Receiving and Updating Bank Statements

This chapter provides an overview of statement updates and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Statement Updates

The loading of bank statement information is an integral part of the reconciliation, bank statement accounting, and cash position processes. The system processes previous day statements that are used for reconciliation and accounting, current day statements for cash position worksheets, and account analysis statements for bank fee analysis. PeopleSoft enables you to enter bank statement information in one of three different ways:

  1. Enter bank statement information is to import a bank statement either from the file system or a file transfer protocol (FTP) file server using the PeopleSoft Business Document format (PSBD1 or PSBD2).

    Note. You can import bank statements using a variety of bank statement formats using the Financial Gateway functionality found in Cash Management 8.9 and later.

    You can import bank-statement, data files using the PSBD2 layout if you have Cash Management 8.8 or later installed and are using a third-party, communication toolkit that has the capability of processing files in XML format. Sample files that can be used as guidelines for transforming bank-statement, date files into the PSBD2 layout can be found on Customer Connection.

  2. Enter the information using online screens.

    If you receive only hardcopy statements from a bank, you must enter the statement information online before you can reconcile the statements. The following entry screens are used to enter the statement information online:

  3. Integrate with a bank or bank communications partner by using PeopleTools Integration Broker.

See Also

Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook: Integration Broker

Processing Bank Statements in Financial Gateway

Click to jump to parent topicImporting Bank Statements

This section discusses how to import bank statements.

See Also

Setting Up the Bank Statement Import Process

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Object Name



Import Bank Statements


Banking, Bank Statements, Import Bank Statement

Import bank statement data using the PSBD1 layout (or PSBD2 layout for Cash Management 8.8 and later) into the Bank Statement staging tables. Define the file import information and run the Bank Statement Import Application Engine process (IMPORT_FILE).

Note. You can import bank-statement, data files using the PSBD2 layout if you have Cash Management 8.8or later installed and are using a third-party, communication toolkit that has the capability of processing files in XML format. Sample files that can be used as guidelines for transforming bank-statement, date files into the PSBD2 layout can be found on Customer Connection.

Bank Node Details


Click the View Bank Node Details link on the Import Bank Statements page.

The View Bank Node Details is available only if FTP or HTTP is selected in the Import Type field.

Review bank node property details.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicImporting Bank Statements

Access the Import Bank Statements page.


Import Type

Options are:

  • FTP (file transfer protocol): Select if you are importing the file by using file transfer protocol, and enter a bank node through which to transfer the data.

  • File: Select if you are importing a file located on a shared server directory within your network.

  • HTTP: Select if you are importing a file using a URL that is included as part of the node configuration. No file path or file name is required.

View Bank Node Details

Click to access the Bank Node Details page and review the property details of the selected node. This link is available only if FTP or HTTP is selected in the Import Type field.

File Path

Enter the complete file path location. To select files by clicking the Select File button, the file path must have a trailing backslash (\).

You can also search for files of a specific type by entering an asterisk and the extension suffix. For example, to search all files with a .txt suffix, enter:


File Selection Help

Click to view help information on specifying file paths and file names.

File Name

Select the specific file to import. If you want to import multiple files based on extension, leave this field blank.


Select the file layout of the bank statement file being imported. Unless Cash Management 8.9 or later is installed, select PSBD1 or PSBD2. (for PeopleSoft Enterprise 8.8 or later).

Note. You can import bank-statement, data files using the PSBD2 layout if you have Cash Management 8.8 installed and are using a third-party, communication toolkit that has the capability of processing files in XML format. Sample files that can be used as guidelines for transforming bank-statement, date files into the PSBD2 layout can be found on Customer Connection.

Advanced Options

Encryption Profile

Select an encryption profile to decrypt bank statements. Encryption profiles contain both encryption and decryption information.

Use Integration Broker

Select this check box to format the files and publish the formatted document to PeopleSoft Integration Broker. Integration Broker then processes the formatted file accordingly.

You select this option if you want to use the bank statement information as a trigger to Integration Broker, as an indication to perform other processes or integrate with other systems.

