Running Voucher and Payment Posting

This chapter provides an overview of the voucher posting and the payment posting processes, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Voucher Posting and Payment Posting Processes

The Voucher Posting process creates accounting entries from vouchers. The system uses the accounting entry template and inheritance rules that you set up on the Accounting Entry Template and ChartField Inheritance pages to identify the offset accounts needed to create accounting entries. The entries include the expense distributions entered into the system, as well as additional entries for the payables offset, value-added tax (VAT) expense, nonprorated, nonmerchandise expenses, and closure expenses. These accounting entries are then available for generating general ledger journals, using the Journal Generator Application Engine process (FS_JGEN). Vouchers must be entered, approved, and posted before you can send voucher information to the general ledger.

The Payment Posting process creates accounting entries from payment-related transactions, such as system-created payments, manual payments, drafts, electronic file transfer (EFT) payments, ACH payments, and canceled payments. The Payment Posting process also creates realized gain or loss offsets when a transaction is entered in a different currency than the base currency and the rates have fluctuated between the invoice and payment dates. These accounting entries are then available to the Journal Generator process to pass to your general ledger.

There is a difference between running the Voucher Posting and Payment Posting processes and running the Journal Generator process. Before you can transfer a voucher or payment to the general ledger, it must be associated with accounts. The posting processes create all accounting lines. Voucher accounting lines are created based on the distribution lines from voucher entry. However, proration of nonmerchandise charges result in accounting lines that are different from what was actually entered in the distribution lines.

Here are examples of accounting lines that are created during the posting processes:

The posting processes also assign interunit document sequencing numbers.

To improve system processing time, each posting program calls the InterUnit Processor to function only when the following scenarios exist:

Voucher Posting process:

Payment Posting process:

Note. An exception to this process is when you post using the detail offset posting method. In this method, balance ChartFields are always inherited.

See Posting Method Definition.

If you have selected multibook accounting in the subsystem, the posting processes also post to the secondary ledgers in the default ledger group. If you set up multibook accounting using nontranslate ledgers, then the accounting entries are calculated from the transaction currency. If you are using translate ledgers for your multibook accounting, then the accounting entries are calculated from the base currency of the primary ledger.

After you run the posting processes, vouchers and payments remain in the PeopleSoft Payables subsystem. Run the Journal Generator process to distribute the accounting lines to the general ledger.

Voucher Posting Process

To run the voucher posting process:

  1. Create vouchers using the online Voucher component (VCHR_EXPRESS) or Quick Invoice Entry component (VCHR_QUICK_PNL).

  2. (Optional) If required, run the Document Tolerance Checking Application Engine process (FS_DOC_TOL) and Budget Processor Application Engine process (FS_BP).

  3. (Optional) If required, run the Matching Application Engine process (AP_MATCH) and approve voucher.

  4. Define a voucher posting request using the Voucher Posting Request page.

  5. Run the Voucher Posting process using Process Scheduler.

  6. Evaluate posting results using the Voucher Accounting Entries page.

Payment Posting Process

To run the payment posting process:

  1. Create payments using the Pay Cycle Application Engine process (AP_APY2015), the Pay Cycle Manager page, Express Payments page, Create Manual Draft page, Regular Entry - Payments page (record a manual payment), or the Man Pay Worksheet (manual payment worksheet) page.

  2. (Optional) Run the Voucher Posting process after running the Pay Cycle process.

    The Voucher Posting process is not required to be run prior to creating payments.

  3. Define and verify a payment posting request using the Payment Posting Request page.

  4. Run the Payment Posting process using PeopleSoft Process Scheduler.

  5. Evaluate the results using the Voucher Accounting Entries page or Vendor Balance page.

See Also

Using Journal Generator

Setting Up and Using Multibook Ledgers

Multibook in PeopleSoft Payables

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAccounting Methods for Nonmerchandise Charges

There are three methods of accounting for nonmerchandise charges, such as freight, sales tax, use tax, and miscellaneous charges:


If you prorate nonmerchandise amounts, the amounts charged to the distribution lines are added to merchandise amounts on the distribution lines and the total is posted to the distribution ChartFields.

Prorated discounts and late interest charges do not generate separate accounting lines during the Voucher Posting process.


If you allocate nonmerchandise amounts, the amounts charged to the distribution lines are posted to the appropriate nonmerchandise accounts from the accounting template, and the other ChartField values are populated based on the inheritance rules. ChartField inheritance is defined at the ledger group level and on the ChartField Inheritance page.

Allocated nonmerchandise amounts generate separate accounting lines during the Voucher Posting process.

