Structuring Contracts

This chapter provides an overview of structuring contracts and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Contract Structure

All tables and setup specific to PeopleSoft Contracts are discussed in the following sections. For setting up additional Contract features that are shared by other applications, see PeopleSoft Enterprise Applications Fundamentals PeopleBook.

Note. For contracts with a classification type of Government, you must first set up the PeopleSoft Contracts core structure before setting up the tables and structure for government contracts. Government contracts rely on PeopleSoft Contracts' core structure to support the government contract features and functions. This combined setup is required to enable you to utilize the additional features and functions of the government contracts system.

See Structuring PeopleSoft Contracts for Government Contracting.

See Also

Defining Financials and Supply Chain Management Common Definitions

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Contract Statuses

To define contract statuses, use the Contract Status component (CA_STATUS_PNLG_GBL).

This section discusses how to define contract statuses.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Contract Statuses

The contract status provides you with a visual indicator of where your contract is within the contract life cycle and it designates when a contract is available for lookup and processing. PeopleSoft Contracts delivers a set of system-defined processing statuses that control what processing can occur against a contract. When you set up your PeopleSoft Contracts system, you define a group of contract statuses that are applicable to your business flow. When you define a contract status, you map it to a system-defined processing status. You can map multiple contract statuses to each system-defined processing status. The contract statuses you define will be those that you see displayed on the pages throughout your PeopleSoft Contracts system.

Understanding Processing Statuses

The processing status is a system-defined value controlling the application processing that can occur against a contract. Every contract that you create in PeopleSoft Contracts is associated with a contract status that has been mapped to a processing status of Pending, Active, or Closed. Here’s a summary of the processing statuses and a list of the attributes associated with each status.


Default processing status when you create a new contract. This status indicates that the contract has been created and that some data has been entered. Contracts in Pending status have these attributes:

  • Data fields are available for entry.

  • No downstream processing is allowed for the contract.

  • Minimal system data validation has been performed to validate the entered data.


Indicates that all data for the contract has been entered into the system and has passed system data validation. A contract must be in Active status for any contract element to be available for application engine processing. Contracts in Active status have these attributes:

  • Controlled data fields are available for entry only through amendment processing.

  • Downstream processing is allowed for the contract.

  • The system has confirmed entry of required fields and validated contract data.

  • The contract is included in prompt pages.

Before the processing status for a contract can be set to Active, you must perform these activities:

  • Set the Allocation field to Complete on the Amount allocation page.

  • Complete all required fields in the Contract General Information component.

    This includes setting at least one contract line to an active status and setting up accounting distributions for all applicable contract lines. Additional activities must be performed based on price types and other contract conditions such as discounts and deferred revenue.


Indicates that either the contract has been terminated midstream (the status went directly from Pending to Closed or was cancelled after execution) or the contract has been completed (all contractual obligations have been fulfilled and all entitlements received). Contracts that are set to Closed are removed from processing and views, but the historical contract data is still available to query. Contracts with Closed status have these attributes:

  • Data fields are not available for entry.

  • No downstream processing is allowed for the contract.

  • The contract passed system data validation to verify that all processing related to this contract had been completed.

The system allows you to change the status of a contract from Pending to Closed. However, when changing the status of a contract from Pending to Closed, or from Active to Closed, the system does check to see if there are any active projects associated with the contract. If there are active projects associated with the contract, the system asks whether or not you still want to close the contract. Before the processing status for a contract can be changed from Active to Closed, these must be true:

  • No billing plans assigned to the contract have a status of In Progress.

    Note. Unless you are closing a contract due to termination, you should check that the status for all billing plans is Complete. It is possible to close a contract that is assigned to billing plans with a status of Pending, Ready, and Reversed.

  • The revenue plan status for any revenue plans assigned to the contract must not be In Progress.

    Note. Unless you are closing a contract due to termination, you should check that the status for all revenue plans is Completed or Cancelled. It is possible to close a contract that is assigned to revenue plans with a status of Pending, Ready,and Reversed.

  • No amendments are Pending or Ready; they must be either Complete or Cancelled.

  • No prepayments are Pending. They must be Complete.

  • No renewal plans are Pending or Ready; they must be Cancelled.

Status Flow

This diagram shows the flow between status values and the functionality for each header status value.

Contract header processing status

The processing statuses can only flow forwards; that is, you cannot:

When you initiate a change in the processing status for a contract, the system performs a series of checks to ensure that the contract meets all necessary criteria to move to the next processing status level. Unless the contract meets all necessary criteria, the processing status cannot advance.

Defining Your Own Contract Statuses

In PeopleSoft Contracts, you define contract statuses that are applicable to your company’s business environment. These contract statuses are used in the Status field of the Contract - General page and indicate where a contract is within its contract life cycle. When you define a contract status, you map that status to one of the three processing statuses described previously. The system then uses the mapped processing status to control processing activity for a contract.

Here are contract status types that you might want to define and how you might link these contract status types to processing status types.


Contract is drafted and in the customer’s hands.

In Negotiation

Contract has been reviewed and returned by the customer; additional negotiations are in progress.

Letter of Intent

You and the customer have reached an initial agreement relating to the scope of work or billing terms, and the contract is now being processed for execution (for example, it’s going through legal review).


Contract has been finalized and signed by both parties.


Contract has been signed, entered into the PeopleSoft Contracts system by the contract administrator, and approved within the PeopleSoft Contracts system by management or by the authorized review organization.


Signed contract has been revised or had terms and contract lines added.


Signed contract has been reversed as if it never existed.


Signed contract has been interrupted midstream of the original obligations.


Signed contract has been replaced by another signed contract.