Post Process File Action

Select what action, if any, to perform on the bank statement files after the data has been processed. The options are:

  • Copy: Copy the file to the directory that is entered in the Post Process File Directory field.

  • Delete: Delete the file after the data in it is processed.

  • Move: Move the file to the directory that is entered in the Post Process File Directory field.

  • None: Take no action.

Post Process File Directory

Enter a file path to the directory to which the file will be moved or copied if either option is selected as the post process file action.

Format Layout


Property codes and values appear by default from values that are defined on the selected format ID.

If you configure unique code mappings for a format (on the Code Mappings page), you must modify the displayed CODE_MAP_GROUP value with the appropriate unique map value.

See Defining Code Mappings for Bank Statements, Payments, and Payment Acknowledgments.

Note. If you are importing multiple files for a single run control ID, you must add requests (by clicking the Add button) for each file that you are requesting. Do not enter a file name, run the import process, and then edit the file name and run the import process again. Doing this can result in duplicate statement loading errors.

Click to jump to parent topicAdministering Statement Information

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Statement Administration

Once you transfer bank statement information to the production tables, you can update the data by using the Bank Balance Entry and Bank Transaction Entry pages.

If you do not receive bank statements electronically from the bank, you also use the same pages to manually enter bank statement information online.

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Bank Balance Entry


  • Banking, Bank Statements, Enter Bank Statements

  • Click Enter Bank Statements on the Bank Statement Manager page.

Enter bank account balance information.

Bank Transaction Entry


  • Banking, Bank Statements, Enter Bank Statements.

    Select the Bank Transaction Entry tab.

  • Click Enter Bank Statement on the Bank Statement Manager page, and then select the Bank Transaction Entry tab.

Enter bank transaction and addenda information for a specific bank statement ID.

Funds Availability


Click the Funds Availability icon on the Bank Transaction Entry page.

Enter one-day and two-day float for a bank statement deposit entry item.

Note. The Funds Availability page is available for deposit transactions only.

Bank Addenda Details


Click Expanded Addenda on the Bank Transaction Entry - Addenda Information page.

View and edit addenda detail information that is associated with a statement transaction.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating Bank Balances

Access the Bank Balance Entry page.

Bank Balances

Enter the statement code, value date, and balance amount for each item. If you receive bank statements electronically, the system populates these fields.

Note. The system balances the opening and closing ledger amounts with the sum of the daily transactions and displays a warning message if the amounts are unbalanced. It uses the default balance codes 010 - OPENING BALANCE and 015 - CLOSING BALANCE. If your organization uses different balance codes, you must edit the following with your preferred default code values: the component BANK_BALSTMT_ENTRY, the record BNK_RCN_CYC, and Saveedit PeopleCode.

Statement Code

Determines the type of balance that is being entered. The system uses these balances for various bank features and processes, such as the cash position worksheet.


Enter the total amount of funds that are available on the specified value date.

Funds Availability

Available Balance

Displays the portion of the balance amount that is immediately available for use. Differences between the balance and available balance amounts are generally due to deposits (credits) that have not yet cleared the bank.

One Day Float

Stores the one-day float information that is provided by you or the bank.

Two+ Day Float (two or more day float)

Stores the two (or more) day float information that is provided by you or the bank.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating Bank Transaction Entries

Access the Bank Transaction Entry page.

The system populates the fields on this page when you load statements electronically; you can edit them if needed.

Transaction Information

Statement Code

Select a statement code to indicate if the transaction is a debit or a credit. This value determines the default transaction code and statement activity type that is on the Recon Information grid.


Enter a transaction reference number.

Bank Date

Select the entry date of the transaction. The default is the statement date.

Funds Availability

Click to enter available funds information for bank deposit transactions.

Value Date

Enter the date that the bank recorded the transaction. The default is the statement date.

Recon Information

Trans Code (transaction code)

Identifies the type of transaction in a bank statement, such as bill orders, deposits, direct debits, drafts, fees, payments, receipts, and voided transactions. Other transaction values are:

ACH: automatic clearing house.

BOE - Out: bill of exchange - outgoing (or disbursed).