Expense (non-prorate and non-allocate)

If you are using Summary Control posting, you have two options for nonprorated charges. You can either expense the charges at the header or allocate them to the distribution lines. Allocate them by selecting the Allocate check box on the Non-Merch Charges page in the Procurement Control component (BUS_UNIT_INTFC2). If you expense the charges at the header, the nonmerchandise accounting entry is shown in summary and is charged to the PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit related to the voucher's PeopleSoft Payables business unit. The account and alternate account are derived from the accounting template. The other ChartFields are derived from the ChartField inheritances defined for the setID associated with the PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit related to the voucher's PeopleSoft Payables business unit.

If you are using Detail Offset posting, you have only one option for nonprorated charges. You must allocate them. For this reason, the Allocate check box is selected and unavailable for entry on the Non-Merch Charges page in the Procurement Control component.

See Also

Setting Up Nonmerchandise Charges

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the Voucher Posting Process

This section discusses how to define a voucher posting request.

You can post vouchers according to:

See Also

Creating Accounting Entry Templates

Using Journal Generator

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Voucher Posting Request


Accounts Payable, Batch Processes, Vouchers, Voucher Posting, Voucher Posting Request

Define a request for a run of the Voucher Posting Application Engine process (AP_PSTVCHR).

You may be required to run the Matching and Budget Processor processes, among others, before running the Voucher Posting process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining a Voucher Posting Request

Access the Voucher Posting Request page.

Post Voucher Option

Specify which vouchers to include in the Voucher Posting process. For each value that you select, different fields are available for entry in the grid at the bottom of the page. Regardless of which value you select, the system posts only those vouchers that are eligible to post. Values are:

Post All Units: Post all eligible vouchers for all of the business units in the system.

Post All Vchrs for Closed Pymt (post all vouchers for closed payments): Post all eligible vouchers for closed payments.

Post Business Unit: Enter a business unit to post all eligible vouchers within that payables business unit.

Post Contract: Enter a business unit and contract ID to post all eligible transactions covered by the contract.

Post Group: Specify the business unit and control group ID. The control group must be ready to post; otherwise, no vouchers in the group are posted. You can select groups for posting on the Post Control Group page.

Post Origin: Enter a setID and origin to post all eligible vouchers from the origin that you specify.

Post Voucher: Enter a business unit and voucher to post. Multiple vouchers can be selected.

Initiate Entry Event Generator

Select this check box to run the Entry Events Application Engine process (FS_EVENTGEN) for the vouchers being posted. This field appears only if you have enabled entry events (as either required or optional) at the installation options level.

Prepayment Application Method

Indicate which vendor the system should use when applying prepaid vouchers to regular vouchers. Values are:

Invoicing Vendor: The system performs application based on the invoicing vendor of the prepaid and regular voucher. This is the default value.

Remit Vendor: The system performs application based on the remit vendor of the prepaid and regular voucher.

Note. The exact procedure for running a process on a server depends on the type of server that you are using and your organization's standards. For example, if you are running PeopleSoft Payables in a DB2 environment, you or your mainframe administrator submits JCL to initiate the program. If you do initiate the posting program from the server, the program retrieves its processing options from the Voucher Posting Run Control record that you already set up in the online pages.

See Also

Posting Control Groups

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the Payment Posting Process

You can post payments by:

This section discusses how to create payment accounting entries.

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Payment Posting Request


Accounts Payable, Batch Processes, Payment, Payment Posting, Payment Posting Request

Create payment accounting entries by running the Payment Posting Application Engine process (AP_PSTPYMNT).

You may be required to run the Matching and Budget Processor processes, among others, before running the Payment Posting process. You must also pay vouchers before you can post payments.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Payment Accounting Entries

Access the Payment Posting Request page.

Post Payment Option

Specify which payments to include in the Payment Posting process. For each value that you select, different entry fields appear for you to complete. The system saves these settings with the run control ID:

Post All Banks: Posts all eligible payments that belong to any of the bank accounts in the system. Because you are posting payments for all banks, the Post Payment List group box shows no data.

Post Bank Account: Posts all eligible payments for the specified bank account. The SetID, Bank Code, and Bank Account fields become available for entry.

Post Payment: Posts only the payment that you specify. The SetID, Bank Code, Bank Account, Payment Method, and Payment Reference fields become available for entry.

Post Payment Method: Posts all payments using the specified payment method for the bank account that you enter. The SetID, Bank Code, Bank Account, and Payment Method fields become available for entry.

Note. Regardless of the option that you select when the Payment Posting process runs, it posts only those payments that are eligible to post. Therefore, if you choose to post payments for a specific bank account, and you have entered a manual payment on that account that has not yet been applied to one or more vouchers, the system does not post that payment.

See Also

Reviewing Posted Accounting Entries

Reviewing PeopleSoft Payables Accounting Entries Examples

Click to jump to parent topicRunning the Cash Clearing Process

This section provides an overview of the cash clearing process in PeopleSoft Payables and discusses how to enter cash clearing requests.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Cash Clearing Process in PeopleSoft Payables

The Cash Clearing process creates accounting entries to record the actual settlement or clearing of payment transactions at the bank of issue. It creates the entries based on payments that have cleared the bank and been reconciled as cleared by the bank reconciliation process. The system does not create cash clearing accounting entries for unreconciled payments.