This table provides three examples of how you might map these sample contract status types to processing statuses:

User-Defined Contract Status Type

Processing Status

Example 1

Processing Status

Example 2

Processing Status

Example 3





In Negotiation




Letter of Intent




























The system does not enforce a contract status hierarchy for contract statuses that are mapped to the same processing status. For example, using Processing Status Example 2 from the previous table, the system will not always force a user to move the contract status from Proposed to In Negotiation to Letter of Intent.

This diagram shows the contract status setup for a user who allows processing any time after a letter of intent is signed. However, this user does not require that the contract always go from Proposed or In Negotiation to Letter of Intent.

Sample contract status setup

You can optionally enable status security for a PeopleSoft Contracts business unit by selecting the Enforce Contract Status Security check box on the Contracts Definition - BU Definition page. When status security is enabled, only those users to whom you assigned permission for a status can manage that contract status.

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Contract Status


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Contracts, General Options, Contract Status

Define contract statuses and map them to processing statuses. The contract statuses you define appear in the list of valid values for contract status on the Contract - General page. The system uses the contract status to control all processing that can occur against a contract.

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Access the Contract Status page.

Select the processing status to which this contract status should be mapped.

Warning! Once you have defined a contract status and used it on a contract, do not remap that contract status to a different processing status. Doing so causes a change in processing status for any contracts mapped to that contract status.


Select to make this contract status the default status for all new contracts that you create. A contract status must be mapped to a processing status of pending in order to be designated as the default status.

This field only appears when creating a new contract status.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Contract Types

To define contract types, use the Contract Type component (CA_CONTR_TYPE_PNLG_GBL).

This section describes how to define contract types.

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Define Contract Types


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Contracts, General Options, Contract Type

Define contract types. Contract types enable you to categorize your contracts for reporting purposes. When you set up your contract milestones, you can use contract types to limit the group of contracts to which a milestone can be applied.

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Access the Define Contract Type page.


Enter a Description for each contract type you create.

Default Product Kit

Select a product kit for this contract type (optional).

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Revenue and Billing Plan Templates

To define revenue and billing plan templates, use the Revenue/Billing Plan Template component (CA_PLAN_TMPL_GBL).

This section provides an overview of revenue and billing plan templates and discusses how to define revenue and billing plan templates for use on your contract lines.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Revenue and Billing Plan Templates

You can set up revenue and billing plan templates to automate the creation of revenue and billing plans. You can also optionally associate events with your revenue and billing plan templates depending on your plan method. These events will populate onto your contract line when you associate the revenue or billing plan template with a contract.

Templates provide you with the flexibility to automate your revenue and billing plan process. You can select options on the template to automatically set the bill plan and revenue plan to Ready status when these actions occur:

In addition, you can override the template values defined from the product at these locations:

Note. If you are have a contract with a classification of government, the template for immediate billing plans contains an additional check box for approving progress payments worksheets.

See Progress Payment Billing.

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Revenue/Billing Plan Template page


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Contracts, Templates, Revenue/Billing Plan Template

Create revenue and billing plan templates for use on your contract lines.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Revenue and Billing Plan Templates

Access the Revenue/Billing Plan Template page.

Plan Template ID

The system displays the unique template identifier that you entered for this template.

Plan Method

The system displays the billing plan method or revenue plan method that you selected for this template. Possible values include: Apportionment, As Incurred, Immediate, Milestone, Percent Complete, Recurring, and Value Based Billing.


Enter a description for your revenue or billing plan template.

Number of Events

Enter the number of events for templates with Recurring or Apportionment plan methods.

Schedule ID

Select a schedule ID for templates with Recurring or Apportionment plan methods.

Automatically Ready Plan

Activate Contract

Select to have the system automatically set this billing or revenue plan to Ready upon contract activation.

Process Amendment

Select to have the system automatically set this billing or revenue plan to Ready upon amendment processing.

Approve Renewal

Select to have the system automatically set this billing or revenue plan to Ready upon renewal approval.

Ready Prepaid

Select to have the system automatically set the initial billing plan to Ready when the associated prepaid status is changed to Ready.

Approve Progress Payments

Select to have the system automatically set this billing plan to Ready upon progress payment worksheet approval.

Note. This field applies to contracts with a classification of government only. This field displays only if the billing method is immediate.

Basis Date Determination

These fields are available for Apportionment, As Incurred, Milestone, and Recurring billing and revenue plan templates only.

The system uses the basis date as a building block for event dates on Milestone and As Incurred plans, and to determine the start date on Apportionment and Recurring plans.

Basis Date Source

Select the Contract Sign Date, Current Date, or Contract Line Start Date as your basis date source. The system uses the basis date when populating events onto the contract line. The system uses the Contract Sign Date as the default value.

Basis Date Option

Select the Use Basis Date, Last Day of Month, or Specify Day of Month for your basis date option. If you choose the Specify Day of Month option, select a specify day (01–28)from the drop down list. The system uses the Use Basis Date as the default value.

Note. If you chose the Use Basis Date option, then the basis date will be the Contract Sign Date, Current Date, or Contract Line Start Date depending on the value that you selected in the Basis Date Source field.

If you chose either the Last Day of Month or Specify Day of Month options, then the basis date is changed as indicated by your selection.

Note. The basis date cannot occur before the value selected for the Basis Date Source. For example, if you select the Basis Date Option as Specify Day of Month, and you choose the day of the month as the fifteenth (15), then a contract sign date of August 20th, would result in a basis date of September 15th.

Event Detail

The following fields are available for As Incurred and Milestone billing and revenue plan templates only.

Event Type

Select either a Date or Milestone event type for this template.

If you select a Milestone event type, you must also enter values in the Milestone Origin and Days Lag fields.

Milestone Origin

Select either Contract or Project as your origin. If you select Contract, you must enter a value in the Milestone ID field.

Milestone Template

Select a specific milestone template to associate with this milestone event. This field is only valid for events with a milestone origin of Contract.