Bank Adj: bank adjustments.

Bill Order


DD-Out: direct debit - outgoing.


EFT: electronic funds transfer.

Fund Rcpt:fund receipt.

G: general transaction.

I: interest expense.

Man Check: manual check.

Misc: miscellaneous

Stop Pay: stop payment.

Wire Out: wire - outgoing.

Recon Status (reconciliation status)

Select a status for the transactions.

If you import this statement data, the system initially sets the row to Unreconciled. If you then run Cash Management Bank Statement Accounting functionality, the functionality reconciles those specific transactions that match predefined rules and changes their status to Reconciled.

See Processing Bank Statement Accounting.

Activity Type

Select a statement activity type. This identifies a transaction to be processed by a specific accounting template.

Addenda Information

Expanded Addenda

Click to access the Bank Addenda Detail page and view addenda detail information that is transmitted from the bank for this item. You can also view this information in the Addenda field, by using the scroll arrows.

See Also

Defining Statement Activities

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Funds Availability

Access the Funds Availability page.

For a bank statement deposit item, enter amounts in the Available Balance, One Day Float, and Two Day Float fields.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Addenda Information

Access the Bank Addenda Detail page.

The Text field can store up to 254 characters, and each value in the Seq No (sequence number) field corresponds to a Text field. If the addenda information is more than 254 characters long and contained in multiple text fields, the sequential numbering keeps the addenda message in the correct processing order.

Click to jump to parent topicUpdating Internal Bank Balances

This section discusses how to:

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Object Name



Enter Internal Bank Balances


Banking, Bank Statements, Enter Internal Bank Balances

Manage internal bank account statements.

Bank Balance - Float Entry


Click Float on the Enter Internal Bank Balances - Balance Information page.

Enter float information for an internal bank balance.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating Internal Bank Balances

Access the Enter Internal Bank Balances page.

Balance Information

Enter the dates for the bank statement, as well as the opening and closing balances.


Click to access the Bank Balance - Float Entry page and enter float information.

Load Information

The system updates the User ID field with the ID of the user who last updated the balance information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Float Information for Internal Bank Balances

Access the Bank Balance - Float Entry page.

Float is the number of days that the bank takes to clear a deposit or a payment (for example, check or funds transfer). Use this page to determine the funds availability of a specified bank account balance on a given day.

Float Dt (float date)

Enter the date that funds become available.

Available Balance

Enter the amount of funds that are available on the float date.

Click to jump to parent topicUpdating Current Day Bank Statements

The Cash Management intraday cash position functionality uses current day data, which appears on these pages, to calculate intraday cash position worksheets.

This section discusses how to:

See Also

Calculating Intraday Cash Position Reporting Worksheets

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Object Name



Current Day Balances


Banking, Bank Statements, Enter Current Day Bank Statements

View and update automatically loaded current day statements.

Current Day Transactions


Banking, Bank Statements, Enter Current Day Bank Statements

Select the Current Day Transactions tab.

Enter information for current day transactions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating Current Day Balances

Access the Current Day Balances page.

The Current Day Balances page is similar to the Bank Balance Entry page in form and function. However, current day bank statement information is stored in the Bank Current Day table (BANK_SDBAL_TBL).

See Also

Updating Bank Balances

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating Current Day Transactions

Access the Current Day Transactions page.

The Current Day Transactions page is similar to the Bank Transaction Entry page in form and function. However, current day bank statement information is stored in the Bank Current Day table.

See Also

Updating Bank Transaction Entries

Click to jump to parent topicReview Statement Balance Information

PeopleSoft provides several options to review bank statement balance information.

This section discusses how to:

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Review Bank Balances


Banking, Bank Statements, Review Bank Balances

Select Review Bank Balances from the drop-down menu of the Go To field on the Bank Statement Manager page.

Inquire on balance information according to the search criteria. You can also revalue currency and generate balance graphs.

Revalue Balances


Click Revalue Currency on the Review Bank Balances page.

Specify the new currency, market rate index, and exchange rate type to use to calculate new balance amounts on the Review Bank Balance page.