The Cash Clearing process enables you to track amounts that have actually cleared your bank versus amounts still floating in the banking system. The more often you reconcile payment information from your bank, the more accurate your cash account balances.

To use this process, you need a bank account for which:

It is advisable to have a PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit that is used in voucher and payment entry, with a PeopleSoft Payables Journal Template for cash clearing account defined. Although this is not a strict processing requirement, it helps to identify the cash clearing accounting entries and guarantees their uniqueness from other transaction accounting entries.

The Cash Clearing process creates accounting entries for each scheduled payment that has been paid, reconciled, and cleared for bank accounts eligible for cash clearing. These accounting entries are then available to the Journal Generator process to pass to the general ledger.

Cash Clearing Accounting Examples

Cash clearing accounting for payments is a two-step process.

  1. It focuses on the use of a special cash-clearing control account to help provide an accurate cash-on-hand balance by including the effect of payment transactions that have been issued, but have not yet cleared the bank.

  2. When the payment is issued and posted, the accounts payable liability account is debited, and the cash clearing control account (as opposed to the actual cash account) is credited for the payment amount.

This table lists payment posting accounting entries:




Accounts Payable



Cash Clearing



Later, when the cash clearing request is processed, a pair of balanced accounting entries is created to clear the net cash amount of the issued payment for each payment that has been reconciled.

This table lists cash clearing accounting entries:




Cash Clearing






To determine the actual cash balance, add any debit or credit residue in the cash clearing control account from payment or deposit amounts that have not yet been cleared to the cash account balance.

See Also

Setting Up External, Internal, and Netting Accounts

Reconciling Statements

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Cash Clearing Request


Accounts Payable, Batch Processes, Payment, Cash Clearing, Cash Clearing Request

Define a request for a run of the Cash Clearing Application Engine process (AP_APCSHCLR).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Cash Clearing Requests

Access the Cash Clearing Request page.

Pay Date Option

Specify which payments to include in the Cash Clearing process:

All Reconciled Payments: Runs the Cash Clearing process on all payments that you have reconciled.

Clearing Date Range: Runs the Cash Clearing process on reconciled payments in the clearing date range that you specify. The clearing date is the date that the payment clears the bank. Enter the beginning and ending dates of the clearing date range in the From and To Date fields.

Payment Date Range: Runs the Cash Clearing process on reconciled payments based on the payment date range that you specify. The payment date is the date that PeopleSoft Payables created the payment. Enter the beginning and ending dates of the clearing date range in the From and To Date fields.

Acctg Date Opt (accounting date option)

Specify the accounting date to be used for the cash clearing accounting entries that the system creates:

Use Clearing Bank: Uses the accounting date that you specified for the bank.

Use Payment Date: Uses the payment date as the accounting date.

Use Specific Date: Enables you to specify the accounting date in the Acctg Date field.

Initiate Entry Event Generator

Select this check box to run the Entry Events process. This check box appears only if you have made entry events required or optional at the installation options level.

Bank Account

In the Bank Account group box, select the check box for each bank account on which you want to run the Cash Clearing process. For each row, you can view the bank account bank setID, bank code, bank account, bank account number, and bank account description.

Select at least one bank account for processing.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Posted Accounting Entries

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Review Posted Accounting Entries

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Object Name



Voucher Accounting Entries


  • Accounts Payable, Review Accounts Payable Info, Vouchers, Accounting Entries, Voucher Accounting Entries

  • Accounts Payable, Review Accounts Payable Info, Vouchers, Voucher, Voucher Inquiry

    Click the Accounting Entries button on the Voucher Inquiry page.

Review the results of the Voucher Posting Application Engine process (AP_PSTVCHR).

Unbalanced Accounting Entries


Accounts Payable, Review Accounts Payable Info, Vouchers, Unbalanced Accounting Entries

Review any unbalanced accounting entries (including interunit and intraunit setup error vouchers).

Drill to Source


Accounts Payable, Review Accounts Payable Info, Vouchers, Journal Drill Down, Drill to Source

Review the journal detail for a general ledger journal. You can view the journal information by journal line.

Posted Voucher Listing


Accounts Payable, Reports, Vouchers, Posted Voucher, Posted Voucher Listing

Define run parameters for the Posted Voucher Listing report (APY1020). Use this report to review all posted vouchers for a given business unit and date range.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Posted Accounting Entries

Access the Voucher Accounting Entries page.

Note. Multiple views of this page are available by selecting the tabs in the scroll area.

Common Page Information

Business Unit

Select the business unit for the voucher whose accounting entries you want to review. You must also select a voucher ID or invoice number or the system does not return any data.