Milestones that are created from billing/revenue plan templates that are associated to contract lines are created with a ready status.

Note. Milestones are created with a ready status only if they are created from milestone templates that have a condition type of Date,SQL, or User Initiated linked to revenue/billing plan templates. Milestone templates that have a condition type of Milestone are created with a status of pending.

Even if a milestone is created with a ready status from a milestone template, based on the milestone condition type, certain user-level inputs may be required in order for the system to process the milestone.

Add to Basis

Enter the time that the system will add to the Basis Date to determine the event date. The system uses the value in this field, combined with the value you select for the UOM (unit of measure) field, to add to the Basis Date to determine the event date.

UOM (unit of measure)

Select the unit of measure for calculating your add to basis. The system uses the default value of Months. However, you can also select Days or Years.

Note. If you select a Basis Date Option of Last Day of Month or Specify Day of Month, you must select a UOM of Months. When selecting a Basis Date Option of Last Day of Month and a UOM of Months, the subsequent events will continue to use the last day of the month, rather than simply adding months.

For example, normally the Add to Basis amount is simply added to the basis date. If the basis date is February 15, the Add to Basis is 1, and the UOM is Month (1 month), then the corresponding event date is March 15. However, if the Basis Date is Last Day of Month, the basis date is February 15, the Add to Basis is 1, and the UOM is Month (1 month), then the event date is March 31.

Days Lag

Enter a default days lag value for the system to pass through to the events on the billing or revenue plan. This field is optional.


Enter a default value for the event's percentage. The system passes this value through to the events on the billing or revenue plan.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Billing Plan Detail Templates

To define billing plan detail templates, use the Billing Plan Detail Templates component (CA_BP_DTL_TMPL_GBL).

This section provides an overview of billing plan detail templates and discusses how to create billing plan templates for use on your contract lines.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Billing Plan Detail Templates

Billing plan detail templates are specific to a billing plan and are not required to create a billing plan. Use these templates to override the billing defaults that are defined for a contracts billing business unit and contract header. If you specify values for the fields on this page, these values will override the billing defaults. If you do not want to override your billing defaults, you do not need to enter any information on this page.

If you specify a billing plan template and do not specify a billing plan detail template, the system creates the billing plan and populates the billing options on the billing plan with the usual default values (from the contract). If you select a billing plan detail template, then the system overrides the defaults from the contract with the values specified on the template. However, if a value from the billing plan detail template is not valid on the billing plan, then the system uses the default value from the contract.

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Billing Plan Detail Template page


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Contracts, Templates, Bill Plan Detail Templates

Capture detailed information for overriding billing defaults on your billing plan.

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Access the Billing Plan Detail Template page.

When you first create a new billing plan detail template, all fields appear blank. Use this page to override the billing defaults that you defined for this contract's business unit on the Contracts Definition - Defaults and the Contract General - Billing Options pages. If you specify values for the fields on this page, these values will override the billing defaults. If you do not want to override your billing defaults, do not need to enter any information on this page.

Note. If a value from the billing plan detail template is not valid on the billing plan, then the system uses the default value from the contract.

Bill Plan Detail Template ID

The system displays a unique identifier for the billing plan template.

Bill Currency

Currency code of the invoice(s) that are generated for this billing plan.

Customer Information

BI Unit (PeopleSoft Billing Business Unit)

Select a billing business unit from the list of valid values. The list of valid values contains only those billing business units that share the same PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit as the billing plan’s PeopleSoft Contracts business unit.

Bill To Customer

Customer to whom the invoice is to be sent.

Address Num (address sequence number)

Customer address to which the invoice is to be sent.

Bill To Contact

Person to whose attention the invoice is sent.

Billing Options

Bill Type

The bill type is used by PeopleSoft Billing to categorize the activity being billed.

Bill Source

Used by PeopleSoft Billing to identify where the billing activity came from, and to then associate default billing information with that billing activity.

Summarization Template ID

Select the summarization template Id that will appear by default on the billing plan. When the billing plan is processed, PeopleSoft Contracts passes the template Id to PeopleSoft Billing using the Contracts/Billing Interface process. The summarization template defines the summarized format in which the bill lines will print on the invoice.

Pre Approved

Select to bypass the billing worksheet review/approval process. Selecting this check box sends the invoices directly to billing without first creating a temporary bill. Selecting this check box does not execute the invoice generation process within PeopleSoft Billing.

Note. If you select the Pre Approved check box and do not select the Direct Invoicing check box, the system bypasses the temporary invoice and creates a bill in NEW status based upon the Bill By Identifier setup.

Note. If you do not select the Pre Approved check box, the system creates a temporary invoice. You must manually approve the bill in the billing worksheet before the system creates the invoice in RDY status.

Direct Invoicing

Select to have the Contracts to Billing interface run various PeopleSoft Billing processes to complete the invoice processing.

This check box is available if you have selected the Pre Approval check box for this bill plan ID.

See Direct Invoicing and Preapproved Activity.

Billing Default Overrides

Invoice Form

Specifies the invoice format for the bills that you generate from this billing plan.

Payment Method

Select the type of payment method such as Check, Credit Card, Direct Debit, Draft, or Electronic Fund Transfer.

Payment Terms

Enter the payment terms. These are user defined values.

Billing Inquiry (billing inquiry phone)

Select a bill inquiry phone number. This number is established on the Bill Inquiry Phone Page.

Billing Specialist

Specialists are established on the Billing Specialist Page. An example of a billing specialist is a functional user whose daily job includes filling out billing plans.

Billing Authority

A billing specialist who is responsible for approving invoices. An approver might be a manager who is not necessarily the person responsible for entering bills daily. To indicate that a billing specialist is a billing authority, select the Billing Authority Flag option for the corresponding bill specialist on the Billing Specialist page.

