this report to review all registered vouchers that have not been completed—that is, those that have been posted but not unposted so that the distribution has not been adjusted to reflect the correct ChartField distribution.

Complete Register Voucher - Invoice Information


Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Add/Update, Complete Register Voucher, Invoice Information

Complete registered vouchers. This page has most of the same fields as the Voucher - Invoice Information page.

The remainder of the Complete Register Voucher component is identical to the Voucher component.

See Also

Entering and Processing Vouchers Online: General Voucher Entry Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Registered Vouchers

To create a registered voucher:

  1. Select Register Voucher as the voucher style on the add search page for the Voucher component and click Add.

  2. Enter the appropriate information for the registered voucher.

    The Account field on the distribution lines prepopulates with the Voucher Registration suspense account from the accounting entry template. You can override this value.

    Note. If you are creating a registered voucher for a vendor that requires matching, you must turn matching off on the Voucher Attributes page.

    Note. The VAT declaration point for a registered voucher is usually at Invoice. Acctg Date (accounting date) is also appropriate to use for the VAT declaration point.

  3. Save the voucher.

  4. Use the on-demand or batch processing functionality to process the registered voucher.

See Also

Entering and Processing Vouchers Online: General Voucher Entry Information

Running Voucher and Payment Posting

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnposting Registered Vouchers

Access the UnPost Voucher page.

Once the authorization officer returns the authorized registered voucher with the correct ChartField distribution, you must unpost the registered voucher to reverse the entry against the suspense account.

Enter Register Voucher on the add search page to select only registered vouchers for unposting.

See Also

Unposting Individual Vouchers

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCompleting Registered Vouchers

To complete a registered voucher:

  1. Access the Complete Register Voucher - Invoice Information page for the registered voucher.

    Only registered vouchers that have been unposted are available for selection.

  2. Update the distribution lines to record account distribution as it has been approved on the invoice.

    Because the registered voucher has been unposted, you may modify any other appropriate fields on the voucher as well, using this and the remaining pages in the Complete Register Voucher component. These pages are essentially the same as those in the Voucher component.

    Note. If the registered voucher has been payment posted, any updates that you make to distribution lines may result in incorrect payment accounting entries. Verify the accounting entries that were created during the Payment Posting Application Engine process (AP_PSTPYMNT) and correct them with a journal entry, if necessary.

  3. Save the voucher.

Important! After you enter VAT information for a register voucher on the Voucher component, you cannot edit VAT-related fields using the Complete Register Voucher component. However, you can edit certain fields on registered vouchers. To do this, first unpost the voucher, then access the voucher using the Complete Register Voucher component. To inquire on registered vouchers, use the Complete Register Voucher component or the Scheduled Payment Inquiry page.

See Also

Entering and Processing Vouchers Online: General Voucher Entry Information

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Reversal Vouchers

This section provides an overview of reversal vouchers and discusses how to create reversal vouchers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Reversal Vouchers

Reversal vouchers enable you to do several things. Primarily, reversal vouchers let you back out incorrect vouchers and start over. Let's say that you inadvertently enter the wrong amount on the voucher or reference the wrong purchase order. Rather than unposting, undoing the match, and closing the voucher, you can simply enter a reversal voucher, and the system does the rest of the work for you. You can even enter a reversal voucher for a voucher that has already been paid.

Important! Normally, you should use the PO voucher close functionality instead of the reversal voucher functionality, as the PO voucher close functionality is more sophisticated and efficient. In general, use the reversal voucher feature only when your organization has existing reversal vouchers to manage.

Reversal vouchers also enable you to restore the encumbrance for actuals and budgets and reduce the purchase order's matched quantity or amount. If you are using the Commitment Control feature to check transactions against control budgets, you can use a reversal voucher to reinstate encumbrances, though using the PO voucher close functionality is more efficient.

If you use matching and you opt to restore the encumbrance and reduce the purchase order's matched quantity or amount, the Matching process updates the purchase order and the receiver match status changes to Partial.

Note. The system provides a warning when you attempt to restore the encumbrance on a voucher that you have partially paid.

Reversal vouchers are similar to adjustment vouchers in all aspects except for the following:

Note. The system does not prevent users from reversing the voucher line, distribution line, or quantity and amount more than the original value, and there is no validation to check the reversal voucher gross amount. You can, however, enable security such that only authorized users can add and update reversal vouchers.

When the Commitment Control feature is not enabled, you can close both regular and purchase order-related vouchers using the Voucher Mass Maintenance component, the PO voucher close functionality, or with a reversal voucher. Once the vouchers are marked for closure, you must repost them to create the closure entries.

Note. The PO voucher close functionality is integrated with the Voucher Posting process. When you close and post vouchers using this functionality, the Voucher Posting process can activate the Undo Matching process, which unmatches purchase order related vouchers that meet certain criteria. The reversal voucher feature does not have this functionality.