Voucher ID

Select the voucher ID of the voucher whose accounting entries you want to review.

Invoice Number

Select the invoice number of the voucher whose accounting entries you want to review.

Accounting Line View Option

Displays Standard and is the only available value if you have not enabled entry events. If you have enabled entry events, select one of the following values:

Standard: The system displays nonentry event accounting entries.

Supplemental: The system displays only entry event accounting entries.

View Both: The system displays both entry event and nonentry event accounting entries.

Show Foreign Currency

Select to display the foreign currency of the transaction lines in addition to the monetary amount.

Invoice Date

Displays the invoice date, vendor ID, and vendor name of the voucher that your search returns.

Accounting Information

Posting Process

Displays the posting process for the specific entry.

Note. Each posting process appears on its own view in the Accounting Information region. The different views appear as view 1 of 2, view 2 of 2, and so on. To see the accrual, payment, cancel, and closure definitions, click View All, or scroll through each of these views.

GL Dist Status (general ledger distribution status)

Displays the PeopleSoft General Ledger distribution status.

Main Information Tab

Select the Main Information tab.

Monetary Amount DR (monetary amount debit)

Displays the monetary amount debit associated with the PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit of the accounting entry. This field appears only if the Display Debit/Credit Amounts in Subsystems check box is selected on the User Preferences - Overall Preferences page.

Monetary Amount CR (monetary amount credit)

Displays the monetary amount credit associated with the PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit of the accounting entry. This field appears only if the Display Debit/Credit Amounts in Subsystems check box is selected on the User Preferences - Overall Preferences page.

Monetary Amount

Displays the monetary amount (debits as positive numbers and credits as negative numbers) associated with the PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit of the accounting entry. This field appears only if the Display Debit/Credit Amounts in Subsystems check box is not selected on the User Preferences - Overall Preferences page.

Currency Code

Displays the currency associated with the PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit of the accounting entry.


Displays the general ledger and PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit to which this accounting entry has been charged.

ChartField Tab

Select the ChartField tab.

(USF) Schedule ID

Displays schedule IDs for those associated with a payment (including cancellations, and so on). This field only appears if the federal payments option is enabled at the Installation Options level.

Tax Authority

Displays the tax authority code charged for the use tax liability lines.

Entry Event

Displays the entry event code and EE line number associated with the transaction line. These fields appear only if you have enabled entry events.


Displays the account and other ChartFields to which this accounting entry has been charged.

Journal Tab

Select the Journal tab.

Journal ID, Line, and Journal Date

Displays the general ledger journal ID, line number, and journal date assigned by the Journal Generator process for this accounting entry. If these fields are blank, then this accounting entry has not been journal generated.

Doc Type (document type)

Displays the document type, document sequence number, and document sequence date for this accounting entry.

Budget Date

Displays the date that the Budget Processor process uses to determine which budget period to verify.

Budget Status

Displays the budget status for this accounting entry. Possible values include:

N (not checked): This accounting entry has not been budget checked.

V (valid): This accounting entry passed budget checking.

E (error): The system detected an error while running the Budget Processor process on this accounting entry.


Indicates whether this is the primary ledger.

See Also

Entering Invoice Information for Online Vouchers

Defining Overall User Preferences

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Journal Detail for a General Ledger Journal

Access the Drill to Source page.

Note. Multiple views of this page are available by selecting the tabs in the scroll area.

Common Page Information

GL journal (general ledger journal)

Click to view the entire journal entry to which this line belongs.


Displays the general ledger account and other ChartFields to which this accounting entry has been charged.

Base Amount DR (base amount debit)

Displays the debit amount of the line in the general ledger base currency. The base currency code also appears.

Base Amount CR (base amount credit)

Displays the credit amount of the line in the general ledger base currency. The base currency code also appears.

Transaction Amount DR (transaction amount debit)

Displays the entered debit amount of the line.

Transaction Amount CR (transaction amount credit)

Displays the entered credit amount of the line.

Chartfields Tab

Select the Chartfields tab.


Displays the PeopleSoft Payables business unit to which this accounting entry has been charged.

Fund Code

Displays the fund code and any other ChartFields to which this accounting entry has been charged.

Voucher Information Tab

Select the Voucher Information tab.

Voucher ID

Displays the voucher ID and description of the voucher with which this journal line is associated. Click to access the Voucher Accounting Entries page, where you can view accounting details for the voucher.


Displays the distribution line amount of the voucher with which this journal line is associated.

Base Amount

Displays the amount of the distribution line with which this journal line is associated in the base currency.

Document Information Tab

Select the Document Information tab.

Document Type

Displays the document type for this voucher line.

Journal Code

Displays the journal code associated with the document type for this accounting entry.

See Also

Reviewing Posted Accounting Entries

Viewing Detail Journal Header and Journal Lines