The field appears for As Incurred billing plans only. PeopleSoft Grants users utilize this field.

Cycle ID (billing cycle identifier)

Allows you to associate a billing plan with a bill cycle that you have defined on the Bill Cycle Page. When you run the Contracts Billing Interface process, you can specify that it should only process billing plans of a specific billing cycle type.

Bill By ID

Allows you to group bill lines on invoices.

Bill Line Summarization

Summarization Group Type

Select a summarization group type to appear by default on the billing plan lines page for immediate, milestone and percent complete billing plans. Summarization group types filter the Summarization Group Identifiers that can be selected.

Important! Summarization group types must be included as an attribute in the summarization template setup before PeopleSoft Billing can create summarized billing plan lines

Summarization Group ID

Select a Summarization Group Identifier associated with the Summarization Group Type selected to appear by default on the billing plan lines page for immediate, milestone and percent complete billing plans. Billing plan lines assigned to the same summarization group Identifier attribute will be summarized in PeopleSoft Billing on the invoice.

Important! Summarization group Id's must be included as an attribute in the summarization template setup before PeopleSoft Billing can create summarized billing plan lines.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Billing Summarization Templates

To define billing summarization groups, use the Billing Summarization Group (BI_SUM_GROUP_GBL) component.

To define billing summarization IDs, use the Billing Summarization ID (BI_SUMMARIZATION_GBL) component.

To define billing summarization templates, use the Billing Summarization Template (BI_SUM_TEMPLATE) component.

This section provides an overview of billing summarization templates and discusses how to create billing summarization templates to use on your contract lines.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Billing Summarization Templates

Summarization templates enable you to combine transactional bill line data into a single summarized bill line format for printing on the invoice. Summarization templates are assigned at the billing plan level for amount-based and rate-based contract lines. When the Contracts/Billing Interface process is run, the system passes the summarization template to PeopleSoft Billing to combine contract line transaction data for printing on the invoice. For immediate, milestone and percent complete billing plans, additional criteria can be specified on the billing plan to print summarized billing plan lines, while leaving other billing plan lines at the detail level.

Before you can utilize the billing summarization functionality, you must set up the billing summarization components in PeopleSoft Billing. To set up billing summarization criteria for PeopleSoft Contracts billing, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Define summarization group types.

  2. Define summarization identifiers.

  3. Define summarization templates.

  4. Assign summarization templates to billing plans manually or using the Billing Plan Detail Template.

  5. Assign summarization group types to billing plan lines for immediate, milestone and percent complete billing plans manually or using the Billing Plan Detail Template.

Note. Summarization templates cannot be assigned to billing plans that use the Value-Based or Recurring billing method.

Defining Summarization Group Types

Summarization group types are used by immediate, milestone and percent complete billing plans to enable you to select the contract lines associated with the billing plan to be summarized. When defining summarization group types you must define a summarization group type ID and summarization group identifiers. When determining how contract bill lines will be summarized, you must associate a summarization group type and summarization group identifier to the contract billing plan line. Only summarization group identifiers associated with the summarization group type will be available for selection.

When the Contracts/Billing Interface process is run, the system sends the summarization group type and summarization group ID data assigned to the contract bill lines to PeopleSoft Billing. Billing groups all contract billing lines that are assigned to the same summarization group Id together onto one summarized bill line on the invoice.

Defining Summarization Identifiers

The summarization identifier enables you to select the fields from the Billing Line (BI_LINE) table to use to summarize your billing lines. The fields that you select for your Summarization ID setup will be the fields that you can choose from when defining the summarization rules for your summarization template.

For contract billing, when defining the Summarization ID, you must also include the summarization group type (SUM_GROUP_TYPE) and summarization group identifier (SUM_GROUP_ID)as summarization fields. Including these fields enables the system to successfully pass the summarization bill line data to PeopleSoft Billing. If these fields are not included on your Summarization ID definition, PeopleSoft Contracts will issue a warning message when the billing plan is set to Ready status.

Defining Summarization Templates

Summarization templates are configurable templates that enable you to define summarized text and grouping rules, as well as customized group header and detail data that appears on the invoice. Once defined and assigned to a contract billing plan, summarization templates enable the system to create summarized invoices for transaction billing data for amount and rate-based contract lines.

Summarization templates enable you to define the configuration that determines how bill lines will be summarized and printed on the invoice. Summarization templates consist of the following three pages:

See Also

PeopleSoft Enterprise Billing PeopleBook

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Summarization Group


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Billing, Summarization Template Config, Summarization Group

Define summarization group types and summarization groups to assign to contact billing plan lines that should be summarized onto one bill line on an invoice.

Summarization Configuration ID


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Billing, Summarization Template Config, Summarization Configuration ID

Configure and define a list of selected fields to be used as promptable field values on the Summarization Template page.

Summarization Template - General Definitions


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Billing, Summarization Template Config, Summarization Template, General Definitions

Set up the overall summarization rules and formatting options for the fields selected on the summarization template.

Summarization Template - Group Header


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Billing, Summarization Template Config, Summarization Template, Group Header

Define customized options for the group header display.

Summarization Template - Group Detail


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Billing, Summarization Template Config, Summarization Template, Group Detail

Define customized options for the summarized lines.

Summarization Template - Preview Template


  • Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Billing, Summarization Template Config, Summarization Template, Preview Template

  • Click the Preview Summarization Template link on any page in the Summarization Template component.

Preview the summarization display.

See Also

Pages Used to Set Up Summarization

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Renewal Plan Templates

To define renewal plan templates, use the Renewal Templates component (CA_RNW_TMPL_GBL).

This section provides an overview of renewal plan templates and discusses how to define renewal plan templates to use on your amount-based contract lines.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Renewal Plan Templates

You can set up renewal plan templates to automate the creation of renewal plans, automatically create billing and revenue plans, and set pricing and accounting distribution criteria for the renewed contract line. If you have revenue and/or billing plans associated with your renewal template, use the Auto-ready options to enable the system to automatically set the revenue and/or billing plans to Ready status upon approval of the renewal cycle.