When the Commitment Control feature is enabled, you can create a reversal voucher to close purchase order-related vouchers so that the system can restore the encumbrance. However, using the PO voucher close functionality here is more efficient.

See Also

Entering Adjustment Vouchers

Closing Vouchers

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Enter Reversal Vouchers

Reversal vouchers use the same pages as regular vouchers, although the pages contain some different fields, field values, and processing.

See Entering and Processing Vouchers Online: General Voucher Entry Information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Reversal Vouchers

To create a reversal voucher:

  1. Select Reversal Voucher as the voucher style on the add search page for the Voucher component and click Add.

  2. Enter the voucher ID of the voucher that you want to reverse in the Voucher To Be Reversed field.

    This field is located on the Invoice Information page in the Copy from a Source group box.

    Note. Source vouchers must have the same business unit, vendor setID, and vendor ID as the reversal voucher that you are creating. They must also be successfully budget checked and matched.

    You also have the following options:

  3. Click the Copy to Voucher button.

  4. Save the reversal voucher.

    When you save the reversal voucher, the system automatically populates the Related Voucher field (in the Invoice Lines region) with the original voucher ID.

  5. (Optional) Run the Budget Processor and Matching processes.

    If you have enabled Commitment Control or matching, you must run these processes after creating reversal vouchers.

Note. The reversal voucher goes through the Pay Cycle Application Engine process (AP_APY2015) as a credit memo. The offset is settled during payment creation. The referenced voucher and the reversal voucher zero out.

If you use reversal vouchers to close a voucher, the system does not create closure entries for the original voucher. The reversal voucher entries should be sufficient for accounting purposes.

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Single Payment Vouchers

This section provides an overview of single payment vouchers, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

See Also

Entering Single Payment Vendors

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Single Payment Vouchers

When you must make a payment for a one-time vendor without having to create and store the vendor in the system—such as when you want to pay a rebate or refund—you can create a single payment vendor voucher. The system uses the settings you establish for the single payment vendor to default information such as payment terms and taxes onto the voucher.

These are the basic setup and processing steps:

  1. Set up a single payment vendor as a master vendor ID in the Vendor Information component (VNDR_ID).

  2. Specify the default single payment vendor ID for your business unit on the Payables Options - Voucher Options 1 page.

  3. Enable single payment vendor processing for users on the Define User Preferences - Payables Online Vouchering page.

  4. Select a voucher style of Single Payment Voucher and enter the single payment vendor ID in the Vendor ID field on the add search page when you enter the Voucher component.

    Note. If financial sanctions validation is enabled at the installation level, the system validates the vendor upon saving the voucher. If financial sanctions validation is enabled at the bank level, the system validates the vendor upon saving the voucher only if you specify a bank for the remit vendor and the bank requires financial sanctions validation. If the system determines that the vendor has a potential match on a financial sanctions list, you can save the voucher and put the payment on hold, save the voucher and not put the payment on hold, or not save the voucher.

    The system does not update the single payment vendor's financial sanctions status on the Vendor Information component, because it is only a template for single payment vendors.

    See Understanding Financial Sanctions Validation.

  5. Enter the vendor details on the Single Payment Vendor page.

  6. Complete the voucher using the Invoice Information, Payments, and Voucher Attributes pages.

Single payment vendor vouchers have some restrictions:

See Also

Defining Payables User Preferences

Entering Single Payment Vendors

Defining the Voucher Approval Rules, Default Currency, and Single Payment Master Vendor

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

To set up your system to create vouchers for single payment vendors:

See Also

Defining Payables User Preferences

Entering Single Payment Vendors

Defining the Voucher Approval Rules, Default Currency, and Single Payment Master Vendor

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Enter Single Payment Vouchers

Page Name

Object Name



Voucher - Single Payment Vendor


Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Add/Update, Regular Entry

You must select a voucher style of Single Payment Voucher and enter a single payment vendor ID on the add search page.

Create a voucher for a payment to a one-time vendor, such as a rebate or refund recipient, without having to create and store the vendor in the system

Vendor Bank


Click the Vendor Bank link on the Voucher - Single Payment Vendor page.

Enter bank account information for a single payment vendor.

Vendor Bank Address


Click the Vendor Bank Address link on the Regular Entry - Single Payment Vendor page.

Enter bank address information for a single payment vendor.

Transfer to EFT Options (transfer to electronic funds transfer options)


Click the EFT Options/Routings link on the Voucher - Single Payment Vendor page.

Enter EFT and intermediary bank routing information for a single payment vendor.

See Also

Entering and Processing Vouchers Online: General Voucher Entry Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Vendor Information for a Single Payment Voucher

Access the Voucher - Single Payment Vendor page.

