Working With Staffing Vendors

This chapter provides an overview of staffing vendors and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Staffing Vendors

Staffing vendors supply contractors that may be used to fill a customer staffing order when there are no employees with the required skill set available. Contractors are stored in the human resources database as non-employees. You can enter time for contractors in Oracle's PeopleSoft Pay/Bill Management Rapid Time component or you can enter a vendor invoice directly into PeopleSoft Payables. In either case, an accounts payable voucher may be generated.

You can generate vouchers for two different scenarios:

When creating vouchers through PeopleSoft Payables, you gain global functionality and other existing Payables processes.

PeopleSoft Pay/Bill Management does not support the PeopleSoft HCM person model: an individual with the same EMPLID having different roles (employee or non-employee) in different job records. Rather, PeopleSoft Pay/Bill Management requires that each EMPLID use only one type of role for all job records.

See Also

Adding Employees and Contractors

Entering and Processing Time for Employees and Contractors

Click to jump to parent topicIdentifying Eligible Staffing Vendors

This section discusses how to add and maintain eligible vendors.

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Page Name

Object Name



Identify Eligible Vendors


Staffing, Vendors and Contractors, Identify Eligible Vendors

Indicate which accounts payable (AP) vendors are staffing vendors who supply you with contractors to associate with assignments.

Use this list to select which vendors to reimburse when entering contractor time and generating vouchers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIdentifying Eligible Staffing Vendors

Access the Identify Eligible Vendors page.

Vendor ID

Enter a vendor. The vendor must have been previously added in the PeopleSoft Payables application.


Displays the name associated with your selected vendor ID.

Default Location and Description

Enter a default vendor location that appears on assignments. The vendor location controls much of the default voucher processing.

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Vendor Invoices

When a vendor sends you a bill, you can enter a voucher directly into Payables.

This section discusses how to:

  1. Enter invoice information.

  2. Enter payment information.

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Page Name

Object Name



Quick Invoice


Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Add/Update, Quick Invoice Entry

Enter required and optional invoice header, line, and distribution information.

Payment Details


Click the Payments link on the Quick Invoice page.

Enter any specific payment information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Invoice Information

Access the Quick Invoice page.

For a description of the fields and uses of this page, refer to the PeopleSoft Enterprise Payables 9.0 PeopleBook.

See Also

Using Quick Invoices

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Payment Information

Access the Payment Details page

The PeopleSoft Enterprise Payables 9.0 PeopleBook discusses the fields and use of this page.

See Also

Using Quick Invoices

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Vouchers

This section discusses how to:

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Page Name

Object Name



Create Voucher for Contractor


Staffing, Vendors and Contractors, Create Voucher for Contractor

Submit payable time for non-employees (contractors) to PeopleSoft Payables to create vouchers. This process moves time entries for contractors from the PROJ_RESOURCE table to the VOUCHER staging table.

Note. The non-employee time records are sent from Time and Labor to the Project Resources table when the non-employee time is approved.

Voucher Build


Accounts Payable, Batch Processes, Vouchers, Voucher Build

Build vouchers in PeopleSoft Payables.

Create a run control for the Voucher Batch Request Application Engine process.

Voucher Posting Request


Accounts Payable, Batch Processes, Vouchers, Voucher Posting

Run the Voucher Posting process (AP_PSTVCHR).



Project Costing, Cost Collection, Payables

Request process for PeopleSoft Project Costing to retrieve approved vouchers from PeopleSoft Payables.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating Vouchers for Contractors

Access the Create Voucher for Contractor page.

PC Business Unit

Select a PeopleSoft Project Costing business unit.

Accounting Date From

Specify the start date for the contractor time to be included in the voucher.

Accounting Date To

Specify the end date for the contractor time to be included in the voucher.

Vendor ID Options

Submit time for all vendors or select a specific vendor. Values include:

  • All

  • Specify

    Note. If you select Specify the system displays the SetID and Vendor ID fields. Use these fields to specify the vendor for which you want to create vouchers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBuilding Vouchers in PeopleSoft Payables

Access the Voucher Build page.

The PeopleSoft Enterprise Payables 9.0 PeopleBook describes the fields and use of this page.

Voucher Build Interfaces

Select Pay/Bill Management to build vouchers for PeopleSoft Pay/Bill Management contractors.

See Also

Running Voucher and Payment Posting

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPosting Vouchers in PeopleSoft Payables

Access the Voucher Posting Request page.

The PeopleSoft Enterprise Payables 9.0 PeopleBook describes the fields and use of this page.

See Also

Running Voucher and Payment Posting

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the AP to Projects Application Engine

Access the Payables page.

The PeopleSoft Enterprise Project Costing 9.0 PeopleBook describes the fields and use of this page.

See Also

Integrating with PeopleSoft Payables