See Also

Defining Renewable Products, Templates, and Contract Lines

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Renewal Plan Template


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Contracts, Templates, Renewal Templates

Create renewal plan templates to use on your amount-based contract lines.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Renewal Plan Templates

Access the Renewal Plan Template page.

Renewal Plan Template

The system applies a unique identifier to each renewal template.

Used for Renewal Plan and Cycle Creation

Renewal Terms

Enter the number of cycles to be created for the renewal plan. If you leave this field blank, the system will not generate any cycles and you will have to add them manually.


Select a renewal schedule for this renewal template. The system uses the schedule to derive the cycle start and end dates to build the renewal plan.

See Setting Up Schedules.

Create Target Lines

Select a value to indicate how the renewals process generates new contract lines. The system uses Individual as the default value for this field. You can override this option on the Define Renewal Cycle page. Values include:

  • Individual: Select for the renewals process to generate a new contract line for each renewable contract line that is linked to the renewal cycle.

  • Consolidated: Select for the renewals process to generate one new contract line for one or multiple renewable contract lines that are linked to the same renewal cycle.

Used for Cycle Approval

Revenue Plan Template

Select a revenue template for the system to use to create revenue plans when the associated product is renewed. If you leave this field blank, the system will use the revenue plan template specified on the product to create a revenue plan for the renewed line. If you enter a value here, the renewal template values entered here will override those specified on the product.

Autoready Revenue Plan

Select to have the system automatically set the status of the associated revenue plan to Ready upon renewal cycle approval.

Note. This option applies only if you selected a revenue plan template.

Billing Plan Template

Select a billing template for the system to use to create billing plans when the associated product is renewed. If you leave this field blank, the system will use the billing plan template specified on the product to create a billing plan for the renewed line. If you enter a value here, the renewal template values entered here will override those specified on the product.

Autoready Billing Plan

Select to have the system automatically set the status of the associated billing plan to Ready upon renewal cycle approval.

Note. This option applies only if you selected a billing plan template.

Bill Plan Detail Template ID

Select a billing plan detail template for the system to use when the associated product is renewed. If you leave this field blank, the system will use the billing plan detail template specified on the product for the renewed line. If you enter a value here, the renewal template values entered here will override those specified on the product.

Other Options

Price Basis

Select the amount that the system will pass to PeopleSoft Enterprise Pricer to calculate the renewal price. Possible values include: Contract Line Negotiated Amt, Contract Line List Price, Contract Line Net Amount, Then Current List Price, and User-entered Amount. You can override this option on the Define Renewal Cycle page. The system uses Contract Line Negotiated Amt as the default value for this field.

Accounting Distribution Option

Select an accounting distribution option to determine whether to create the accounting distribution for the new contract line from the default or the source renewable contract line. You can override this option on the Define Renewal Cycle page. The system uses Default as the default value for this field. Values include:

  • Default: Select to associate the accounting distribution for the new contract line with the default.

  • Inherit from Line: Select to associate the accounting distribution for the new contract line with the source renewable contract line.

See Also

Entering Renewals

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Hold Reasons

To define hold reasons, use the Hold Reason component (CA_HOLD_RSN_GBL).

This section discusses how to define renewal hold reasons for your renewal cycles.

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Hold Reason


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Contracts, General Options, Hold Reason

Define hold reasons by SetID to use when placing renewal cycles on hold.

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Access the Hold Reasons page.

Hold Reason

Define a hold reason code and associated descriptions for the system to use when you place a renewal cycle on hold. The code for the hold reason that was entered when creating the hold reason displays on the top of the page.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Tiered Pricing Templates

To define tiered pricing templates, use the Tiered Pricing component (PC_TIER_TEMPLATE_GBL).

This section provides an overview of tiered pricing templates and discusses how to define tiered pricing templates.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Tiered Pricing Templates

You can define tier templates to use when selecting tiered pricing for rate-based contract lines. Tiered pricing allows you to charge varying rates based on the quantity incurred against an activity, such as the length of time worked on an activity. Tier templates may contain one or more tiers that may be defined by one transaction identifier and one or more price breaks. You use the templates when defining tiered pricing for a contract line to facilitate data entry.

See Also

Tiered Pricing

Defining Tiered Pricing

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Tiered Pricing Template


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Contracts, Templates, Tiered Pricing Templates

Create tier templates to facilitate data entry when defining tiered pricing for a rate-based contract line.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Tiered Pricing Templates

Access the Tiered Pricing Template page.

Tiered Pricing Template

The system assigns a unique identifier for the tier pricing template.

Sequence Number

Indicates the arbitration resolution order. This number represents the priority of the tier in the event that a transaction matches more than one transaction identifier.

Transaction ID

Select an identifier for the tier. The transaction identifier includes a combination of values for the source type, source category, and source subcategory. The system matches transactions from PeopleSoft Project Costing with tiers based on the transaction identifier definitions.

Unit of Measure

Select a unit of measure for the price break quantities.

Price Breaks

Lower Quantity

Displays the minimum quantity required for the price break. For the first price break within a tier, this value will be 0.

Upper Quantity

Displays the maximum quantity allowed for the price break. The price break includes the value designated in the Upper Quantity field. Therefore, if the upper quantity is set to 20, the price break would extend up to and include a quantity of 20. Each tier must contain a price break with an Upper Quantity of 9999999999.9999.

Adjustment Percent

Displays the increase or decrease to apply to the rate plan or rate set determined rate.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Rate Sets and Rate Plans

Access the Rate Sets page.

See Defining Rate Sets and Plans.