Vendor Bank

Click to access the Vendor Bank page, where you can enter the vendor's bank account information.

Vendor Bank Address

Click to access the Vendor Bank Address page, where you can enter the vendor's bank address information.

Transfer to EFT Options (transfer to electronic funds transfer options)

Click to access the Transfer to EFT Options page, where you can enter EFT and intermediary bank routing information. This link is available only if you have selected an EFT payment method on the Voucher - Payments page.

(USF) EFT payments to single payment vendors are not available for U.S. federal agencies.

See Defining Vendor Locations.

See Also

Understanding Single Payment Vendors

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCompleting the Single Payment Voucher

Access the Invoice Information, Payments, and Voucher Attributes pages to complete the voucher. These pages operate just as they do for regular vouchers, within the restrictions described in another section of this chapter.

If financial sanctions validation is enabled at the installation level, the system validates the vendor upon saving the voucher. If financial sanctions validation is enabled at the bank level, the system validates the vendor upon saving the voucher only if you specify a bank for the remit vendor and the bank requires financial sanctions validation. The system does not update the single payment vendor's financial sanctions status on the Vendor Information component, because it is only a template for single payment vendors.

If the system determines that the vendor has a potential match on a financial sanctions list, you can:

See Understanding Financial Sanctions Validation.

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Template Vouchers

This section provides an overview of template vouchers and discusses how to create template vouchers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Template Vouchers

If you receive multiple similar vouchers from a vendor, you can set up a template voucher to improve data entry efficiency. Use a voucher for a particular vendor as a model for other vouchers that you will enter in the future for that same vendor by creating a template voucher. You can also update this voucher as necessary. A template voucher is never paid or posted; it is used only as a model for other vouchers.

Once you have created and saved the template voucher, it is available for use during the entry of other vouchers for the specific vendor. When you create the new voucher, select Template in the Worksheet Copy Option field on the Invoice Information page. Click the Copy from template link to copy the appropriate invoice header, line, and distribution information from the source template voucher onto the voucher that you are adding.

See Also

Copying Template Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Enter Template Vouchers

Template vouchers use the same pages as regular vouchers, although the pages contain some different fields, field values, and processing.

See Entering and Processing Vouchers Online: General Voucher Entry Information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Template Vouchers

To create a template voucher:

  1. Select Template Voucher as the voucher style on the add search page for the Voucher component and click Add.

  2. On the Invoice Information page, enter a Template ID and description.

    These fields appear only if you are creating a template ID.

  3. (Optional) Click the Copy PO button or the Worksheet Copy Option field below the Invoice Information page header to copy information from the appropriate voucher, purchase order, receiver, or other template.

  4. Enter the remaining information for the template voucher that you are creating, using the Invoice Information and remaining Voucher component pages.

  5. Save the voucher.

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Third-Party Vouchers

This section provides an overview of third-party vouchers and discusses how to create third-party vouchers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Third-Party Vouchers

PeopleSoft Payables supports third-party vouchers, which are invoices that you receive that contain charges other than merchandise charges. There are no charges on these invoices for merchandise. The merchandise is billed separately on another invoice. Typically, these types of invoices occur for:

By using third-party vouchers for these types of invoices, you can link the charges on the invoices to a merchandise invoice and prorate them across the voucher lines of the merchandise invoice. Linking these freight and miscellaneous charges to the merchandise invoice enables the system to compute the landed cost for the merchandise.

Note. We recommend that you define a VAT transaction type code for third-party VAT vouchers and that you manually override this value on the third-party voucher to ensure that the third party voucher can be identified on VAT reports.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Enter Third-Party Vouchers

Third-party vouchers use the same pages as regular vouchers, although the pages contain some different fields, field values, and processing.

See Entering and Processing Vouchers Online: General Voucher Entry Information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Third-Party Vouchers

To enter third-party vouchers:

  1. Select Third Party Voucher as the voucher style on the add search page for the Voucher component and click Add.

  2. Either on the add page or the Invoice Information page, enter the vendor that is to be paid.

    This vendor cannot be the same as the vendor for the source document that you copy in the next step.

  3. Click the Copy PO button or use the Worksheet Copy Option field below the Invoice Information page header to copy information from the appropriate voucher, purchase order, or receiver.

    Note. To get vouchered amounts for third-party charges into PeopleSoft Inventory, you must copy these charges from a receiver. Otherwise, the charges will not be picked up by the Landed Cost Extract Application Engine process (LC_EXTRACT).

  4. Enter additional voucher lines for the purpose of prorating the third-party charge to the distribution lines.

  5. Complete the voucher using the remaining pages in the Voucher component.

See Also

Processing Landed Cost Transactions

Creating Third-Party Vouchers with Customs Duty

Copying Source Documents to Create Vouchers Online

Entering Third-Party, VAT-Only Invoices