Review Bank Statements


Banking, Bank Statements, Review Bank Statements

Select Review Bank Statements from the drop-down menu of the Go To field on the Bank Statement Manager page.

Inquire on statement information for a bank account and run the Account Register (FIN3000) report. Use the report to see all transactions in an electronic bank statement.

See Reviewing Bank Statement Information.

Bank Statement Manager


Banking, Bank Statements, Bank Statement Manager

Inquire on balance and statement transaction information for a specific external bank.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Bank Balances

Access the Review Bank Balances page.

Enter the search criteria and click Search.

Search By

Click to summarize data by a single business unit or by group ID for a group of business units.

Sum By

Select bank or currency to summarize the data, if the search parameters return multiple results.

Revalue Currency

Click to open the Revalue Balances page to change the amounts to a different currency.

Available Balance

Displays the current amount of funds that are available in the account.

Balance to Graph

Select the information to appear in a chart: CLOSING AVAILABLE,CLOSING LEDGER, or OPENING LEDGER..

Generate Graph

Click to generate a chart. Depending on the search parameters, a circle or stacked bar chart appears. Hover the cursor over a chart segment to display the balance total for that segment. You must hold the cursor within the graph segment boundaries to view the balance information.

The charting functionality derives data from the bank balances specified as favorite balances on the Balance Codes page (BSP_BAL_CODES). To chart bank balance data, two conditions must exist:

See Defining Balance Codes.

To generate a bank balance graph:

  1. Enter the search parameters, and click Search.

  2. Select a Balance to Graph option.

  3. Click Graph Data.

The bank balance graph appears at the page bottom.

If the search parameters return a single bank account (only one row of results), the graphed balance appears in a bar chart.

If the search parameters return multiple bank accounts (multiple rows of results) of a single currency, the graphed balances appear as a stacked bar chart, organized per account by bank ID. The individual bar segments are color-coded to a specific account number.

If the search parameters return multiple bank accounts (multiple rows of results) of mixed currencies, the graphed balances appear as a stacked bar chart, organized by currency per account number. The individual bar segments are color-coded to a specific account.

See Also

Entering Float Information for Internal Bank Balances

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Bank Statement Manager

Access the Bank Statement Manager page.

This page displays external bank statement information that you import or that you enter manually on the Bank Statement Entry page.

Note. You cannot view internal bank balance information on this page.

Select a Statement Date

Specify a date for the statement whose transactions you want to view.

Click the Expanded Addenda icon to access the Bank Addenda Details page.

See Also

Understanding the Bank Statement Import Infrastructure

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Bank Statement Files

This section discusses how to review:

The Review Bank Statement Files page enables you to review the staging status of the imported bank statement files. You can see if the system successfully loads a file. If a file does not successfully load, use the View Bank Statement File Log page to determine exactly where the system encounters a file loading error.

Important! Any user with access to these pages can view the file details. Restrict user access by using PeopleTools Security functionality.

See Enterprise PeopleTools 8.48 PeopleBook: Security Administration

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Object Name



Review Bank Statement Files


Banking, Bank Statements, Review Bank Statement Files

Review summary and detail information about the import status of bank files.

View Bank Statement File Log


Click View Event Log on the Review Bank Statement Files page.

View event log information for a bank statement file.

View Bank Statement File


Click View File on the Review Bank Statement Files page.

View bank statement file transmittal information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Bank Statement Files

Access the Review Bank Statement Files page.

Enter the search parameters and click Search.

File Status

Options are:

  • (none.)

  • Error: Appears if the file is not successfully loaded. A red square also appears next to the file name. You must correct the error, then reimport the file.

  • Formatting: Appears if the system is still transforming the file to a PeopleSoft-readable format.

  • Reading: Appears if the system is still reading the file data before loading the data to the staging tables.

  • Staged: Appears if the system has loaded the transformed data to the staging tables. A green circle also appears next to the file name.

  • Warning: Appears if the file is loaded with errors. A yellow inverted triangle also appears next to the file name.

View Files

Click to review bank statement file transmittal information.

View File Detail

Click to review event log information for a bank statement file.