See Rate Setup.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Discounts and Surcharges

This section discusses how to define fixed-amount discounts and surcharges. See the Related Projects page for rate-based discounts.

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Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Billing, Setup, Discount & Surcharge

Define a generic set of discounts and surcharges that can be applied to contracts within the same setID. A discount can represent a true discount, a referral fee, a concession, or any other activity that results in a reduction to the gross contract amount.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Fixed-Amount Discounts and Surcharges

Access the Discounts/Surcharge page.

Discounts and surcharges are discussed in the PeopleSoft Enterprise Billing PeopleBook.

See Setting Up Discounts and Surcharges.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Contract Document Sequencing Options

To define contract document sequencing options, use the Contracts GL Options component (CA_BUGL_OPT_GBL).

This section provides an overview of document sequencing options and discusses how to define document sequencing options.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Document Sequencing Options

Statutory legal requirements in some countries require that all financial transactions (documents) be classified into different transaction types, and that within each transaction type, all documents entered be numbered sequentially. PeopleSoft Document Sequencing helps you maintain established business practices by meeting both of these requirements.

In PeopleSoft Contracts, you can assign specific document types to revenue transactions. Upon activating the Document Sequencing feature, the system automatically assigns a sequence number to each revenue recognition transaction that you generate in PeopleSoft Contracts. When you reverse or redistribute revenue accounting entries in PeopleSoft Contracts, the Document Sequencing feature assigns new document sequencing numbers.

Note. For PeopleSoft Contracts, the Document Sequencing feature applies only to revenue accounting entries since they are the only accounting entries generated within PeopleSoft Contracts. For all accounting entries that are sent to PeopleSoft Billing, Billing document sequencing options apply.

See Also

Defining Document Sequencing

Defining Common Journal Definitions

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Contracts GL Options


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Contracts, General Options, Contracts GL Options

Designate journal templates and document types for a business unit. .

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Contract Document Sequencing Options

Access the Contracts GL Options page.

GL Business Unit (PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit)

You assign journal templates and document types at the PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit level. Any contracts you have associated with this PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit will use the journal templates and document types you define on this page.

You must enter a document type if you are using the Document Sequencing feature for the PeopleSoft General Ledger unit. Document types represent the business purpose of a financial transaction. Within the domestic sales journal code, for example, you may have document types, such as domestic customer invoices, customer credit memos, and customer debit memos. Document types are assigned to one and only one journal code.

There is a document type group box for each revenue transaction type: Deferred Revenue Doc Type, Fixed-Amount Revenue Doc Type, and Rate-Based Revenue Doc Type. For each type, you must specify the document type for the initial transaction and for the reversal of that transaction. If you want to use the same document type for revenue reversals, select the Same as Revenue check box for the appropriate type of revenue transaction.

Journal Templates

Select the journal template to be used when the system creates journals to feed to your general ledger. Templates summarize your PeopleSoft Contracts accounting entries and determine the journal header, date options, and other characteristics. You must select a journal template for deferred revenue, fixed-amount, and rate-based entries.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Legal Entities

To define legal entities, use the Legal Entity component (CA_LEGAL_PNLG_GBL).

This section provides an overview of legal entities and discusses how to define legal entities.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Legal Entities

Use legal entities in PeopleSoft Contracts to track the legal entity within your company who signs a particular contract. The contract header contains two important pieces of information: the PeopleSoft Contracts business unit designating the group within your company that is processing the contract, and the legal entity designating which group within your company signed the contract. Your company’s tax department can then keep tabs on who signed the contract in case a reassignment needs to be done, such as in the case of a reorganization of your company's business structure. The contract header also contains a region code that you can use to break your business into smaller or larger areas and for operational purposes (sales and customer service purposes).

These examples show how you can designate the legal entity on a contract:

Example 1

Two legal entities can sell products/services and assign those products/services to the same PeopleSoft Contracts business unit. Here the Legal Entity field enables you to differentiate on the contract the legal entity that signed the contract.

The first sale is by PeopleSoft USA to Cracker Barrel Restaurant. The contract header details are as follows:

Field Name


Contracts Business Unit


Sold to Customer ID

Cracker Barrel Restaurant

Legal Entity


The second sale to the same customer is made by Vantive. The contract header details are as follows:

Field Name


Contracts Business Unit


Sold to Customer ID

Cracker Barrel Restaurant

Legal Entity


Example 2

One legal entity can sell products/services and assign those products/services to the separate PeopleSoft Contracts business unit. Here the Legal Entity field enables you to identify all the contracts signed by a legal entity across multiple PeopleSoft Contracts business units.

PSLATIN sells products and services to Cracker Barrel Restaurant in Mexico.

Field Name


Contracts Business Unit


Sold to Customer ID

Cracker Barrel Restaurant

Legal Entity


PSLATIN sells products and services to Cracker Barrel Restaurant in Brazil. The business process dictates that this company write separate contracts for different countries within its legal jurisdiction.

Field Name


Contracts Business Unit


Sold to Customer ID

Cracker Barrel Restaurant

Legal Entity


Example 3

A contract is sold to a company that is acquired by another company. Here the Legal Entity field enables you to keep a historical record of the legal entities involved with a given contract.

Intrepid sold goods and services to Cracker Barrel Restaurant and was then acquired by PeopleSoft. Upon data entry/conversion to the system, the contract is entered as follows:

Field Name


Contracts Business Unit


Sold to Customer ID

Cracker Barrel Restaurant

Legal Entity


An assignment letter is sent to welcome the customer to PeopleSoft, informing the customer that PeopleSoft is reassigning the contract to PeopleSoft. This change is made to the contract via amendment processing.

Field Name


Contracts Business Unit


Sold to Customer ID

Cracker Barrel Restaurant

Legal Entity


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Legal Entity


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Contracts, General Options, Legal Entity

Define legal entities. You use legal entities on the Contract - General page to identify the legal entity within your company that owns (that signed) the contract.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining a Legal Entity

Access the Legal Entity page.

Enter a description for each Legal Entity that you create.

Note. Legal entities in PeopleSoft Contracts are not directly linked to the legal entities in PeopleSoft General Ledger.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Early-Out Options

To define early-out options, use the Early Out Option component (CA_EARLYOUT_PNG_GBL).

This section discusses how to define early-out options.

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Early Out Option


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Contracts, General Options, Early Out Option

Define early-out option reason codes. These codes are used on the Special Payment Terms Page. A contract can contain multiple early-out options.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Early-Out Options

Access the Early Out Option page.

Enter a description for each Early Out Reason Code that you create. These codes can be entered on the Special Payment Terms Page for informational purposes.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Milestones

To define milestone classifications, use the Milestone Classification component (CA_MS_CLASS_PNLG_GBL).

To define milestone templates, use the Milestone Template component (CA_MS_DEFN_PNLG_GBL). Use the CA_MS_DEFN_PNLG_CI component interface to load data into the tables for this component.

This section provides an overview of milestone templates and discusses how to define:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Milestone Templates

A milestone is a significant event in the life of a contract. Milestone functionality in PeopleSoft Contracts enables you to tie activities, such as billing or revenue recognition, to reaching a milestone. Application Engine processing or email notifications can be triggered when that milestone is reached. During system setup, you define a generic set of milestone templates and milestone conditions. You then use these generic milestones and milestone conditions to establish contract-specific milestones when setting up your contracts.

When you define a generic milestone, you can specify one or more milestone conditions. The application uses the status of a milestone’s condition to determine when the milestone is reached. PeopleSoft Contracts supports four different milestone condition types: Date, User Init (user initiated), Milestone, and SQL (Structured Query Language).

You can define any number of conditions for each milestone and then make the triggering of the milestone conditional upon the reaching of one condition, or all conditions, associated with that milestone.

As the completion of a milestone can result in a bill being generated or revenue being booked, you need to enable milestone security to restrict the ability to manage milestones to a limited set of employees. You enable milestone security by creating milestone classifications and then associating each generic milestone with a milestone classification.

See Also

Setting Up Milestone Security

Setting Up Milestones

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Milestone Classification


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, General Options, Milestone Classification

Define milestone security by creating milestone classifications. A milestone classification is a set of permission lists. When you associate a milestone classification with a generic milestone, the ability to manage that milestone is limited to users who belong to one of the primary permission lists specified for the milestone classification.

Milestone Template


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Contracts, Templates, Milestone Templates, Milestone Template

Define generic milestone templates. When you set up a contract, you will use these generic milestones templates to which you can add contract-specific data.

Milestone Conditions Template


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Contracts, Templates, Milestone Templates, Milestone Conditions Template

Define the conditions used by the application processor to determine if a milestone is ready for processing. You can establish multiple conditions for a single milestone. Condition types can be either system-triggered events or manual events.

SQL Statement


Click the SQL statement link on the Milestone Conditions Template page.

Create a custom SQL statement to be used as a milestone condition.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Milestone Classifications

Access the Milestone Classification page.

Primary Permission List

Select the lists that will have access to manage milestones associated with the value in the Milestone Classification field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Milestones

Access the Milestone Template page.

Milestone Classification

Defined on the Milestone Classification page and used to limit the ability to manage a milestone to users who are logged on as a member of a permission list specified for the selected classification.

All Contract Types

Select this check box to make this milestone template available for all contract types you defined for this setID on the Contract Types page.

If you do not select this check box, you must manually add to the Contract Types scroll area the contract types for which this milestone template is available. This milestone template is then accessible on lists for only those contracts of the defined contract types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Milestone Condition Templates

Access the Milestone Conditions Template page.

Milestone Conditions Definitions

Add the milestone conditions applicable to this Milestone Template. You can define multiple conditions for a milestone template. For example, billing may only occur based on the completion of product installation or based on a specified date, whichever is earlier. You can define two conditions within a milestone to meet this event. One condition (installation) could be another milestone, and the second condition could be the specific date. When you use the milestone on a contract, you can specify if one or all of these conditions will need to be met in order for the milestone to be satisfied. If you specify that only one condition is needed to satisfy the milestone, then whichever condition is true first will trigger the milestone.

Milestone Condition Type

Your selection determines the actions that you need to complete when you add this milestone onto a contract. You can set up multiple milestone condition definitions for each milestone condition type:

Date: Select to create a date-driven milestone. When you use this milestone condition type on a contract, you associate it with a date specific to that contract. The milestone is triggered when the system date reaches the date that you have specified for the condition.

Milestone: Select to link a milestone with another milestone. If selected, you must enter a Milestone Source and a Days Lag.

User Init: Select to create a milestone condition that is satisfied when a user manually updates the condition status from Pending to Ready. An example would be a service contract where billing cannot occur until a signed work order is received from the customer.

SQL: Select to associate the milestone with a SQL statement you wrote. SQL milestones enable you to create custom milestones that are specific to your business.

Milestone Source

Used with the Milestone condition type. Can be either another milestone defined in PeopleSoft Contracts or one that is defined in PeopleSoft Project Costing. Specify the exact milestone to which you are linking.

Days Lag

Enter the number of days after the exact milestone to which you are linking has been triggered before the system should trigger this milestone.

SQL Statement

Used with the SQL condition type. Click this link to enter your SQL statement.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining SQL Statements for Milestone Conditions

Access the SQL Statement page.

Enter the SQL statement representing the condition the system should test.

For example:


The SQL executed for SQL conditions in the Milestone Application Engine follows. The first bind statement is the SQL statement you wrote, so it must logically fit into the syntax.


Important! SQL milestone conditions are an advanced option that should be created only by persons with extensive knowledge of SQL. We advise that these conditions be reviewed by the manager of your information systems department.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Reconciliation Options

To define reconciliation options, use the Reconciliation Options by User component (CA_RECON_DEFN_COMP_GBL).

This section discusses how to define the parameters for reconciliation.

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Reconciliation Options by User


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Contracts, General Options, Reconciliation Options by User

Specify your Review By and Break On parameters for reconciliation.

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Access the Reconciliation Options by User page.

Review By

Select the search parameters for reconciliation. The system requires that you Review By or Break On either the contract line or activity level. You may select all Review By check boxes. The check boxes you select dictate the parameters on which you can break.

Break On

Select the filtering values for reconciliation. These choices determine how your data appears on the reconciliation pages. The more fields you break on, the more detail you see when reconciling. If you did not select either the Contract Line or Activity check box as a Review By parameter, you must select one of the two here. This enables adjustments initiated from the Reconciliation Billing and Revenue page to be tied to a contract line for future reconciliation and revenue management purposes.

Note. You must select the PeopleSoft General Ledger ChartFields that you want to have available for reconciliation. If you do not select a particular ChartField here, you will not be able to reconcile or make adjustments to that level.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Email Notifications

To define email notifications, use the Support Teams by Contract Business Unit (CA_EMAIL_BU_PNG_GBL) and the Support Teams by Contract Type (CA_EMAIL_TYPE_PNG_GBL) components.

This section provides an overview of email notifications and discusses how to designate email notifications at two levels:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Email Notifications

PeopleSoft Contracts enables you to use the email notification functionality of PeopleSoft workflow to notify employees within your organization of a change in the status of a contract or a change in the status of one of the contract components.

You can set up email notification for support teams and limit the notification to just the manager of a support team. In addition to establishing email notification for support teams, you can designate email notifications for anyone with an email address.

When you are configuring your contracts system, you can designate email notifications at the PeopleSoft Contracts business unit level and at the contract type level. When you create a contract, you can optionally enable email notification at the contract level. The system uses the following hierarchy (left to right) to determine which established set of email notification parameters to use: Contract Number - Contract Type - Contracts Business Unit. In other words, if parameters are found for the contract number, the system uses them. If not, the system looks to the contract type, and so on.

Before you can establish email notification for support teams, you must first have defined your team members and set up your support teams. You enter the email ID for support team members on the Member Data page.

See Also

Maintaining Support Teams

Setting Up Customer Support Personnel

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

You must have first created your support team codes on the Support Team Members page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in this Section


Select the contract component for which you want to create an email notification list: Amendment, Billing Plan, Billing Event (billing plan event), Contract, Contract Line, Contract Milestone, and Revenue Recognition Plan.

Add Support Team

Click this button to create a new support team.


The prompt values for this field are based on the component you selected. For each component, you have the option of associating a support team with the change in all, or any combination of, status values for that component.

The % option indicates that you are applying the values that you are defining for this Component Status row to all status values for the selected component.

Support Team

A support team code represents a list of support team members.


Click this link to review and manage the list of team members.

Email Option

Select who should receive an email notification about the selected status change for the selected component:

Email All: All members within the selected support team code for whom you have defined an email address on the Team Member Personal Data page.

Email Manager Only: Only the employee who was designated as the support team manager on the Support Team Mbrs Page.

Do Not Send Email: No members of this support team.

Interested Parties (Email CC)

Enter the email addresses of additional individuals to notify of a particular status change. Enter the individual’s complete email address, separating each subsequent address with a semicolon.

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Support Teams by Contract Business Unit


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Contracts, Support Teams, Support Team by Business Unit

Define the support teams/email lists to be used for the workflow that you associate with the different activities within PeopleSoft Contracts.

Support Teams by Contract Type


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Contracts, Support Teams, Support Team by Contract Type

Define the support teams/email lists to be used for the workflow that you associate with the different contract types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Support Teams by Contract Business Unit

Access the Support Teams by Business Unit page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Support Teams by Contract Type

Access the Support Teams by Contract Type page.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Amendments

To define amendment types and reasons, use the Amendment Type (CA_CHG_TYPE_PNG_GBL) and Amendment Reason (CA_CHG_RSN_PNG_GBL) components.

This section provides an overview of amendments and discusses how to define:

See Also

Amending Contracts

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Amendments

PeopleSoft Contracts requires that any changes that you make to an active contract’s products or terms and conditions be processed through an amendment. When you create an amendment, PeopleSoft Contracts creates a copy of the current contract details and preserves this as a historical record. The system then creates a new amendment, where you can define the contract changes.

Before you can create amendments, you must define amendment types and amendment reasons. Amendment types work with amendment reasons to provide contract viewers with a quick explanation as to why an amendment is being made.

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Amendment Type


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Contracts, Amendments, Amendment Type

Define amendment types. The amendment type is informational only—no processing is keyed off it.

Amendment Reason


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Contracts, Amendments, Amendment Reason

Define amendment reasons. The amendment reason is informational only—no processing is keyed off it.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Amendment Types

Access the Amendment Type page.

Amendment Type

High-level classification that you assign to an amendment. Amendment types are dictated by your internal amendment policies. For example, you may want to create an amendment type of Add, Change Order, New Purchase Order, RMA, Internal Change, and so on.

Note. A predefined amendment type value of ACTV exists and is used by the system. This amendment type is not editable.

Effective Date

Select an effective date for this amendment type.


Set the status for this amendment type. Values include Active and Inactive.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Amendment Reasons

Access the Amendment Reason page.

Amendment Reason

Provides a quick explanation as to why an amendment was initiated. The amendment reason augments the amendment type and provides additional insight as to the reason behind the amendment. For example, you may want to create an amendment reason of Data Entry Error, Additional Purchase, or Scope Change.